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Controller Issues: 24.4.2: Megathread


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1 hour ago, FlinttheImmortal said:

If you are using steam and an Xbox 360/Elite Controller, try the following:

In steam, right-click Warframe->Properties

At the bottom of the General tab, change the Steam Per-Game Input Setting to "Forced Off"

It disables DE's "controller mode" integration with Steam and set things back to how there were before whatever update that was back whenever.  I've just tested this now, after I downloaded the update and I haven't had any controller issues so far.  Everything is working as it should be.  If you need to rebind, you can use the Xbox Accessories app from the desktop in Windows 10.

Not sure how doing this will affect a Steam controller, but it should work with a PS4 controller as well.

This worked for me when restarting steam and pc didnt.

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Currently, there's alot of issues when attempting to get a working controller setup on both PC and Consoles, with the new melee rework making even the default controller setup unusable (Impossible to hold right stick while pressing the melee key, it just doesn't work...)

That said, I think I managed to fix most of the issues with the following setup , currently mostly working on PC and shown in a diagram and that's ergonomic and easy to use. I'm honestly mostly making this for the upcoming PS4 version ,as I'm as PS4 main and this is imho the best you can do by far on that specific platform....


Detailed Explaination:

1 - Platform differences.

First thing to address, different platforms have different amounts of Outputs. The Ps4 controlller has a touchpad , which allows an additional 4 more inputs than Xbox controllers. Currently however, there an issue where some things cannot be keybound on the touchpad (for example, you simply cannot bind the open consumable wheel to the touchpad currently, which sucks since that's precisely where you would want said feature). Hopefully this will get adressed soon.

That said, it should not really change much in the end, besides the need for Xbox One fans to use the skill menu where PC and PS4 players can get away without it.

For PC players, not having a touchpad removes 4 inputs , yes, but it's a non-issue since you have a whole keyboard to offload non-essential features like show map, place map markers, etc... As such, it's not an issue... In fact the setup I proposed currently mostly works ,that is if you manage to cheat the keybind restrictions that keep making it impossible to deploy and move melee channel somewhere else.

2 - Explaination of the key placement.

* Abilities are given the dpad since many of them require holding the button(so they need physical buttons and not a touch pad). Also, skill menu kinda sucks, as it adds another press and layer of input over actions that shoud be instant. It's pretty easy to hit the abilities with your finger, especially on PS4 controller... And it's much better imho to have precise, dedicated buttons for each abilities.

* Melee block is on the movement stick.. Since steve himself said he was thinking of removing walking speed for frames and operators, this frees a spot, and having a melee block toggle there would be just perfect imho in terms of ergonomy. I want manual blocking back, and this is imho the only way to achieve this with the current button limitiations.

* Transferrence on camera stick. Operator combat has become something you swap to constantly, so having quick access to in on a button that's easy to click multiple times to heal with arcanes is great. Can't put it there currently however on PS4 because for some reason, you can't keybind consumable wheel to touchpad, meaning it has to go somewhere, and It's pretty much the only spot you can put it that's not used for something else.

* Melee Channel on Secondary Fire. With it setup this way, it's really easy to hit this key while aiming and using melee (no crasy hand placement). There's not that many weapons with secondary fire, so the button would be a dedicated channeling toggle most of the time. When the player actuallly has a wpn with secondary fire, the secondary fire would take priority, but player would still be able to activate channeling by starting a melee combo and pressing the channeling button while the sword is attack (it's just a toggle after all).

* The touchpad for quality of life. First of all, it would be great if Warframe would get full native PS4 controller support on PC, which would allow us a whopping 5 free keyboard inputs more... But I digress (MAAAKE IT HAPPEN PLZZZZZ) . The great thing about this is that you can keybind individual things like Archwing , Kdrive there... Allowing you to swipe and switch instantly on the fly. I've been doing this on PS4 and it's just GLORIOUS... Seriously,,, being able to jump from a tower, swap to the operator for a couple warp, swap back to a frame that jumps into an archwing then catapults himself to the other side of the map, then just disembarks and jumps on kdrive while falling, that's what I call freeform flow comboing. Sadly on PC we can't take use of this, meaning players might have to use the power menu to check consumables or to offload stuff like that to the keyboard.

Edited by (PS4)Stealth_Cobra
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For those using a Steam Controller this is what has worked for me:

1.Changing the Steam Per-Game Input Setting to "Forced Off" seems to have restored my custom profile

2. In the Steam Controller Configuration on "Game" mode I used the legacy key feature to map the keyboard "E' instead of using the quick melee action

3. In "Melee Mode" I mapped legacy keys for Left mouse and Right Mouse on the triggers to simulate the shoot and aim actions, and then the legacy keyboard "E' for melee

4. I removed any mapping for channeling as I don't really use it. However, if I do map it, I will use the keyboard/mouse legacy button instead of the predefined actions on melee mode

Warframe Config Melee 2.9



Edited by ShaperOfForm
clarity of actions added image
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since this update i have been unable to use channeling as i re-bound it so i could use my guns after the last update now its bound with my map button on the controller and since its not rebind-able i am unable to use channeling just the map that is bound to the same key.

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I usually just launch the game through the desktop launcher and I've disabled the stupid steam controller keyboard thing so i can at least use the keyboard to type and use the mouse when i need it. I play Warframe on  Windows PC with a standard PS4 controller. 

But now, thanks to the smart and definitely bug tested idea that was the new melee update, I can no logner play warframe properly like i used to. 

Everything else works fine, but for some reason when i press O to melee and enter "melee mode" i can not continue to melee. Instead no matter how many times I press O nothing happens, at all.  

Wtf happened? Why is this Happening? Is a fix coming? Is there a fix now? 

Should i just stop playing Warframe until this issue is resolved? I think i will, but i'm not happy about it. Please fix this. 



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PS4 controller using DS4 Windows.

Restored controls to default when update arrived, then changed my controls back but "Melee Channeling" and "Cycle Power Right" were stuck together on the D-pad (it was assigned to D-pad as a last resort as I kept replacing it with my preferred keybindings but couldn't remove it entirely).

Now I cannot Melee Channel as it will only "Cycle Power Right" and I cannot change the keybindings as an error message keeps popping up saying "Melee Channel cannot be moved to a different button"

Good luck, hope this was helpful

     Edit: Restarting Steam had no effect.

Also cannot re-bind the Share button.

Edited by Staggeringking
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Hello when you going to adapt the Horipad Switch controller to the PC game? because I'm always having problems with it, I thought they will adapt it cause the recently switch migration accounts, but the problem right now it's that I can't use the melee weapon at all, I already try restarting the game and steam, didn't work :C

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6 hours ago, TyrianMollusk said:

Yeah, they just took setting that away from us with one of the hotfixes.  Made some crack about breaking some eggs, just to rub in how little they care about controller players (like releasing a mainline update without even checking controllers didn't make that clear enough).

They really don't care about us at all. 

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6 hours ago, Elisha18 said:

I use PS4 controller


My issue is once i switch to melee by hitting the assigned key, i can't use melee anymore, and i have to use my keyboard to do the action i need. I tried changing the keybinds it doesn't do much difference. 

This issue isn't getting enough attention. Especially for those of us not using Big Picture mode. They forgot the PS4 controller exists. 

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PC Specs --

Processor: Intel i5-4570 3.20 GHz

Installed memory (RAM): 24.0 GB

System type: 64-bit Operating System, x64-based processor

OS: Windows 10 Home

Steam Controller with Bluetooth link and extender (I play with bluetooth functionality)



For Steam Controller, I believe that my quick melee functionality is (near) gone and malfunctioning. This is both in archwing and in atmosphere.

Edited by memepool
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My only issue is channeling does not work at all for me. I've reset controls to default and recustomized the controls, but no dice. Had to bind secondary fire to a button other than B since you can't bind melee channeling with that for...some reason. While I don't miss channeling that much, not being able to do something in game is not optimal.

Win 10, Steam, wireless Xbox One controller

Edited by Kromatia
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The latest hotfix changed nothing for me compared to yesterday and melee attacking is still broken.

Using an Xbox One controller both wired and wireless on Windows 10 and I can't melee after pressing B once to unsheath melee and it only does the initial attack and nothing after until I switch back to guns manually with Y.

I tried a PC reboot, Steam reboot and resting the controller to default a few times and nothing changed.

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Update, Elitebook laptop, steam, DX10 with PowerA generic PS3 controller, tried rebinding controllers in game, restarted steam, comp and game, still nothing. with Melee being my favorite aspect of the combat and my ability to play with my style of gameplay shunted off, I'll have to wait for a fix and not be able to play for a while.

been playing every day and really enjoyed myself with the game, now it feels like a buggy mess that controller players like me can barely use.

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Since latest hotfix my wife's controller buttons aren't working at all, only its sticks. Prior to this hotfix she had the left trigger/channel-aim issue.

She's using a wired prismatic controller (Afterglow). As far as i'm concerned i have no issue whatsoever even while using a wired Xbox one controller on my PC.

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12 hours ago, [DE]Rebecca said:

Hey all, if you are a controller player having issues after our latest Hotfix, please use this thread to:

List your hardware
Describe your issue

We will investigate this problem. Right now, I'm playing with a Wired XB360 Controller with no issue, so we're trying to determine the problem!

NOTE/WORKAROUND: We think this is related to launching through Steam. Restarting Steam may be enough to solve this issue, please verify if this helps you (it appears to have helped others).

Yes It helps. Thanks. I have to close and restart Steam. Closing only Warframe and restart it, doesn't work. 😊

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Windows 10, using PS4 controller and Steam.


The moment I press the melee button (circle) my frame does a quick slash and that's it, it won't attack anymore forcing me to manually swap back to my ranged weapons.

This has been happening both before and after today's hotfix.

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