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Nerf the wolf please !


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I don't know what's the meta for him, yet we killed him quit a few times, but it takes what feels like forever. The problem is: It's not a challenge, but rather grindy and boring. The only time it got interesting was in a 10 round - Nightmare-Defense-Mission, where the question was, if we could kill him before the final wave passed (we didn't want to find out, if the mission closed with him still active or not).

I wouldn't call for a nerf, but for a total rework.

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It's a challenge, why does it need a nerf? If you are gonna say you are visited by the wolf while leveling stuff, then yeah he looks pretty op. That's why I always bring one weapon to counter him (can be either melee, secondary, or primary) depending on which stuff I gotta level up.

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hace 6 minutos, Sir_Carl dijo:

It's a challenge, why does it need a nerf? If you are gonna say you are visited by the wolf while leveling stuff, then yeah he looks pretty op. That's why I always bring one weapon to counter him (can be either melee, secondary, or primary) depending on which stuff I gotta level up.

Challenge? He barely moves and has few skills and attacks, this guy needs an upgrade imo

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He spawned with his squad (anarchist boi with molotov) yesterday while i am doing kuva flood mission. Since i am doing it with random they try to hit the wolf with everything they have but they cant do much damage, after sometime they kinda gave up and i step up with my gram prime a riven which have 93% slide crit chance and 190% ish damage, after hitting countless of sliding and red crits he died eventually. Sadly nothing drops from him 😁

That was fun, so far i dont think he needs a nerf. But for new player i dont think they can kill him just as easy as most of us. 

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1 minute ago, EagleHawkz25 said:

He spawned with his squad (anarchist boi with molotov) yesterday while i am doing kuva flood mission. Since i am doing it with random they try to hit the wolf with everything they have but they cant do much damage, after sometime they kinda gave up and i step up with my gram prime a riven which have 93% slide crit chance and 190% ish damage, after hitting countless of sliding and red crits he died eventually. Sadly nothing drops from him 😁

That was fun, so far i dont think he needs a nerf. But for new player i dont think they can kill him just as easy as most of us. 

When he spawned for us on hydron I was using mirage and also slashed him with my gram prime. Took about a minute or two of slashing. The combo counter goes up real quick x)

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22 minutes ago, A_Lil_Kitsune said:

I have a hunter munitions + riven baza. This thing melts lvl 150+ Corrupted heavy gunners. But the wolf just kept going. It's scary.

That's the wrong weapon to fight him. He has immunity to the HM slash procs and damage reduction which is kinda bad against fast fire low dmg weapons like the baza. Go for something purely crit based that hits hard and modded for radiation damage. 

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26 minutes ago, --END--Rikutatis said:

That's the wrong weapon to fight him. He has immunity to the HM slash procs and damage reduction which is kinda bad against fast fire low dmg weapons like the baza. Go for something purely crit based that hits hard and modded for radiation damage. 

I know, but I tend to run a baza a lot, and it's the only time he shows up. That or when I'm using daikyu. 

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14 minutes ago, ludo3009 said:

So you basically now have to have an op something with you on every mission. Exalted blade, ignoob wraith, catchmoon or anything.

Really good.

So basically because you have to bring a good weapon instead of letting others do the killing while you level your weapons he's bad?

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il y a 10 minutes, Zilchy a dit :

So basically because you have to bring a good weapon instead of letting others do the killing while you level your weapons he's bad?

So basically it changes the whole way the game works because you never really needed full maxed weapons for the big majority of missions (only for like ESO, arbitration, Eidolon, or after x minutes of endless missions) and now that the Wolf comes often (like 1 of 10 times) you need to have one.

And for me that is almost always ranking up weapons (I still can hold late with them) it changes everything. But I guess I will have to adapt... I'll always have my arca plasmor or my catchmoon with me, that'll increase the diversity of weapons used by the community ...

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27 minutes ago, ludo3009 said:

So basically it changes the whole way the game works because you never really needed full maxed weapons for the big majority of missions (only for like ESO, arbitration, Eidolon, or after x minutes of endless missions) and now that the Wolf comes often (like 1 of 10 times) you need to have one.

And for me that is almost always ranking up weapons (I still can hold late with them) it changes everything. But I guess I will have to adapt... I'll always have my arca plasmor or my catchmoon with me, that'll increase the diversity of weapons used by the community ...

If you don't feel like bringing a particular weapon in the loadout, just use an archgun modded for radiation and it won't take up a slot, nor will it steal affinity gains if it's not deployed.

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il y a 1 minute, Zilchy a dit :

If you don't feel like bringing a particular weapon in the loadout, just use an archgun modded for radiation and it won't take up a slot, nor will it steal affinity gains if it's not deployed.

You're right I didn't think about it. I'll try.

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Yeah I don't bother anymore... 

The way this works is stupid.... he comes for people who don't want anything to do with him and doesn't invade if you're ready for him.... 

Why ? 

Im busy. Go bother someone else and leave me alone.... I just abort whenever he shows up above level 50...

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4 hours ago, ludo3009 said:

You can't kill him decently if you don't have the best meta weapons rivened and stuff, this is ridiculous...


You actually can.

You can kill him in about 20-30 seconds. Solo. With any warframe equipped.

Providing you mod correctly. You don't need a riven.

It's actually an interesting fight . Why would you like to nerf it ?

Edited by disco_inferno6
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2 hours ago, disco_inferno6 said:


You actually can.

You can kill him in about 20-30 seconds. Solo. With any warframe equipped.

Providing you mod correctly. You don't need a riven.

It's actually an interesting fight . Why would you like to nerf it ?

Because people are abandoning missions when he appears and nobody can do a dent on him. I have been in a mission where I was levelling my melee weapon and others were some MR 10-20 guys, in Helene. I tried to damage him with my operator and the others didn't seem to do any damage to him, although some of them did seem to die several times. I could not damage him with my mesa, because he cannot be targeted with mesa 4. 

However, I did forget one thing, my Archgun (Imperator vandal). After the mission I went through my options and remembered the Archgun and modified it for crit+radiation. Next time the Wolf came, I used my 1700 or so ammo on him from my Imperator and he was left with maybe 15% life, which we got down with melee and operators.

When I encountered him with 3 persons in the mission, I was able to archgun him straight to dead, but with four, the ammo doubled Archgun was not enough.

I'm not sure what people are using for "30 seconds to kill him", but if you take your average player, they won't be doing that and as someone said, if the mission doesn't have some "OP" person with correct type of weapon, the mission might need to be abandoned (depending on mission type). 

At least if Stalker attacks some poor guys that can't hurt him, he will just kill one and go. With wolf, the defence mission of Helene did not end while he was alive, thus causing the abandoning of mission. 

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What bothers me the most: even if you put in the effort chances are very high he doesn't even drop anything.

Other bosses or would-be assassins at least give you some special drop (ofc most of the time the wrong thing but its at least something). But all the Wolf gives you most of the time for stealing your extra what... 5, 10 maybe even more minutes is the finger. That's just pure trolling by DE.

I mean how bad must a boss design be if the preferred choice now is to abandon the mission instead of even trying... should really tell DE all they need to know.

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