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Nyx : the body of a goddess , the abilities of a chicken


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Ah , there we go again , another nyx thread! 

You may be wondering what could I possibly bring to the table that would make the developers take some of their time to fix nyx?
In all honesty I don't know , I've already made an analysis and minimalistic rework idea with a couple people for nyx which you can read here: https://www.reddit.com/r/Warframe/comments/ban6np/nyx_and_tweaks_qol/

However I am persistent and I have hope that at one point one of the staff members of Digital Extremes will lay their eyes on one of theses posts and will be able to make a difference and as such I believe it is only a matter of community effort until one of them gets noticed.

So let's start : Why the title ?
 Nyx is one of the best looking warframes in the game , from movement-wise , to ability wise and perhaps even body-wise and now with the deluxe and Tennogen skins coming out soon she'll look as good as ever.
So while she is pretty good at fashion-frame her abilities are really lackluster making her almost unusable in a lot of missions types or activities see: Endurance , Arbitrations , Santuary Onslaught , Kuva Survival etc... So I believe yet again with her skins coming out very soon it would be worthwhile to have a second look on her performance.
So what makes her so weak ?
Nyx by default is a squishy frame she has low armor and a normal health pool, however the creators of the frame tried to negate that by giving her a lot of Crowd Control such as Chaos and Mind Control. The problem with this and I think somewhat fair is that this ability does not make you immune to the enemy AI which a lot of the time would result in your demise if you weren't careful. 
However there was a counter to that for a while , out of nowhere an augment named assimilate appeared and it made nyx really great again for a while as it was great protection, until they decided to add the 8 extra energy drain per 1000 damage , at first this seems like nothing , however with the content we have just one simple kuva flood enemy or arbitration enemy can drain your energy pool completely at max efficiency and duration as seen here https://i.imgur.com/0qa5tWV.gifv which leads nyx to her inevitable demise(as you can't cast chaos to stun them).
There's also a couple things I should mention:
-She has maximum 6 bolts on her which means most of the time you can't target the enemy you want to target and just end up being frustrated
-Despite being mentioned on the forum here : 
https://forums.warframe.com/topic/1038462-nyx-titania-dev-workshop/ Nyx's bolts still do not slow down infested and sometimes do not affect ancient properly as seen here :https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=a9XMfX6G1Kw&feature=youtu.be
-Her normal counterpart is faster than her prime counterpart 
-Her new damage buff is too short to be used in any useful way
-Assimilate's speed is slower than prowl and doesn't do half of what it does
-Damage fall off is so strong on absorb it's unusable unless you run a buffer
-Mind controlled targets like to wonder very far away from nyx  
So what are you suggesting and why?
I suggest you remove theses limitations (not scaling amounts of bolts, extra 8 energy drain per 1k damage absorbed, enourmous speed debuff on assimilate, enourmous falloff on 4th, etc...)
Right now nyx seems to be like it used to be a decent frame and then has been nerfed too many times and then left to perish.
On the side note before ending I would also suggest for her bolts to have a 100% to disarm enemy range weaponry.

To conclude I believe yet again that this would help nyx be a great choice in the arsenal , not overshadow any frame by a huge extent but at least be there as a possible choice and not just something for the masochists. 🙂


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I like the fantasy of the CC/minion arch types in most games, so nyx is one of the frames i have wanted to love, but rarely play because frankly there are just better CC frames that have perma minion/s and do lots of damage, namely kora. Every thing you said about her bolts is right, it needs to scale in number of bolts fired with power strength or duration, something. I honestly wish they would rework her 4 into and ability that is more based on her fantasy and would improve her gameplay like,


rename it too Assimilate,

 Nyx drains the neural energies of the foes around her fortifying her body, enemies effected by assimilate have their speed slowed by x% and regain full movement speed over x%

nyx gains damage reduction of x% for each enemy assimilated. This would be a duration based buff, so you dont have to just sit and channel.

Now you can scale this ability with power strength or range, range/low power requires more targets to reach max damage reduction. Power builds with shorter range require less targets to reach the damage reduction.

Maybe add a fun mechanic to assimilate that works like nidus and his virulence where as you drain enemies you gain more power for your mind control and its duration is increased the more stacks you have but they decay over x amount of time. There are a lot of cool things they could change to make her more adaptive to the current game, and more fun to play.

The build i run with her is just 140ish power strength build and i just spam pacifying bolts for the stun and 100% stripping power and then just cast 3 for control points.

She is one of the frames along with ember that have a really cool Arch type that has way more potential then the actual frame

Edited by Revantis
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I don't think Nyx's bolts need more projectiles, once you've equipped its augmented mods, they're disabling entirely enemies while making them highly vulnerable - i don't think that DE would let this happen to dozens of enemies.

Once again people don't get why some frames are squshy, that's only balance. Nyx is no tank, and relies upon other tools to survive any threat. If properly played there's little to no chance to die while playing Nyx so i don't get your point on Nyx not having armor. Plus let be honest a second, any weak frame can gear a guardian arcane and thus get some really decent armor at no cost. You can also rely upon Nyx 4th to get some adaptation stacks so i don't see what's wrong with Nyx there.

I wouldn't change Nyx 4th cost either cause this power isn't meant to create an invulnerable Nyx but a temporary decoy leading to some deadly nuke. At this point it'd be interesting to read lead designer on this cause we aren't talking about number here, but design.

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8 hours ago, Elon-Chan said:

I suggest you remove theses limitations (not scaling amounts of bolts, extra 8 energy drain per 1k damage absorbed, enourmous speed debuff on assimilate, enourmous falloff on 4th, etc...)

I understand the six bolt limit, but she really should be able to cast more if fewer than 6 enemies are affected.

Agreed with the rest.  Also, they should consider giving her 4 a "field" effect:  objects entering it (bullets, grenades, etc) are sent back to their original targets and deal 500% damage (moddable with strength) to enemies under the effects of chaos.  Remove the absorb mechanic completely.

Edited by (PS4)BenHeisennberg
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About Nyx :

- I have issues with "mind control" in general as they tend to screw-up many missions mechanism as the NPCs are not "counted as dead" (and thus is bad for extreminate, defense and survival missions)

- Oberon hallowed ground and weapons such as Larkspur are doing great, if not better, at making NPCs kill themself

- I don't like her 4th, which feels like it should have been Mag power and have nothing to do with "trickster / mind control"

- Her passive feels underwhelming

I feel that she should be the queen of Mobile defense and Excavation mission, even more than she actually is.


So my suggestions :

- Mind control can affect only 1 NPCs but have unlimited duration and NPC count as "dead" when mind control is cast for game purpose (exterminate, defense) and has a normal chance to drop items (once per NPCs)

- change her passive so that Nyx can't be targeted if an ally is within 5m. (specter, other players, or mind controlled), she still can be affected by ennemies AoE but they just can't target her directly.

- change her 4th to something else. It should allow to easily hold Mobile defense or extravator while completing her kit and not be a buffed version of chaos, and be less affected by nullifiers than Limbo cataclysm.

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The bolts limit is there for a reason, I'd say. If they're going to change that, then I'm sure they will increase the amount of Power Strength you need to to strip enemy defences by a lot. And they fixed the incredibly awkward recast mechanic, so the bolts are usable again.

Assimilate is currently buggy, needs to be fixed to not absorb any friendly damage.


16 hours ago, Elon-Chan said:


To conclude I believe yet again that this would help nyx be a great choice in the arsenal , not overshadow any frame by a huge extent but at least be there as a possible choice and not just something for the masochists. 🙂

Just spare us who already play and like her the way she is with another half-baked rework attempt that does more damage than good. She's a CC frame, first and foremost. There are a ton of other options if you want something else.

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I think her utility and survivability were actually worsened with her "adjustments".

I actually don't even play her now after that fact. Revenant is similar to the pre-adjusted Nyx and has a much better defensive ability(Mesmer Skin) that doesn't require an augment.

Yes, she needs dire help.

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She actually hasn't been nerfed directly ever. I played her for 6 years.

What they've done is try to rework an ability, fail, rework it again and fail again resulting in the ability being less useful than it originally was.

They've literally done this with every ability she has at some point and each time they also introduced a bug that's never been fixed.

I could go step by step through Nyx's history but the only thing they ever did right was make her Bolts proc Rad back in 2015. Pretty much everything else is one big fail chain. Even her Chaos has suffered due to enemy AI tweaks. It used to be more "sticky" back in the day where now pathing will cause enemies to ignore it.

She never needed Assimilate either because if you played her well she never got hit. Now it feels mandatory which is sad for a CC frame.

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8 minutes ago, Xzorn said:

I could go step by step through Nyx's history but the only thing they ever did right was make her Bolts proc Rad back in 2015. Pretty much everything else is one big fail chain. Even her Chaos has suffered due to enemy AI tweaks. It used to be more "sticky" back in the day where now pathing will cause enemies to ignore it.

With your long history and experience with the frame, I would enjoy such a breakdown. I've played significantly less by comparison so a lot of older things are not known to me.

Also, you're right about Assimilate. I have never once had it on(I don't even have the mod) and it never felt mandatory. I actually ran Redirection(the heresy!) and it was just fine.

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46 minutes ago, ArcKnight9202 said:

With your long history and experience with the frame, I would enjoy such a breakdown. I've played significantly less by comparison so a lot of older things are not known to me.

Also, you're right about Assimilate. I have never once had it on(I don't even have the mod) and it never felt mandatory. I actually ran Redirection(the heresy!) and it was just fine.


Oh man. Lets see. Go through each ability over the course of time.

  • Mind Control: Originally MC'd targets could not be hurt by you or ally players. This was useful for picking a Utility target and keeping it through the entire mission if you wanted. You could also keep an MC target to allow Defense objective to regenerate health between waves without another player screwing up the tactic. Mind Control used to stun most if not all bosses forcing them to go through the animation but had no other effect. DE changed MC to allow enemies to take damage to prevent trolling tactics around the same time they reworked Absorb then most recently decided they're not for utility at all and should die every use in spite of Ancient Healers, Arson Eximus and others being very helpful.
  • Psychic Bolts: In Damage 1.0 this ability did true damage. It ignored armor which is why in Damage 2.0 it proc'd Slash but didn't hold up to it's original design. They added the ability to allow players to aim the bolts by zooming which didn't really help then they gave the Bolts an AoE Rad proc. One of the good things they changed on Nyx. Later on when they added her passive the initial bolt strike + AoE Rad gave the ability a fairly high Disarm chance. The Rad proc allowed the ability to disable Ancient Auras like it does now but in an AoE. The Armor strip is maybe a throw back to the ability originally doing True damage keep in mind though in Damage 1.0 all factions had armor.
  • Chaos: The least directly altered ability. Mostly subject to AI changes which made it less predictable. I think the threat was also lowered but have no way of proving that. I just remember enemies sticking each other a lot harder back in the day. Originally you could not re-cast Chaos until the original cast was done. They later allowed you to re-cast it but previously cast duration on surviving enemies would still apply. like MC; Chaos used to stun bosses. They changed Chaos to only have one instance at a time not too long ago. Little before her recent rework. This was good with her old Psychic Bolts but not good without them. Each cast applies a new instance which leaves a gap for enemies to shoot her without having Rad proc'd enemies to distract. It also now prevents her from keeping enemies CC'd while she runs past to CC a new group as the old group will no longer be affected. Much like it's original design. You can only have one Chaos again. Only difference is you can choose to re-cast it.
  • Absorb: This is the messy one. In Damage 1.0 Absorb had a set duration. It did not drain extra energy and was not affected by Power Strength. It worked for the set duration. When the duration was up 100% of ally and enemy damage was let loose in an AoE. Keep in mind all factions had Armor. Nyx was also Grey bar Immune to damage until the cast animation was complete. In Damage 2.0 They gave it a minimum damage number and made it Magnetic. Next came the Channel change. It no longer had a set duration but instead drained energy over time. This is when the ability became a super nuke reflecting 100% incoming damage on the player's whim so the Energy drain per damage absorb was added and now only 10% of all damage is absorbed towards the AoE.

All the way back in 2014 when they made Absorb a channel ability they made a bug where Nyx could be shot before the wave knocked enemies down. She was no longer grey bar Immune until the cast was complete. The augment for Bolts which stuns enemies could be cut short by inflicting any animation based effect on an enemy such as an Impact proc. Most recently the Stun also ends when Chaos ends for no apparent reason.

So yea, she's got bugs dating back to 2014-2015 but Absorb is the only thing DE directly nerfed until her most recent "Give Nyx some Love". Everything else was just badly done / converted / reverted over time.

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9 minutes ago, ArcKnight9202 said:

Thanks for that breakdown. It seems like they didn't know what they wanted with Nyx.

I only have experience with the last 2 iterations. It's amusing how Absorb has always been bad, though, haha.

I mean, if you know her first appearance in Dark Sector, you know why she's designed this way.  She threw Hayden's RPG back at him.  DE wanted (and still wants) her to use the enemies against each other to kill each other, plus throw their own s#!t back at them.

The underlying problems she faces are faced by the entire game:  enemy scaling is bizarre, and DE doesn't have balance defined for themselves.

Edited by (PS4)BenHeisennberg
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I want her to become better than this now and i have a few suggestions, so i want to keep it short

The passive should be 50% and not 20%, the current percentaje is little to nothing and i was forced to use Adaptation because of how much she can get gunned down. (if i'm not using her abilitys obviously)

Mind Control

  • The enemy affected by it should take x2 damage on all of their body (it takes x2 damage on Headshots, but they cover their head after the cast, potentially losing extra damage multiplier)
  • The minion should be the main target of all incoming fire, allowing Nyx to survive more.
  • The minion should gain x2 or x4 movement speed like Quick Nova, on that way it can quickly follow Nyx'es path.

Psychic Bolts

  • Should be spammable to affect as many enemies as possible. (6 enemies is little to nothing, is just a discounted version of Polarize wich affects the entire map literally and can remove the same and more armor/shields, but giving some extra little expuroshions that can nuke everyone)
  • Bolts should increase depending on the strenght %.


  • Enemies affected by Caos can take x2 damage, affected by strenght. (Let's be honest, they can barely kill themselves if you don't use the Bolts, and for how limited they are... is just a meh synergy)


  • Efficency should make incoming fire drain less energy. (i throw 2 castanas and all of my energy pool banishes)
  • The more damage you take, the bigger the AoE will become. (let's say, 2k damage means 1 more meter, not affected by range, and i swear i saw that on an update, that Absorb ""could reach up to 75 meters"", but it was a lie)
  • After de-casting Absorb, Nyx is immortal for 2 seconds. (after the explosion, Nyx become instantly vulnerable, Scorch and Hiekka Grandmas have killed me a lot of times because of that)
  • Damage absorved is multiplied by 1,5x, affected by Strenght (Grineers can barely be killed if you try absorving their damage, Impact and Slash, a direct nope for Armor, same with Corpus, Puncture vs Shield)
  • Bring back mighty Zakti. (before the rework, Zakti could increase Absorb's damage like a self damage weapon, but as twice safer and faster)
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Who in the right mind would use her absorb without augment??? 

So she can be almost unkillable while sitting in her bubble shielding everything inside (objectives, teammates, sentinels) while CC whole tileset and stripping armor/distrupting auras. Seems pretty good to me. 

I think shes solid defensive frame you can even grab Lenz and just shoot your feet and kill everything around and never care about self damage in general. You can grab Energy generator (deth cube) / 2x energize and you dont care about survivability for good 2h survival. But yeah if you are just lemming all frames will feel bad/underperforming unless its braindead rhino or similar easy on brain skillset.

Oh and before somebody start some BS about her being almost immobile you just switch to operator and void dash around like there is no tomorrow or grab some very mobile melee stance so you become invulnerable blender. Yeah totally useless frame...    Kappa 

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personally my only real issue with nyx right now is her assimilate. i know a lot of people who play nyx do so for the invincibility but later in the game her energy is drained way too fast to really rely on that ability, its more of a situational panic button (HAH !) so to say and even the dmg return "buff" is pretty pointless imo, shes just not a dmg frame and for tanking the energy drain every 1k dmg absorbed is just too heavy later, even with maxed efficiency.

vor 17 Minuten schrieb Benour:

Who in the right mind would use her absorb without augment??? 

So she can be almost unkillable while sitting in her bubble shielding everything inside (objectives, teammates, sentinels) while CC whole tileset and stripping armor/distrupting auras. Seems pretty good to me. 

I think shes solid defensive frame you can even grab Lenz and just shoot your feet and kill everything around and never care about self damage in general. You can grab Energy generator (deth cube) / 2x energize and you dont care about survivability for good 2h survival. But yeah if you are just lemming all frames will feel bad/underperforming unless its braindead rhino or similar easy on brain skillset.

Oh and before somebody start some BS about her being almost immobile you just switch to operator and void dash around like there is no tomorrow or grab some very mobile melee stance so you become invulnerable blender. Yeah totally useless frame...    Kappa 

shes not even close to almost unkillable. her 4 works against lower level enemies because they dont drain her energy as fast due to the 1k dmg treshold and really building for her assimilate is difficult now since before we were able to 100% ignore power strenght, now she needs it for 100% armor removal. alternatively slightly below would work and slap on corrosive for the 75%, but still power strenght cant be ignored anymore. also the hassle surrounding her 2 recast is also an issue which does add up to her overall state. her 4 isnt bad in a literal sense, although later its the perfect way to reach 0 energy on demand so there it might be a bad idea to use it, but imo i still stand for my opinion that it doesnt fit her mind control theme at all and still just looks like there was no better idea for a 4 for her although people posted enough examples. when she was "reworked" it was the perfect timing to finally give her a more interesting 4th ability but i guess nope.

a CC frame which lets enemies fight each other whilst removing their defense and controlling 1 target that can deal good dmg if buffed right needs an invincibility ability for low level missions because enemies could kill her during an afk situation...i mean it has some synergy with her passive though...i guess.

Edited by Xydeth
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I can go 2h survival with my nyx i can make SS/run specially for you (nothing hard really). I did it few months ago and nothing changed except i finished second energize set "cause why not" so its gonna be even easier. Also i run 40 power str on her cause i actually use proper modded guns/melee and rivens so i dont need any armor stripping (you can cheese the big guys with naramon/melee anyway). Also you know when stuff starts to hit hard you have her 3 you just CC stuff and then blend/shoot it. 

The only gripe i have with her is Ancient Distruptors, that spear hes throwing at you will drain you all energy (at lvl 180+ every spear hit = 0 energy) and then you "stuck" in this BOOM animation and can get you killed. Thats what killed me at round 57 solo arbi defense. And i bet wyrm can prevent that but who cares shes very solid frame IMO.

Its like all this whining about hildryn being like useless/super weak against infested, yet i managed to do 3h arbi survival with her and extracted (there were 2 patches meanwhile so i chickened out). 

But yeah i also think Vauban is borderline OP if you know what you doing and you can solo cheese interceptions with his aug for wormhole. Yet everybody thinks hes complete trash. 👍

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58 minutes ago, Benour said:

You can grab Energy generator (deth cube) / 2x energize and you dont care about survivability for good 2h survival.

1x Energize + Dethcube falls off in Mot around the 50 minute mark.  Also, balancing around Arcane Energize is bullcrap.

59 minutes ago, Benour said:

Oh and before somebody start some BS about her being almost immobile you just switch to operator and void dash around like there is no tomorrow or grab some very mobile melee stance so you become invulnerable blender.

Try to apply this restriction to Rhino and Inaros when their defenses are up and tell me how it went.

This is all *before* discussing allies being energy leeches.

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MOT is 3x dmg from mobs, at 1h mark 70% of warframes will get poop on unless you camp somewhere(cheese) if you try facetank them. And yes energy leechers are your worst enemy so obviously you kill them ASAP so they dont leech your energy anymore? :thonk:

But same issue with leechers has pretty much every frame except hildryn, inaros, trinity and unless you spamm lots of energy pizzas they can get you killed.

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On 2019-05-05 at 5:27 AM, Elon-Chan said:

almost unusable in a lot of missions types or activities see: Endurance , Arbitrations

I've been picking Nyx for Defense Arbitrations lately and having a great time. She's been doing a really good job of keeping myself and my team alive by diverting aggro, her ult is great for quick shielding of the Operative, she shuts down Eximus left and right and her 1 and 2 pair really well to shred tanks with two weapons at once (mine and my MC'ed buddy's). The only real trick is in enemy awareness; once you operate with that in mind, you're golden. I haven't found any other frame who does specifically all of that, so this is a nice niche atm.

On 2019-05-05 at 5:27 AM, Elon-Chan said:

The problem with this and I think somewhat fair is that this ability [Chaos and Mind Control (?)] does not make you immune to the enemy AI which a lot of the time would result in your demise if you weren't careful.

So be careful. Have some form of enemy radar in your loadout (or just look around), and make sure you're further from a Chaos'd enemy than another Chaos'd enemy. Sure she doesn't have super duper survivability, but she's a caster, and it's okay for a frame to require you to put in a little work to perform well with. We already have "training wheel Warframes" in Rhino and Mesa.

On 2019-05-05 at 5:27 AM, Elon-Chan said:

She has maximum 6 bolts on her which means most of the time you can't target the enemy you want to target and just end up being frustrated

If you're sharing your own experiences (use "I" maybe?) then that's cool, but Psychic Bolts have been really reliably hitting their targets for me. Aim in direction of target, press 2, at least one Bolt finds the target 99% of the time in my experience, even through cover. It's a really quick way to get 100% Armor strip and I have no issue with it.

I'm not saying Nyx couldn't be better. I've only recently started picking her up in serious play and I'm no expert. I just think that these particular points I've quoted are pretty weak points in your argument, or ones that aren't objectively accurate. May want to refine a bit.


On 2019-05-05 at 1:45 PM, (PS4)BenHeisennberg said:

but she really should be able to cast more if fewer than 6 enemies are affected

They fixed this fairly recently. PB is recastable.

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Nyx is pretty squishy, your not wrong suggesting that, but so are alot of other frames in the game, ember, banshee, etc. With just a vitality mod, and adaption she can become quite tanky, toss in operator arcanes and absorb, and I can go long period without taking much damage. Most of your points are pretty spot on, the AI on mind control sucks, her absorb is trash without the augment, and her bolts can be glitchy if your not host. The other day in a relic mission I flung some psychic bolts at my teammate to be annoying, no enemies around, and you know what they did? They started flying circles around my sentinel, it was hilarious, the bolts also dont strip armor on grineer if the connection is sketchy so there that, as well as the whole not slowing down infested, and not turning off auras occasionally 

On 2019-05-05 at 12:28 AM, 000l000 said:

Nyx is no tank

Yeah she is, she literally has an ability that makes you invincible as long as you have energy, I have face tanked wolf on numerous occasions, solo and in a team

On 2019-05-05 at 7:54 AM, MonsterOfMyOwn said:

have issues with "mind control" in general as they tend to screw-up many missions mechanism as the NPCs are not "counted as dead" (and thus is bad for extreminate, defense and survival missions)

This is no longer true, the mind controlled minions carry over between interception and defense waves now, and survival? Who doesnt like a free ancient that you dont have to spawn yourself? Who doesnt like a heavy gunner doing 1500% more damage and mowing down his teammates?

13 hours ago, Deluxe-Chimera said:

Should be spammable to affect as many enemies as possible

Already is spammable

13 hours ago, Deluxe-Chimera said:

After de-casting Absorb, Nyx is immortal for 2 seconds. (after the explosion, Nyx become instantly vulnerable, Scorch and Hiekka Grandmas have killed me a lot of times because of that)

Been asking for this for forever, why does nezha get invincibility after his warding halo runs out but Nyxs get nada?

Survivability isnt her issue, good movement and energy maintenance makes her survive a fairly long time. Does she get one shotted at level 100 and above? Yeah, but unless your a frame with high DR, thats gonna happen to you.

Edited by Vanilla_nuka
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1 hour ago, SenorClipClop said:

I've been picking Nyx for Defense Arbitrations lately and having a great time. She's been doing a really good job of keeping myself and my team alive by diverting aggro, her ult is great for quick shielding of the Operative, she shuts down Eximus left and right


She's always done this. She's just worse at it now.

Nyx has always been able to go literally far as her weapons can. She cannot be killed and her team cannot be killed unless they make a mistake. Unfortunately it's easier to make those mistakes now since she can't keep half the map disarmed and stunned with her augmented 2 anymore. She pretty much traded a lot of CC potential for Armor strip which she never really needed as Nyx leans on elemental weapons and executes anyways.

The Rad proc on her Bolts used to be her answer the Ancient Disruptor Aura stacking as well because they can and will stack to a 1s Chaos duration. Rad proc stops that and it was an AoE proc so it landed more often than her current version. They pretty much just made her worse when they said the opposite. Loki and Nyx fought for the throne of best CC frame for years but after that rework I give it to Loki easy. There's nothing meaningful Nyx can offer herself or a team Loki can't do better.

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Old Passive + Chaos was confusion+disarm in a wide range. Powerful defensive tool imo but bad for reasons (DPS LOSS ON MC TARGETS!11!) so not anymore. Loki has the same thing, its called radial disarm and everyone likes it, how curious.

I dont have much hope (ive read praise for the lame ineffectual, weak miss chance passive - the one which has to be disabled to work right with absorb) and cant be bothered to get triggered by this botch of a rework anymore (quit playing, Nyx was the only fun to play frame for me) but if im getting this right theyre gonna push Nyx skins soonish, so maybe theres a chance for some positive development.



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