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(The Jovian Concord: Update 25) Bug Report Megathread


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On 2019-05-23 at 12:18 PM, dbugz said:

I just noticed that the option to toggle Ambient Occlusion is disabled - it is always set to ON/ENABLED.

Was this an intentional change with the latest update?


On 2019-05-23 at 12:37 PM, GentlePuppet said:

I'm not sure if its disabled or enabled, but I can't do anything with it.

Just to revisit this question for DE with additional information:

  • I haven't changed my DirectX settings on the launcher and it has always been set to DirectX 11.
  • I've always had Ambient Occlusion enabled in the in-game Display options

Is this option being deprecated as of Update 25, or removed in a future update?

On a different note, I noticed that turning Color Correction ON or OFF does not seem to do anything after Update 25 - whether in Orbiter, missions, relays, etc.

Additionally, I've noticed that since the "lighting update" in Update 25 everything else seems darker. I've always had my Brightness and Contrast in-game Display options set to 50 and 50 (default values) respectively. After Update 25, I had to adjust my Brightness to at least 65 to lessen the overly dark shade and lighting. I also observed that increasing Contrast from my default setting of 50, even by little increments, result in very dark shades and lighting close to the point of mostly black/burnt out colors.

These observations have persisted since the release of Update 25, up to the latest hotfix to date.

Edited by dbugz
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Not sure if this specifically a Jovian Concord issue, but i only noticed it since this update: about every third or fourth time i go into arbitrations my abilities and weapons all lock up and i cant use any of them until i die. This is extremely annoying as it usually happens when ive already invested 30+ minutes of my time into the mission and as its an arbitration, you cant revive when solo. (also transference doesn't work)

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I am getting booted nonstop to a black screen . Keeps saying changing host or whatever then bam , locked up . I am forced to ctrl alt delete and shut it down in task manager . No other way to even use computer when this happens . 2 times ive had to soft shutdown to even get rid of black screen . It happens in any mission or just sitting in orbiter . All frames and weapons , I get the same thing . I am on literally a brand new machine I just built .Running the new ryzen with 32 gigs of ram on an EVO ssd . I have ample bandwidth as its locked around 150 mb , not mb/s  with 12 up . I have been through all my drivers even though its fresh install a week old . And its not my net dropping out as I live with 4 others who game , and even when on different games , I get booted they don't from there game or videos .  To make it even worse . I started this game around 3 weeks ago . Played and decided I like it so spent 80 , figured that at least pays for game . Now I cant play it at all . Story of my life !

Edited by 1CataclysmicDude
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So i have no idea if anyone already said this or had this problem ( probably not even a major bug but still it was surprising :D ) my operator was grabbed by the ropalolyst while i was reviving team mate (i was somehow still reviving even though the operator was in the bosses.. claws? ) before it let go of my operator and showed said operator deep down the map. Then i trasfered to warframe, died and was thrown into air out of the ground... but one thing was missing the warframe. The only things i saw were weapons and my carrier. And the boss disspareared with the warframes. c: and as a gift pretty little screenshot to acompany this really long text. So in short - Boss can bug you into the map and then turn invisible to hide itself before you can report it for cheating. :DejUY.png

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Today's update 25.0.6 (Major Bug)

Can't access any mission or relay.

Once i select any location on the star map, the countdown begins as usual, but once it hits 0, the game closes entirely. Tried many missions and relays, all do the same thing.

Edit: Update 25.0.7 did not fix this problem

Second Edit: Tried everything on your troubleshooting for crashing, none of that worked either. Uninstalled/Reinstalled the game.  Verified/Optimized files and reduced settings, still nothing works. please fix!


Edited by Spoox89
DE released a hotfix but did not fix bug im reporting
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i dont think it's intended, but i often had this happen while exploring the reworked gas city (which looks great btw).

what i point to, is the 'spawning behavior' of the corpus in the gas city. if you the player(s) are far enough away from the spawning points if can happen that after, e.g., sniping off one or more enemies, new ones will spawn in exact the same location - sometimes even before the dead ones hit the ground... while funny and helpfull to some degree, it's a bit rediculous and makes a mission too easy (extermination for example).

to recreate this, i suggest playing it solo.

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i did a 1h+ index run with a squad and instead of getting the farmed 4million credidts i recived 100500. I did get the John Prodman poster though and i made screenshots to prove that I in fact didn`t get the credits. I also was the only one in my squad without the credits. And during the mission the index points for the finish were not named index points but fissures. 


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On 2019-05-28 at 4:28 PM, Hexx said:

as of hotfix 25.0.4 i still experience this problem. i cannot kill demolysts in the time allotted because of a seemingly 95% damage decrease. using titania, garuuda, frost, loki, or any weapons inlcuding opticor vandal, lanka, rubico prime, or damage types including magnetic, toxin, heat, or cold.

i have tried solo mode and in a team.

as of hotfix 25.0.07 i STILL experience this problem and i'm now filing an actual support ticket.

i resorted to youtube to find some videos of other player's loadouts and replicated this EXACTLY and i STILL can't defeat demolysts. i am useless in teams and i can't solo anything.

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Don't know if this is a bug or feature but every time I use Inaroses first ability Desiccation, I am unable to perform frontal finishers on blinded enemies. My Inaros executes classic melee attack instead, without any lifesteal of course. Back finishers on blinded enemies are working though.

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21 hours ago, Jehutyy said:

Yeah um you cant run when you crouch and you have to leave crouch to sprint, lay off the mushrooms bro. 

Sorry, my phrasing was not entirely clear.

Prior to the update, the change was automatic. I would automatically leave crouch when using sprint, then automatically return to crouch (if it were still 'active') once I'd stopped. In other words, sprint would temporarily override crouch.

After the update, the change ceased being automatic. Now I have to manually leave crouch before I can sprint, and manually return to crouch after coming to a full stop. In other words, sprint no longer overrides crouch.

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On jupiter, I had an issue as Nekros when spawning an Amalgam Moa as a shadow where it would spawn looking identically like its original counterpart, not like a shadow. Gave my teammates plenty of scares even more than normal shadows do! 😛

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Hello Ive found more bugs, Ill be honest this update has really kicked me in the balls when I want to do relic runs


Here they are

In a relic run the host leaves and causes this then kicks us back to our ships



Infinite loading of the item (I don't even know if I got an item from it)



Earth map not loading fast enough (I walked through a door)




Missing a piece of the map on sancutary onslaught







Listen I really like this game, but putting in a new boss, new items, new levels, new enemies, and new gamemodes is great, but you shouldn't also update the UI in the same update. It seems overboard and it shows that the UI wasn't done cooking.


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After exiting Orb Vallis, I went into Little Duck's offerings in Fortuna. I clicked the 'rank up' button to see if I had enough stuff to rank up. I did not, but I couldn't get off of the screen. Hitting escape did nothing, and there was no button on-screen to exit. I could still type in chat, so the game wasn't frozen or anything. I just had no way to exit the 'rank up' screen.


https://imgur.com/gtqkhAA   < Link if picture is broken

Edited by dandecker98
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Bugs of Wisp I've found: Arcane "Pax Bolt" doesnt work on her 1st ability, but growing power boosts it.
The mod "Constitution" on her only boosts the duration of her abilities, but if knocked up she won't get up faster.

edit: I tried to swap frames, and now Constitution works also on wisp.

Edited by FrolicM
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4 hours ago, UncleRisech said:

Giant ammo dropped from corrupted heavy gunner (Void, Stribog).



Heavy Ammo now drops from Bombards, Heavy Gunners, Napalms, Corpus Tech, Fusion Moas, Oxium Ospreys, Ancients, Corrupted Ancients, and Corrupted Bombards. 


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Hotfix 25.0.8

  • Fixed the Lenz jets still appearing when you apply the Dryad Bow Skin.

Still bugged for me. Skin is indeed normal when you initially equip it:  


But once you leave the arsenal, and open it again. It's bugged until you unequip the weapon:  


also looks bugged in missions:  

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This just happened to me in the index, It would not allow me to cash in my points at all, and energy pickups only worked half the time. Yes, we made absolutely sure that this was the right spot as the way-point is here and my teammates had no trouble cashing in at it. Below is a screenshot of me standing on the point for proof.

  This may or may not be associated with the update, but I'm putting it here because the map was updated so I cant rule it out.


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Bug/Exploit with Proton Pulse Mod. The mod grants a buff to your bullet jump if you walljump and remains on your warframe till you hit the floor or bullet jump. Buff notice is hidden if you wall latch and shows the set bonus buff instead. In the new spy mission on Jupiter, in spy vault B i was jumping around and i noticed that i had the Proton Pulse buff permanently. After leaving and coming back, i found that if you do a series of random walljumps, wall latches in rapid succession you can cause the mod to bug out and be applied permanently. So far i have only tested this with Wisp, but i will test with other warframes as well. Images show Buff active whilst wall latching and standing still on the ground.

EDIT: Tested bug on multiple frames, it does work on them.

EDIT 2: After more testing i found the bug possible on more tilesets other than just the new Jovian Concord Jupiter tileset. It worked on the Grineer Earth tileset too.


Edited by ZeebaJeeba
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