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What happened with all my credits in nightwave?



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1 minute ago, Strahdcrown said:

Nightwave ended but i didnt spent all my hard earned credits.

That's what happened with all your Creds.

It sucks for you to have put effort into this in vain, but, well, the game, news, forums, devstreams, and whatnot,
all told you Creds were only good for the current season, and would go poof at the end of it. Sorry, nothing to be done about it.

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As stated numerous times over the course of several platforms, (including the forums) the wolf creds are related to the wolf episode, the next episode will introduce new creds and so the wolf creds become obsolete and cannot be used.

You lost them forever.

It's intended since it's to make players aware and launch warframe to spend said creds, the opportunity was given, you lost it.

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If i have to spend them all before season this is pretty lame because im a casual player. i have a family and travel a lot too. i was traveling the week this stupid season ended and the offers at the time i was playing were useless. So how am i supposed to spend all my creds on S#&$ty itens when i could save it for an better oportunities. seriously i feel disrespected. Thats #*!%n ridiculous. #*!%n waste of time!

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11 minutes ago, Strahdcrown said:

 i was traveling the week this stupid season ended and the offers at the time i was playing were useless.

If you cared about your Wolf cred then maybe you should have searched for when the season would be over and then used them before going.


14 minutes ago, Strahdcrown said:

 seriously i feel disrespected. Thats #*!%n ridiculous. #*!%n waste of time!

You feel disrespected because the game isn't centered on your schedule? That is Ridiculous
it all comes down to you not looking to find the information(that was everywhere) 

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There were multiple notices to be sure to spend your Wolf credits prior to the end of the WoSS season of Nightwave. If I could have gotten one more capture of the 3 fugitives, I would have been able to zero out. As it was, I only "lost" 5 creds. I like the system. My wife and I both work, so this lets us play on our schedule. The old alert system was pretty much a wash for us because we missed so many of the alerts we needed due to being at work. 

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A lot of people would disagree with you on that. As has been pointed out by others, the information about the credits only being good for Season 1 was very clear. From the announcement of the game mechanic and throughout the season. Nobody is at fault for your situation but you. It seems clear that you are intent on being angry. That is a choice. I play WF because my entire family enjoys it and it is fun. This is the only FTP game I have ever truly enjoyed. Honestly, it bothers me more that we dont get to keep the bunny ears than it does to "lose" Nightwave creds. They were something I got while doing something I enjoy anyway with my family. I wish you well and hope you feel better. 

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Il y a 10 heures, Strahdcrown a dit :

If i have to spend them all before season this is pretty lame because im a casual player. i have a family and travel a lot too. i was traveling the week this stupid season ended and the offers at the time i was playing were useless. So how am i supposed to spend all my creds on S#&$ty itens when i could save it for an better oportunities. seriously i feel disrespected. Thats #*!%n ridiculous. #*!%n waste of time!

What is useless ?

If you dont need the aura mods and cosmetics so you could spend the spare credits in nitain.

It's always usefull (especially with the new aura format) and if you're full of nitain you can pass on the next nitain alerts and do funnier things.


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8 hours ago, Kyoresh said:

nah, they actually announced it from the start, that your creds are gone after the season.


Also, the offer never Change that much, so at a certain point you can only spend them on Nitain/Potatoes anyways.

They announced it, reminded people again and again on forums and twitter yet there are jokers like this.


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Feels like an unjustified drama... You play casual, you get casual... I bet you haven't read the details at all, if you would have, you could have spared this post.

Other than that sorry for your loss, but it is clearly on you. There was PLENTY of time to take action. even for casual players too.

Edited by RatataBanana
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Actually I think it is ENTIRELY unfair to casual players that Nora doesn't tell you IN GAME every time you talk to her that you can't save Wolf Credits.

It would be so simple, why is DE consistently so bad at putting information in game? Have Nora quip about spending her creds before they expire. Have a little timer on the Nightwave menu that says Wolf Credits Expire in X days. So simple. This is the same as how Ergo Glast never gave any verbal indication that you should come see him to spend your animo nav beacons, you were collecting them to find Ambulas and that is all they told you in the quest, they never tell you to spend them on anything, heck it even says on the item "cannot sell". In-game information is crucial. This is the same as how nobody was doing the datahashes or even looking into the datahashes in the community resources because nobody in game made a point to mention it and pique interest. Stop doing this DE, learn from the past. From the failure of Guides of the Lotus.

Edited by (PS4)Fourd_4D
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It has been known to most from the very start that the wolf creds would expire with the season. I'm sorry you missed the info time and time again.

That being said, I fully agree with the sentiment that the cred reset should not happen until the next season starts. 

At the very least it should be possible to spend the creds on (a reduced/basic set of) nightwave shop items for a week or two after the season ended. Especially given that we have to wait 1+ month for the next season.

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2 hours ago, Thando said:

It has been known to most from the very start that the wolf creds would expire with the season. I'm sorry you missed the info time and time again.

That being said, I fully agree with the sentiment that the cred reset should not happen until the next season starts. 

At the very least it should be possible to spend the creds on (a reduced/basic set of) nightwave shop items for a week or two after the season ended. Especially given that we have to wait 1+ month for the next season.

I don't know if I would agree with using the term most. I would think that if you look at the total population of active players, the vast majority do not watch devstreams or follow the twitter account or browse the forums or read patch notes and depend entirely on in-game information. And I don't recall getting any in-game communication emails like from Nora Night or seeing any in game timers letting me know about wolf credit expiration. There IS a timer for rounds of nightwaves, but it doesn't actually say anything about spending your credits.

Do you want to know how players who only play the game are warned about their Wolf Credits expiring? First I want you to sit and think if you have ever seen the in-game message. I assure you it exists, but how many of you even knew that? Open your menu. Select Equipment. Select Inventory. Scroll down to nearly the bottom of your likely staggeringly large inventory list given the nature of the game as a collect-a-thon. There's the Wolf Cred itself, maybe we should have searched for it instead of going with the default alphabetical organization. Select the Wolf Cred. "Wolf Cred expires when the program ends". Now how often do you even go into your full inventory menu in normal play? I would actually say never, I never go there. Nobody needs to go there. You could go your entire Warframe career without going there and still play the game just fine. You would have to have an inclination already planted in your head to further examine an item. I know what you're thinking, wouldn't some people investigate the new item the first time they got it? I say no, because to actually collect them you need to view your Nightwave menu even after you have already collected enough Nightwave points to win them. On that menu is already a button prompt to spend your Wolf Creds so really anyone who receives them already knows they spend them there and has no need to examine the actual item in the never utilized inventory menu to see that they expire when the "program" ends. Which program? The weekly batch of challenges? The plot segment of each season? The full season? The entire series of all Nightwaves?

Warframe has always been lacking in in-game information and in-game reminders. It's one of the reasons why one of the major criticisms of Warframe is that it's confusing and dense. They know it's confusing and dense, it's why the intro phase of the game is getting reworked. But you'd think that somebody would have thought by now that hey, having in-game reminders is easy and can be kept within in-world dialogue without breaking immersion and/or slapped onto the UI.

So I don't think it's good to make excuses for DE by saying that it has been known from the start. Or what other people have been saying like basically "don't you watch the devstreams or read the twitter"? Like, no, I play Warframe I don't care about twitter.

Edited by (PS4)Fourd_4D
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As a developer, I feel like DE should be much more concerned with players feeling cheated out of their time. Like, every other game with limited time events has an event NPC stick around to trade in leftover items so that players don't feel like they went to waste. Whereas Ambulas STILL DROPS ANIMO NAV BEACONS when it shows up on maps but you can't sell them and the trade-in NPC is long gone (and did I already mention earlier that the old event was intentionally misleading by telling you to collect them to locate the boss and not to turn them in anywhere for additional rewards?). So these hundreds of Animo Nav Beacons I just dead weight in my inventory, can't even sell them. And now Wolf Creds... I have well over 300 wolf creds sitting doing nothing because I couldn't decide what to spend them on before Nightwave disappeared and the radio terminal didn't even stick around during the intermission to let you trade in the creds! That's basically like DE offering me $20 worth of plat as a reward for participating in Nightwave and then taking it back because they're mad I don't follow them on Twitter or pay any attention to Devstreams.


At least let us sell items related to non-cycling events for credits. You can't even sell them for 1 credit each like the old navigation segments just to get them out of your inventory.

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12 hours ago, (PS4)Fourd_4D said:


We'll he's right. As many others have stated above, there were plenty of notices and opportunities for OP to spend his credits, the fact he chose not to and then come here to complain about it just begs for responses like these. it's his own fault. also the forum gif feature is too tempting no to use.

am i right grammy awards GIF by Recording Academy / GRAMMYs

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Yeah you are right. I mean 3 weeks of it being said in every livestream, 3 weeks of multiple news articles one of which even named Nightwave Season 1 ends May 19th, 3 weeks of it being on their twitter feed, In game emails sent out by Nora during the last week, I mean honestly the only thing that they did not do was put a unmutible Air horn sound every time you log in. The Wolf Creds item says it will only be usable during the Season and since day 1 of the season it has been stated that the credits will not be redeemable after the season ends.

Honestly DE did all that they could to let everyone know what was going on and when things were going to end. They even let everyone know about the delay between Season 1 and Season 2 3 weeks before the season even ended as well. The 20 various threads that have been posted in the last week (lowballing that number) is at this point ridiculous and silly. There is no one to blame that people didn't use their credits than those people themselves. If Nitan another big blowup topic is so important people would also have joined in on the incredibly easy and mindless multiple alerts and Ghoul raids that have happened in the last week as well. The Ghoul raid had 10 Nitan drop, multiple Greneer and corpus wars that have gone on have had Fieldron and Mutagen mass as rewards but there was a couple of them that had Nitan as well. Then both the Thursday stream and the Friday dev stream right after the season ended gave a total of 5 more Nitan.

It seems kind of silly to me that one wouldn't at least have the Twitch streams playing in the background (sans of course it running like 3 am in the morning for the person in question). One can have the stream on 1% volume and get the drops for free without it affecting anything you are doing.

Just because people want everything fed to them with gilded forks doesn't mean that is how the real world work. Silly childish mentalities where people feel that they should be appeased just because they whine the loudest will be met with equally silly mocking. If they want to be treated like an adult then they should act like one and not complain and whine when given everything within DE's reasonable power to understand whats going on.

And saying that they have a Real life outside of the game so they do not follow twitter, read the news, watch any livestreams or Read the in game mail given to them, is no excuse. Just cause they acted ignorant doesn't give them leave to be treated on a higher stand and given pity allowances because their panties got bunched. Life isnt fair.

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while i'm enjoying op's salt, i would like to say that a simple in-game inbox message announcing the end of the nightwave season would've solved literally all issues posed by most casual players not following WF's twitter, reading dev notes or watching the devstream.

we have a built-in announcement delivery system, why doesn't DE use it? bc "my immersion"?

edit: i'm reading one comment saying nora sent messages out...send more. and not wrapped up in flavor text. you can't expect the majority of players to pay attention to anything more nuanced than a gigantic subject line titled SPEND YOUR CREDS.

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that honestly blows, didn't see it mentioned anywhere that the creds was for that season and that season only so I decided to save them for when I actually wanted to buy something. Now I find out that all the creds I had are gone and I didn't spend any of them. :/

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Without ingame notifications, this ain't fair - Argon Crystals are an easy and simple example, on how to handle it.

/Edit: Hrmk, was that there from day one on? Meh, but the event is still going, just on the 2nd phase now 😛

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Le 28/5/2019 à 09:02, (PS4)Fourd_4D a dit :

I don't know if I would agree with using the term most. I would think that if you look at the total population of active players, the vast majority do not watch devstreams or follow the twitter account or browse the forums or read patch notes and depend entirely on in-game information. And I don't recall getting any in-game communication emails like from Nora Night or seeing any in game timers letting me know about wolf credit expiration. There IS a timer for rounds of nightwaves, but it doesn't actually say anything about spending your credits.

Do you want to know how players who only play the game are warned about their Wolf Credits expiring? First I want you to sit and think if you have ever seen the in-game message. I assure you it exists, but how many of you even knew that? Open your menu. Select Equipment. Select Inventory. Scroll down to nearly the bottom of your likely staggeringly large inventory list given the nature of the game as a collect-a-thon. There's the Wolf Cred itself, maybe we should have searched for it instead of going with the default alphabetical organization. Select the Wolf Cred. "Wolf Cred expires when the program ends". Now how often do you even go into your full inventory menu in normal play? I would actually say never, I never go there. Nobody needs to go there. You could go your entire Warframe career without going there and still play the game just fine. You would have to have an inclination already planted in your head to further examine an item. I know what you're thinking, wouldn't some people investigate the new item the first time they got it? I say no, because to actually collect them you need to view your Nightwave menu even after you have already collected enough Nightwave points to win them. On that menu is already a button prompt to spend your Wolf Creds so really anyone who receives them already knows they spend them there and has no need to examine the actual item in the never utilized inventory menu to see that they expire when the "program" ends. Which program? The weekly batch of challenges? The plot segment of each season? The full season? The entire series of all Nightwaves?

Warframe has always been lacking in in-game information and in-game reminders. It's one of the reasons why one of the major criticisms of Warframe is that it's confusing and dense. They know it's confusing and dense, it's why the intro phase of the game is getting reworked. But you'd think that somebody would have thought by now that hey, having in-game reminders is easy and can be kept within in-world dialogue without breaking immersion and/or slapped onto the UI.

So I don't think it's good to make excuses for DE by saying that it has been known from the start. Or what other people have been saying like basically "don't you watch the devstreams or read the twitter"? Like, no, I play Warframe I don't care about twitter.

Did not yet read the all thread yet, but you're so verbal about this I got to kick it into the ground. If you hover your mouse over the credit, it tells you it expires at the end of the season.

I knew that from minute one of nightwave. Are you admitting you didn't even hover your mouse once over this item you claim there is no ingame warning about? 

Edit : I'm of course talking about hovering your mouse over it while in the main NW page, you know, the very first thing you see

Double edit : I checked, see better answer bellow

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Did anyone hover his mouse over the credit icon in the NW page ? Pretty baffled now that I've read the thread. 

Really ? No one ? People, please, next time, try putting your cursor on the thing. Magical things happen when you do that, like getting information, that you claim ain't in game. If you just tried clicking it once, you'd have avoided this embarassment.

Once again, you didn't even hover over the thing ONCE. That is hilarious. If you just care so little, why do you care ?

And also, for all those here, complaining about no ingame info : you sure have a lot of time to rant with randoms (and without a clue), but you don't have 5 minutes to check a patchnote or yt guide or devstream recap.54Y2UpW.jpg?1

Look at how difficult it was, how many inches that dude had to pull his cursor to get to this result ! Such a true hero !

But all good things have an end, so I'll stop here. Thank you guys, good times.

Edited by Fallen77
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