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Peacemakers are a bad ability- because I can’t use them on half the games relevant content?


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So, DPS. Your probably doing one or two things. Killing trash mobs, or killing huge boss targets. Peacemakers are an exhalted ability, and so that means they deal pretty average damage- especially seeing as though they are guns, and don’t have a combo counter. Now, I hear that they have nerfed arcanes being stacked with exhausted weapons, which I think is pretty uncalled for, but that’s not my point here. This is.

When I play MESA, I expect to be able to use my abilities, since warframes are designed to fill a roll. just like when I play NOVA, I expect to be able to slow everything down.

When playing Mesa, I can’t target half of the relevant targets my warframe is designed to be built for. Capture targets, eidolons, the wolf of Saturn six, some bosses, and more. The problem with this game design is that self inflicting DPS warframes are then better for future updates. I can’t count on sonar BANSHEE to DPS in new updates, because I can’t paint targets onto anything... I can’t count on MESA in new updates because I can’t target anything they put in those updates besides trash mobs. I can’t count on NOVA to slow any of the content down. 

The warframes that really shine in new updates are those which inflict powers on themselves, rhino, revenant etc. This is not entirely DPS centric though, nothing gets trapped by vauban anymore, nothing is effected by terrify, it seems to me DE are confused by their game design... The CC side of this is another battle, but the DPS frames I would expect to see implemented and effective on all targets. 

Goals for this thread:

Allow Mesa to target eidolon limbs, capture targets, mission invaders and large bosses.

Allow banshee to paint targets on all threats.

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5 minutes ago, (PS4)FK2P said:

Peacemakers are an exhalted ability, and so that means they deal pretty average damage- especially seeing as though they are guns, and don’t have a combo counter


5 minutes ago, (PS4)FK2P said:

When playing Mesa, I can’t target half of the relevant targets my warframe is designed to be built for. Capture targets, eidolons, the wolf of Saturn six, some bosses, and more.


6 minutes ago, (PS4)FK2P said:

Goals for this thread:

Allow Mesa to target eidolon limbs, capture targets, mission invaders and large bosses.

*flatlines from laughter*

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So....just because you have to use your weapons, actually play the game and move in like 95-99% of situations that makes PM a bad ability? 

Sorry but....grow up? this is purely redundant. We are OP as is, we don't need more power especially if it's this unnecessary 

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For a warframe whose 4 does "average damage", people seem to enjoy abusing the ever-loving daylights out of her ability and trivializing the game for them and any teammates they happen to wind up playing with.


Mesa needs a nerf more than anything, a reverse-Ember kinda nerf where she starts with terrible range and damage which goes up with sustained use. She doesn't need her brokenness extended to other aspects of the game that doesn't need to be trivialized further. Please consider the layers of dust gathering on your weapons and blow them off once in a while.

Edited by Pizzarugi
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'' Peacemakers are a bad ability - because they limit the potential complexity of future content as they  effortlessly dispatch everything in the most brain dead way imaginable''. 

Mesa is easily one of the most blatantly overpowered warframes in the game: she kills everything everywhere for a laughable energy cost, while having a constant, passive CC ability, while buffing her team's damage AND while having 95% damage reduction. 

Mesa, by virtue of her very existence, makes every brand new warframe that isn't outrageously powerful seem stupidly weak, and for good reason. If she was released today, she'd never be anywhere near as strong as she currently is, and will never be nerfed simply because of how popular she is. 

Asking for her to be buffed in ANY capacity besides her 1 is ludicrous. 

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19 hours ago, (PS4)LoisGordils said:



*flatlines from laughter*

Basically this, peace maker should just remain as it is. I myself hate it since it can wipe a whole room clean, but asking asking for it to affect eidolons and such would make it broken as hell.

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How much more automation do you want? Next request:

'Please let Mesa auto run through the mission and use Peacemaker on everything.'

I hope Peacemaker get nerfed instead. Mesa is one of the most annoying warframes to have on your team, in my opinion. 


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1 hour ago, Ham_Grenabe said:

That’s kinda how it works in this game. Big mass-kill abilities are applicable to roughly half the enemies: namely, the trash. 

It's almost like AoE frames are designed to clear out the chaff and Mesa, Saryn, old Ember, etc, are doing exactly what they're supposed to be doing.

The shortsightedness of people on these forums is frankly astounding. I'll be here to remind people of what they caused if and when these frames get nerfed and the game reverts to "nobody matters but tanks and stealth," except with the addition of boss killer meta frames.

Basically, if you're going to champion that we nerf Mesa, you'd better be damn well prepared for Chroma, Volt, Harrow and anyone else that's part of the Eidolon meta, as well as frames like Rhino, Inaros and Nezha who will dominate the survival/defense meta after those others are butchered by the nerf bat.

Oh, and Atlas. But uh... People haven't figured out just how silly Atlas can be yet. So I'll give you all time to catch up on that one.

Edited by XaoGarrent
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When I first played Mesa I thought her peacemakers were broken because everyone died TOO fast! I kept getting confused when they stopped firing because I didn’t realized everyone was dead as hell.

Its hilarious to me that her power is just an aim bot. My only problem is that I don’t have any Arcane Velocities so I can’t replicate Shy’s build from that video she made.


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