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Why every human npc so unattractive?


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Throughout even the last few decades of humanity our perception of beauty has changed, based on culture. It's also vastly different all across the world even to this day. What makes you think they aren't attractive for their time and culture?

Edit: Our purpose in this game is driven by commiting and preventing genocide. Giving you something to think about at night is on the bottom of the list of features DE has to work on. And Operators are CHILDREN. They should NOT be attractive....

Edited by (PS4)Ozymandias-13-
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1 minute ago, (PS4)Ozymandias-13- said:

Throughout even the last few decades of humanity our perception of beauty has changed, based on culture. It's also vastly different all across the world even to this day. What makes you think they aren't attractive for their time and culture?

Idk if in any culture a face of someone that looks like a heavy drug addict looks attractive.

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1 minute ago, InfinitusPhoenix said:

Idk if in any culture a face of someone that looks like a heavy drug addict looks attractive.

Because you're basing it on your standards of beauty in this era and your particular location in the world...

What our drug addicts look like may not be what their drug addicts look like, and those physical features could very well be standard for the state of humanity (such that it is) in that time and place...

Not to mention the fact that they are literally all fighting for their lives every second of the day...You'd look like an emaciated, worn out drug addict too. I promise.

Edited by (PS4)Ozymandias-13-
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3 minutes ago, (PS4)Ozymandias-13- said:

Because you're basing it on your standards of beauty in this era and your particular location in the world...

What our drug addicts look like may not be what their drug addicts look like, and those physical features could very well be standardforthe state of humanity (such that it is) in that time and place...

So many excuses.

All I see is heavy wrinkles, disproportional features and overall lack of any good face features.


If you look at human history, someone with looks of young Megan Fox was always the very attractive one, and not someone with the looks of Sarah Jessica Parker, for example.

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3 minutes ago, InfinitusPhoenix said:

If you look at human history, someone with looks of young Megan Fox was always the very attractive one, and not someone with the looks of Sarah Jessica Parker, for example.

That's not true, beauty standards changed over time and varied across cultures.

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What do you mean, OP, our operators are heckin pretty. Before DE updated their looks, mine was like any other child. Not beautiful, but I liked her that way. After that she looks like a supermodel. All of them I see at Onkko's place look like they came for a fashion show or something.


2 hours ago, Genitive said:

That's not true, beauty standards changed over time and varied across cultures.

Let me give an example for this... Here's 25k BC ideal beauty:


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I think DE goes for realism. Not all humans are born hot, not all of us age gracefully. 

Or it is engine limitations.

Or Warframe NPC have more important things to do then Photoshop their selfies.

Edit: while I agree that there are things that probably would be attractive in any time (mostly subtle things that say “this one is healthy”), beauty standards do change. Have you seen Ballas, the epitome of Orokin perfection? His design is an amalgam of beauty standards (and godly traits) across the ages and cultures.

Edited by rand0mname
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24 minutes ago, InfinitusPhoenix said:

So many excuses.

All I see is heavy wrinkles, disproportional features and overall lack of any good face features.

If you look at human history, someone with looks of young Megan Fox was always the very attractive one, and not someone with the looks of Sarah Jessica Parker, for example.


Yeah, there is clickbait in that link, sorry.   But how about you look at it from real life in an environment that is closer to Cetus, emm?

Then go look at Nakak and ponder just how she'll age in that environment.

How about that for human history.


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Point one could be that Operator faces and Ostron faces are very... "alpha". You look at the operator face and there are some weird texture and detail issues. Ostron's look very placeholder-ish. Solaris faces are a clear improvement over Ostron ones. 

As for the beauty standard argument, I present to you:


That's apparently Zahra Khanom Tadj es-Saltaneh. A Persian princess who lived from 1883 to 1932. Facial hair and... a heavy set form, were desirable in women. Now whether this was the accepted beauty standard because the Sultan was into that or if it's the reverse, is anyone's guess. But standards change. Oh boy, do they change... 

Edited by Lakais
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In current generation a top beauty standard is someone like young Megan Fox. 

If in the long past some culture preferred unhealthy unnatractive people why do the same in Warframe that is set in the distant future? Did humanity devolve so much in Warframe? Literally any other popular mmo has attractive npcs, no matter if the game is focused on long past, future or even alien planet.


Feels like devs being just too lazy. It's way easier making an ugly npc.

Edited by InfinitusPhoenix
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5 minutes ago, InfinitusPhoenix said:

in the long past some culture preferred unhealthy unnatractivepeople

Again, you keep saying unattractive without understanding that word is subjective and the fact that they preferred that some point in history is literally how attractiveness was defined for that culture.

5 minutes ago, InfinitusPhoenix said:

Did humanity devolve so much in Warframe?

AGAIN, you are considering it to be devolved because you are basing it 100000% on your personal requirements for arousal. 

5 minutes ago, InfinitusPhoenix said:

It's way easier making an ugly npc.

Clearly it's easier than your ability to grasp a concept outside of your immediate perspective from that box you're living in.

Edited by (PS4)Ozymandias-13-
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4 minutes ago, (PS4)Ozymandias-13- said:

Again, you keep saying unattractive without understanding that word is subjective and the fact that they preferred that some point in history is literally how attractiveness was definedforthatculture.

AGAIN, you are considering it tobedevolvedbecauseyouare basing it 100000% on your personal requirements for arousal. 

Clearly it's easier than your ability to grasp a concept outside of your immediate perspective from that box you're living in.

How is it subjective. If a person thinks that some overweight unhealthy person with disproportional face features is more attractive than a fit person with perfect proportional face features, then he or she have some major mental issues.





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1 minute ago, InfinitusPhoenix said:

Idk where you live but not every single person on the street is ugly where I live.

Take makeup into account... 

Once I went to work without applying concealer to my dark circles under my eyes. My boss thought I was sick 😁

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