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What do you think is Warframe's biggest competitor?


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16 minutes ago, Ikyr0 said:


I would like to know what kind of endgame that you consider as endgame when you're wiping out enemies like nothing. Also, tougher, more challenging content? How to make it tougher and more challenging when chroma, saryn and other kind of nukers is on the loose while at the same time not alienating those who aren't them?

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PSO2 looks too outdated. The graphics are so bad and the gameplay is clunky.


Idk how any sane person thinks it could compete with Warframe that constantly upgrades it's graphics and gameplay.


PSO2 looks like some average mmo at best. I played it for a week before dropping and forgetting for years.

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Warframe is the only game I've played since that fateful day in November when Warframe came to the Switch and ended my free time (gratefully so). I even bought Diablo 3 around the same time and guess what: it is still shrink wrapped. Even with the plethora of games coming to Switch this year I don't care or have hype for any of them. In fact, the only competitor for my time that Warframe has is generation 8 of Pokémon. I've played Pokémon since I was a kid back in the original Gameboy days... I remember wheeling and dealing and doing all sort of extra chores just to get an allowance so that I could save for a sexy black Gameboy Pocket. Sword and/or Shield will be the only other games I buy this year, the only other games I play. And when Empyrean arrives (probably next year, god help Game Freak if it comes out before SW/SH) I doubt I will be breeding in Galar, I'm going to be raiding Grineer ships and making really, really hard Kuva Liches to get frustrated over. 

In all, not a bad problem to have. I consider myself an average gamer, and I only own a Switch these days (I have stepkids... so like, most of the money goes to them, lol). If I am an indication of the average Switch nerd then I would say that Warframe has no competitors, not really, at least on the platform I play it on. And if Switch Lite runs it adequately (for my tastes. I am not hard to please) I'll be playing everywhere as the Switch, as it is currently, is just a little too bulky and fragile for me to want to take it out of the house... so I play docked mostly...


Edited by (NSW)Badger
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4 minutes ago, InfinitusPhoenix said:

PSO2 looks too outdated. The graphics are so bad and the gameplay is clunky.


Idk how any sane person thinks it could compete with Warframe that constantly upgrades it's graphics and gameplay.


PSO2 looks like some average mmo at best. I played it for a week before dropping and forgetting for years.

That may be true but in terms of content and story along with the gameplay mechanics and the scope of the concept that the game offers, it rivals (if not surpasses) Warframe in that aspect, you'll really have to try it to believe it. Not only do they fill in many things that Warframe lacks, they also have the most important thing: Sustainable content.

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It amazes me how many people still think Destiny is a "bad game" and that "everyone quits". I would be willing to wager that Destiny 2 has a larger active userbase than Warframe.


So yes, Destiny does technically compete with Warframe, people looking for a looter-shooter to suck away hours of their time generally only pick one. However, both games differentiate themselves enough that they don't really steal players from each other. People who like Destiny play Destiny and people who like Warframe play Warframe. Having options/competition is a good thing.

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44 minutes ago, 844448 said:

I would like to know what kind of endgame that you consider as endgame when you're wiping out enemies like nothing. Also, tougher, more challenging content? How to make it tougher and more challenging when chroma, saryn and other kind of nukers is on the loose while at the same time not alienating those who aren't them?

DE got themselves into a mess with the power creep, which is why WF will probably never have challenging endgame content. WF is the only looter shooter on the market without properly scaling content and scaling rewards. Endgame content, like raids and dungeons, is something you have to design the game around. WF is a balance mess.

Edited by Ikyr0
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47 minutes ago, InfinitusPhoenix said:

Lmao thinking that D2 has a chance against Warframe.


They switch to f2p because their game is dying fast. If it brings any new players they will leave after a week. That game has the most boring gameplay and practically 0 lore.

Not "against Warframe". Don't be so childish. D2 will pull a lot of vets away from WF. Those like me who want challenging endgame content. I know this isn't the majority of WF's community, but it's a sizeable chunk.

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6 minutes ago, Ikyr0 said:

Not "against Warframe". Don't be so childish. D2 will pull a lot of vets away from WF. Those like me who want challengingendgame content. I know this isn't the majority of WF's community, but it's a sizeable chunk.

Idk what you talking about. A lot of Destiny vets actually left D2 for Warframe and not the other way around.

If you think D2 has a challenging content I really don't know what to say. It's probably the most braindead game I ever played.

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Just now, InfinitusPhoenix said:

Idk what you talking about. A lot of Destiny vets actually left D2 for Warframe and not the other way around.

If you think D2 has a challenging content I really don't know what to say. It's probably the most braindead game I ever played.

Maybe you should look it up then. Bungie is redesigning the entire game with endgame in mind, for the f2p launch.

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5 hours ago, 844448 said:

Would like to see how many complaints come from the veterans when something doesn't die from one hit or running slightly faster

Community isn't driven solely by veterans and if you want higher difficulty, do you accept if one day DE take all of your cheesing power away like saryn and chroma to prevent them from wiping out maps? I'm a player from 2014 and yet I'm still here playing without a break at all

I dont know if you played Destiny, you probably did if you are playing WF from 14. Obviously we cant compare one thing with another, but one thing I really liked in Destiny 2 is how those mobs act, their AI is pretty well developed, they take cover, peek and shoot, gives you a challenge. 

Higher difficulty and challenging gameplay doesnt mean higher lvl bullet sponge enemies with more armor and health. And yes I would be very happy to see proper balancing for warframes and weapons as necessary to make it a bit more challenging (please dont say I need to do infinite survivals or play without mods to taste real end game). 

I have a friend, he is MR 24 I believe, he cant do his own MR tests sometimes. He came so far because buys and sells lots of rivens and made tons of plats from riven trading. So MR pushing to him is just sitting in hydron. Recently in arbitration he kept dying so I built him Inaros and bought him a pair of graces. Now he never dies. He thinks he reached the true end game, how silly is that? 

How are we allowed to farm latest open world bosses solo in minutes 😞

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8 hours ago, Xzorn said:

Warframe's biggest competitor is itself.

  • Lack of direction

Yea, I would even say that it's "Lack of vision". Watching dev streams and TennoCon it seems more and more to me that Steve got lost in his dreams about some 'si-fi fantasy coop space game that you can play with friends for a couple of hours on the weekend', that he actually never plays himself (every time on streams he plays it, looks like his first time in months). So he builds this game while the actual Warframe is a f2p repetitive looter-shooter. Just look at their latest Orb bosses. It's by design not for a grinding game, but for some single/coop game. They even insisted on unskippable cut scenes (and how about that last boss with Lotus across half of the screen) - hilarious. Gap between developers and actual gameplay is real.

I think Borderlands 3 will hit Warframe pretty hard even thought it's not f2p. And D2 too, just because it will be kinda something new to try on steam. Hell, even F76 is not completely dead. And many people actually liked Anthem core gameplay and who knows maybe it can return too.

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15 minutes ago, Viges said:

Yea, I would even say that it's "Lack of vision". Watching dev streams and TennoCon it seems more and more to me that Steve got lost in his dreams about some 'si-fi fantasy coop space game that you can play with friends for a couple of hours on the weekend', that he actually never plays himself (every time on streams he plays it, looks like his first time in months). So he builds this game while the actual Warframe is a f2p repetitive looter-shooter. Just look at their latest Orb bosses. It's by design not for a grinding game, but for some single/coop game. They even insisted on unskippable cut scenes (and how about that last boss with Lotus across half of the screen) - hilarious. Gap between developers and actual gameplay is real.

I think Borderlands 3 will hit Warframe pretty hard even thought it's not f2p. And D2 too, just because it will be kinda something new to try on steam. Hell, even F76 is not completely dead. And many people actually liked Anthem core gameplay and who knows maybe it can return too.

Seriously, we need another Steve who is 20 years younger, retire him and Rebecca both, put Megan in charge of communication. 

I dont enter Orb Valis because everytime I do, I remember we got a Spider Boss here who can Rhyme! And Ropalolyst is a honeytrap for mr5s. I want to know who designed Tridolons and who designed Profit Taker/Ropalolyst .. are they same person/group? The only reason I am not hyped with Railjack is because I think the Fortuna people is going to design Railjack as well. 

D2 at September is going to hit hard and I hope it does, so warframe has something to compete with. 

Why did I build an amp? Because I needed one to fight. Why did I built a hard hitting sniper with rivens? Min maxed Trinity and Volt? Because there was something challenging that inspired me to prepare myself properly, learn it, and in the end I enjoyed it. People run first 3 phases of Profit Taker because doing them  solo is more efficient. 

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55 minutes ago, BallisticSalsa said:

Path of Exile.

Maybe on PC, the console ports are terrible (constant crashes and slide show frame rates). Also, talk about balance issues. This game made be appreciate DE even more.

The game that easily pulls me away from Warframe is Monster Hunter. MH is my favorite franchise of all time, my friends and I have been playing since the PS1, and Iceborne looks to be amazing. 

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44 minutes ago, MR9BCI said:

I dont know if you played Destiny, you probably did if you are playing WF from 14. Obviously we cant compare one thing with another, but one thing I really liked in Destiny 2 is how those mobs act, their AI is pretty well developed, they take cover, peek and shoot, gives you a challenge. 

Higher difficulty and challenging gameplay doesnt mean higher lvl bullet sponge enemies with more armor and health. And yes I would be very happy to see proper balancing for warframes and weapons as necessary to make it a bit more challenging (please dont say I need to do infinite survivals or play without mods to taste real end game). 

I have a friend, he is MR 24 I believe, he cant do his own MR tests sometimes. He came so far because buys and sells lots of rivens and made tons of plats from riven trading. So MR pushing to him is just sitting in hydron. Recently in arbitration he kept dying so I built him Inaros and bought him a pair of graces. Now he never dies. He thinks he reached the true end game, how silly is that? 

How are we allowed to farm latest open world bosses solo in minutes 😞

well said man. your story outlines how DE caters content and game design to casuals, and not really anyone else.

I'm not even asking that they cease content development for this huge demographic of players. I just want a little corner for people like me, who want to feel challenged every now and again. even if it's a faction with better AI, or an army of Demolysts, I'll take anything. Empyrean looked promising, with the Kuva Lich, but we'll see I guess.

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33 minutes ago, MR9BCI said:

D2 at September is going to hit hard and I hope it does, so warframe has something to compete with.

It will hit hard. Vets will leave WF in droves, if Bungie does a good job with the redesign. I can only hope DE takes this seriously, even if the fanboys/girls don't care to.

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23 minutes ago, Viges said:

Yea, I would even say that it's "Lack of vision". Watching dev streams and TennoCon it seems more and more to me that Steve got lost in his dreams about some 'si-fi fantasy coop space game that you can play with friends for a couple of hours on the weekend', that he actually never plays himself (every time on streams he plays it, looks like his first time in months).


I kinda feel for Steve.

Like one of the points I made was "Gap between Developers and Players". I don't think the right information is getting to him.

Steve just wants to make cool things and that's fine to me but he relies on the team to hold up each part of the game to make that happen from animation / design to coding / mechanics and community workers. Somewhere along the way feedback and implementation of those ideas get muffled or distorted.

Very possibly due to lack of playing the game.

I'd say they need a Player council but Design council gets ignored most the time these days so maybe a smaller group that can decide among themselves and give DE a statement with a unified voice instead of random topics and polls. One thing they should probably stop is putting so much weight on Youtuber bias opinions.

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Time and slow trickle of content.

It's not other games that drive me away. Its the lack of interesting stuff to do in this one.

Too much grind fluff and not enough meat just encourages many breaks throughout the year. I can only farm so many syndicates before I start begging for sweet release of death.

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