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A new idea for warframe trading system


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let's be honest here guys, none of us like the current trading system in warframe, it might have been good enough back in 2016, but now a days it does not meet the requirements of the constantly growing fan base and the number of warframes/ weapons/ mods/ prime parts/ sets/ materials/ fishes/ lens/ jewels......etc there is in the game right now

now a days if you want to sell or buy anything in the game you need stop doing what ever you are doing and just keep your eyes on the trading chat, if you want to sell several things at once than you'll need to write the same long paragraph for every 2 minutes for God knows how long, that is assuming you actually found a buyer. And if you want to buy something rare than your only choice is to hope that who ever has that rare item you want is not only online right now, but is actually paying attention to the trade chat. And don't get me even started on rivens !!. It's because of all this that many player gave up on the trading system and went to the fan-made warframe market and riven market to do their tradings for the game. however even the warframe market and the riven market aren't perfect and they do have a lot of flaws, which is a why I would like to suggest a new trading system for the game, it goes like this:

every player will have their own shop in the game to put the items they want to trade (player shop) , along with adding a search window for players who are looking to buy a specific thing (costumer window). For example lets say player1 wants to sell primed continuity for 50 platinum, player 1 have to open his shop in the game and add the primed continuity to it and it decided its price. And now lets say that player2 is looking to buy a primed continuity mod, he can go into the costumer window, type primed continuity in the search, and see all players who are on the same region server as him who are offering primed continuity for sell. So he ends up seeing the the primed continuity player1 has offered and decided to buy it from him, players2 open a chat tab with player1 telling him want to buy the primed continuity he has, and just like that you saved all of us a lot of time !! here are a few things to notes:


- the items you've put for sell stays in your store after you log out of the game.

- your shop close when you leave and opens when log in to the game. So if players2 searched for primed continuity and players1 wasn't logged in the game, players2 won't see that players 1 has primed continuity instead he'll see all the other players who have it and are actually online right now.

- once you put your item on your player shop, you won't be able to use that item any longer (it has been moved from your inventory), the reason for that so when you announce you want to sell a specific item, you don't end up discarding it without remembering that you put for sale. However you can move items from and to your invetory/shop any time you want.

- selling rivens can be done the same way, but buying rivens can have their own window, where players who wants to buy a riven for a specific weapon can type of the name of the weapon they want, and then pick the statues it wants the riven to effect.


you guys are free to give any feedback you have on this trading system 🙂

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9 minutes ago, Mohammad_98 said:

- the items you've put for sell stays in your store after you log out of the game.

and here your systems begins to fail

DE doesn't want a passive trading system. Trading belongs to the game since they want player interaction. I know it's ancient but it's the way they want it


10 minutes ago, Mohammad_98 said:

let's be honest here guys, none of us like the current trading system in warframe,

I do.

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21 minutes ago, GnarlsDarkley said:

DE doesn't want a passive trading system. Trading belongs to the game since they want player interaction. I know it's ancient but it's the way they want it

both the seller and the buyer needs to be in the game in order for the trade to happen

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Just now, Dark_Lugia said:

Another auction house like traiding system?
No thank you... for reasons use the search function

the search function is useful to a certain extent, you'll still need to drop what you are doing in the game and keep an eye on the trading tab, plus it only helps you when you are cheking the trading tab, it doesn't help when you are the one typing what you want to sell/ buy

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5 hours ago, Mohammad_98 said:

let's be honest here guys, none of us like the current trading system


The trading system with the help of 3rd party sites work well. It’s free market trading; it’s the best kind of market system. It also promotes players interactions and players who spend more time to trade and help others to procure items for each other. 

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There's literally one another thread on the first page on the same "new idea".

But whatever the reason is DE already said they have no plan to put an auction house or anything similar in this game.

My guess is, DE want you to work for plat actively instead of leaving everything to automatic system and wait. The easier plat flowing among players the less likely they will pay for it instead.

Edited by Marvelous_A
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OP don't listen to those old geezers who like to break their fingers on the keyboard cause they ran out of things to do in the game, DE answered a similar question at Tennocon and said that they' ll look at it.

Edited by DeathDweller
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What if instead of having your shop always open have it only viewable when you’re actually there in your orbiter maroo’s Bazar in your dojo or in a relay.

We can keep trading chat, but we could add a sort of shop search console to those other areas. You should still have to meet the player face to face though to trade. Trading in warframe should not be compleatly passive.

having your shop open and having people contact you should be optional things while playing the game. So those things should be enabled or disabled in settings. 

This shouldn't compliantly change the system but add to it. Making it easier for everyone to sell their stuff.

as things are now while the filter is useful it’s still very difficult to have you’re ads noticed. 

Edited by (PS4)i7081277
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I make it a policy to support threads like this until a proper trade rework megathread opens. 


The people who usually disagree with the changes are ones that have managed to gain platinum by taking advantage of the inconvenience of searching within the game and getting, good deals and feel they will lose profits if trading becomes easier for everyone. I guarantee the same people have accounts on 3rd party trading sites,

Do not take their comments too seriously or feel disheartened, the current trade chat is poor and was not intended for the current system and should definitely change.

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