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Tier List Time. Opinions only. Feel free to make your own.


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4 hours ago, Bioness said:

People in this thread are underestimating Khora. She isn't just a frame with a cat. She provides ones of the best defensive and farm abilities, almost unkillable with Venari's augment, can heal players and objectives, and her whip can hit into the millions of damage in a targeted non-LoS AoE with the right stat stick.

Can I get some tips how to do this unkillable Khora? I like her design but never learned how to use her.

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On 2019-09-08 at 5:10 AM, (PS4)TertulSee said:

Well, this is general discussions. I know he has complete invulnerability when he has his shield but even the slightest touch brings that shield down by one. His damage also falls off quite significantly at higher levels especially toward Corpus. When you have like 10 enemies firing at you at once with rapid fire weapons, his shield goes down in a second. He's kinda meh. He doesn't really do that much unless you're playing on low enemy density maps.

It doesn't happen the way you imagine for a number of reasons:

1) Mesmer Skin stuns enemies on hit.

2) Rapid fire enemies almost never have 100% accuracy.

3) Even when rapid fire enemies have 100% accuracy, which is very rare, Mesmer Skin has a timed gating mechanic that isn't documented anywhere and very counter-intuitive. It's couter-intuitive because Profit Taker's cannon, Exploiter Orb's cannon (Phase 1) and Tusk Bulkor turret do not honor the same gating mechanic that you can observe with other rapid fire units like Orokin Sentries and Ospreys.


Oh yeah, his damage doesn't actually fall off. His 3 does damage as a function of target's max health. With 250% ability strength (which you don't actually need), he can kill most Enthralled enemies in one shot (exceptions: Nox, Ancient Disruptor, some Eximus). This very niche and reserved for things like boss kills or crazy endurance like 24 hour kuva survival (which someone actually did with Revenant).

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40 minutes ago, JackHargreav said:

Can I get some tips how to do this unkillable Khora? I like her design but never learned how to use her.

This is one used for multi-hour excavation arbitrations. If you want something not quite that extreme, replace Rolling Guard with Adaptation and Narrow Minded with Vitality or something. All 3 of her augments are really good, but she is extremely forma hungry. You are looking at spending 10+ forma to get her and Venari at their best.

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On 2019-09-08 at 1:21 PM, Zekkii said:

Valkyr has the following that Wukong doesnt:

  • An insane buff to team mates attack speed and armor
  • An augment that allows said buff to last for hours at a time
  • An invulnerability button that lets you eat bombard rockets to the face

To answer the statement more directly, Valkyr is better for endurance runs such as Arbitrations and Void Fissures.  Also consider that anything with damage immunity or resistance to warfame abilities is better dispatches by a non-exalted weapon, such as arbiration drones, enemies effected by ancient disrupters,  and so forth.  While Valkyr's playstyle is more straight forward, I wouldn't underestimate her capabilties as a warframe.

While I don't dispute Valkyr's strenghts and agree she underrated, I have to disagree that she outclassed Wukong overall.

If the goal is to provide buffs and do long endurance runs via team effort, I argue people are better off just bringing a damage / DR buffer or healer. Armor's reliability is iffy at best after a certain point. Attack speed, while nice, can cause some combos to be unusable and lots of people are running around with berserker installed anyway. 

Wukong also has some other uses like celestial stomp and cloudwalker shennanigans, but they are also fairly niche. So in most practical scenarios, Valkyr and Wukong come down to being straightforward melee oriented frames with decent tankiness

What Wukong lacks in pure tankiness via Hysteria (adaptation says hi), he is able to deal more damage to larger groups of enemies faster if we compare exalted weapons, along with much more fluid stance combos.

if we compare non-exalted weapons, depending on your loadout you can additionally incorporate his twin as CC, condition overload primer, straight DPS, or any/all of the three.

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Khora mediocre at best, wow go home kid you are drunk, lmao, and how the hell Nyx ix B- she can basically walk around on god mode and CC the entire map at the same time, and hyldrin as well.

look OP if you suck with the frame dont blame it on them okay.

Edited by -NightmareMoon-
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Stopped reading when you said Revenant can't do enough damage and has no survivability. Nearly stopped after reading your Loki waffle.

I give your tier list a D- rating and suggest you go and play the game a bit more before making such assumptions. Giving Inaros an S rating pretty tells all of us everything we need to know.

Edited by Zilchy
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7 hours ago, Diavoros said:

How about this, we make a TIERLIST OF TIERLISTS! because really, it's not like we have enough, and most frame tierlist people make are just bruhzime's tierlist derivatives so lets tier all of those into their own tiers, huh?

Well, the point is to get rid of boredom. I mean, I respond to everyone seriously but as a person who has a lot of experience playing all these frame, I feel like having a place to let loose the opinions of just another random person. If you don't like it, please make a list of your own. I mean, I'm not saying I'm the first person to rate every frame based on how often I use them. This is purely just the opinion a random guy has. I feel some frames have problems and other frames have more problems. 

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On 2019-09-08 at 6:06 AM, (PS4)TertulSee said:

Limbo (Prime): A

I disagree in that Limbo is not as good as Frost in defence. Frosts bubble is only as good as it's health. However, Limbo's Cataclysm can make a defensive point/object completely invulnerable for quite a long time and it can cover a much bigger area if you want it too. Frost has basically been dethroned as defence king.

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25 minutes ago, TheGodofWiFi said:

I disagree in that Limbo is not as good as Frost in defence. Frosts bubble is only as good as it's health. However, Limbo's Cataclysm can make a defensive point/object completely invulnerable for quite a long time and it can cover a much bigger area if you want it too. Frost has basically been dethroned as defence king.

I feel Limbo is better at other things besides defense and he takes a lot more to keep up his bubble (since it shrinks over time). Limbo is good at other things besides defense but Frost can defend a point and not have to worry about his bubble going down constantly.

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On 2019-09-09 at 5:54 AM, (PS4)TertulSee said:

Nidus isn’t as great as everyone says he is. I have over 1000 hours in Warframe. Nidus is good. Yes, but refusing to admit that he has problem is just stubborn. Nidus isn’t perfect. He falls off eventually albeit very difficult to make him fall off. He’s also not very good if most of the time, he doesn’t have enough time to get stacks before everything is dead. Nidus isn’t bad but he definitely does not need a nerf. 

Hildryn is just a frame I don’t like. Not everyone is supposed to like her. I do feel she has major problems of being too reliant on Adaptation. What you’re trying to do is bring toxicity to this seemly innocent topic just because it’s my opinion.

Does anyone here actually play Revenant as much as I do? There are many problems with Revenant. He’s not the perfect frame. I use him for general gameplay and I can say, he’s not wrecking stuff like a Mesa would or something. To be honest, I think it is you who needs to spend more time on these frames. They aren’t as great as you think especially for the content I bring them to. 

1000 hours is that all? That's nothing. See the problem OP is that a lot of people make these tier lists(we have hundreds) and in this instance, your knowledge of the game is clearly lacking. That's why many are not taking you seriously, you have made literally dozens of false statements without knowing it and it seems that if you do not play a frame much, you simply give it a bad rating regardless of your lack of experience with using it. I mean out of the many, many errors you've made, let's take Loki as an example - "All he has is Radial Disarm"... Right.. all he has is an ability that scales endlessly to max level enemies, not to mention things like Savior Decoy which again, in deep endgame where you've never been, is an absolute godsend. And then there's Hildryn, a frame that you say is barely above garbage tier.. I mean as you can see in this short video I literally CANNOT DIE, even when standing in a nullifier bubble to ensure I have no abilities but yeh you're right... garbage frame. 1000 hours in this game is not very much, I suggest you keep playing and learning.


Edited by Zilchy
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1 minute ago, Zilchy said:

1000 hours is that all? That's nothing. See the problem OP is that a lot of people make these tier lists(we have hundreds) and in this instance, your knowledge of the game is clearly lacking. That's why many are not taking you seriously, you have made literally dozens of false statements without knowing it and it seems that if you do not play a frame much, you simply give it a bad rating regardless of your lack of experience with using it. I mean out of the many, many errors you've made, let's take Loki as an example - "All he has is Radial Disarm"... Right.. all he has is an ability that scales endlessly to max level enemies, not to mention things like Savior Decoy which again, in deep endgame where you've never been, is an absolute godsend. And then there's Hildryn, a frame that you say is barely above garbage tier.. I mean as you can see in this short video I literally CANNOT DIE, even when standing in a nullifier bubble to ensure I have no abilities but yeh you're right... garbage frame. 1000 hours in this game is not very much, I suggest you keep playing and learning.


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There are no tiers to frames. Every frame can be made to be viable with the right mods and the right playstyle.

And this is why there are such contradictions between players. If you like to play Wukong, you'll imediatly say he is not B or A but S. Same with Nova, Baruuk, Nyx etc.

We all have our builds and playstyle and we all use the frames with a slightly different mods to reflect how we want to play the game.

For example, op said Baruuk is B. I would say he is S. Because my build and playstyle makes him an S.

I saw Gara with S, but i would give her an A. Same reason. I do not enjoy Gara as much as my Nidus or Baruuk. And i feel that these 2 can outperform Gara with the right tools.

And the funny thing is, there is no common ground. Because everyone will bring proof of what they say. Because all frames, with the right build and playstyle are S.

Even Ember.

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6 hours ago, Zilchy said:

1000 hours is that all? That's nothing. See the problem OP is that a lot of people make these tier lists(we have hundreds) and in this instance, your knowledge of the game is clearly lacking. That's why many are not taking you seriously, you have made literally dozens of false statements without knowing it and it seems that if you do not play a frame much, you simply give it a bad rating regardless of your lack of experience with using it. I mean out of the many, many errors you've made, let's take Loki as an example - "All he has is Radial Disarm"... Right.. all he has is an ability that scales endlessly to max level enemies, not to mention things like Savior Decoy which again, in deep endgame where you've never been, is an absolute godsend. And then there's Hildryn, a frame that you say is barely above garbage tier.. I mean as you can see in this short video I literally CANNOT DIE, even when standing in a nullifier bubble to ensure I have no abilities but yeh you're right... garbage frame. 1000 hours in this game is not very much, I suggest you keep playing and learning.


While I do agree I do have to play more (I already spent too much time playing this game), you don’t get the point. I know what Loki can do. I know he can do stuff that’s absolutely insane. He’s a versatile frame. However, he’s not perfect. He’s good at normal content but not good enough to be completely broken and make every other frame in the game useless. I don’t care how much he can take. I care about how he can be used. I’m simply saying he’s overrated. I rated him low because he’s not that great in new content. He’s still the same old Loki but the content is growing past him. He lacks the huge diversity gap now. Most frames can do something like ESO or an Arbitration. Loki technically can do that but he has to rely more on his weapons that he himself which is the problem. He can do the content but he’s not really good at anything anymore.


5 hours ago, Zilchy said:

A friend suggested I practice the shawzin while Hildryn attempts to die. As you can see, I suck at the Shawzin but I still couldn't die.


Hildryn, on the other hand, is really tanky, and a better tank than Rhino (from a tank stand point). However, that’s all she is. The very specific build that makes her completely invincible is noted but really, the rest of her kit feel clunky and slow. She’s good for people who can deal with that but I don’t like that type of style. This is an opinion. 

Finally, people who’ve spent too much time on this game has got to really stop trying to make themselves look bad. Grow up and live life. I said my opinion and my opinions can be wrong. However, all you guys do is come here to insult me because of how I’m “wrong”. I’m 100% confident that a lot of you haven’t really stretched out these frame like I have. All of you only take the frame to favorable conditions but never talk about that one area that frame sucks in and how bad they suck at it. Everyone in here is getting toxic. I thought this would be something fun to talk about but from what I’ve seen, there is nothing but hatred because I “underrated” your favorite frame. I tried to take the least bias view and I summarized a lot of the problem I had with the frame. This is my list and make your own. I spent quite a bit of time testing and playing all these frame. Here’s how all of them stand in terms of general usability. 

Edited by (PS4)TertulSee
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9 hours ago, (PS4)TertulSee said:

While I do agree I do have to play more (I already spent too much time playing this game), you don’t get the point. I know what Loki can do. I know he can do stuff that’s absolutely insane. He’s a versatile frame. However, he’s not perfect. He’s good at normal content but not good enough to be completely broken and make every other frame in the game useless. I don’t care how much he can take. I care about how he can be used. I’m simply saying he’s overrated. I rated him low because he’s not that great in new content. He’s still the same old Loki but the content is growing past him. He lacks the huge diversity gap now. Most frames can do something like ESO or an Arbitration. Loki technically can do that but he has to rely more on his weapons that he himself which is the problem. He can do the content but he’s not really good at anything anymore.


Hildryn, on the other hand, is really tanky, and a better tank than Rhino (from a tank stand point). However, that’s all she is. The very specific build that makes her completely invincible is noted but really, the rest of her kit feel clunky and slow. She’s good for people who can deal with that but I don’t like that type of style. This is an opinion. 

Finally, people who’ve spent too much time on this game has got to really stop trying to make themselves look bad. Grow up and live life. I said my opinion and my opinions can be wrong. However, all you guys do is come here to insult me because of how I’m “wrong”. I’m 100% confident that a lot of you haven’t really stretched out these frame like I have. All of you only take the frame to favorable conditions but never talk about that one area that frame sucks in and how bad they suck at it. Everyone in here is getting toxic. I thought this would be something fun to talk about but from what I’ve seen, there is nothing but hatred because I “underrated” your favorite frame. I tried to take the least bias view and I summarized a lot of the problem I had with the frame. This is my list and make your own. I spent quite a bit of time testing and playing all these frame. Here’s how all of them stand in terms of general usability. 

Here's what you need to realise, Warframe is extremely easy, ANY frame can easily manage all of the normal content in this game ie ESO, Arbis etc hell I've killed Eidolons with Excalibur cos I was bored. What makes a frame strong is it's ability to push beyond into deep endgame and frames with endless scaling abilities are the ones that then shine. You claim I haven't used a frame as much as you have but with only about 1000 hours played that simply isn't true. Just cos Saryn can do ESO better than others doesn't make her a godly frame cos ESO is only one tiny part of the game and have you ever taken Inaros to enemies past say level 5000? I highly doubt it or you'd see just how little he offers the group's effort. Saying a frame is good for normal content and rating it because of this is laughable because all normal content in this game is a joke and can be beaten with a well modded MK1 Braton and a good knowledge of the game which you seem to be lacking. I mean hell, you state Mesa is a good ESO frame but not Volt? Really? Volt will out DPS Saryn with the right setup and with much less effort required.

Edited by Zilchy
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Valkyr is absolute garbo tier.

She has a S#&$ty team buff that can't be recast as needed, that also serves as a bad slow. A terrible exalted weapon that, while very powerful, is awful for killing much beyond touch range, and her 1 completely superfluous. Her 3 is a nice CC with its augment, but 'cmon, it's a long ways from making up for the rest of her kit. Would never willingly choose her or request someone play her in any team comp for any mission.

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1 hour ago, Zilchy said:

Here's what you need to realise, Warframe is extremely easy, ANY frame can easily manage all of the normal content in this game ie ESO, Arbis etc hell I've killed Eidolons with Excalibur cos I was bored. What makes a frame strong is it's ability to push beyond into deep endgame and frames with endless scaling abilities are the ones that then shine. You claim I haven't used a frame as much as you have but with only about 1000 hours played that simply isn't true. Just cos Saryn can do ESO better than others doesn't make her a godly frame cos ESO is only one tiny part of the game and have you ever taken Inaros to enemies past say level 5000? I highly doubt it or you'd see just how little he offers the group's effort. Saying a frame is good for normal content and rating it because of this is laughable because all normal content in this game is a joke and can be beaten with a well modded MK1 Braton and a good knowledge of the game which you seem to be lacking. I mean hell, you state Mesa is a good ESO frame but not Volt? Really? Volt will out DPS Saryn with the right setup and with much less effort required.

You're still not getting what I'm saying. I don't care how far a frame can be taken to. I've ran a solo Mot with Mag and came out hours later absolutely fine. What I'm talking about it just how efficient they are and how often you're going to be using their abilities to their full capacity. I can literally take any frame beyond level 200 (and done so on many occasions). As a person who has played since endless runs were a thing, I know how well they can stay up in even the most extreme scenarios. However, no reasonable human being would do that now. This list is made with those people in mind. People who do normal content on a daily basis. I do long survival runs for fun all the time but you're being unreasonably harsh. Grow a better attitude. I'm not talking about how far you can push them. I've stressed tested each and every one of these frames and I know how far they can usually go. This list completely ignores that aspect because it's for casuals. If you can't accept that fact, this list isn't for you. I made this list with the knowledge that there will be people who disagree with me. However, you are pushing the boundaries of a healthy conversation and a rant.

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22 minutes ago, (PS4)TertulSee said:

 This list completely ignores that aspect because it's for casuals.

You probably should've stressed that right at the start cos at no point have you said that and instead all we have is a tier list from your vast experience playing the game. Most of the people telling you you're wrong, wouldn't have reacted the same if you'd just admitted that instead of saying "i have 1000 hours, I doubt anyone has pushed Revenant as far as I have" etc.

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