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Catchmoon is being nerfed...


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2 hours ago, Viges said:

"Ok, let me look into our database for the most used weapons real quick ...and Done.

Balance pass in 2019 - check."



The reason they are nerfing it now is the release of a new pack of weapons with kuva leechers. So they nerf current meta weapons to create new chasing ones. It's pretty obvious, lazy and lame at the same time.

You are so innocent ...

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11 minutes ago, i_am-backswing said:

What you're describing is called power creep.  When everything gets buffed, content falls behind, and the game becomes boring.  Outliers need to be changed to prevent a single "necessary" loadout.


the single "necessary" loadout doesn't exist for someone who's not the patience to sit past 20m on arbitration survival.

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8 hours ago, Draxenfeuer said:

The problem is this. When you can have enemies that are anywhere upto level 1000 or more on occasion you need to have weapons that are capable of taking them down. Once you have a weapon though that is capable of taking those high level opponents why would you use anything else for dealing with most lower level enemies. Nerfing them is not the answer. If you nef them you leave players with a much harder job or even impossible job when dealing with the otherwise stupidly high level enemies 

How often does wf content require you to fight those enemies though. I’m all for endgame and for making the game harder. But currently up until 30+ minutes in a T4 you can kill pretty much anything. With any weapon. Wf is not hard. Them needing this weapon because it wa too strong isn’t an issue at all. When half of mr27 players are using this because it outperforms there isn’t an issue with that at all but they had a right to bring it in and make the content more balanced 

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I honestly wouldn't be too salty if Catchmoon got nerfed. Maybe if they disabled headshots like with the Arca Plasmor I would. But the weapon is obviously very strong, and might be deserving of a stat change.

What I don't understand is why nerf the Riven dispo first. If the weapon is strictly overpowered & its popularity has nothing to do with Riven mods, why nerf the Rivens before the weapon? If the plan is to destroy the disposition then nerf the weapon into the ground later, I think that's a really stupid way of balancing the game.

I think there needs to be more going into disposition balancing, like some way of determining if the weapons popularity is stemming from Riven mods or the weapon just being blatantly overpowered. Otherwise every new weapon that is too strong will see a dispo nerf to 0.5, then the weapon gets nerfed into obscurity and now nobody uses it. It just doesn't seem logical to me.

Strong weapons need low Riven dispositions, but overpowered weapons need their base stats to be looked at again. These are not the same thing. Disposition updates are not a substitute for actual stat balancing.

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4 minutes ago, Circle_of_Psi said:

Is that it?, Just the Range, no damage nerf or riven nerf?

Range and damage falloff, if I'm not mistaken (so it will do less damage at the very end of its reach). There may be a Riven change, but I'm not certain.

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1 hour ago, Walkampf said:

.HOWEVER DEs problem is not nerfing to often, it's nerfing far to little.

Or too late,

catchmoon should have been nerfed in the first few months of release. Shows that they don't really play test their game and rely on players to actually use it first. 

When The riven dispo changes made no difference to the usage, it must have been a wakeup call. 

With that being said they usually don't do "too little too late" they do "too much too hastily", I still remember the way s simulor was hammered and thrown into a singularity of its own. 

But I feel the current changes should align it to the rest of the Secondaries in A class atleast. I hope. 

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17 minutes ago, z3us32610 said:

They reduced the range from 40m to 20m and falloff is 8-16 instead of 10-20, I believe. I believe they also said the damage at falloff is coming down too but not certain.

Personally, it doesn't matter to me a bit because I got bored with the Catchmoon months ago. (Not that anyone cares what I think, just wanted to fill ya in on the stats they said were changing)

Ah, thanks for the clarification! Prisma Twin Grems are always going to be my favorite.

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I am sick to death of de being lazy when it comes to weapon balancing, find out why people use that weapon and bring the other weapons up to par, the oh its popular and over used let's nerf it is just silly and frustrating for all parties involved. 


While we're on the subject of on par this would have been a perfect time to make exilus slots for non kitgun weapons a way to balance things instead of just a quality of life no dps increase function.

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2 minutes ago, (PS4)FeFiFoeFlo said:

find out why people use that weapon and bring the other weapons up to par

There are far more problems with this approach.

Do you want damage inflation? Because that's how you get damage inflation.

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6 minutes ago, (PS4)FeFiFoeFlo said:

I am sick to death of de being lazy when it comes to weapon balancing, find out why people use that weapon and bring the other weapons up to par

This is power creep. Enemies are hardly challenging enough as it is, and the last thing the game needs is to make weapons as broken as the Catchmoon.

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1 hour ago, Vyra said:

The only real problem i have is, i put work in my guns, then they get nerfed,
At this point i lose fun. Its like you're at work and do all right and you build up something working and then someone from the top decides to ruin all of your work.

And yeah game needs some sort of balancing.

Grinding 350.000 kuva for a riven

Then 20 hours of farming to craft the parts. Fine tuning testing. To then get it destroyed and made pointless in 1 patch

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1 minute ago, (PS4)Tomplexthis said:

Grinding 350.000 kuva for a riven

Then 20 hours of farming to craft the parts. Fine tuning testing. To then get it destroyed and made pointless in 1 patch

The weapon's only getting a range and falloff nerf. You can still 1shot the world with it, now you just have to be closer to do it. Chill.

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1 minute ago, Pizzarugi said:

The weapon's only getting a range and falloff nerf. You can still 1shot the world with it, now you just have to be closer to do it. Chill.

No. Maybe i dont wanna chill. Maybe i wanna start a ruckus. And prorest nerfs. Maybe i have a point a view tgat differs from others. Maybe others agree. Maybe DE needs more coffee. And less of that green brewed beverage they so oftenly seek to comfort them from ye...

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From what i saw on reddit, catchmoon's damage will be 50% lower. Also, falloff will be 10-20 from 20-40 with -90% damage at 20m from -33% at 40m.

So if you hit enemy who is 20m far from you, your dealing is 5% after nerf. I used catchmoon for 0.3% of my playtime so i don't care about nerf anyway.

Its look is so ugly...

Edited by Rhymejelly
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