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Catchmoon is being nerfed...


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11 minutes ago, (PS4)Tomplexthis said:

At least your topics dont get deleted.

Twice now my topics vanished.

Great. Not locked. Just poof

-? My topic was moved into this topic. All my comments and replies to it shoved into this 1. Interesting

Why do you act so surprised? If you're gonna make a new thread on an existing topic, it's gonna get merged with a thread already talking about that topic. Especially if people are going to spam their salt over a nerf that you could see coming. 


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7 hours ago, MonsterOfMyOwn said:

tbh the OP stat of the catchmoon is the crit chance, not the base damage

The OP stats of the Catchmoon are wide AoE with infinite body punch through. Base damage and crits stats help to clear swarms of weak to medium enemies. Catchmoon is a convenience weapon, the fact that Tysis (without Riven, before some smartass mentions it) will kill a lvl 165 HG faster than Catchmoon ever could is not apparent to 95% of the player base.

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As far as I'm concerned, Catchmoon was pretty nuts to begin with.  Big projectile that flies further/faster then Arca Plasmor, hits out to 40m, can easily hit 100% SC (I use Zipfire)?  It's bonkers.  This sort of nerf's the only way they can balance it out.

As far as practical use post-nerf... Y'all like Glaives?

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The best part about this nerf, doesn't the new exilus slot allow +projectile speed mods/you can put lethal momentum in the exilus slot on your catchmoon to increase it's falloff range.  Riven mods can do this as well.  So really if you want it to be better, get a riven with +projectile speed on it to improve DPS and put lethal momentum in the exilus slot.  

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15 hours ago, NightBlitz said:

well, honestly, most people probably use it only cus it wipes out entire groups of enemies with no effort.

and be honest, its not the case that ther other secondaries arent usable, there are plenty of usable secondaries, its just that catchmoon is so strong that it invalidates the others and too many players got used to that.

Pretty much this. Throw in extensive controller use and it's a good choice since you can't aim for diddly-squat. 

I use the thing. It does work and work well. It's not my most used secondary, and I use the PTG more than it. However, there are some scenarios where it is the best choice /cougharbitrations/cough. 

So. It's getting nerfed. OK. Doesn't really bother me much. AoE weapons really are out of control and all need to be reined in. 

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53 minutes ago, Rhymejelly said:

From what i saw on reddit, catchmoon's damage will be 50% lower. Also, falloff will be 10-20 from 20-40 with -90% damage at 20m from -33% at 40m.

So if you hit enemy who is 20m far from you, your dealing is 5% after nerf. I used catchmoon for 0.3% of my playtime so i don't care about nerf anyway.

Its look is so ugly...

Reddit troll is obvious reddit troll, or someone stuck behind a language barrier. Whoever posted those implied changes probably didnt understand what was said. Looking at those numbers I expect the 50% damage reduction comes from the effective fall off range being cut in half and the -90% damage likely comes from missunderstanding the maximum fall off damage i.e likely going from -33% to somewhere in the -60% range.

No previous gun that is effected by fall off exceeds the -75% mark. And looking though similar items, we should assume that Catchmoon will end up somewhere between Arca P and Fulmin primary fire at -66% and a possible max range nerfed from 47m down to 40m flat. It is afterall a modular item, so should be slightly better that a few mid MR star chart heroes.


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That was expected. Since the Fortuna update I've been doing 90% of my missions without even having a primary weapon equipped. There was no reason to use anything but the Catchmoon and a melee. Now I might dust off my old Arca Plasmor. 

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So looking through the stream again on YT the nerf will be the following.

Fall off damage starts at 10m and hits the cap at 20m. Reduction will indeed be 90% as someone has claimed, or atleast so is their wording on the stream. Total range also seems to be reduced to 20m from 40m.

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33 minutes ago, TzXtetriC said:

Has it already been nerfed? Coz its still doing high dmg

nope. the nerf is coming in the upcoming mainline

on the bright side though, if less players start to use it, its riven despacito would increase. (though I would miss my 69% multishot)

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19 hours ago, Psianide73 said:

...due to 50% of the playerbase using it.


Edit... I'm not bothered, I favour diversity/playing things for fun.

Doubt it.
Its a way to piss of half the community and there are other OP things that don't get nerfed (not starting this argument but Saryn)

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5 hours ago, ShortCat said:

The OP stats of the Catchmoon are wide AoE with infinite body punch through. Base damage and crits stats help to clear swarms of weak to medium enemies. Catchmoon is a convenience weapon, the fact that Tysis (without Riven, before some smartass mentions it) will kill a lvl 165 HG faster than Catchmoon ever could is not apparent to 95% of the player base.

Tysis is good,  but players simply don’t like to use it. I am not sure why. I don’t use Tysis much either because the design is ugly and mechanics are bad. Players like certain weapons over others for many reasons. Damage potential is just one of them and nerfing a weapon just because too many players like it and that it is powerful is not good for the game. 

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i remember saying on the last riven dispo thread that ill never stop using catchmoon....guess i was wrong
all kitguns are better then most of the secondaries so whats next ?!!!

why not lock it behind some greater wall instead

catchmoon is popular due to it decent dmg & large hitbox, does it need to fall on seer category so "mid tier players" can use something else ?!!!

if it so op which i think it don't why was it even released in first place ?!!!

hope it makes u sleep better at night Pablo coz i wont lmao




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The Catchmoon is great, but I always loved the Tombfinger more, and for the past month or so, the Gaze has been my favorite.

Anyways, it's kinda surprising the meme is actually real. It's like when you see a bunch of Rhinos in the Index. I honestly didn't think that many people were using the Catchmoon. Those stats were hilarious. 😂

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