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Catchmoon is being nerfed...


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Nope, not alone, over 7k hours spent between all accounts and don't want to spend one more minute in the game, Still gonna help my gf in the this Ignis Wraith Spam world that warframe had become, tried to make her play this game for over a year, loved so much thing in this update, but I don't want to play anymore, Isn't fun, isn't pleasent, have more stuff to do with my time

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2 minutes ago, __suko said:

Nope, not alone, over 7k hours spent between all accounts and don't want to spend one more minute in the game, Still gonna help my gf in the this Ignis Wraith Spam world that warframe had become, tried to make her play this game for over a year, loved so much thing in this update, but I don't want to play anymore, Isn't fun, isn't pleasent, have more stuff to do with my time

Then why are you still here commenting on the game that is no longer fun to you anymore? If I were you I would just avoid anything that is related to Warframe at this point, it just a waste of mental energy.

Edited by DrivaMain
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I noticed that those who have minimal forum rep and posts usually are the ones who played longer in game and vice versa. LOL

Anyway, I just googled "warframe catchmoon nerf" and it gave me this link because I just wanted to know what they did. I loved catchmoon and enjoyed using it, but I am always ready for DE doing stuff like this, so even if I feel bad I'd just move on and use another gun and wait for the next catchmoon. Managing expectations saves me the stress. 

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On 2019-10-29 at 6:23 PM, T.Hoagie said:

Yeah, it doesn't. At max rank it has 40-45% chance to give you a massive energy boost of around 100 extra energy per energy orb pick up. And its not worth it to just use double maxed out energizes, at least IMO.

To get Arcane energize we have to run the Tridolon bounty, it has around a 5% drop chance, and you have to CAPTURE the Hydrolist, not kill it or it won't drop it. RNG pretty much ensures that you're gonna be running this bounty A LOT to max out Arcane energize if you don't just drop Plat for it to spare yourself the work.

In short, it takes either a lot of work or plat to get this. OP is either trolling or just outright lying and should be nerfed instead.



A 5%drop chance is a fancy way of saying theres a 95% chance you won't get it... lol


If we're talking 2 sets of arcane energize that is a freaking absurd level of investment for most people considering they go for about 2k per rank 3 set on console and grinding out 20 of them would take a rediculous amount of hydrolyst captures. I have 50something harry caps (not that many I know) and I've gotten it to drop maybe twice.

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On 2019-10-25 at 4:55 AM, Psianide73 said:

...due to 50% of the playerbase using it.


Edit... I'm not bothered, I favour diversity/playing things for fun.

dont care i run around with twin viper wraith at times with 6 forma or prisma angstrom , anything i feel like using on that day, catchmoon nerfed big whoop use something else

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3 hours ago, (XB1)ECCHO SIERRA said:

A 5%drop chance is a fancy way of saying theres a 95% chance you won't get it... lol


If we're talking 2 sets of arcane energize that is a freaking absurd level of investment for most people considering they go for about 2k per rank 3 set on console and grinding out 20 of them would take a rediculous amount of hydrolyst captures. I have 50something harry caps (not that many I know) and I've gotten it to drop maybe twice.

Yup, I generally look at it that way. 95% chance you won't get it.

I'm not sure how well two full sets of Arcane energize would stack for energy boosts, but like I said before, two sets seems like overkill to me and cuts out more useful arcanes.

And yeah, the amount of time and investment...no thanks.

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14 hours ago, jumbomikehotdog said:

I noticed that those who have minimal forum rep and posts usually are the ones who played longer in game and vice versa. LOL

Anyway, I just googled "warframe catchmoon nerf" and it gave me this link because I just wanted to know what they did. I loved catchmoon and enjoyed using it, but I am always ready for DE doing stuff like this, so even if I feel bad I'd just move on and use another gun and wait for the next catchmoon. Managing expectations saves me the stress. 

cause we are rarely bothered by forum and you rarely find logic here, heck i joined the forums after 2 and half years of playing the game.. 5100hr in game 

and yes there are many other weapons to use in secondary which can be made godly ... 

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On 2019-11-01 at 7:00 PM, TheDeuler said:

I have spent weeks to months building up to having a top tier kit gun(catchmoon) and a melee with great combo use (tipedo prime) both with rivens and both will all the bells and whistles. now I have them destroyed by the recent changes. I am struggling to see a reason to keep playing when all I have worked for got turned into 3 forma and 1 max mod. can anyone give me a reason to keep playing after everything I've worked so hard for has been destroyed? or should I just quit now before it happens again?


big whoop use something else, this is warframe tonkor and simulor was the meta once, so was boltace, things change

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On 2019-10-30 at 7:13 AM, Oreades said:

In most instances I'd choose neither because most of my builds are pretty darn self sufficient and the few that are kinda borderline I have Zenurik. 

Buuuut because the only occasion that it feels like I "need" energy now Now NOW, is when we get slathered with Leeching/Parasitic Eximus..... I'd have to go with Energy Pizzas 

energy pizza obviously, why waste arcane slot with energise, most endurance missions in group willhave a trinity, i use avenger and fury


On 2019-10-28 at 6:59 AM, Ninjiii said:

What's all this big issue about...the game has been broken since the point, when weapon crafting started to require MR. The idea in general is good, but why MR14 is max you need to craft anything if there are 30 Mastery ranks in total??? Push end game weapons to 20-30 MR and done. Same story for Catchmoon, make it no less than MR15 and majority of the problem is sorted (a bit late perhaps, since you only need MR to craft not to use). It's easy to craft it (only takes 1h) and any new player can use it, ofc everyone will !!!  Removing Rivens from Kitguns? not a bad idea, but that means Zaws shouldn't have any either, but i personally don't mind such change. Or maybe add a new feature for End game or any items, that requires certain MR to use the item, not just to craft.


On 2019-10-28 at 7:16 AM, Ninjiii said:

A lot of rubbish! Firstly...without an actual amount of players in these Mastery ranks it makes no sense. Secondly...even an idiot or noob will use weaker weapon at high MR, therefore it's absolutely obvious high MR players will stick to the best stuff, which will most likely vary a little and as a result people will use the same weapon. Thirdly...it's DE fault MR is needed for crafting only, but not for using the item, that's why simply lifting MR requirement will not fix the issue, cos it's too late. Fourthly...don't make things worse, make challenges harder by adding new content. Constantly nerfing things because people are too strong will get the game on the edge of boredom

actually a lot of player at high MR runs weaker items but not at secondary, we mostly experiment with primary and melee and a keep a hard hitting secondary on the side just in case, but i dont use catchmoon anyways, more of a lex prime/pyrana/twin gremlin guy

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The weapon is overnerfed and the fact that the nerf came as it did shows that DE has no respect for the time you invest in the game.
By that I don't just mean the repetative and boring task of putting forma on things, I mean that you have to slog through missions the way they want you to play, rather than gathering optimal tools to blast through the content you don't care about, so you can enjoy the content you do want to do in peace and quiet with the loadouts you think are actually fun.

There will always be a 'best' loadout and trying to deal with that as a problem rather than making other things fun or powerful to use, is a poor way of dealing with it.

I absolutely support undoing the nerf.

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On 2019-11-01 at 9:30 AM, TheDeuler said:

I have spent weeks to months building up to having a top tier kit gun(catchmoon) and a melee with great combo use (tipedo prime) both with rivens and both will all the bells and whistles. now I have them destroyed by the recent changes. I am struggling to see a reason to keep playing when all I have worked for got turned into 3 forma and 1 max mod. can anyone give me a reason to keep playing after everything I've worked so hard for has been destroyed? or should I just quit now before it happens again?


i mean if the only things you enjoyed about this game were two weapons (and for their stats at that) maybe you should quit, it doesn't sound like you actually enjoy this game all that much if so little ruins it for you. better to just move on to a game you actually enjoy for the fuller parts, as then when any minor change happens you'll still have a lot of stock in it overall for its actual design and gameplay experiences, which is what you should be looking for in game to invest your time in. honestly i doubt this game would last for you one way or the other if you don't enjoy it past some fringe minutia. 

Edited by Cubewano
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21 minutes ago, Smilomaniac said:

The weapon is overnerfed and the fact that the nerf came as it did shows that DE has no respect for the time you invest in the game.
By that I don't just mean the repetative and boring task of putting forma on things, I mean that you have to slog through missions the way they want you to play, rather than gathering optimal tools to blast through the content you don't care about, so you can enjoy the content you do want to do in peace and quiet with the loadouts you think are actually fun.

There will always be a 'best' loadout and trying to deal with that as a problem rather than making other things fun or powerful to use, is a poor way of dealing with it.

I absolutely support undoing the nerf.

I already un nerfed mine mostly. Just slap terminal velocity in the exilus slot. You're good to go. 

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On 2019-11-01 at 9:30 AM, TheDeuler said:

I have spent weeks to months building up to having a top tier kit gun(catchmoon) and a melee with great combo use (tipedo prime) both with rivens and both will all the bells and whistles. now I have them destroyed by the recent changes. I am struggling to see a reason to keep playing when all I have worked for got turned into 3 forma and 1 max mod. can anyone give me a reason to keep playing after everything I've worked so hard for has been destroyed? or should I just quit now before it happens again?


Use projectiasdl speed

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2 hours ago, Smilomaniac said:

The weapon is overnerfed and the fact that the nerf came as it did shows that DE has no respect for the time you invest in the game.
By that I don't just mean the repetative and boring task of putting forma on things, I mean that you have to slog through missions the way they want you to play, rather than gathering optimal tools to blast through the content you don't care about, so you can enjoy the content you do want to do in peace and quiet with the loadouts you think are actually fun.

There will always be a 'best' loadout and trying to deal with that as a problem rather than making other things fun or powerful to use, is a poor way of dealing with it.

I absolutely support undoing the nerf.

Power creep

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7 hours ago, (PS4)Mono-Pop said:

You’re the only person who thinks that.

Because I actually maxed out and tested out both weapons..? While many Catchmoon users never even used Staticor or never even played it or even build it correctly.

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4 minutes ago, --DSP-- said:

Because I actually maxed out and tested out both weapons..? While many Catchmoon users never even used Staticor or never even played it or even build it correctly.

Don't say that. We don't want our staticor to be nerfed if too many people started using it. Shhh!

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On 2019-10-25 at 3:47 AM, (XB1)Th3BelovedSaint said:

Or, it could just mean people find it fun to play with. Instead of doing real code development to make other weapons more fun, just nuke a weapon that your player base likes. That is lazy. There are a lot of people like me in the sector that plays the Catchmoon. People who have spent a lot of money on this game. We have spent money on this game, not as a pay to win, but because it is fun. I also find it inspiring that DE pulled themselves up by their bootstraps. Bottom line is, keep gutting frames, weapons, etc. That paying people find fun and the money will dry up. This is poorly thought out. It is a kneejerk reaction to numbers on a spreadsheet without taking the time to analyze them. Poorly thought out and hamfistedly executed. Dont know about you, but I was watching the chat after this was announced and there were a lot of posts of "I'm done!" Dont bother responding. I will not read tour response anyway.

nope, I dont buy it

mostly it looks like people choose it because it is op and they dont need to aim with it...

I could use it, have used it for months...but no, I instead created tombfinger which is giving me more fun, enjoy of using it while not to mention in 99% of instances when I get someone with catchmoon in group...I just hate it, I dont like it, this guy is just killing my fun of playing online this game

when I need to take most of enemies singly and with aiming which I like at all it is very annyoing whnever I debuff group of enemies, cc or anything to them to kill them easier/safer there is communing an jerk just clearing all of them at once in just moment without even thinking to aim to enemy or anything...he just run though this spamming shoot button and not thinking if he will get hit or miss because he dont need to even look at it to know he will get this hit on many enemies at once

Im glad nerf is comming for this kitgun and I hope much les people will still play with this pistol....it is real fun killer in most cases in group play for rest of the team, especially where they dont need anyone in group to carry them through mission...

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2 hours ago, Ikserdok said:

nope, I dont buy it

mostly it looks like people choose it because it is op and they dont need to aim with it...

I could use it, have used it for months...but no, I instead created tombfinger which is giving me more fun, enjoy of using it while not to mention in 99% of instances when I get someone with catchmoon in group...I just hate it, I dont like it, this guy is just killing my fun of playing online this game

when I need to take most of enemies singly and with aiming which I like at all it is very annyoing whnever I debuff group of enemies, cc or anything to them to kill them easier/safer there is communing an jerk just clearing all of them at once in just moment without even thinking to aim to enemy or anything...he just run though this spamming shoot button and not thinking if he will get hit or miss because he dont need to even look at it to know he will get this hit on many enemies at once

Im glad nerf is comming for this kitgun and I hope much les people will still play with this pistol....it is real fun killer in most cases in group play for rest of the team, especially where they dont need anyone in group to carry them through mission...

Dont really care if you "buy it" or not. I use it because it is fun. Also. I run with squads from my clan, so, nochance of "stealing" your fun. Have no fear, DE will eventually puke on something you do like. 

Nice chatting. Have fun.

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