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Catchmoon is being nerfed...


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1 hour ago, Peter said:

They were always like that, so the Rivens exist, saw that Catchmoon was better than 95% of the weapons and discouraged the purchase of Rivens so they will destroy it.

Why do you think disposition exists? simple, first week when a gun is released and the disposition is 1, then everyone buys and spends horrors but those who have less money are left, so the disposition drops to 0.8, those who bought sell for 20 ~ 30% below the price for those they wanted, and it happens again and again.

In the case of Catchmoon the weapon took the interest of the players from investing in simpler weapons, and without interest = no expense with Rivens.

Welcome to the "free to play".

I am not sure the platinum is the only reason, having the disposition in their contorted mind let them think you will find another weapon to use and wasting other time on it, forcing you to play the game. Now if this game was not casual and there was a real endgame most people would start to scream on the forum.

Edited by bibmobello
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1 hour ago, trst said:

There are just over 100 secondaries in the game not counting any kitguns. When nearly half of players are using it specifically it proves it's an extreme outlier for some reason.

Especially when the second most used secondary comes in at a staggering >1-5% usage.

Or, it could just mean people find it fun to play with. Instead of doing real code development to make other weapons more fun, just nuke a weapon that your player base likes. That is lazy. There are a lot of people like me in the sector that plays the Catchmoon. People who have spent a lot of money on this game. We have spent money on this game, not as a pay to win, but because it is fun. I also find it inspiring that DE pulled themselves up by their bootstraps. Bottom line is, keep gutting frames, weapons, etc. That paying people find fun and the money will dry up. This is poorly thought out. It is a kneejerk reaction to numbers on a spreadsheet without taking the time to analyze them. Poorly thought out and hamfistedly executed. Dont know about you, but I was watching the chat after this was announced and there were a lot of posts of "I'm done!" Dont bother responding. I will not read tour response anyway.

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1 minute ago, (XB1)Th3BelovedSaint said:

Or, it could just mean people find it fun to play with. Instead of doing real code development to make other weapons more fun, just nuke a weapon that your player base likes. That is lazy. There are a lot of people like me in the sector that plays the Catchmoon. People who have spent a lot of money on this game. We have spent money on this game, not as a pay to win, but because it is fun. I also find it inspiring that DE pulled themselves up by their bootstraps. Bottom line is, keep gutting frames, weapons, etc. That paying people find fun and the money will dry up. This is poorly thought out. It is a kneejerk reaction to numbers on a spreadsheet without taking the time to analyze them. Poorly thought out and hamfistedly executed. Dont know about you, but I was watching the chat after this was announced and there were a lot of posts of "I'm done!" Dont bother responding. I will not read tour response anyway.

Right. Because out of over 100 weapons it just so happens that 50% of players found this one gun more fun than the rest and don't use it for any other reason.

Also "I will not read your response anyway" is really cute. You may want to find an echo chamber to yell into and stay off public forums if you're incapable of handling any form of criticism.

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I will admit to Catchmoon being my favored secondary as nothing else that I have tried has come close to having the same enemy clearing capability. I have no problem with the nerf, firstly because the weapon is overpowered and secondly because I don't think it will significantly change how I use the weapon (although the range could hurt when I normally have it matched with the Arca Plasmor).

My question to anyone who has finished their complaining - if you are going to stop using the Catchmoon, what are you going to use instead?

Of the secondaries I've seen mentioned in this tread so far, Akarius is forever in reload, Detron/Mara Detron I didn't find all that powerful (I might need to play with the builds, feel free to suggest), Sonicor I enjoyed using for the ragdoll effect but it hurts my eyes after a while and Staticor I haven't yet built (waiting on a free weapon slot). Any other decent suggestions?

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5 minutes ago, (PS4)crashteddy03 said:

I will admit to Catchmoon being my favored secondary as nothing else that I have tried has come close to having the same enemy clearing capability. I have no problem with the nerf, firstly because the weapon is overpowered and secondly because I don't think it will significantly change how I use the weapon (although the range could hurt when I normally have it matched with the Arca Plasmor).

My question to anyone who has finished their complaining - if you are going to stop using the Catchmoon, what are you going to use instead?

Of the secondaries I've seen mentioned in this tread so far, Akarius is forever in reload, Detron/Mara Detron I didn't find all that powerful (I might need to play with the builds, feel free to suggest), Sonicor I enjoyed using for the ragdoll effect but it hurts my eyes after a while and Staticor I haven't yet built (waiting on a free weapon slot). Any other decent suggestions?

And when everyone will use the mara detron it will nerfed the same. The build it's pretty obvious, 100 status chance, it's not powerful like the catchmoon but against armored enemies it's will totally strip their armor in 3-4 hits and on high levels it will probably kill some enemies much faster than a catchmoon or just finish them with a viral slash melee...But if you need something good to destroy everything without aiming the fulmin is better than a catchmoon, it's even silent.

Edited by bibmobello
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Только что, bibmobello сказал:

And when everyone will use the mara detron it will nerfed the same. The build it's pretty obvious, 100 status chance, it's not powerful like the catchmoon but against armored enemies it's will totally strip their armor in 3-4 hits and on high levels it will probably kill some enemies much faster or just finish them with a viral slash melee...

xcept you put a mag in point blank just to kill one sortie 3 mook. and god help you if that's a "augmented shields" sortie 3

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6 minutes ago, Miyabi-sama said:

xcept you put a mag in point blank just to kill one sortie 3 mook. and god help you if that's a "augmented shields" sortie 3

You can use mara with detron gas+magnetic or a tysis but seriously even with augmented shield with a good melee with impact and viral  or everything with gas and high status and you will probably wipe out everything.

Edited by bibmobello
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data from the stream, weapons listed for "equip time" for mr 27 players

01 catchmoon    51.34%
02 tombfinger    5.22%
03 rattleguts    5.04%
04 pyranna p    4.92%
05 staticor    3.04%
06 akarius    2.97%
07 cyanex    2.70%
08 gaze        1.81%

i think the high time equiped is mostly because we go to the arbitrations with the catchmoon to kill the drones faster, even if we use melee to kill everything else, for normal missions i usually go with another weapon, because using the catchmoon it can be as annoying as using ignis or amprex or a maiming strike macro for other players

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2 hours ago, taiiat said:

the Weapon is overhyped anyways, it essentially performs the worst at high Levels (Rattleguts does end up struggling the most though), and provides essentially no benefits at lower Levels.
in most of the content that the 99% see, there's far more practical choices than it, due to that almost no benefits at lower Levels facet.

Weird, my rattleguts is amazing, and shreds high level enemies with a riven. I'm not complaining, just surprised. 

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1 hour ago, (XB1)I eat GABAGE said:

On the newest prime time it was shown to us that the catchmoon is being used about as much as all the other secondaries combined. While I agree that the problem needs to addressed. I feel like DEs mindset is entirely in the wrong place. Instead of continuously nerfing the catchmoon they should instead buff other secondaries to make them morr competitive to the catchmoon. I feel as though the proposed changes to the catchmoon and other similar shotguns will not make a noticable enough difference in the choice between catchmoon vs the rest of the secondary arsenal. It is upsetting to me that the reaction to a weapon being used too much is to just try and smack it out of our hands. When you destroyed the trinity nuke i stopped playing for months and I will likely do the same when you nerf my catchmoon and fulmin into the ground. The catchmoon and fulmin are fun... Why not make other weapons more fun instead of trying the take away the fun we are having? Please rebalance how you consider your balancing. >_>

Yes, and Amen!

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2 minutes ago, enemystand said:

data from the stream, weapons listed for "equip time" for mr 27 players

01 catchmoon    51.34%
02 tombfinger    5.22%
03 rattleguts    5.04%
04 pyranna p    4.92%
05 staticor    3.04%
06 akarius    2.97%
07 cyanex    2.70%
08 gaze        1.81%

i think the high time equiped is mostly because we go to the arbitrations with the catchmoon to kill the drones faster, even if we use melee to kill everything else, for normal missions i usually go with another weapon, because using the catchmoon it can be as annoying as using ignis or amprex or a maiming strike macro for other players

I kill the drones with other "unconventional" weapons... i can't find that page on steam, can you link it?

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