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Riven mods not displaying the right stats when applied to the weapon

I got pretty unlucky with my Catchmoon riven and had something like 26% reload speed and 70% crit chance (great roll btw).
Today I was in region chat and we were talking about some nerfs. Of course Catchmoon's came up and someone suggested some mods to "fix" it. That's not the point of this post.
I checked out my dusty Catchmoon today and wanted to re-roll it. To my surprise the stats were FAR higher than last time.

+52% Reload Speed
+145,3% Crit Chance

This are not (sadly) my old riven stats.
^Base Crit Chance and Reload Speed^
35% C.Chance
1.3 s Reload

In fact when I applied it to my gun this was the result

^C.Chance & Reload Speed with Riven^
35% + "146,3%" = roughly 86% C.Chance
1.3 + "52%" = roughly 0.6 s

Actual result ->  +73% C.Chance and +26% Reload speed.

For as much as I wish those numbers were true (or higher) the riven didn't get those results.

If you guys wanna change the game to align with what my riven says I'd be more than glad to receive that change, but I guess it's too good to be true and I need more Kuva, don't I?

My other rivens don't seem to have this problem, my Plague-Kripath riven is showing the right stats, just my Catchmoon

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The "Initial Combo" effect has an interaction with heavy attacks where there is a moment after the heavy attack during which you have no combo counter, and then it gives you the initial again, rather than maintaining that initial combo the whole time. 


I'm unsure if this is intended behavior, or if this was an oversight, but I recorded a short clip here https://youtu.be/boBTJisGONU

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Kuva larvlings doesn't spawn even after the light flickers. Not sure if this is intended but it has happened alot lately. I've been trying to get a kuva larvling to spawn and the light flickers most of the time, but neither a kuva guardian appears or a kuva larvling. I've been running all kinds of missions but I get the same result. I've been swaping weapons and warframes for the missions I've been playing but I get the same results as before. As I said, not sure if this is intended or a bug, seems like a bug to me

Edited by Ljuvrl
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Kuva Lich Ally still seems broken but it's a different problem to the vanquished ones showing up...

I was doing a Survival Kuva Lich Mission on Saturn... Initially it was just the host and myself until two more random people joined...

During the mission, I get a transmission from a Kuva Lich which wasn't my current adversary. , but it also wasn't any of my previous vanquished or converted Lich... Then a blue NPC marker appears next to me and starts following me around for about a minute before another transmission and he dissappears... Only thing is I didn't recognise the name of the Kuva Lich and after exiting the match I went to check the name, it was neither of my two converted Kuva Liches nor the six Vanquished ones I had at the time...


Screenshot of the Kuva Lich Ally following me around, none of my teammates were anywhere near me



This is the list of the Kuva Liches I had vanquished and converted unknown.png?width=1029&height=579


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3 hours ago, .rtk said:

Yy0DZIbSg8o.jpgHi,my bug is very invicible kuva lich.
I have all need mods for my parazon but when I kill my lich Lok is no correctly mod
I try killing him 6 times.
But I can't it because impossible.
If your team repair and fixed this bug is will be grand patch.


You have the wrong 3rd mod equipped; in your second screenshot, the mods you need to use are in the bottom right, and the mods you currently have equipped are in the top right.

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Hi, today I encountered a bug two times that prevents me to defeat my litch. After getting first portion of her health down, I do the parazon attack (first mod is correct), but the parazon animation doesn't happen nor does the game tell me about the mod being correct. After I press x to use the parazon, the boss turns invincible/dissappears, including their health bar. I can still hear the boss music and other team members are able to see her and damage her. I can see the 'enemy' marking if someone from squad has marked her and with meleeing I'm able to see blood splatters when I manage to hit her. The boss doesn't target me at all nor her ability attacks hit me. I'm unable to use parazon on the boss even when the team says she's down.

After the match is over I was able to see straight away that my middle mod has been incorrect the two times this happened (I switched the middle mod in between), even though I can't fight after the first parazon attack. Currently I know 2/3 hints and I know what the correct order is with the known mods. I only have one mod left to be tested out, but I haven't tested it out yet, as I don't know if the same bug occurs third time in a row. I was able to fight the boss normally yesterday.

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44 minutes ago, Znekark said:

hello while i was playing warframe i think i came across a bug that kuva lich doesn't have any weakness and quirk. it happen at Lua:Plato that i had an idea what would happen if operator killed a kuva larva and pressed x on it as an operator and i got lidii hoarabb kuva lich as result. then while i was hunting after him i noticed that aggro bar didn't lower at all when i died a few times so i thought it might be because i killed the kuva larva as an operator. so i vanquish the kuva lich so that i hope the new lich would have weakness and quirk again. i didn't dare to convert him that i don't know what would happen if i did. when i killed another kuva larva at Lua:Plato as warframe not as operator this time. then i got orgg fuho kuva lich and doesn't have weakness and quirk too. so i don't know what to do so i thought i should report this 


My Kuva Lich also doesn't have a quirk. They were created by Octavia on Adaro with a melee attack (NA Region). I converted him last night, but he's still quirkless. (screenshot below)



I was informed via a friend pointing out on the wiki: "Kuva Liches may rarely spawn with a quirk that provides unique voice-lines and behavior when you encounter them." 

Please disregard my bug report. However, I don't regret converting my quirkless Kuva Lich. ❤️ 

Edited by Tennossee_Williams
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Looks like hotfix 26.0.6 messed up something with Bloom. Everything looks insanely bright and bloomy to me, and it doesn't change when you set bloom intensity to 0, 20, 50, or 100. It doesn't even change when bloom is toggled off entirely.

Here's an example screenshot taken with bloom toggled off:8OI7aN3.jpg


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I vanquished my Lich, 14 times so far, 14.
He doesn't die, i don't know what to do, it's been 3 days already, i somehow managed to kill my previous Lich (it had same bug, but it somehow died) but this one just won't die no matter what i do.
3 days.
At this point, i don't see anyone else having this issue, so i must ask, am i doing something wrong there?

Edited by Nakrast
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Still having encounters with no relics in kuva flood missions. this one i just completed was a rescue mission and killed the juggernaut. i dont know if that has anything to do with it not giving me the relic but well that's all i really did. the rest of the game i did as i usually do in rescue mission. . . complete it.

Twitch User, 5:50 BlackFinSwampert: says, Something's very wrong with the hotfix they just sent out. My framerate keeps tanking randomly, doors aren't working right and are shutting in my face, and enemy AI keeps breaking to the point where they stand in place, jittering oddly. I wasn't having this issue a few minutes ago before deployment

11:54pm 11/7/2019
Encountered a problem with my lich going invisible after host leaves party. Really I dont want to rank up my lich until after i've found out 3 mods i need. the process by myself is slow and in my mind im thinking, "other players will have thought of this to cheese this whole lich business a bit, yes?" nope. they want me to just willy nilly my lich for their sake. i dont like that. thralls give more murmur. heart murmur the thing this game is starting to trigger. heart murmurs. in my body.

Edited by MikeAboose
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I have defeated 6 Kuva Liches during the weekend and receiving a new Kuva Larvling was no problem then. But after those I haven't been able to spawn a new Kuva Larvling when soloing eligible missions, I tried more than 40 times. If I have a friend who hosts the mission for me who doesn't already have a Kuva Lich, I can kill the Kuva Larvling during that mission and still recieve a Kuva Lich though.

I suspect the game somehow thinks I still have a Kuva Lich somehow even after one of mine was defeated and converted. I am currently playing the game and might have a Lich when you read this (that I got from my friends hosting for me). But would like to be able to get them by myself later.


Should i contact support about it? If so, under which category?

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Hey so for about a day and a half I was wrestling with a Kuva Lich named Tetuvu Cras with the Kuva Seer as their weapon and ran into a few "problems". I say problems like that because, I'm not sure if my griefs are totally valid.

1) After the recent updates my most recent Kuva Lich I was tracking had been phasing through walls and floors; but not just the average walls and floors. I mean like dense sections like switching through an entire rooms worth of distance and I don't mean like jetting through a doorway or anything like that. Also the same goes for the thralls, I've seen them go into the out of bounds sections just to respawn a little ways away or several rooms worth of distance.

2) In an adjacent issue along the lines of the previous bit, after the recent update the lich I hunt will just up and vanish mid battle with no real rhyme or reason. Not even a specific animation or transmission to go with it. Just 1 second there and the next *POOF*.

Sometimes it even happens mid parazon sequence or the second I click it. Which sometimes doesn't animate at all. Just 1 second the Lich goes down and I click; within the same frame it's right back up swinging or just vanishes and doesn't even log my attempt I made in both instances of the issue.

3) The third and worse of all is my Lich becoming invincible for no good reason. So this one was a mess I ended up a plague to any group I joined since my Lich would just travel around like an overpowered god tier Marvel villain. I'm not by any means the best or even close to the best players but later I remembered my Lich at the time (Tetuvu Cras) had Iron Skin as a skill which I remembered from seeing the animation she did. Now anyone who reads this probably thinks I just suck but I'm not too sure because even people who had better setups than me couldn't break through the invicibility even as a group. Plus there was no real rhyme or reason to the invicibility either. No animations, no sounds, nothing; just reoccurring invicibility with no real end/start to it. Which would just leave her freely capable to wash through any team I was in. Not to mention she had no immunes to procs except slash which I avoided and she had weaknesses to fire and blast which I had used but had no real success. Only after switching to other elements did I get results when I could actually damage her.

Sorry for the long post, I wanted to fit in as much detail as possible. I'm also especially sorry if any of this isn't actual bugs. Just figured I'd add my 2 cents just in case.

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Hotfix ruined all of my palettes. They are now all about half their usual saturation. Existing colors on frames and equipment weren't changed, but trying to recolor uses the new, light colors. 


Restarting or verifying cache did nothing.

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6 hours ago, Majoris239 said:

I keep getting a bug with Grendel's 4th ability in which I cannot use the jumps or press 4 again to cancel the ability. I am stuck inside of it and must wait to run out of energy for Grendel to automatically stumble out of Pulverize. Please fix this, it happens quite consistently in normal play, but I am still unsure what causes this


I've been able to replicate this bug, and it happens with other frames who have channeled mobile abilities, like revenants 4. 

What's happening is you somehow catch a ledge just right while the ability is active, where the game would normally have your frame grab the ledge and flip up to the platform, however, in grendels 4th ability, there is no parkour animation, so it bugs out. While you can still roll around and do everything, the game still thinks you're trying to parkour up that ledge and puts you in the animation state, so no powers, abilities or anything. When my energy runs out, I've found myself typically teleporting to the original ledge and finishing the animation. It's a soft lock, but still frustrating.

5 hours ago, Ljuvrl said:

Kuva larvlings doesn't spawn even after the light flickers. Not sure if this is intended but it has happened alot lately. I've been trying to get a kuva larvling to spawn and the light flickers most of the time, but neither a kuva guardian appears or a kuva larvling. I've been running all kinds of missions but I get the same result. I've been swaping weapons and warframes for the missions I've been playing but I get the same results as before. As I said, not sure if this is intended or a bug, seems like a bug to me

THIS IS HUGE. I was in a buggy lobby late last night (all the parazon animations were bugged, or just not playing), and vanquished my lich successfully. Got my Kuva quartakk and all my stolen goods back, but I never got a Lich vanquish confirmation, AND to boot, no matter how man grineer missions I run, a larvling will NOT spawn. The lights will flicker as if an assassin (or larvling in this case) is spawning, but there wont be a transmission from a Kuva Guardian, nor will a larvling actually spawn. Making obtaining my second lich soooort of impossible 😧 I just want a Kuva Seer.

EDIT: After a whole day of lich hunting, NOW one shows up when the lights flash...….

EDIT 2: NEW BUG THAT IS HILARIOUS! If you're meatball ramming a lich, and they decide to finisher/throw you right as your energy runs out, the end result is you get folded into a pretzel for the rest of the mission. At least in my case, my legs were fine, and my torso was rotated down 180 degrees, making all my animations wrong XD.

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