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(PC) The Old Blood Bug Reporting


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I've encountered this a few times but below are screenshots of it occurring. After executing a Requiem Finish on my Lich (now two different Liches) my UI get's locked only showing the first Requiem needed. 

The first image is the most recent occurrence. New Lich, used Xata and then UI froze on the display seen. Wisp used.

The second image is the first screenshot I took. This was my first Lich, image taken after I converted it. Still locked on Xata, and I couldn't swap weaponsNXbgrmE.pngwQN0bZ6.jpg

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During a mission, I encountered my Lich. My FASS guess turned out to be correct for the first slot and then he finished me because I didn't have the second correct. LATER that same mission, I reach my murmur threshold and it reveals that I need... FASS. That should just not be. The detection for known Requiems should update during the mission when you fight your lich. I literally would have benefited from aborting the mission and revealing the murmurs next game. That's an error in design.

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Hey there, got a bug with the inner might focus node in the zenurik way. It doesn't affect the amount of combo counter consumed by heavy attacks at all. With it active at rank 4 as I have it, performing a heavy attack from 220 combo counter should leave me with 88 combo counter, however it is totally consumed instead. Other combo efficiency stat givers such as reflex coil work as intended. The wording on inner might is different to other combo counter efficiency mods, being displayed as "heavy attack efficiency" instead of "melee combo efficiency". Hope this gets fixed as inner might would make heavy attack builds far better, but it simply doesn't work.

EDIT: It also appears that executing dash no longer functions too

Edited by BloodyJade
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Parazon finishers on enemies at odd angles in relation to your frame, like the enemy being lower or higher on the ground, cause your frame to use the terminal hacking animation. I've been flung out of the map three times now by this. Operators are also using the terminal hacking animation if you try to finisher enemies with them.

Liches will spawn in anywhere from 200-500m back through the level you're in instead of spawning on you like they were.

Performing a finisher on an enemy near a lich will sometimes finisher the lich instead, regardless of their HP or whether or not they're downed.

Capture missions are bugging out, only spawning the capture target and no other enemies, or only a few more enemies at the very end of the level. The evac map marker also bugs out when this happens, and only shows the distance to evac instead of snapping to doorways that will lead you to evac.

Edit: Here's some more I forgot. There's alot to remember.

When a lich grapples and throws you, if you're near any kind of environmental object, there's a very good chance of you getting stuck in that object and having to use /unstuck.

Since liches are spawning anywhere from 200-500m away from you as I said above, it's possible for them to spawn into areas in a map that are either inaccessible, or not even on the map layout.

If a Nox Thrall spawns or a Nox is converted into a thrall by a lich, there's about a 50/50 chance that you wont be able to finisher it.

When thralls use their lich's movemet ability, they get stuck in walls and rocks and other random bits of the environment quite often, making it impossible to finisher them, or if you can, you perform the terminal hack animation and get thrown out of the map like I said above. This is especially likely if you kill them as they're moving. 

The Ayanga I got off of my 2nd lich Aisaro Adigg had +59% radiation to start. My 25th lich had another Ayanga, Aisaro's profile in the codex went down to a +58% bonus. My 26th lich has yet another Ayanga, Aisaro's profile now reads +57%. Great. Wish I caught this sooner, because now I have no way of proving it.

Edited by Hyohakusha
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UPDATE:This just became much more of a problem, since, after reeling the spear in, I am stuck in place and can't move for several seconds, and it doesn't always end. It got so bad that it locked me in place indefinitely where I couldn't move at all. I was forced to abort and go back to my orbiter. -

This is a relatively minor glitch, as it's a visual only bug, but still irritating. After the first throw of my fishing spear after I equip it, the spear switches hands and is shown in the left hand. Casting still works, but seeing the pole of my spear in my other hand is, well, off putting, to say the least. 6C127FFE82B28B905742AB85198EB04028D39989 See how it's glued to my left hand with the rod pointing down?

E7326BD83E443271DE3D9588A490F88998F18FCAAnd this is what it looks like when I'm about to cast it. 

I realize this isn't anything game breaking, but it just throws me off so much and I really hope it gets patched. 

Edited by PAK1988
New issue
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Twice I've successfully guessed the first requiem during a mission in which my Kuva Lich has appeared, while failing to complete the sequence.  During these two missions I also completed a murmur. Upon returning to my ship and checking on the status of my Lich I discovered that the attempt was not recorded. When I made the next attempt on the Lich the requiem I successfully used before was no longer correct and the attempt failed.

In both instances the requiem I guessed was the first in the sequence.  The first time it happened I had not previously completed any murmurs and it was my first attempt. 

The second time it happened on a different Lich. I had uncovered the first murmur (Ris) and had used that requiem unsuccessfully in my first attempt. I guessed Vome for first position in my second attempt, it showed that I had guessed successfully but the attempt failed on the second position where I had moved the Ris requiem.

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Topic : Had Correct Requim but it didnt down the kuva lich

             I had correct requim as you can see in the first picture. And I tried it on my lich but it didn't down her. The list of tried requiem shown in second picture. (I unlocked the third murmur just before downing her. I dont know if this is related but I added this just in case. And the RIS that didn't work was rank one.)

             After i swapped RIS to new rank 3 RIS. And tried agian. it worked.

Edited by Leiseliz
forgot to add image
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Something tells me this isn't normal. I found a bug when i purchased all the load-outs with plat. I should only have 28 however it doubled all my new ones. Also couldn't get my screenshots onto the forum but you can view them through my steam if you wish to see what I'm talking about. https://steamcommunity.com/id/Redconman/screenshots/?appid=230410

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I was doing a farm for my lich so i can defeat it i was playing on a map tileset with the firebolg assembly lines in ceres (not too sure on what planet i wasnt paying attentuon) my lich threw me onto the conveyor and put me in to an animation, a firebolg came from behind the assembly line and went through us. resetting my position back into the lichs throw animation. i then went down and couldnt hold X to respawn, shortly after this my lich was invulnerable in the same session. he then dissapeared just like the stalker would (he didnt kill me) i finished the mission thinking it was just a simple bug. while trying to get my lich my friend got his and my game then crashed immediately. i rejoined and it crashed again because of his lich after rejoining a 2nd time i didnt crash from his lich while trying to record the bug to attatch to the bug report. 2 mins after my lich appears (no name tag at the top of the screen only a target marker on the minimap) i turned to face the target not knowing what it was he shot me and my game crashed. i then restarted my pc when i tried launching the game again all my files for warframe are completely gone from steam and my local drive.

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On 2019-11-02 at 7:18 AM, jeny2912 said:

Opening friendship door solo does not work anymore and makes door inactive for me.

Before update: Stack melt-open one side as operator-kill operator (e.g propa)-open another side. Allow us to open door solo.

After update: after using door as operator and suiciding locks door and i can't activate it anymore

Still has the same behavior in, i used to open them with a propa scaffold and rank 1 virtous spike to not die of boredom.

Now it just breaks the door for me.

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