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D.E. Need to stop pushing out half broken updates.


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-Rushing an update its a D.E.-s Think / Or they are just late as they probably planned for release much much earlier.
-Trying to advertise weeks prior and then every second third day new ad for the upcoming update: Builds an unnecessary tension and stress for everyone.

But the worse is:
-Bringing out an update near the end of the week when for two days there are no support, no updates for bugs and issues, is just plain bad choice.

Please D.E. Stop this mess. This is not the first time it happened, and not even the second! You don't learn from your mistakes, yes these are BIG mistakes!

Kindly asking you stop this behavior, just stress test more, spend 1-2 more weeks fixing issues and then release on the beginning of the week, monday, latest tuesday!

Thanks and I hope everyone agrees. It just gives a bad wibe for the game, we get very frustrated (I know I got frustrated with the fps issue, and the no requiem relics in Kuva Flood). these are uncalled for, game breaking issues that should not be in the game anymore, after an update releases.

Please raise your standards D.E.!

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What would you rather do as a company ? 

A.) Push out half finish content/systems & see quick booms in profit. 

B.) Fix quality of life problems & complete old incomplete systems? 

bottomline Warframe has many many things that are incomplete, & you’re asking for the impossible . PvP was left behind for one example. Channeling also left behind 

Edited by (PS4)Akuma_Asura_
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This update has fewer breaking issues that most, as far as I can recall.

It's not awesome that I lose half my HUD when I fight a lich, but it's not stopping me from playing. The Old Blood has been a surprisingly functional experience for me, though there's clearly a whole raft of things to straighten out.

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Just now, Shinigami_Greed said:

DE has the highest standards of any game dev I've followed in the last twenty years, barring choice people from Nintendo, Capcom, or Namco.

You probably mean, quality of content, quality of ideas, originality. I agree with this part.

The quality of code is definitely not a high standard, sorry to say. The UI Design is a mess, patched together, they have scripts running in the backgorund everywhere, there are definitely stuttering on many occasions, sound issues, many times mod/weapon issues... and I didn't even mentioned the updates, when we experience crazy game breaking bugs.

They do a LOT of patching and fixing I give you that! That is the neessary evil when you have a very broken system.

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2 minutes ago, (NSW)Sk0rp1on said:

I just think of it like an early access game. I enjoy enough of it that I just roll with the changes and know that they do improve things, eventually.

Now you see, I've learned in the past 10-15 years not to touch Early access and open beta games. They are always broken af!
And that will completely ruin my experience!
This game is in open beta still or is it not? That shouldn't be either after this many years, and that also says something about the target quality of the game that D.E. working towards. "It will be buggy, its ok we will fix it".

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1 minute ago, Xenox_Ilz-ot said:

Players: We want update now! We know there'll be bugs, we'll deal with them until they're fixed

Also players: DE! BUGS!

What's the problem, we are beta tester, we are debugger, reporting bugs are what DE need and expected from us right?


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10 minutes ago, 40PE said:

You probably mean, quality of content, quality of ideas, originality. I agree with this part.

The quality of code is definitely not a high standard, sorry to say. The UI Design is a mess, patched together, they have scripts running in the backgorund everywhere, there are definitely stuttering on many occasions, sound issues, many times mod/weapon issues... and I didn't even mentioned the updates, when we experience crazy game breaking bugs.

They do a LOT of patching and fixing I give you that! That is the neessary evil when you have a very broken system.

Yet I see much worse crap coming out of typical Ubisoft and EA games, so they definitely manage better. 

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Just now, Test-995 said:

What's the problem, we are beta tester, we are debugger, reporting bugs are what DE need and expected from us right?


The problem is people making topics in all caps because they encountered one bug 2h after opening the new update & people thinking bugs are not supposed to exist

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DE releases broken updates and keeps nerfing stuff to get rid of vets who wont spend as much money as a newbie. The game is a sinking ship and i think they know that hence why there is going to keep doing more monetization and to keep releasing broken content so people will leave and then they can get new players in who spend a lot of money. 

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i think such a thread is pointless considering its part of the empyrean update. ofc they wont release all new systems at once because that would mean even more bugs to fix and possibly even harder to do just that.

personally i would wait with such harsh judgement for when every part of empyrean is live and has gotten some fixes under its belt after lets say 2 weeks.

ofc this update was going to be unpolished. ofc there were going to be bugs and balance issues...thats why DE themselves said they will spend the whole 2 weeks after the update to just adress that primarily...and probably even afterwards too.

why the judgements after not even 1 day of work after the release ? they had only monday and now this day to basically pay attention to feedback and adress it...how many updates were like this ? how many reworks or even releases of frames ? many......this is nothing new and ppl should know by now thats its not a proccess finished after 1 weekend's day...

i dont want to sugarcoat issues and legit critique with a constructive brackground for improvements, but i feel that many people just complain onesided without actually really thinking about it from more than just 1 point of view.

Edited by Xydeth
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On 2019-11-05 at 3:38 PM, (PS4)allfatherthor77 said:

DE releases broken updates and keeps nerfing stuff to get rid of vets who wont spend as much money as a newbie. The game is a sinking ship and i think they know that hence why there is going to keep doing more monetization and to keep releasing broken content so people will leave and then they can get new players in who spend a lot of money. 

That's adorable, you think you're a comedian.  This is like saying Call of Duty is a good game, or that Ubisoft games don't have horrible bugs. 

It's simply the furthest from the truth you could possibly be. 🤣

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On 2019-11-05 at 3:38 PM, (PS4)allfatherthor77 said:

DE releases broken updates and keeps nerfing stuff to get rid of vets who wont spend as much money as a newbie. The game is a sinking ship and i think they know that hence why there is going to keep doing more monetization and to keep releasing broken content so people will leave and then they can get new players in who spend a lot of money. 

I don't understand how "Getting rid of vets" makes more money for DE. There is no relationship between old players leaving and new ones joining. It's not like there's a wait list with limited spots.

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vor 2 Minuten schrieb Shinigami_Greed:

That's adorable, you think you're a comedian.  This is like saying Call of Duty is a good game, or that Ubisoft games don't have horrible bugs. 

It's simply the furthest from the truth you could possibly be. 🤣

i agree. out of all the devs ive experienced myself DE is probably the one which i would believe their care for the community the most...and thats got 0 to do with "white knight".

everyone who just thinks that has never had really bad experience with developers/publishers from a gamers point of view...i dont know how many times i felt bad about buying an EA game..which i will never touch again no matter how nice the cover looks or streamers might make it look...just to name one.

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2 minutes ago, Anarbitrio said:

I don't understand how "Getting rid of vets" makes more money for DE. There is no relationship between old players leaving and new ones joining. It's not like there's a wait list with limited spots.

Well servers do have a limited capacity, but I don't remember getting any kind of "server full, please wait" message... ever, actually.

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32 minutes ago, 40PE said:

Now you see, I've learned in the past 10-15 years not to touch Early access and open beta games. They are always broken af!
And that will completely ruin my experience!
This game is in open beta still or is it not? That shouldn't be either after this many years, and that also says something about the target quality of the game that D.E. working towards. "It will be buggy, its ok we will fix it".

Early access and open beta can be fun if you like seeing something develop over time. I like the idea of Warframe and where they are headed, so I’ll weather the storms of iterative design to see if they can pull it off.

Warframe is nothing if not unique, and I would hate to see it lose that by making safe choices.

Edited by (NSW)Sk0rp1on
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8 minutes ago, Shinigami_Greed said:

That's adorable, you think you're a comedian.  This is like saying Call of Duty is a good game, or that Ubisoft games don't have horrible bugs. 

It's simply the furthest from the truth you could possibly be. 🤣

im not saying this is the case but a reason to want rid of vets would be they are typically burning through content faster and complaining more as they spot more balance issues. shady stuff like the farming frame nerf mod booster debacle would have been missed by new folk. new players typically only give positive feedback as they are in the honeymoon period. vets spend less as they know how to farm and are more likely to give criticism or make negative videos etc. 

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6 minutes ago, mawdeeps said:

im not saying this is the case but a reason to want rid of vets would be they are typically burning through content faster and complaining more as they spot more balance issues. shady stuff like the farming frame nerf mod booster debacle would have been missed by new folk. new players typically only give positive feedback as they are in the honeymoon period. vets spend less as they know how to farm and are more likely to give criticism or make negative videos etc. 

Just as Vets are more likely to buy PA to support DE for making Warframe possible. Give and take.

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