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Khora farm is dumb


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The biggest issue for me when doing the Khora farm, was literally the number of people leaving the group before the eighth wave to get the final two parts... Unless you have a frame that can solo all the way to wave eight it does get very infuriating to find that you are let down by your group.

With the suicidal Trinity nerf, your options have diminished rapidly, and I remember back when Khora was released, unless you had a Sarin or Suicidal Trinity in the group, people would leave after wave 2... never mind getting to wave 8... Though these days I think also with Octivia, Mag, or Gara you should be able to solo it. but the bottom line is just don't go in there hoping someone is going to carry you through it...

On a personal note, it infuriated me like crazy when the very second run I made it to wave 8, I see the Blue Print reward for the wave, the host decides to leave the game early causing a host migration and the subsequent result of me losing that BP. It took two weeks after Khora's release before getting that BP again! Never been more annoyed with the game than that time. Many because such a small percentage of players were willing to go to wave 8, that you are literally forced to go in with the mentality to solo it...

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I didn't even think about it. I only use eso for focus farming. With that and tridolons I'm about to unlock my 4th way, yay. 

I have 2 Khora BPs already, the 3rd will get here when it gets here.

Enjoy the journey, man. A defense frame is a defense frame. You can use another bubble power until you get Khora lol.

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4 hours ago, xRufus7x said:

Rather then just complaining about it why don't you recommend a solution like moving her parts to Simaris's inventory and replacing her drops with universal syndicate medallions or ones specific to him. While we are at it do the same with the captura scenes.

...Where can I throw money to make this idea a reality?

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This was easily my most-hated grind in the game. I had an easier time farming Nidus.

On 2019-11-08 at 3:53 PM, Skye_Archer said:

The biggest issue for me when doing the Khora farm, was literally the number of people leaving the group before the eighth wave to get the final two parts... Unless you have a frame that can solo all the way to wave eight it does get very infuriating to find that you are let down by your group.

Just use Saryn with a decent build. There's other methods, but that's what worked for me.

It just got boring after a while...

Edited by DrakeWurrum
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On 2019-11-08 at 10:10 PM, (XB1)GearsMatrix301 said:

After they introduced the Grendel farm I don’t think we’re within our rights to complain about the other farms.

Im Not exactly sure why Grendel farm is supposed to be hard, long or annoying oO

Khora was a HELL to farm, it took me weeks...
But Grendel was very easy and pretty fast...you just collect the essence from Arbitrations and complete those 3 missions and done...

elvira GIF

Edited by Vyra
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