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20 hours ago, Do_Not_C9 said:

I can opt out of volt speed-boost, but not Wisp's?

Please. It gives me horrible vertigo on certain warframes. I also prefer using movement to aim instead of directly moving my mouse, so if I equip a weapon that requires precise aim I just get sad.

It's called pay attention. Wisp's motes show up on your minimap. They are also quit visable. You 'opt' out by avoiding the motes. Or you could have the courage and integrity to communicate and ask wisp users to place their motes in a way that helps, instead of going to the forums to beg DE to do something about it. Be a leader not a follower.

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1 minute ago, (XB1)Rust Plague said:

Don't need to. Just watch out for the motes. That is your 'opt out'. Volt needs it because, his speed buff is an instant, not a station. There is no way to avoid it, unlike wisp and her stationary motes.

What would the harm of being able to shake one off if you step on it by mistake be?

I can't see a negative here.

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3 minutes ago, (XB1)Rust Plague said:

There is no way to avoid it, unlike wisp and her stationary motes.

That can be placed in corridors or, more consistently, on the objective, thus rendering them unavoidable.

Unless you're suggesting that people don't ptfo ofc.

Edited by DeMonkey
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As Wisp user I think this is a good idea, sometimes we get buff and need to wait for the timer to expire or jump into a hole to remove the buff, and get the increased one, with a opt out option refreshing the buff will be painless and more efficient, maybe a side roll like aim and roll to the right or left to opt out

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The harm is asking DE to do something about a personal issue that has an ingame solution. That harm is in having to code in the new way for you to avoid something by dropping what they are doing. That harm is wasted time.

Pay attention. It's not DE's fault you can't be bothered to watch where you are going. Nor is it a wisp player's. You already have the tools you require. Use them.

6 minutes ago, DeMonkey said:

That can be placed in corridors or, more consistently, on the objective, thus rendering them unavoidable.

Unless you're suggesting that people don't ptfo ofc.

No I'm saying pay attention or lotus forbid, ask the wisp user to place motes more helpfull. It's on you to look out.


7 minutes ago, enemystand said:

As Wisp user I think this is a good idea, sometimes we get buff and need to wait for the timer to expire or jump into a hole to remove the buff, and get the increased one, with a opt out option refreshing the buff will be painless and more efficient, maybe a side roll like aim and roll to the right or left to opt out

Place your motes smarter.

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hace 17 minutos, enemystand dijo:

As Wisp user I think this is a good idea, sometimes we get buff and need to wait for the timer to expire or jump into a hole to remove the buff, and get the increased one, with a opt out option refreshing the buff will be painless and more efficient, maybe a side roll like aim and roll to the right or left to opt out

Wut? That's not how it works. You'll always update to the most powerful buff. All you need to do to update it, is to simply place a more powerful reservoir. Buffs are tied to reservoirs and no longer tied to your current power strength like before. That means if you place a max strength hp reservoir, you'll get 1790HP on that particular one. If you the lose the str and place another reservoir, that reservoir will be something like 1070HP, but if you go back to the previously placed one, it'll still give you 1790HP, and if you have the inferior buff, it'll overwrite it.

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All for it, make the motes interactable or something and when you interact with them it can toggle on and off whether her buff activates on you when you step into their range. Anything less probably wouldn't be super effective given the unique way the motes work compared to most other buffs. 

Edited by Cubewano
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1 hour ago, (XB1)Rust Plague said:

The harm is asking DE to do something about a personal issue that has an ingame solution. That harm is in having to code in the new way for you to avoid something by dropping what they are doing. That harm is wasted time.

Pay attention. It's not DE's fault you can't be bothered to watch where you are going. Nor is it a wisp player's. You already have the tools you require. Use them.

No I'm saying pay attention or lotus forbid, ask the wisp user to place motes more helpfull. It's on you to look out.


Place your motes smarter.


55 minutes ago, ixidron92 said:

Wut? That's not how it works. You'll always update to the most powerful buff. All you need to do to update it, is to simply place a more powerful reservoir. Buffs are tied to reservoirs and no longer tied to your current power strength like before. That means if you place a max strength hp reservoir, you'll get 1790HP on that particular one. If you the lose the str and place another reservoir, that reservoir will be something like 1070HP, but if you go back to the previously placed one, it'll still give you 1790HP, and if you have the inferior buff, it'll overwrite it.

if you get the buff with 300% str, and then you get buffed by growing power, or nidus, or reactant buff, your current motes will still give you 300% str, you need to get rid of them and then enter the mote zone to get the increased buff, entering the mote zone with motes attached will only refresh the current value of the motes attached

Edited by enemystand
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hace 3 minutos, enemystand dijo:


if you get the buff with 300% str, and then you get buffed by growing power, or nidus, or reactant buff, your current motes will still give you 300% str, you need to get rid of them and then enter the mote zone to get the increased buff, entering the mote zone with motes attached will only refresh the current value of the motes attached

No, you just need to place a new reservoir. Entering a superior reservoir with an inferior mote will update the buff. What you're saying is how it used to work before they changed it.

Reservoirs are now tied to the power strength you had at the moment you placed them. So, even if you place reservoir A at 300str and then you get up to 400str, if you lose the mote and re-enter reservoir A, you'll still get the 300str buff. You need to place a new reservoir. If you place reservoir B at 400str, it'll override mote A, and even if you revert back to 300str, reservoir B will always grant the 400str buff.

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3 hours ago, EmberStar said:

How is it more versatile?  If there's more than one Wisp, you'd have to disable each mote for each Wisp.

I don't see why?

The motes of others refresh the strongest buff between Wisps, so there's already interaction. I can't see a reason not to make it so that pressing X on one Shock Reservoir would disable the shock motes of all, regardless of which Wisp planted it.

4 hours ago, EmberStar said:

If you want it to disable that *type,* the menu option is still simpler.  And people who don't like a type of mote probably aren't going to like it MORE in the next mission.

If people want to opt-out of a shock mote, for example, due to a specific build...they may not necessarily want to opt-out of it in the long-term. It's easier for some people to opt-out of things on the fly, rather than an within options menu.

For example, when it comes to Limbo...

If the Limbo player is good, you might not want to opt-out of his banish...but hell, let's face it...many people would check that box and then forget it existed. I wouldn't, personally, but I'm definitely pleased to have an in-game opt-out system...as I've played with exceptional Limbo players and absolute trolls that just kept tossing me into limbo for kicks.

Similar situation here...

You are more of a long-term opt-out individual. You want an option that lets you opt-out and forget about it, but it's highly likely that people who want to opt-out for other reasons are looking for something that doesn't involve going to the options menu and can be chosen on the fly, depending on build, situation, so on and so forth. Otherwise, people are likely just going to check that box and forget it...because it's tedious as hell to constantly go in and out of the options menu all the time, not to mention the fact that whenever you do public games...you don't know if you're going to get grouped up with a Wisp.

Call me lazy, because I am...but it takes me several days before I remember to turn the music back on when I decide to turn it off because I'm listening to a Stream on Twitch.

I know I'm not alone... :P

SO...I think it would be prudent to have both...

A more versatile opt-in for people that aren't really looking for a long-term solution, and then an option in the option's menu for people like you, who are looking for a long-term solution so that they're not feeling nauseous from the inconsistent speed shifts.

It certainly is simpler to just toss a checkbox into the options menu, but sometimes simple doesn't address all the issues.

4 hours ago, EmberStar said:

It's slightly clunky, but it's a lot less clunky than turning off the in-game audio (or taking off your headphones) and experiencing what it's like to be deaf.

That's my point...

Though, as stated...I understand that the in-game opt-in concept wouldn't be favorable to someone like yourself, who's looking for a more long-term solution...hence why I am in favor of both now.

4 hours ago, EmberStar said:

Adding the prompt to the motes would also add in-mission clutter, and potentially be trollable.  Oh, I can't activate the Survival pod because the Wisp accidentally put a Mote on it, and she isn't casting a new one to move it.  Or this alarm panel.  Or this SPY panel.  And yes, given that people will play Limbo and then act in a way that directly cripples the rest of their team "for the lulz," I can totally see someone abusing an Interact prompt they can put whereever they want.  (And if mission consoles take precedence that opens up the reverse trolling, a Max Range, Max Speed Wisp who drops the annoying motes on the useless Alarm panels that exist in some Defense missions.)

That's a very valid concern!

Simple solution, make it so motes can't be slam-dunked onto those areas. They shouldn't be clipping through things to begin with, as it looks absolutely silly...but holy hell does this game absolutely LOVE clipping. I mean, I can understand placeable and customizable assets clipping...but why in the hell does Djinn clip with its own model?!

I digress, definitely a valid concern...and my answer to that is make it so that we can't place our reservoirs atop of mission objectives like that. Absolutely a valid concern, and you can bet your ass people would troll with it if that was possible.

4 hours ago, EmberStar said:

The "interact with motes" idea also doesn't solve the issue of "I don't want NON-Wisp speed buffs from other players."  It just duplicates the current problem of "If you don't like Volt Speed, just Backflip.  Out of a a power that even a non-troll Volt has to cast basically constantly."

No, I understand that...I'm simply speaking in terms of Wisp.

In truth, it might be prudent to add additional options for all of these within the menu alongside the more versatile in-game opt-in features. I can understand motion sickness...as I have it pretty badly along with infrequent bouts of vertigo. Certain games make me incredibly nauseous and I kinda push through them. Watching Cloverfield in the theaters made me so ill that I had to look down until climatic parts, where I endured the scene and returned to my head-down position...I was sick for over a half hour after the film. I was on a boat to deep-sea fish and was seasick for nine hours straight, all of that time consisting of me hugging a bucket and wishing I had the strength to walk off said boat and try my luck swimming for shore.

So, I understand motion sickness and the need for a more long-term opt-in.

I'm simply saying, in the case of Wisp, an in-mission opt-in for those looking for a more temporary solution in situations that they require such would be prudent as well. Hence the:

4 hours ago, TenebraeAeterna said:

I'm not opposed to tossing these opt-out features into the options menu, but I still think that the "press X to opt-out" feature on each individual reservoir should be added too for those that are looking to temporarily turn them off for different reasons. It's more versatile.

I'm now saying, "add both."

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2 hours ago, (XB1)Rust Plague said:

It's called pay attention. Wisp's motes show up on your minimap. They are also quit visable. You 'opt' out by avoiding the motes. Or you could have the courage and integrity to communicate and ask wisp users to place their motes in a way that helps, instead of going to the forums to beg DE to do something about it. Be a leader not a follower.

To be fair, a lot of us Wisp mains toss our motes right onto the objective or in the middle of a hallway...where they're literally unavoidable.

I never considered motion sickness being an issue because only Volt's speed boost comes even close to giving me motion sickness in the game and I have really bad motion sickness...so I didn't think it was even an issue. I usually toss the Haste Reservoirs right in the middle of the hallways as I'm heading to the extraction for anyone trailing behind me so that they can get there faster.

If this is an issue for some people, I can understand and easily sympathize...so an opt-out feature would allow them to personally opt-out without restricting our placement of the Reservoirs over areas that they're of most use to the team...namely right at the objective.

2 hours ago, (XB1)Rust Plague said:

Place your motes smarter.

The smart place to lay down your Reservoirs is right at the objective, or in the middle of a hallway so that those passing through pick them up...which is, for the people looking to avoid them, right where they need to pass through.

They're not wrong to say that this is an issue...especially for those with motion sickness. To "place them smarter" is to decide between which is smarter...putting them on the objective or in the middle of the hall, where they would be of most benefit to the team as they wouldn't have to go out of their way to obtain the motes...or to place them out of the way to spare these individuals the motes they don't want.

You can't "place them smarter" and appeal to both parties as the smarter placement for each is conflicting to the other.

Disclaimer: I hate to double-post, but something screwy goes on when I try to transfer my "saved post" from one page to the other...it rarely ever works.


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In what kinda world is haste mote detrimental...? It's speed is nowhere near as sickening as Volt's speed can be. And even the FoV change of Volt's speed has been taken out. 249% Power Str on Wisp and i can barely notice an impact on my speed. How do you guys even manage to play this game if that little thing disturbs you so much that it needs a toggle off? Legit curious.

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4 minutes ago, IceColdHawk said:

In what kinda world is haste mote detrimental...?

It mostly can cause mis-inputs or excessive inputs for melee, depending on the weapon and stance (though with the loss of pause combos this may mostly be remedied).

Also some players just prefer being able to move at their expected pace rather than an accelerated one, this one stands out for me personally because I like to aim-strafe a fair bit and whenever my speed is buffed I always wind up over-correcting my shots because I'm moving faster than I aim.

While a good thing for traversal or extra attack speed it can be a bit of an annoyance to some players, which is why I personally don't see why being able to shake them off similar to Volt's speed would be a bad thing, players who like them keep them and players who don't shake them off.

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45 minutes ago, (XB1)Rust Plague said:

1st I did say multiple times, "talk to the wisp player". Find a more tactical solution. You know that whole team work thing.

Once again...

If you're putting them anywhere but the middle of a corridor and at the mission objective, you aren't optimizing for the sake of individuals who want to opt-out. If you're putting them into the middle of corridors and atop objectives so that players automatically encounter them, rather than having to go out of their way, you are optimizing your efficiency but simultaneously contradicting those individual's desire of avoidance.

Two conflicting ideals.

47 minutes ago, (XB1)Rust Plague said:

2nd As for not being able to place the motes smarter, due to indecision. Use a little foresight and tactical planning.  

It's not a case of tactical planning; it's a case of two conflicting ideals.

You're being intentionally obtuse.

48 minutes ago, (XB1)Rust Plague said:

Creating excuses to not be better seems to be a common trait here. Think outside the box for once. 

Apparently, being a smug knob is becoming increasingly popular too. ...but by all means, explain how you can satisfy both groups:

  • A: Those who want them in the most easily accessible locations, such as the middle of hallways and atop mission objectives.
  • B: Those who do NOT want them in easily accessible locations, such as the middle of hallways and atop mission objectives.

These are both in direct conflict with one another.

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2 minutes ago, mrpyro12345678 said:

I love those speedboosts tbh...


The space turnips thank you.

1 minute ago, mrpyro12345678 said:

Also about Limbo's banish. You can simply roll out of it... or use your abilities. Maybe even Mesa's Peacemakers work, but maybe not.

That's basically what's being asked for here, well...the OP wants a more long-term opt-out within the options menu whereas I believe a more versatile in-game opt-out akin to Limbo would also be of benefit for those who've expressed that they desire to opt-out during certain builds and the like.

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the people saying "look where you're going" must never have played an high level public mission, do you guys know how visually chaotic this game easily is? when there's hordes of enemies coupled with gunfire from both sides and fireworks of destructive energy, your eyes are working way too hard to keep a look out for a little floating bulb...

i agree with opt out in the options menu or making the motes interactive BUT not by pressing a button. i think you should have to shoot/slash the mote to activate it so we can avoid an extra dialogue box

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11 hours ago, EdinaMonsoon said:

the people saying "look where you're going" must never have played an high level public mission, do you guys know how visually chaotic this game easily is? when there's hordes of enemies coupled with gunfire from both sides and fireworks of destructive energy, your eyes are working way too hard to keep a look out for a little floating bulb...

i agree with opt out in the options menu or making the motes interactive BUT not by pressing a button. i think you should have to shoot/slash the mote to activate it so we can avoid an extra dialogue box

The issue with that is you're going to, without a doubt, have many, many, times where you accidentally shoot or slash the mote/reservoir. That makes for an incredibly clunky and inconsistent opt-out system that differs depending upon what weapon you're using...making it even more inconsistent.

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Certain party buffs should have a credit-only ribbon you clip anywhere to your frame, that acts as a ward.

This is both a personal option you could place on each frame depending which buffs you do and don't want,
and give a slight visual indicator to the player and the caster why it isn't working.

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It's hard to communicate with others when all I see is "******" because for some reason the game won't display foreign characters. I play in the Asian region because that's where I currently live. Talking with people in party is, at best, 50/50 that they can even read/write English.

Of course, I can always use the best developer created tool to work around all these annoyances. I just flip on the "solo" switch. I mean, why should they bother add to player QoL options when the players can just play solo? Seems like an easy solution.

Joking aside, I absolutely detest any and all movement/attack speed buffs. Volt, Valkyr, and Wisp drive me up the wall. And yes, I do primarily play solo because of these frames.

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