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Tennobaum 2019! - Feeding Through the Gift of Giving


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3 hours ago, Morpheeus said:

Hello everyone !

Here is my very long wish list :

Altra Syandana


Alloy drum, Circuitry lockbox, Orokin cell Array

Artisan Pack


Dax Portrait

Domestik drone

Flower decanter

Kuva globule

Riven, warframe, weapons slots

Reclamator pack


Noggle Statue :

Ash, Atlas, Auditor, Azoth, Banshee, Chroma, Clem, Equinox all form, Excalibur all form, Frost, Hay luk, Hok, Hydroïd, Inaros, Ivara, Konzu, Limbo, Lock jaw & Sol, Mag, Mesa, Mirage, Nekros, Nova, Nyx, Oberon, Rhino, Saryn, Trinity, Valkyr, Vauban, Volt, Wukong, Zephyr




Happy Tennobaum to all


Thank you in advance for your generosity and if I can send a gift in return so do not forget to make your wish list

Sent you a little gift from your wishlist, hun~! Check your inbox. 😊💕

Happy Tennobaum! 

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I am on Nintendo switch and would like to receive the following for this year's tennobaum

my wish list this year:

weapon slots

forma bundles (aura and regular)

potatoes (blue and gold)

exilus adapters (weapons and frame)

noggles (warframes, corpus, and grinner check ingame wishlist)

sari syandana

color palettes (check ingame wishlist for info)

moa emotion modules

vinigettes for personal quarters

I hope anyone who finds this can help me normally I would support this event by giving to others however this year I am severely limited in funds this year

Merry tennobaum every tenno

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11 hours ago, (PS4)corpusbonds said:

They didn’t delete stuff! There’s actually a forum thread for Tennobaum ‘19 feedback they moved them to:


Right they didn't delete it, they just move it to where no one including them will see it. 


Edit: they did delete some stuff. 

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This is going to be the first time I celebrate Tennobaum, yay!
I've barely invested a year into the game, so I don't think I've reached a point where I truly need something, but if I had to list something:

  • Classic or Classic Saturated color palette, just one lol, I don't require both
  • Any amount of Warframe or Weapon slots would be strongly appreciated as well
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Happy Tennobaum to everyone! Hoping that all of you get gifts c:

I wish for... many things honestly.

Here you have my long wishlist :,D so sorry for it being long!



Nyxven’s Tennobaum Wishlist


-          Boltara

-          Maharliqa

-          Dominus

-          Seraphim

-          Styx

-          Sydeko

-          Tenui

-          Vasa


-          Nyx Aurelia

-          Octavia Diva

-          Saryn Napellus

-          Titania Lympharis

-          Valkyr Mithra

`Orbiter Decorations`

-          Flower Decanter

-          Nezha Noggle

-          Ropaka Planter

-          Tadit Planter

-          Warframe Articula

-          Zoney Drone


-          Nyx Pasithea Collection

-          Nekros Irkalla Collection

-          Titania Empress Collection

`Other Stuff`

-          Alpha Instruments

-          Beta Instruments

-          Delta Instruments

-          Epsilon Instruments

-          Gamma Instruments

-          Horos Instruments

-          Fortuna UI Theme

-          Lotus UI Theme

-          Grineer UI Background

-          Stalker UI Theme

-          Stalker UI Background

-          Kavat Genetic Codes (aiming for 50)


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Hope y'all have another Great tennobaum this year! and happy a 2020 to all.

obligatory wish list post to follow.

- Potatoes

- Forma

- Slots

- Mimica Shawzin

- Atlas Deluxe Bundle (Because every wish list has that one item you know you're never gonna get.)

Have a good holiday season and don't stop being awesome warframe community!


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Happy Tennobaum to every Tenno! 😁

My wish list: 

- A Khora or an Harrow, cannot get the blueprints, the rng hate me! 😥

- Oberon deluxe skin

- Formas!

- Potatoes and Tomatoes (make for a tasteful dish! 😋 )



Thank you to all fellow tennos! And happy Tennobaum again!

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My good deeds for this year:

  • Doing my murmur farming solo while I don't intend to poke my lich.
  • In fissures, if my relic yields the same loot as someone else in the group, and there's nothing better to choose, I pick their item, so they at least will get the void traces.
  • I don't play Limbo.

My wish list:

  • Slots (We keep getting new weapons and frames, and the charity contribution is the same per gift, no matter how much it costs).
  • Tennobaum-o-meter, goals and leader boards like last year. 😛
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