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Can someone explain Avionic capacity


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14 minutes ago, Vahenir said:

It depends on the reactor you have equipped. So to increase it you need a better reactor. Enjoy RNG on top of RNG to get one thats good tho.

And good luck getting one too. I found a vidar MK1 on my first mission, it was a sweet +20 capacity. My next one? Middle of veil proxima. It was zekti as well because zekti drop annoyingly often and as a result of their "we trade aivonic for flux" it was only +21 capacity but +150 flux. Flux, mind you, is useless if you don't have battle aivonics and the only one I've been able to find even after clearing veil proxima and all my farming falls off in early saturn.

Also crafting flux doesn't scale with capacity so frankly having more barely does much.

Edited by Annnoth
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Pretty much the same here. Got a MK III zetki one with +25 capacity, but i seriously need more capacity to be able to upgrade anything on the ship. Which will probably mean waiting for the clan research one as that gives +50 capacity, or farm veil missions to hell and back until i get lucky. Those reactors only seem to drop from elite outriders.

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Avionics capacity is basically the modding capacity for your Railjack.

Want better guns? There is an avionic for that.

Want a stronger Artillery since the current one stopped one shotting crew ships? An avionic has got you covered.

Need more hull and armor? Same thing.

Basically upgrading your reactor is a net boost to your entire railjack with the proper avionics equipped and upgraded.


Also you can upgrade the avionics themselves like you do with mods or upgrade the grid you put them on. Upgrading the grid costs more but can be worth it.

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Imagine you need an Orokin Reactor for your Warframe to be enhanced, but the amount of bonus capacity for extra modding is randomized even more aggressive than Riven Mods. 

You can see how awesome that really sounds /s

Edited by Voltage
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10 minutes ago, Annnoth said:

And good luck getting one too. I found a vidar MK1 on my first mission, it was a sweet +20 capacity. My next one? Middle of veil proxima. It was zekti as well because zekti drop annoyingly often and as a result of their "we trade aivonic for flux" it was only +21 capacity but +150 flux. Flux, mind you, is useless if you don't have battle aivonics and the only one I've been able to find even after clearing veil proxima and all my farming falls off in early saturn.

Also crafting flux doesn't scale with capacity so frankly having more barely does much.

If you look at the dojo ones they seem better then most you find of the same rank. I have a T2 dojo one with +30 best T 2 I found out of dojo was 22.

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15 minutes ago, Cephalon_Carstairs said:

Complaining about the highest tier as a drop. Maybe you misheard something, bud. Zetki is the highest tier there is. At least know what you're complaining about before complaining.

No, I'm well aware of what I said. Zekti explicitly state they trade aivonics capacity for flux energy. Extra flux energy is terrible and of the 6 zekti MK3 reactors I got only 1 that had more than 2 more capacity over my MK1 Vidar. It did have 40 mind you, but imagine most top tier drops being worse than what I got at the very beginning.

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8 minutes ago, Cephalon_Carstairs said:

Complaining about the highest tier as a drop. Maybe you misheard something, bud. Zetki is the highest tier there is. At least know what you're complaining about before complaining.

Wiki says no...

Lavan MK III   23 - 70 Capacity / 40 - 200 Flux

Vidar MK III    35 - 100 Capacity / 20 - 100 Flux

Zetki MK III    10 - 50 Capacity / 50 - 300 Flux


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13 minutes ago, Cephalon_Carstairs said:

Complaining about the highest tier as a drop. Maybe you misheard something, bud. Zetki is the highest tier there is. At least know what you're complaining about before complaining.

I'm assuming this is sarcasm.

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1 minute ago, Cephalon_Carstairs said:

My bad, didn't know Zetki had bad reactors. For pretty much every avionic and weapon Zetki has the highest percentage (at the same rank) or DPS. I didn't realize the system components were so skewed. But I guess the descriptions about the trade-offs make sense now.

Zekti weapons also have serious heat issues to balance for their ridiculous damage. You almost have to have a polar coil mod to make them work.

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Just now, H0B0Z said:

Zekti weapons also have serious heat issues to balance for their ridiculous damage. You almost have to have a polar coil mod to make them work.

Yeah, but they're still the highest DPS. Even with the overheating, they do around 50% more DPS than the other 3 weapon types.

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18 minutes ago, Cephalon_Carstairs said:

Yeah, but they're still the highest DPS. Even with the overheating, they do around 50% more DPS than the other 3 weapon types.


What's the stat for "I overheated before I could kill the drop pod and now I've been boarded."

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1 minute ago, DarkRuler2500 said:

Thats the stat "git gud".


you got me fam.

2 minutes ago, DarkRuler2500 said:

Overheat capacity, gunner intrinsics and you're good.

I got some nice Lavan Cryophan MK II's and a Zekti Polar Coil. They're a blast. Scared to try the Zecti Cryophans though.

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40 minutes ago, Cephalon_Carstairs said:

But I guess the descriptions about the trade-offs make sense now.

yes, infact the descriptions of what the House versions of Ship Parts and Weapons trade off are exactly true >.>


38 minutes ago, H0B0Z said:

You almost have to have a polar coil mod to make them work.

not almost, you do. you have to(except maybe exactly two of the Weapons). whether that sort of tradeoff is actually superior in most cases - well, on a couple of the Weapon Archetypes they certainly are. most of the others, not.
the other Houses on some of these Weapons offer useful alternative tradeoffs, but seeing as most of the Communitys' "review" of Railjack is to not use the Ship at all, i don't wanna sound like a jerk but most of the Community is not in a position to be making decisions about Gear superiority.

6 minutes ago, H0B0Z said:

I got some nice Lavan Cryophan MK II's and a Zekti Polar Coil. They're a blast. Scared to try the Zecti Cryophans though.

Cryo kinda needs the extra Damage that you get from Zetki, due to the Fire Rate being so low. if Cryo doesn't basically oneshot(two shots is... passable) Enemies it's pretty garbage compared to alternative choices.

Edited by taiiat
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6 minutes ago, H0B0Z said:


you got me fam.

I got some nice Lavan Cryophan MK II's and a Zekti Polar Coil. They're a blast. Scared to try the Zecti Cryophans though.

Yeah the Cryophans are heat monsters, generally 3-4 shots as fast as you can fire them and you over heat them.

With the better MK2 and MK3 weapons you can over heat them SOOO fast specially since some already fast firing weapons can get a +60% fire rate which makes a full auto weapon essentially makes you have to fire it like a burst fire weapon because a single click just hoses rounds.

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1 hour ago, Cephalon_Carstairs said:

Yeah, but they're still the highest DPS. Even with the overheating, they do around 50% more DPS than the other 3 weapon types.

If you don't mind spending half your time waiting for cool down.

Zetki aren't the "highest tier" they are most expensive to maintain against their damage, like the base Opticor or twin grakatas with fire rate mods. 


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1 hour ago, Cephalon_Carstairs said:

My bad, didn't know Zetki had bad reactors. For pretty much every avionic and weapon Zetki has the highest percentage (at the same rank) or DPS. I didn't realize the system components were so skewed. But I guess the descriptions about the trade-offs make sense now.

I haven't done the maths for weapons, but that's not how it works for avionics. Different avionics have the houses in a different order.

Edited by schilds
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2 hours ago, Cephalon_Carstairs said:

Complaining about the highest tier as a drop. Maybe you misheard something, bud. Zetki is the highest tier there is. At least know what you're complaining about before complaining

God damn if this isn't the most hypocritical post ive seen in a while. Zetki reactors are garbage. Catch knowledge.

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