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Railjack: What are they doing in the crewships? Why are they on the station? (ranting, sorry)


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So, perhaps there is something I'm missing, in which case, please enlighten me. Also, I'm in a bad mood, so I apologize if I sound rude.


As I said in another thread, when there's a crewship, one should jump in, kill the reactor, and jump out.
Now I've been in a public match again (mainly doing solo, but I wanted to try it with other people once more), and as usual I noticed people lingering around in crewships (quite sure they were NOT under tenno control - but I admit the UI is next to useless with regard to that).
There was a lot of lag, but I managed to get into another crewship and kill it, yet when I came back someone else was still in a crewship.

Are they mapping the whole ship pixel by pixel?

The railjack I was on was close to exploding several times, but there are people lollygagging in Grineer ships?


And of course, a "hero" decided to start the tertiary objective - the station. Because, efficiency I guess? Chaos all around, hull ripping everywhere and fighters pounding on the railjack, and suddenly you get the information that someone exposed the first radiator on that 10 000 meter away station.
That's great, I think?
The crewships (1 of 6 done) are sending ramsleds, so in addition to shooting down the ships, someone has to play pest control.


I get the allure of multi-tasking, but 4 people per railjack is thin enough already, every person not on the ship leaves a hole.
IMO, railjacks are designed for 6 or 7 persons, not just 4: Pilot, 2 gunners, one arty gunner, one slingshot, at least one for repairs.

(The transition to artillery is far to slow to be done by the pilot.)
(Also, of course, it can be done by a single person as well, but just because it CAN be done doesn't mean it's GOOD.)

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In Railjack affinity equals Intrinsics.

Normally the engineer role earns more intrinsics with the constant repairs and boarding parties.
Skirmishers get less.

Kills earn you intrinsics. So my guess is the skirmishers are murdering every grineer on the crewship or asteroid to make up for the fact that they earn less when flying around in archwing.

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Stealth kills can yield a lot of intrinsics, the officer of a crew ship in particular can be worth more than a single intrinsic point if done correctly in stealth. When I'm solo those 6 crew ships are at least 6 intrinsic points when cleared via stealth kills.

As for you wanting more crew, it sounds like what you actually need is a good co-ordinated crew which let's face it, ain't gonna happen often in a public match.

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Typically people are killing enemies in the ship I will do this occasionally but only if there are no other crewships on the map and I always kill the reactor first.   After you kill the reactor you have a 30 sec countdown no matter what anyway if its the last crewship or there are no others spawned I'll take the extra 5-10 s to regen my energy and kill the crew

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3 minutes ago, Redrum_Wraith said:

Stealth kills can yield a lot of intrinsics, the officer of a crew ship in particular can be worth more than a single intrinsic point if done correctly in stealth. When I'm solo those 6 crew ships are at least 6 intrinsic points when cleared via stealth kills.

As for you wanting more crew, it sounds like what you actually need is a good co-ordinated crew which let's face it, ain't gonna happen often in a public match.

its not that it won't happen, a well coordinated random match is hard to come by, i was in one earlier today that was in the veil but we were so well coordinated that we were hardly needing to do any repairs, the pilot was staying mobile boarders were killed off just as fast as they boarded by me and the other guy who were on board with the pilot to assist with use of both turrets, and the 4th was basically rushing into the spawned crew ships and killing them off before they could be a threat.

But yes a crew that is random and well coordinated is rare to come across, most of the time it is a lot more hectic and in rare cases everyone is running around like a chicken with its head cut off.

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It does feel like it's built for more than four, with any luck they'll increase the number at a later point. 

As others have said you get a good amount of intrinsics for stealth kills. That could explain why people are going for the base and why they take their time in the Crew ships.

Additionally if you can capture a Crew ship it gives you not only a gunner with more freedom but another target for enemies too.

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i want to believe i was the guys in the 10.000 meter far station, looking from the big grineer windows in the direction of the railjack. A railjack compltely surrounded by millions of little fighter and crewship, boarded by hordes of ramsled and a flood of high level grineer inside.

I want to believe i'm there... watching to the railjack whyle you try to pilot, foundry, shot and repair all alone. And after i have looked to that scne for a while, i continue farm my cubic diodes inside that grineer station, completely ignoring the situation...

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1 hour ago, Redrum_Wraith said:

Stealth kills can yield a lot of intrinsics, the officer of a crew ship in particular can be worth more than a single intrinsic point if done correctly in stealth. When I'm solo those 6 crew ships are at least 6 intrinsic points when cleared via stealth kills.

Interesting. Still not something I'd risk the mission for, though. (When you're solo, you can gauge the risk better.)




    As for you wanting more crew, it sounds like what you actually need is a good co-ordinated crew which let's face it, ain't gonna happen often in a public match.

    It doesn't really matter if the crew is coordinated or not, if switching positions takes too long. It seems that any function or position you want to use takes at least a second to load. Even the tactical map.

    So when half the crew is doing two jobs, you constantly lose time - which suggests that the design of the Railjack is for more people.


Edited by Rejutka_Lupex
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I gotta admit i got lost in the grinner base yesterday, i did took a litte more time to open some closets to get as much materials as possible and can someone confirm, if we destroy a crewship is better to loot it before or do the resources drop when it explodes?

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Killing the gunners and Pilot before the reactor takes a few more seconds, and stops some damage going into the railjack, so i do that... Also at higher lvl missions, its prudent to kill the crew because one stray shot at those levels will down you.
So, if you don't like their style, maybe go in yourself?

Edited by ReaverKane
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2 hours ago, Awazx said:

For your peace of mind, I suggest you take your ship's crew as bots with an irregular programming code. 

whitney houston agree GIF

It's what I do to keep my sanity in some pubs, and what I hope others think as well when I decide to lay blind efficiency to rest and focus on fun. PUGs first rule is "there are no rules". Not for me, not for you, not for anyone. It may have an optional "code of ethics", but that's about it.

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in my experience, it should take no longer than 30 seconds, even in the Veil,to kill a crewship, provided they board via Slingshot, destroy the reactor (add up to 5 seconds for a Reactor shield) and then Omni-warp back onto the railjack. killing enemies on board takes time, but allow them to break open crates for the resources because you can never have too many, there's about 3 clearly visible crates between the back of the ship and the reactor. probably more, but they are hidden and take longer to reach. on Saturn or Earth, with no Reactor shield, you can be in and out in 15 seconds or less.

unless the boarder is gathering resources, they should break in, bust the reactor and get out ASAP. the sooner you kill crewships, the sooner you can do the mission without worrying about them flying out the map and wrecking your mission. it's very important.

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il y a 19 minutes, (PS4)robotwars7 a dit :

in my experience, it should take no longer than 30 seconds, even in the Veil,to kill a crewship, provided they board via Slingshot, destroy the reactor (add up to 5 seconds for a Reactor shield) and then Omni-warp back onto the railjack. killing enemies on board takes time, but allow them to break open crates for the resources because you can never have too many, there's about 3 clearly visible crates between the back of the ship and the reactor. probably more, but they are hidden and take longer to reach. on Saturn or Earth, with no Reactor shield, you can be in and out in 15 seconds or less.

unless the boarder is gathering resources, they should break in, bust the reactor and get out ASAP. the sooner you kill crewships, the sooner you can do the mission without worrying about them flying out the map and wrecking your mission. it's very important.

Killing the grineer on crewships easily double to triple the intrinsics you get per mission. And it's for EVERYONE, even pilot and engie. 

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1 hour ago, TheSixteenth said:

Killing the grineer on crewships easily double to triple the intrinsics you get per mission. And it's for EVERYONE, even pilot and engie. 

Fully plundering crewships and stations tends to result in a pretty big pile of resources too.

Edited by zuraja
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