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I am not a vending machine.


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1 hour ago, (PS4)Ashmane84 said:

Effort? Where is the effort in standing around AFK in a hub playing on my phone and waiting for a message alert? No; I don't want to do this because it's not any effort; it's boring. I have better things to do with my time than stand around in a hub pretending to be a vending machine because Digital Extremes was too incompetent to implement a proper trading post.

Apparently even that is too much effort for you. God forbid you actually watch and post in trade chat. 


Disagreeing with your incompetent, poorly thought out ideas is a sign of good judgement on DE's part. Not incompetence. 


But feel free to keep throwing a temper tantrum like a spoiled child who thinks they're entitled to having free plat handed to them with no effort because it wont change anything. They've already said it wont happen. Next. 

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Just now, (XB1)Erudite Prime said:

See, you're still just participating in arguments instead of addressing valid feedback to your topics. 

I haven't seen any valid feedback. Though maybe its just getting buried by the trolls. What I've seen is an endless stream of people jumping my ass for something I didn't say, and referring me to a website that I already said in the opening post I know exists, and consider to be a "community run band-aid" that does not in any way address the systemic issue of the game. I even went so far as to directly elaborate on that, referring to the need to wait around and hope that a scheduled trade using that site to show up would still cut into my limited playtime. That website does not matter. It does not work. It does not solve the problem. It is just a something the community uses because they don't have a better option. And ironically that's WHY they don't have a better option. Why add something basic like this in, if the community is fine with their band-aid and treats anyone who dares suggest otherwise like dirt?

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7 minutes ago, (PS4)Ashmane84 said:

I haven't seen any valid feedback.

I told you that you're not meant to stay in Maroo's Bazaar for any extended period of time, and that it's much better to just paste your message in Trade Chat between messages. 


7 minutes ago, (PS4)Ashmane84 said:

...referring to the need to wait around and hope that a scheduled trade using that site to show up would still cut into my limited playtime. That website does not matter. It does not work. It does not solve the problem.

Can you explain again? What do you mean "wait around?" You make your post on the website, play the game until you get a response, and then figure out a time to meet and make the trade. There's no waiting around with warframe.market. 

Edited by (XB1)Erudite Prime
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24 minutes ago, Educated_Beast said:

I don't want an auction house.  I make a ton of plat listing my items / rivens on a couple player run websites.  Because a large portion of players are to lazy to list and to disorganized to handle many items, I benefit.  

Yes, I benefit from your laziness.  It ensures my items are listed at best possible prices.  If it was easy, everyone would do it and the price of everything would plummet.  That's bad for me.  

I never use trade chat but I can run out of trades as an MR28 as soon as I make my account listed.  An auction house would eat up useful server space, require programming, and destroy prices of items so it's not even worth bothering to trade. 

I'd rather DE just stick to making a good game, an auction house would screw up Warframe.

a SWTOR style market place would be largely beneficial for the majority of players, yet somewhat inconvenient for you. so its bad. but when people who do endurance runs ask for scaling rewards, thats bad. because they arent with the majority. here is the issue with this community, the people on the market are largely overly greedy, asking for stupid amounts for plat. 
personally i think the market and the greedy twats could stand to lose some market space. 

and if DE was to stick to macking a good game, they would finish a #*!%ing project for once. an not half ass it and then abandon it shortly after release 

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4 minutes ago, (XB1)Erudite Prime said:

Can you explain again? What do you mean "wait around?" You make your post on the website, then play the game until you get a response. There's no waiting around with warframe.market. 

Except there is, by the nature of it still being an in-person trade system. Imagine this situation; I post what I am trying to unload and a price in trade chat, on the site, whatever, and go play the game. Seems good so far. I get a hit, someone wants to trade, perfect.

"Sure thing, just give me a minute to finish this mission real quick and I'll load in."
"Alright, I'll be there in a minute."

And then they never show up. Or they disconnect and can't contact me. Or they unexpectedly go AFK for an hour and a half. Or maybe it's on me; maybe there is something wrong with my daughter and I can't make it before they get upset and leave. Maybe my internet goes out (comcast is horrible). Or perhaps the dude gets there with half of the listed price and now wants to waste a half hour haggling, and then harasses me for the next hour on messages when I refuse his price. There are a million reasons why even a trade set up on that site or on chat will fall apart. And there are as many reasons why being forced to rely on an in-person trading system is a bad idea. Not the least of all, what I see in every game pre-trading post: "why isn't there secure trading? Someone might scam me!"

I'm sorry, okay? I'm not trying to say that this game isn't good. I'm not trying to say the community is wrong, and I'm not trying to downplay the worth of that site. And I'm certainly not saying that dumpster fire Fallout 76 is better outside of two or three very specific features that even that train wreak managed to pull off. But the simple fact of the matter is that not having a proper trading post will always be objectively inferior to having one. I don't care how much profit the high end traders are raking in from that deficiency.

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2 minutes ago, (XB1)Erudite Prime said:


How often does this happen to you? These all sound hypothetical. 

For my part of it, I'd say inevitable. Comcast is horrible and I've had as many as a dozen disconnects in a single day before. Usually two or three a week, randomly. As for others....look let me be clear here; I haven't actually tried to trade yet because I know it won't go well. Not only because it's asking too much of my limited time, but because of my own situation making me an unreliable trader to others, and I don't want to screw someone over and make them waste their time waiting on me. You can berate me for this if you like, but the fact of the matter is these issues can and will happen because of the nature of the system in place. This sort of thing WILL happen because there are absolutely no protections in place to prevent it. Maybe 99.9% of people will never have this problem. Maybe I never will. But that doesn't change the fact that without security you invite disaster, and I'm no fan of gambling.

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35 minutes ago, (PS4)Ashmane84 said:

I find it interesting that you decided to go with "making a good game" when the very feature you're in opposition to would only serve to improve the game. Yet, you also admit that you're profiting off of the current flawed design, so at least you're honest in your dishonesty. You don't want them to make a good game, a good game has an auction house. You want them to make a game that's good for YOU. 

Really ironic how your complaint was for DE to implement a system to fit YOUR(I can play the unnecessarily all capping word game too) needs.

"I want DE to implement an auction house so that I don't spend MY time twiddling MY thumbs." Sound familiar? And now you're bashing someone else who wants the game to fit their needs. What's worse is you try to mask it by justifying that meeting YOUR needs would benefit the game as a whole. Stop pretending to be a saint when you're just another random trying to get what he wants and couldn't give two Fs about what other people think.

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1 minute ago, Kalsiam said:

Really ironic how your complaint was for DE to implement a system to fit YOUR(I can play the unnecessarily all capping word game too) needs.

"I want DE to implement an auction house so that I don't spend MY time twiddling MY thumbs." Sound familiar? And now you're bashing someone else who wants the game to fit their needs. What's worse is you try to mask it by justifying that meeting YOUR needs would benefit the game as a whole. Stop pretending to be a saint when you're just another random trying to get what he wants and couldn't give two Fs about what other people think.

The difference being that what I'm advocating would benefit most, if not all, players in the long term. Not only with greater trade security, but also make the game more new-player friendly and thereby preserve the population during content dry spells. Conversely unless you're planing to give a bunch of people free platinum, what you're advocating benefits only yourself. "The needs of the many..." and all that. You making ten percent more platinum today doesn't matter if the game dries up and dies from lack of new players tomorrow.

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11 minutes ago, (PS4)Ashmane84 said:

For my part of it, I'd say inevitable. Comcast is horrible and I've had as many as a dozen disconnects in a single day before. Usually two or three a week, randomly. As for others....look let me be clear here; I haven't actually tried to trade yet because I know it won't go well. Not only because it's asking too much of my limited time, but because of my own situation making me an unreliable trader to others, and I don't want to screw someone over and make them waste their time waiting on me. You can berate me for this if you like, but the fact of the matter is these issues can and will happen because of the nature of the system in place. This sort of thing WILL happen because there are absolutely no protections in place to prevent it. Maybe 99.9% of people will never have this problem. Maybe I never will. But that doesn't change the fact that without security you invite disaster, and I'm no fan of gambling.

You make it sound like trading is the most stressful thing in the world.

"But that doesn't change the fact that without security you invite disaster, and I'm no fan of gambling."

So you're worried your internet will go out in the time it takes to make a trade? Even if it did happen, most people are going to be reasonable about it if you tell them that. Unless of course your internet disconnects every 10 minutes, in which case you can't even play the game, let alone trade. 


"I haven't actually tried to trade yet because I know it won't go well."


Edited by Kappa64
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18 hours ago, (PS4)Ashmane84 said:

I am thirty-five years old. I am a husband. I am a father. I work three jobs to support myself and my family. I am not a vending machine. 

I am not some kid, wasting his parent's money after school. I have a rather demanding life, that consumes the vast majority of my time. Thus, with the few precious hours each night I have to play a game, I would like to actually PLAY a game. What I do not want to do is stand around in a social hub with my hand over my head advertising some random item, hoping someone strolls by and inserts a few platinum. But apparently I am a vending machine.

I am told the solution to my problems in this game is to trade rare items for platinum, and use those to buy additional this or that. Because apparently I am a vending machine.

Literally every other online game on the market has some sort of established trading post or auction house where one can drop off items to be sold while they do other things. I know there is a website for trading with people, but that is a community run band-aid, and does not excuse poor design or missing features. Even Bethesda's recent online dumpster fire has a pop-up shop where you can drop off items that stays in place as long as you stay logged in, allowing you to actually PLAY their train wreak of a game while selling your loot. But, it seems, I am a vending machine.

In a few very specific, but not insignificant, ways Warframe is an objectively worse game than Fallout 76. And I am NOT a vending machine.

Let me approach this from a slightly different perspective.

Much like you, I have family and career commitments.

I found out long ago that if you treat your time as a commodity/valued asset, you quickly learn that the time you lose in-game, even with an auction house, does not equal the value of time lost in the process.

A far better option is to use RL time to make RL money much more quickly.

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23 minutes ago, (PS4)Ashmane84 said:

But that doesn't change the fact that without security you invite disaster, and I'm no fan of gambling.

You sound very paranoid. What's insecure about the current system? If you lose connection during a trade, nothing gets lost. You mentioned scams earlier, and that only happens if someone tricks you into overpaying or underselling, and is easily avoidably by asking for pricechecks before trading.

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8 hours ago, ssxtriki said:

well yes, it proves that ppl don't know warframe.market even exists, yes there will be some kind sustain demand of most popular weapons or frames, but the price will drop drastically, warframe.market works now cause in order for you to sell something you need to be online in game, join Dojo and sell items, AH you don't need to be online or join dojo or physically sell your items, all ppl need to do is log in, drop items log out, in current trading we have now you have to actually type what you want to sell or post in warframe.market Wait online in game for some one to ask for an item and then go sell the item, in other words you need to put some time and effort to sell what you offer, This post is Proof that ppl want AH so they don't put in that extra effort to sell items cause they are lazy that's why prices did not drop as much in warframe.market as it will in game AH. Also i'm confused how will ppl spend more in AH than they are spending now? lets say you want Volt Prime set it costs now 180P, when AH comes and all of the ppl who are online and offline drop their Volt sets and everyone is making it cheaper, cheaper, cheaper, cause they want to sell it, the price drops lets say in half 90p, and other Prime sets drop in half, so that means you need 2x Less Platinum to buy what you want so instead buying 4k plat you buy 2k plat, Also dont forget WF game design is Pay to Progress, Equipment, items, frames, is part of the game progression, by cheap prices everyone will hit a progression wall at some point faster than it is now. 

AH just has to many flaws and cons than pros, why make a risky system when the current one works just fine? and like i said before it would take to much DE's effort to make one instead they should be focusing on more important things like fixing and polishing the game.


See, that whole 'Prices will drop" thing is what kinda gets at me. It's a more or less straight up admission that prices right now are inflated simply by being beholden to a crippled trading system. I can't help but notice the similarity, in fact, between trading right now and the alert system that nightwave replaced- You have to be online at the right time to get what you want, and if you're not, well... wait till it pops up again. And I don't buy 'effort' as a valid argument, simply because it's not- you stand around watching chat and then go to a dojo. It's not effort-  it's boring. You can't play the game doing that- you have to devote time to trading (Something, again, we'll note that DE doesn't want us doing- they want us out doing things in game, as is evidenced by nightwave replacing alerts.)

As for your second point, I'll admit I'm really.. not sure what you're driving at? That people will buy less platinum because auction house items won't be as expensive? No, that's true, they're not- but things like cosmetics and slots are a fixed price, and are only available via DE. Less plat will be shuffled around player to player, yes, but because of that, more plat will have to be purchased overall by the player base to cover those fixed price items. To use your example, let's say I want a Empyrean bundle off the shop- 820 plat. At 180p per volt prime set, that's... call it four and a half sets. At 90p per, it's a little over nine sets. So either I farm a little over twice as many items to pull more plat off other players, or I buy plat to cover it- and I'll be honest, I (And many other players- I'll look for the exact study in a bit) are far far more likley to do things like buy 10$ of a premium currency than 100$ of the same- hence the whole 'micro' part of Microtransactions). That's what I meant when I said you have plat constantly leaving circulation- players buy things from DE, and that plat they spend is removed from circulation, and then has to be replaced via someone then purchasing plat. It's a value created vs. value moved argument- production vs. services, if you will.  

The current system doesn't work 'just fine'- it's a bandaid solution that should have been replaced years ago. It relies on players sitting in their orbiter or dojo in lieu of playing missions- and using a third party site to try to manage trades. It's very easily manipulated- as is shown in your own examples above- relying entirely on a significant part of the playerbase simply not engaging with it in order to artificially inflate prices in game to benefit the traders. It's exclusionary to at least a significant minority of players for various reasons (Someone in this thread, IIRC, mentioned social anxiety, for example- that's a valid argument, honestly, and that's coming from someone who thinks we all need tougher skin.) 

While I'll readily accept that DE is all too happy to allow third party sites to do heavy lifting for them (See: The absolutely atrocious availability of information to newer players about extant systems and the common response of "Use the Wiki"), and that the game does need polish desperately in some areas, community aspects like trading are, I'd argue, reasonably important in a game like warframe, which has a large, active community that does interact - And is the primary driving force for the majority of premium transactions, come  to think of it- you don't fashion frame to impress the dog. You wanna show that mess off! 





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6 minutes ago, (PS4)Ashmane84 said:

The difference being that what I'm advocating would benefit most, if not all, players in the long term. Not only with greater trade security, but also make the game more new-player friendly and thereby preserve the population during content dry spells. Conversely unless you're planing to give a bunch of people free platinum, what you're advocating benefits only yourself. "The needs of the many..." and all that. You making ten percent more platinum today doesn't matter if the game dries up and dies from lack of new players tomorrow.

What's wrong with trying to benefit yourself? Warframe has a free market system that's been working fine for the past 7 years. The only reason why you're complaining, and multiple people have been saying this to you but you refuse to listen, is that you're wasting your own time out of volition to stand at a spot where almost nobody goes for hours on end trying to sell an item when you can just pop into trade chat, advertise, and hop back into a mission. I'm not taking either side of the argument because I could care less about this whole idea, but Implementing an auction house would change very little. If trading really was a terrible experience, then DE would've already done something, even if it would've taken them 2-3 years to address and fix. But again, seeing as trading has been going on for 7 years now, "If it ain't broken..." and all that. Trading seems to only be a bad experience to you because of the choices you are making. Multiple people, veterans playing way longer than you have, are trying to help and advise you, a new player who doesn't have many hours put into the game, on how to have a better experience, yet you refuse to take their advice and demand that DE do things your way.

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2 minutes ago, Paradoxity said:

See, that whole 'Prices will drop" thing is what kinda gets at me. It's a more or less straight up admission that prices right now are inflated simply by being beholden to a crippled trading system.


The current system doesn't work 'just fine'- it's a bandaid solution that should have been replaced years ago. It relies on players sitting in their orbiter or dojo in lieu of playing missions- and using a third party site to try to manage trades. It's very easily manipulated- as is shown in your own examples above- relying entirely on a significant part of the playerbase simply not engaging with it in order to artificially inflate prices in game to benefit the traders.


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29 minutes ago, (PS4)Ashmane84 said:

The difference being that what I'm advocating would benefit most, if not all, players in the long term. Not only with greater trade security, but also make the game more new-player friendly and thereby preserve the population during content dry spells. Conversely unless you're planing to give a bunch of people free platinum, what you're advocating benefits only yourself. "The needs of the many..." and all that. You making ten percent more platinum today doesn't matter if the game dries up and dies from lack of new players tomorrow.

No, what you're advocating would damage the in-game economy by crashing prices of most common items, making it exponentially more difficult for most free to play players to earn plat. 

That hurts the game, and makes it worse for all of us. Because trading is literally "giving a bunch of players free plat". The forum is full of old threads that go into great detail about this. 

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Trade Chat > Auction house.

MR2 Enter the AH (Oh, i have 1 Nekros, let me sell >>  put 1 - Nekros Prime 80 Plats

MR28 Monster Veteran (OMG look that dude, Nekros for 80? LOL)  >> put 100 Nekros Primes 40 plat.


You can argue that the CURRENT system has the same problem, but only very evil people would stay tracking the Chat to trolls other players.




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3 hours ago, (PS4)Ashmane84 said:

I find it interesting that you decided to go with "making a good game" when the very feature you're in opposition to would only serve to improve the game. Yet, you also admit that you're profiting off of the current flawed design, so at least you're honest in your dishonesty. You don't want them to make a good game, a good game has an auction house. You want them to make a game that's good for YOU. 

>would only serve to improve the game.


No. It wouldnt. It's already been explained to you but you choose to just straight up reject basic economic principles. Supply and demand. 

1) say you want to sell a Rhino Prime set. Right now, for you to find a buyer, you have to compete with anyone online looking to sell the same thing at any given time. You want to set up an auction house? Now you're competing with everyone in the game with a rhino set PERIOD. and because your rhino set is identical in every way to every other rhino prime set, all it takes for someone to almost guarantee that you wont find a buyer is to undercut you by 1p. Since presumably, a buyer would be able to browse all posts for any given item. Every other player wouldnt have to invest time or effort in looking at trade chat, sitting in a relay, or even being online. So you can expect the supply to outpace the demand BIGLY. 


You want to talk about not having money to spend on platinum? Have fun when platinum is even harder to get from trades. 


2) keep in mind that the "demand" aspect of this equation would. Not. Change. There wouldnt be anything to make up for the sudden abundance of items for Sale. 


The only people who would ARGUABLY benefit from an auction house are people that dont bother selling items for plat anyway and simply rely on their credit card. Bottoming out prices would benefit them just fine. But that doesnt sound like you.

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Wouldn't the better question by, why would DE place a simplified process of trading items when it will clearly impact their bottom line?

DE would be saying, making it easier to gain Plat (through trades) will decrease Plat sales. 

So everyone in favor of any action house 'like' in game system to trade items for Plat will need to show how DE will be making money. 

If you can answer that with something DE likes, then they will implement it.  

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4 hours ago, (PS4)Ashmane84 said:


Don't post something in a thread I created and then act like I don't have the right to respond to it. If someone doesn't want to hear my opinion on a matter, why are they in my thread? They can kindly take themselves elsewhere.

But weren't you whining when people were "rude" to you 

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3 minutes ago, (XB1)ECCHO SIERRA said:

>would only serve to improve the game.


No. It wouldnt. It's already been explained to you but you choose to just straight up reject basic economic principles. Supply and demand. 

1) say you want to sell a Rhino Prime set. Right now, for you to find a buyer, you have to compete with anyone online looking to sell the same thing at any given time. You want to set up an auction house? Now you're competing with everyone in the game with a rhino set PERIOD. and because your rhino set is identical in every way to every other rhino prime set, all it takes for someone to almost guarantee that you wont find a buyer is to undercut you by 1p. Since presumably, a buyer would be able to browse all posts for any given item. Every other player wouldnt have to invest time or effort in looking at trade chat, sitting in a relay, or even being online. So you can expect the supply to outpace the demand BIGLY. 


You want to talk about not having money to spend on platinum? Have fun when platinum is even harder to get from trades. 


2) keep in mind that the "demand" aspect of this equation would. Not. Change. There wouldnt be anything to make up for the sudden abundance of items for Sale. 


The only people who would ARGUABLY benefit from an auction house are people that dont bother selling items for plat anyway and simply rely on their credit card. Bottoming out prices would benefit them just fine. But that doesnt sound like you.

You don't argue with special needs kids. You let them chew their crayons in peace and drink the hot glue  our friend here should stick to his crayons and not the forums 

Edited by (PS4)sweatshawp
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