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What is this game to you? Constructive Criticism for DE

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I have played this game for 5 years I love it. Of course it has its problems, but at the end of the day they are trying to fix those problems. It is a very torn community and it is hard to please one side without upsetting the other. I feel that most games that I have played end up being fond memories. They had their standard gameplay, increasing layers of difficulty and eventually came to an end.  I mastered the game to where I could beat it very quickly. 

WARFRAME is a great game with endless possibilities. They have come so far from where they started and created a huge world that when going into it is overwhelming. I admit that while the graphics and environment and stunning that the world building is lacking a bit. This game started with really no story and it was just a "kill things with no context" kind of game.

I have spent many hours playing Warframe. Mastering weapons getting all the mods, trying new builds. However the builds I make the stronger they are the more trivial the game seems. That is normal for most games you start low level and as you progress the game gets easier.

One of my favorite games is a game called Dragons Dogma. You can change the difficulty and the challenge is pretty great and the combat is fun and the enemies are pretty smart and give you a reason to strategise. One can create loads of different builds that are effective in most areas but sometimes you need specific skills to face foes more efficiently. 

Warframe as a game that wants to keep expanding, keeps the star chart at a pretty low level throughout. The Kuva lich system is new, has more grind and rewards. Getting your lich to lv 5 makes the enemies harder through the star chart.

The game is pretty easy, not really because of the enemy lv is low. I can kill lv 5 enemies to lv 100 enemies with about the same effort. I believe It is because the enemy never tries harder. They don't give you a reason to switch it up. Maybe nullifiers and ancient healers need to be taken care of, sure.

I tried doing this thing where I made a build that uses no abilities and only used health, defense, and exilus type mods. Still with a decent melee weapon I was able to completely shred Lv 200 enemies in mot and not really worry about dying. Maybe this is a game kinda like Dynasty Warriors that you are just supposed to kill and kill with ease and find cooler ways to do it. 

I am not sure what their vision is but I still enjoy the game in that mindset. There does need to be a balance though. Scott talked about how content creators only ever use their time to show the game as the practice simulation room. He hated that the actual gameplay wasn't being shown. I completely understand where he is coming from. However, this is the inevitable result of needing challenge.

The only way to have a reason to keep creating stronger builds isn't made for the core gameplay. It is for higher level enemies that spawn only in one mission type "survival". The only way to showcase without wasting hours in Mot they believe is to raise their mastery rank and spawn lv 170 enemies. They aren't wrong of course this is a fairly understandable issue. 

You have players that don't want to put in much work to get good enough to do higher lv content and just feel like they are playing fruit ninja. They just want the rewards. Then you have players who want the game to have higher difficulty and better rewards. Then you just have the artistic players who enjoy the creative side of Warframe. I feel that I am a mix of the last two.

Again... what does DE want their game to be and who is it for? I am not sure really, but as is this game is failing both parties. The game is very grindy and is hard enough for casual players to become irritated. Some love the grind but are not feeling challenged or rewarded for the grind. Some just like taking pictures and buying the new cosmetic items.

DE I feel that maybe you are conflicted on what to do. You are in a position where you are trying service new players to get them interested. At the same time you are failing your Veterans by not giving them a reason to continue. Why are we even trying to get stronger builds if the content does not call for it? The answer is there isn't one right now. I still enjoy playing this as a hack and slash. Beyond that and if I expect more I believe that will let me down. 

I understand how pleasing everyone is difficult. I hope you do make changes that create a better core game that is player friendly and also has challenging progression. I am not done with the game I love DE and their integration with the community. I don't think that they aren't listening. it is just when one person has one vision for the game and voices that opinion and it isn't heard. Then that means another voice was heard who has an opposing opinion. Then they say things like "DE isn't listening to their players". I don't think that is true. They just aren't listening to the same criticism.

They have progressed in a way coming from such a low point where they could hardly support their staff to a huge explosion in players and content. They have listened to what they have listened to. There are so many voices speaking a different message is it difficult to please anyone. They show they have listened to players with the new changes made to status and damage. They even talked about changing impact and gas procs interaction a week after it was "widely" complained about. 

I see a lot of hate towards DE and compared to other developers who aren't as involved I don't think it is warranted. With all the Dev streams and the continuous changes being made I think this is just the natural cycle of a FTP game or any ongoing game. I am going to just play another game when I don't feel my time is being used properly. I am not giving up on DE at all I really love this community.

Go and put out your concerns and criticism maybe they will hear you... Maybe they won't, that is how everything works. Jobs, talent scouting, scripts, opinions...ect... 




TLDR I love DE and I am not giving up on them. I just may play something else so I don't get burned out for now. I know they are trying to please two different player bases and it isn't an easy task. 

Stay safe everyone in this crazy pandemic. 



P. S.

I play PS4 and I heard about Scarlet Spear being bugged and it being another boring mobile defense but I am just going to wait for them to try and fix it like they want to do for us. I believe they care and want to do good by us. They should take more time and not feel too rushed to push out content in this state but bugs are bound to happen, trial, and error. 


Edited by (PS4)Scarletboy76292
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warframe is meant to be what made it popular in the first place, a space ninja, run and gun, horde shooter, however for a long time now DE have decided that they want to shoe-horn in things that have utterly nothing to do with any of that.  So now we have Space Ninja Fishermen, Miners, Pokemon Catchers, Photographers, and ofc they tried to make the Space harrier rip-off known as Archwing, then last of all decided to make their own rip-off of Fractured Space, but ofc with these rip-offs they are vastly more hollow and featureless.

instead warframe drifts farther and farther away from what it originally is/was which is insane given that 90-95% of our time is spent on the "classic" warframe run and gun corridor/room side of things, which they havent updated or enhanced at all, yet most new gametypes they throw in like disruption/defection/etc still use that old classic system like a faithful crutch.

Edited by Methanoid
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vor 4 Minuten schrieb Methanoid:

warframe is meant to be what made it popular in the first place, a space ninja, run and gun, horse shooter, however for a long time now DE have decided that they want to shoe-horn in things that have utterly nothing to do with any of that. 

Ok i didnt know that yet, where can i craft the saddle for my kavat???

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13 minutes ago, (NSW)Katsuro said:


game is dead

A lot of us are passionate about Warframe’s success. We try what we can to make it better. I think this is how some forumers (not me) chose to help Warframe.

You got ‘em in the pocketbook alright! 👍

edit: Where did you get this anyways?

Edited by (NSW)Greybones
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This game is a creation of a studio that, after many years of doing everyone else's work on games, decided it was time to do their thing for themselves. They took what they had learned from those years and placed it into their laps while asking the players to help them.

What we got is one of the best games I have experienced in my video game history of playing. It is not perfect as nothing made by man will ever be....but dang nabbit....it's one hek of a ride and venture. From the waking up to choose one of three frames to doing things solo for a bit that leads to finding groups and friends to further your experience, it's a good starting point. We are introduced to a faction as well as a being that wants to enslave us...for what reasons? This is where we start our story and it either catches your curious aspect of living...or you want to just kill stuff.

From here we have our choice frames to enter the world of WARFRAME and to test ourselvesas we grow and learn and visit areas we have in front of us. Along the way, we have the choices if grabbing other frames and, in due time(?), will see the storyline behind them. With this all at our disposal, where do we go and how do we do it? Choices. We have so many choices. We can play SOLO to get the game feel and see how we want to do things. If we fail, it's our fault. If we succeed, that was on our merits of play.

We can go at it in PUB and witness the mix of playstyles that comes with that mixing pot. Nothing like entering a SPY for the first time and going in with a bow and silent weapons....to then have another join in blazing guns and powers all over. We can play with Friends and learn how to co-op while talking the day away and realize that you failed because you were enjoying BOTH the gameplay and the companionship of talking. We can form or join a Clan with like minded people or just be alone Inna wave of players in it for their own selves.

Then there is the artistic aspect of the game. From the first time we fall down to the ground in our choice of those 3 frames, we get shown our adversary and how much if a difference there is between us. They come in bulky mechanical non sleaj designs while we have the choice of colors and accessories to show off how we see ourselves. We wear flowing ribbons that dance around our frames in motion while hunting down these masses that keep coming at us with barely any hope of stopping us. We travel to these areas out in the open or enclosed inside rocks or ships....and we flash through in a blink of an eye OR take our time taking each and every prize we can find.

A roster of 42x differing frames to choose from as well as too many (lol) weapons to go with those, each frame being its own weapon as well. We twist realities to our whim and impose our hunger on those who have no choice but to be our victims, and sometimes being worthy of our wrath. We choose how to dish out punishment and for some, it is enough to deal with the game as it is....while others crave more to kill, more to push themselves, more to gather in their gold plunder storage. Some are satisfied with playing while some want to learn the secrets of this universe and others do not care as long as they can make life harder and harsher for other players.

We all come to this game for differing reasons but truth is, we are here supporting a dream of designers, artist, spokespersons, and families that are doing the best to hear all the voices while standing by their vision for their creation. How do you entertain the masses when you want to tell a story....but they just want to eat cake? Not an easy task and being only humans, they will make errors as well as exceptional leaps.

Love the game and what it stands for....


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19 minutes ago, (NSW)Katsuro said:


game is dead

I used to love this game. Totally invested more than 4000 hours and used to always buy items in game with real money monthly! Finally I can’t put up with all the nerfs since 2018 and also killing of my favorite melee and other builds and Rivens  after Update 26! But this is not all, DE is STILL nerfing the game! Why is DE destroying this game? All my enthusiast friends also left! No wonder the profit is tanking as game ranking also dropped from no. 5 in 2017 to now always below 10. 

I stopped spending any money in it after Update 26. 

Edited by George_PPS
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I hope instead of spreading negativity and lack of hope based on how things are now. We can be supportive to a great team and give constructive criticism when needed. I believe criticism is important but negativity without care is toxic. Trying to prove a dream is dead and to spread doubt only is a self fulfilling prophecy if you succeed sharing this concept. Yes they lost in revenue but many companies do. When I worked as a player support tech at a popular game company. We would have a booming player base with lots of revenue earned from skins and passes. We did have a time where we lost revenue do to bugs and other issues but they bounced back. I dont work there anymore so I am not sure where they are at now, but with most companies this is how things go. If you love the game then give constructive criticism and support it. If you feel your time isn't being valued then take a break. The game is evolving and if this game does ever end I will look back with fond memories. 

Edited by (PS4)Scarletboy76292
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2 minutes ago, George_PPS said:

I used to love this game. Totally invested more than 4000 hours and used to always buy items in game with real money monthly! Finally I can’t put up with all the nerfs since 2018 and also killing of my favorite melee and other builds and Rivens  after Update 26! But this is not all, DE is STILL nerfing the game! Why is DE destroying this game? All my enthusiast friends also left! No wonder the profit is tanking as game ranking also dropped from no. 5 in 2017 to now always below 10. 

I stopped spending any money in it after Update 26. 

If they were to have kept up with balance constant nerfs like this wouldn't happen 

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36 minutes ago, (NSW)Katsuro said:


game is dead

wait, where did you get that?

I have been wanting to have access to that report or the audited financial report for the year ended 31 dec 2019



Edit: http://asia.blob.euroland.com/press-releases-attachments/1203571/HKEX-EPS_20200325_9203152-0.PDF
I found this so far, its not too far off what I expected it to be

but its not as bad as that screenshot you have tho

edit 2: nvm about the comment in edit 1, I haven't finished reading it... but eee that does look bad

Edited by Leyers_of_facade
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9 minutes ago, (PS4)sweatshawp said:

If they were to have kept up with balance constant nerfs like this wouldn't happen 

DE should have balanced the enemies,  not nerfing players’ meta builds or gears that need many hours to test and build. The latter is infuriating to many players who then just leave. 

Edited by George_PPS
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3 minutes ago, Flyshlee said:

But they did exactly that. Completely changed how shields work and how armor scales. 

Those are all very recent changes. DE finally heard about it, but it’s probably too late. And those nerfs won’t be reverted. 

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vor 2 Minuten schrieb Flyshlee:

But they did exactly that. Completely changed how shields work and how armor scales. 

May I remind you of the last status changes and the newly implemented additional Arcane Ranks which were totally unnecessary instead of buffing crap arcanes?

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5 minutes ago, ValinorAtani said:

No wonder we're getting this cheesy chinese F2P mechanics into the game. Looks like the Holding is burning money wiht ads instead of good quality and sustainable content.

Also hired a bunch of accountants and statisticians, instead of real designers, to balance this game. Whatever numbers stand out on the spread sheet, whatever meta builds are fun, get killed or nerfed to the ground in the name of balancing. These new people have nothing to do and just nerf our loadouts based on cold numbers. 

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