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Everything wrong with Warframe


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So I've been playing Warframe on and off since release, each time I come back to play I see problems either go unresolved or new problems arise. So here's what I think is wrong with warframe.


Scarlet Spear

DE streamed scarlet spear and were doing the space section completely wrong (as in trying to actually fight in space). This shows how out of touch DE are with their playerbase. There are so many problems with SS that there really is no "quick fix", SS is fundamentally dull and broken. Space for example is just ground pretending to be space. The boss on ground is just a health bar that uses arbitrary health gates. SS should just be trashed the moment it's over.



So why did Railjacks fail? simple; because archwing failed. And what I mean by that is DE cannot introduce a bigger "archwing" and expect it to succeed. First DE needs to understand why archwing does not work, until then Railjack will continue to be Failjack.

So what are the problems with archwing? If you ask anyone they will often say "Everything". But I'd like to be a little more exact here;

1. Lack of seemlessness; archwing is another game within warframe, rather than a game that is part of WARFRAME, the game isn't called Archwing. 

1a. Lack of mods/weapons. Here's an idea, use the content people have such as weapons and mods in archwing. Maybe then DE wouldn't need to create two separate games parallel to each other.

1b. Your warframe means nothing in archwing, it's just art.

2. DE forgot what made warframe, WARFRAME, and that is the absurd acrobatics and movement. In archwing there are no fancy movements. Ctrl and Space should probably be more "impactful" for a start.

3. Archwing abilities are very dull and feel very underwhelming. When you shoot a swarm of missiles, you'd expect to see a "SWARM OF DEATH RAINING DOWN ON THOSE SCUM!", but nope, all you hear is little "boop boop boop" sound and a couple of enemies might die somewhere.

4. Killing targets are not satisfying enough; this is partly down to the fact you often don't see them (as in the targets aren't large enough and the player is too far away), you are simply shooting at red squares on your screen. Enemies need to be scaled up and even remove or reduce the visibility of targeting squares.

5. Looting in space is a chore; Let me get my binoculars to find all the tiny floaters, how fun it is.

6. Melee in space makes no sense, both realistically and gameplay wise. DE has to scale targets bigger for players to see death animations and get a feeling that they are killing something other than square. Unfortunately doing so kills any sort of visuals at close range, it's like trying to melee a crewship, you see nothing else on your screen. Realistically melee is a hindrance as it's another line of code that can and has bugged out. Its really not worth keeping in the game if a handful of players use it in all of warframe.


Now whats wrong with Railjack? Again, Everying.

1. Building the failjack is BOOOOOOOOOOOORING. Go find a some space junk, stand in a circle, wait 6 hours, repeat. HOW IS THAT A COMPELLING WAY TO INTRODUCE CONTENT DE? TELL ME PLEASE!. What ever happened to the story telling of second dream and the war within? Why didn't you WRITE ANYTHING?

1a. Why is building the waitjack time gated? Realism does not make good gameplay, otherwise we'd all be playing real life instead.

2. Again, lack of seemlessness; It's just another game where you "sit in a seat" and fly a brick with crappy pee pee guns. You can't even really move between your orbiter and the failjack seamlessly, Putting a teleporter in your orbiter doesn't lessen that.

2a. You also can't really customise your stalejack, they all look exactly the same other than having another colour scheme. At least let players place objects around, maybe that will occupy players for a mouth or two. Oh wow you can buy a skin that everyone else buys, woopie. Maybe if DE spent more time designing the failjack to be more personalised then maybe it wouldn't be as much of a failure. At least then it would be orbiter 2.0.

3. Flying the snailjack is boring after about 1 minute. At this point DE should just add autopilot so players can at least alt tab and watch youtube.

3a. The weapons are boring and uninspiring. Also the black hole module trivialises all space content. That honestly needs either a huge restriction of just removing. But not before making the content fun to play.

3b. Putting out fires/fixing breaches is BOOOOORING. Nobody wants to stand there and spray some pixels with more pixels. Where are the robots to do that crap?

4. Which brings me to my next point; jailjack is lonely. It really doesn't feel like a ship with a crew even with 3 other players, but especially when flying solo, which is inevitable in this game. If DE is going to experiment then perhaps adding commendable AI would be a way to do things here.

5. Lack of modes; It's always "Kill X, Y, and Z"

5a. Lack of interesting "maps"; part the problem is that DE have take the more "realistic" approach to space. But the truth about space in games is it's empty, and empty is, you guessed it; BORING. Level design is often a large reason for content being dull or exciting.

6. Also again, looting in space is suppose to be fun? At least give players something to make it not aids.


Riven Failure

So the problem with rivens is that they didn't "fix" what they were meant to fix. Not entirely anyway. Part of the problem is the way disposition functions. So here's a couple of issues;

1. Disposition is not wide enough, some weapons don't even need a riven, and then you add one and it's just easy mode. Where as other weapons are so bad that even a good riven can't make them competitive.

2. It's always the base stats that make a weapon bad or good, a weapon with very low base stats is still going to perform sub-optimally even with god-like rolls when compared to current meta weapons. What's 100 times 0 again?. Maybe rivens should be adding base stats rather than % stats. But I guess that would take some thought to implement without breaking the game, something DE has often shown to be very bad at.

3. Disposition changes too rarely. Look at gram, currently one of the top weapons right now sitting at a 5 disposition. And when 3 months rolls around it's going to drop like a lead weight. The current time table for changes can't keep up in meta changes. Disposition should change much more often, even if subtly over a period.


Kuva Bich

So my main gripe with kuva liches is that it's either going to limit you to the few 16 weapons available or nobody is going to care for those 16 weapons. Either way it's a loss. I think some people need a little more explanation on this, think about it logically; If kuva weapons are trash then WHY BOTHER? If they are the top weapons, then congrats you just made the other hundreds of weapons obsolete. Not a good design philosophy.

1. Kuva weapons should have their stats reverted to the default counterparts (add the existing weapon arts as skins). Liches instead give players a token which applies to any weapon they choose which then changes that weapon to a kuva version. Upon creation of that weapon a player can change certain stats and characteristics of said weapon. For example; change a weapon from impact to slash, or reduce attack speed for increased damage, less mag size for faster reload and vise versa.

2. Kuva liches should be integrated into railjack if DE can ever sort out that mess. This give failjack some more content, it also makes a little more sense for a kuva lich to have his own battleship as opposed to just randomly spawning in a mission. And yes I was aware that kuva liches were suppose to be part of railjack, but guess what? They aren't.


Item Rarity

I have always been bothered by the fact that items in relics are given a rarity for no good reason. Why are the Systems of one warfame rare, while the systems of another are not, while the chassis of the later is rare but the chassis for the former is common. 

1. DE should be (over time) reworking the relics to make all prime items similar rarities.

2. DE needs to give players more ways to "consume" prime items, Like consume 4-5 prime parts on a relic for a guaranteed drop of that part (assuming 1. is a reality). This should lessen the supply on the market. "Unfortunately" because weapons and warframes aren't "consumable" the supply will always be much higher than the demand for the most part (unless a lot of new players start playing).


Open World Areas

Remember when PoE was announced as this vast open world? I do and I was disappointed, Then of course DE thinks they can just reskin PoE with Orb Vallis. And guess what? Most people STILL don't give a crap about DEs attempt at an "open world". Lets ignore that it's not open world, the closest thing we have to an open world are the HUBs before we even enter the content. Still, I don't think open world would really work on the current map sizes (they would still need to be made bigger and server side).

1. The fact you need to use 2 different types of equipment for fishing/minning in PoE to Villas symbolises how DE view their own game, a content farm. This is why people are constantly annoyed, because you don't provide any MEANINGFUL content, only recycled crap. STOP IT.

2. Bounties are less rewarding to those who have most of the bounty rewards already. What am i going to do with extra copies of untradables? Sell them? oh boy another couple thousand credits.



Oh boy, what a mess. I don't know anyone who actually ENJOYS hunting. If you are one of those players then may I ask where the pot of gold is? They are overly complex while overly simplistic. Odd how DE have managed to make a boss complex while they are, in essence, just a walking stat stick. 

1. Rework their abilities; Fewer simple telegraphed abilities (Per stage). Rework void mode with ability interactions, it's far too easy to just go "lulz void mode" and auto dodge.

1a. Introduce interesting ads, not just vomalysts. A good boss needs interesting ads that should probably be dealt with (Don't do a scarlet spear though).

1b. Introduce changes in terrain; Bosses that change the terrain in various ways are always slightly more interesting than those that don't.

1c. Defined stages; the problem is that each stage is just repeating what you've already done until it's dead. Eidolons need different stages that are distinct from one another. 

1d. Increase weapon variation (not just snipers) that are effective for the boss encounters. 

1e. Rework capturing, or just remove it and introduce a better loot table method. Capturing as it is feels dull and uninspiring.


Weapon Releases

DE's philosophy seems to be, if i'm being honest here, completely retarded when it comes to releasing weapons. Since forever DE has released more and more powerful weapons and then nerfed them a little bit. But not enough to bring them in line with older weapons, remember Dakra Prime and Soma Prime? Those use to be competitive weapons.

1. DE needs to re-evaluate what they want with new weapon releases (this goes for all content), Do they want to carry on with Power Creeping their own content out of existence? Or maybe DE should release content that people like rather than pigeon-hole them into new items, only to be replaced by a newer items later down the line. 

2. Rivens don't solve your poor balance choices DE, they can only ever make already usable weapons competitive, but eventually even those weapons will be power-creeped out of existence. We've seen it with soma, we'll see it with everything else given enough time.


Warframe Abilities

There are so many problems with the way DE handles warframe mechanics. The first is that they create these cool abilities that are then made useless by other mechanics for the sake of "balance". You know what happens when offensive abilities are made useless DE? People play defensive frames that are not affected by these mechanics.

1. Introduce more cooldowns. You know that thing that companies use to balance abilities? It's as if there is a reason for cooldowns. So you don't end up in the same place as limbo in SS.

2. Step away from the dependency of energy being the main focus of balancing abilities. Especially since there are plenty of way to regenerate energy.

3. Also don't rely on making all of a certain type of enemy completely immune, this only kills certain frames. Rework nullify bubbles and arbitration drones. These should only work defensively. For example; NBs should only make those within it's area immune to effects, it should not remove existing effects. Drones themselves should also be vulnerable to abilities. 



Pets in this game are just buff bots. They are really in need of at least a couple of tweaks.

1. Fix the awful AI of pets. Obviously easier said than done, but i doubt DE even cares if the AI is wonky.

1a. Scale none-sentinal pet stats with enemy level. Also fix the balance of pet mods such as vitality, its always better to take the "link" mods.

2. Change renew to "revive after 90 seconds (60 seconds for primed renew)". Change Reawaken to immediate revival . 



Some other things which I think should have been added/changed a long time ago. The list can be pretty endless depending on who you ask so I'll just name the few that I can currently remember off the top of my head.

-Relics should have an icon to show if they are vaulted (and also be filterable by vaulted/none vaulted).

-Foundry/Arsenal items should be "hideable".

-Should be able to upgrade mods while in the simulacrum and allow more than 1 player to edit loadout at a time.

-Change sortie rewards to Tokens (common to legendary) which can be redeemed for which ever reward a player wants in that category.

-Vote kick option for squads. Need I really explain why?

Edited by Zombiesbottom
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You had valid points but also sounded like you were just trying to be some annoying youtuber.

1. Just because you think something is boring doesn't mean other people do.

2. Deciding to oversimplify a game mode and saying "it's just doing this" isn't a very good argument. 

We're all "just doing x", regardless of what you're doing in any game.

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On 2020-03-31 at 10:14 AM, Zombiesbottom said:

Simple; because archwing failed

But, no one uses it the moment they get decent gear for rj. Archwing may be a failure, or may be not, but claiming it is the reason of rj problems is bs, sorry.

On 2020-03-31 at 10:14 AM, Zombiesbottom said:

Looting in space is a chore; Let me get my binoculars to find all the tiny floaters, how fun it is.

That's true.

Most of the problems you statet with the rj itself are also true.


On 2020-03-31 at 10:14 AM, Zombiesbottom said:

Riven Failure

It's a problem, yeah, but not the greatest one. Rivens are mostly toys for self-proclaimed vets who are bored from anything else in the game, most of the players don't use them.


On 2020-03-31 at 10:14 AM, Zombiesbottom said:

Kuva weapons should have their stats reverted to the default counterparts (add the existing weapon arts as skins). Liches instead give players a token which applies to any weapon they choose which then changes that weapon to a kuva version. Upon creation of that weapon a player can change certain stats and characteristics of said weapon. For example; change a weapon from impact to slash, or reduce attack speed for increased damage, less mag size for faster reload and vise versa.

That's an interesting idea. I would only add they should only modify Grineer weapons, because how else DE will promote Corpus liches.

On 2020-03-31 at 10:14 AM, Zombiesbottom said:

Kuva liches should be integrated into railjack if DE can ever sort out that mess. This give failjack some more content, it also makes a little more sense for a kuva lich to have his own battleship as opposed to just randomly spawning in a mission

It was supposed to from the first showcase of liches, it's all comes to DE's poor implementing of things.



And also

23 hours ago, WingR84 said:

If you know what they did with Unreal (the replacment of the sniper for example)

I disagree on that. Most of the Lightning Gun changes were necessary. The Sniper Rifle from the first Unreal Tournament was a glorified machine gun with one headshot kill. On top of that you never really saw where the fire was coming from.

What they did on LG is drastically lowered the rire rate, added a slight delay on shot and most importantly added a trace that could be used to find the sniper's location.

Guess what Epic Games alone did with the Sniper Rifle in Unreal Tournament 3? Absolutely the same (except for delay).

Edited by LascarCapable
Removed the quoted hidden post.
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1 hour ago, Zombiesbottom said:

1. Disposition is not wide enough, some weapons don't even need a riven, and then you add one and it's just easy mode. Where as other weapons are so bad that even a good riven can't make them competitive.

Funny enough one of my first Rivens was for the Plasma Sword. Despite selling it for 5p nobody would take it, I ended up trashing it. The Plasma Sword is so bad that even a Riven for it is worthless.

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2 minutes ago, WH1735S0W said:

The Plasma Sword is so bad that even a Riven for it is worthless.

Inb4 Kuva Ceti Plasma Sword Umbra Prime Sukk Adikk with 50% crit and 60% status and an attack speed of a Volt with 500% strength.

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"Get rid of melee in space, it's a hindrance to the game, and that's coming from someone who loves melee."

And why do people always say ignorant stuff like this? 

"I dont like this 1 thing, so instead of me individually deciding not to use it, or offering a suggestion to fix said issue, how about we just delete it. Oh yea I dont like how Limbo is meta for a month, can we just delete him as well?"

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9 minutes ago, ant99999 said:

Inb4 Kuva Ceti Plasma Sword Umbra Prime Sukk Adikk with 50% crit and 60% status and an attack speed of a Volt with 500% strength.

I feel sorry for any Warframe that has to use the Plasma Sword.


I bet even in those forms it would still be trash.

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23 minutes ago, (PS4)CrazyBeaTzu said:

"Get rid of melee in space, it's a hindrance to the game, and that's coming from someone who loves melee."

And why do people always say ignorant stuff like this? 

"I dont like this 1 thing, so instead of me individually deciding not to use it, or offering a suggestion to fix said issue, how about we just delete it. Oh yea I dont like how Limbo is meta for a month, can we just delete him as well?"


Using melee to "finish" targets kinda like the parazon could be cool.

For example: soften up a grineer fighter with your gun till you can mercy them, then charge up and slice through the middle of the ship anime style or slice off a wing or engine and watch them spin out into a ball of flames.

Also adding a charge attack would probably really help.


Edited by (PS4)Cephalon_Snow
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Your Kuva stuff is pointless and sounds meh.

If we look at Kuva weapons at this very moment you can literally farm for the weapon of your choosing as you can now see what weapon your lich will be carrying. So if you don't find certain weapons appealing than just avoid them. Also it sounds a lot like the riven system getting slapped on with your "token" to change weapon stats.


I believe DE already said at some point converted liches would be able to assist you in Railjack, hence the "Command" intrinsic.

"The Command intrinsic is a planned intrinsic category, although it is displayed on the Intrinsics page in-game there is no current way to interact with or upgrade it like other branches of Intrinsics.

It has been stated by Digital Extremes staff members that the Command Intrinsic will allow players to control friendly NPC crew members, notably converted Kuva Liches, and is designed more around facilitating solo play at harder difficulties. However, the details on a release date for such a feature or a more expanded explanation have not been announced as of the current day."


Also I'd like to point out that I greatly enjoy using my Kuva Quartakk/Brakk/Nukor/Twin Stubbas/ect.

So, no. I don't see this system as a lose lose.

And yes I know some Kuva weapons are pretty meh compared to others, it would be nice if they were all equally amazing/unique.

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Can we talk about how awful the archwing guns are though? I'll be using Phaedra and flying, not only can I not hit a Target , I'll be flying faster than my bullets. It's not like the peashooters do any dmg when they're point blank though. Try hitting an enemy with fluctus

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5 hours ago, Zombiesbottom said:

So I've been playing Warframe on and off since release, each time I come back to play I see problems either go unresolved or new problems arise. So here's what I think is wrong with warframe.



If you truly want to get items fixed then used the feedback section or report it though support.

The game is in beta afterall.



Next time include the full list if you are going to claim your list is everything that is wrong.

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3 hours ago, Arphila said:

Your Kuva stuff is pointless and sounds meh.

If we look at Kuva weapons at this very moment you can literally farm for the weapon of your choosing as you can now see what weapon your lich will be carrying. So if you don't find certain weapons appealing than just avoid them. Also it sounds a lot like the riven system getting slapped on with your "token" to change weapon stats.


I believe DE already said at some point converted liches would be able to assist you in Railjack, hence the "Command" intrinsic.

"The Command intrinsic is a planned intrinsic category, although it is displayed on the Intrinsics page in-game there is no current way to interact with or upgrade it like other branches of Intrinsics.

It has been stated by Digital Extremes staff members that the Command Intrinsic will allow players to control friendly NPC crew members, notably converted Kuva Liches, and is designed more around facilitating solo play at harder difficulties. However, the details on a release date for such a feature or a more expanded explanation have not been announced as of the current day."


Also I'd like to point out that I greatly enjoy using my Kuva Quartakk/Brakk/Nukor/Twin Stubbas/ect.

So, no. I don't see this system as a lose lose.

And yes I know some Kuva weapons are pretty meh compared to others, it would be nice if they were all equally amazing/unique.

Agreed. He lost me there when he said those things and didn't even touch on how much of a pure, boring, rng infested grind it is, especially when you're hunting ephemera. 20% is an 80% chance NOT to get an ephemera, and people are on their 20th, 30thz etc lich with no ephemera. It's awful. If the ephemera had the same thing as the weapon, where it showed when you killed the larva and the game generated it there, that would be a step up. But ultimately, the system is nothing but a boring, rng filled grind. 

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4 hours ago, Aesthier said:


If you truly want to get items fixed then used the feedback section or report it though support.

The game is in beta afterall.



Next time include the full list if you are going to claim your list is everything that is wrong.

Yes I forgot to include that the original post is a "work in progress", I didn't have time to go through everything right away. Forums are also a place to give feedback.


Also to the few people who were hurt by my original posts wording, might I suggest Cartoon Network.

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5 hours ago, Zombiesbottom said:

Yes I forgot to include that the original post is a "work in progress", I didn't have time to go through everything right away. Forums are also a place to give feedback.


Also to the few people who were hurt by my original posts wording, might I suggest Cartoon Network.

If you’re going to keep adding to it, would you mind being a little more objective and/or rational? I’d love to see your perspective regarding things that can be improved. I’d probably agree with a lot of them.

Your humour is... um... how to put this kindly 🤔.... really missing the mark for me though, personally.

Might I suggest succinct bullet points that drive down to the issue quickly and effectively? You’ve already got a few good ones. There’s a lot to cover in this topic, and a compiled list of “Things that could do with a looking at”, made up of the observations of the community at large, might be handy. At the moment they’re all from your perspective only, and your topic title suggests otherwise

Edited by (NSW)Greybones
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On 2020-03-31 at 2:14 AM, Zombiesbottom said:

Warframe Abilities

There are so many problems with the way DE handles warframe mechanics. The first is that they create these cool abilities that are then made useless by other mechanics for the sake of "balance". You know what happens when offensive abilities are made useless DE? People play defensive frames that are not affected by these mechanics.

1. Introduce more cooldowns. You know that thing that companies use to balance abilities? It's as if there is a reason for cooldowns. So you don't end up in the same place as limbo in SS.

2. Step away from the dependency of energy being the main focus of balancing abilities. Especially since there are plenty of way to regenerate energy.

3. Also don't rely on making all of a certain type of enemy completely immune, this only kills certain frames. Rework nullify bubbles and arbitration drones. These should only work defensively. For example; NBs should only make those within it's area immune to effects, it should not remove existing effects. Drones themselves should also be vulnerable to abilities. 

You know what DE will do with this? they will nerf all energy gaining crutches and efficiency mods.

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