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Only 4 warframes for scarlet spear?


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35 minutes ago, zehne said:

I'm just stating facts.  If people want to farm things efficiently and you talk about resetting sentient resistances....they are gonna feel like you're not the right person to group with.

And that is their privilege.

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On 2020-04-03 at 9:49 AM, KIREEK said:

Scarlet spear has been around for a few days now, but a couple days ago i began noticing one thing, every single time i recruit or join, i always end up with atleast 1 player questioning my warframe decision, which is wukong.

My "meta" or the vision i have to gain as much loot as possible, while doing things safely and at the fastest speed possible, ends up being 4 wukongs, but more often than not players pick mesas, volts, limbos, wisps, which are fine and helpfull in their own way (i certainly use the shields, the buffs and the help they provide), for example, i've met limbos who essentially make player bullets not work, some cast the ability to protect oplinks and some even do the cast after the damage has been dealt with but disable it before another sequence of damage is going to happen (they cast it constantly but in a way it doesn't affect the game), so i know the player matters in the end, including their decisions.

But what changed from yesterday? Every single game players ask "why wukong?" . Explaining, doing an entire tutorial in the chat over and over is downright anoying and may even upset players if i tell them that wukong creates a clone, players past a certain level i believe they aren't in the mood to receive instructions on things they know.
I merely tell them that it's my decision and always for the benefit of the team, with 25 minute runs and an impressive record, i'm not exactly selecting something to make things a slog or cause a mission to fail.

This causes alot of ignoring and rerecruiting (which is sad), because if the team doesn't have a mesa or has a wukong or even other warframes, they start questioning, players leave, mock, insult, just unpleasant really, but none of this existed 2 days ago, full teams went in and out and i was constantly bombarded to "share builds" and whatnot, because things do indeed go well.

But right now something happened, i invite a clanmember, then i use recruit chat and out of the 2 players, atleast 1 will complain about something so tiny it becomes silly, same thing for the next run, and the next, and the next, we're talking about players that sometimes are even new to the event itself, with probably 2 or 3 runs under the belt.

Bad players exist, i know, they rely on MR, moan, complain, all of that nonsense, my question is, did i miss somekind of topic with the "proper way to do the event", maybe a youtuber launched a video, what happened, i was doing the event fine and today it's this high chance of finding someone......unimpressive

I am sure, many of you use other warframes aswell, not just a selected group and i'm sure the results are equally the same if not better, is anyone finding this experience aswell? where a ton of questions are trown at you for a simple warframe change?

I run revenant op af for this honestly with his 4th and people always leave because they get showed up it's always the mr 20-27 I've noticed I want to just simply say effin pathetic it yall are reading this and are those ppl

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When I did the event, I used Atlas lol.  The golems are entertaining to watch for a while.  I know I seen a sent fly off the map once from a golem punch and had to wait for it to die off screen.  Silly stuff keeps me happy.  I also use Titania, but not as fun as Atlas.  I also barely played this event so probably won't see much of me.  I have only been playing for like a month maybe.

Edited by AshaMarie
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When someone ask me "why did you take X" depending on the mood i either ignore or answer after the mission, don't want to waste my time explaining or arguing with an opiniated player most of the time they don't ask that to understand but to shove their opinion down your throat.

Lately it was someone who ask two of us why we took umbra and nyx for a scarlet space team as if you needed to be "meta" to do 5 round, well spoiler it's not needed and doesn't serve any purpose since the pace depend on your mobility and the ability for ground team to send kill code.

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On 2020-04-03 at 9:49 AM, KIREEK said:

This causes alot of ignoring and rerecruiting (which is sad), because if the team doesn't have a mesa or has a wukong or even other warframes, they start questioning, players leave, mock, insult, just unpleasant really, but none of this existed 2 days ago

People always complain about those who dont run meta frames/ weapons aka Eidolon hunts with a Nyx and Banshee. This is why people go to recruit for players who have the correct frames to complete the mission asap. This has been the meta for all game content in Warframe if you are looking for players in recruit chat.

If you go public or specify you can carry the team with Wukong than thats different, because you specified it before joining or inviting other players.

The common rule of thumb is if you go in recruit chat go with the meta frames and if necessary weapons. If not you will be frowned upon when they wanted the usual game play, Limbo, Mesa, and 1 or 2 DPS frames. Yes Wukong Twin can DPS but you can't always control who he's going after, unless you spend more time triggering his target command than shot enemies yourself.

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16 hours ago, nslay said:

That's so cool, I didn't know Frost could remove armor like that. Gara's crystallize is pretty sluggish compared to Frost's abilities but those crystallized enemies take like 100%+ more damage (depending on mods). And then she can cast Splinter Storm on enemies for more damage taken (like +70% for mine). The only sketchy part is her delicate walls toward the last few Condrixes... You gotta use high armor mods like Health Conversion to make those walls beefy. Three stacks of Health Conversion gives 20k+ HP wall segments which is still easy for those Tonkor lancers to bust!

I like that Frost can cast high HP snow globes instantly. If Gara's wall breaks, it's better to fight off enemies coming through the broken segment than to recast it. Those few seconds that the wall forms, enemies can still hit the OpLinks.

Yeah Forst removes up to 100% depending on strength with avalanche. I used to run 100% armor strip but dropped it down to 70% or so when DE allowed statuses to apply versus frozen, petrified and crystalized targets. So since then I run one of his augments instead and a full umbral build. I could push the strength further by equipping growing power again, but I play melee mostly so swift momentum is just a too big QoL aura.

Plus Frost can just stack his globe to increase the health and it is up the moment you cast it. Gara needs her wall to travel through mobs to get stronger, globe just need things to shoot at it for the first few seconds it is out, then you can just apply a new one and retain the health of the old and further increase it with more incoming fire. Tonkors are a pain though, so you need more than one globe out to be safe and preferably never stand near oplinks. I prefer him mostly because of avalanche though, since it makes it quicker to take care of the sentients on ground due to the lower armor and being frozen.

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5 hours ago, kwlingo said:

People always complain about those who dont run meta frames/ weapons aka Eidolon hunts with a Nyx and Banshee. This is why people go to recruit for players who have the correct frames to complete the mission asap. This has been the meta for all game content in Warframe if you are looking for players in recruit chat.

If you go public or specify you can carry the team with Wukong than thats different, because you specified it before joining or inviting other players.

The common rule of thumb is if you go in recruit chat go with the meta frames and if necessary weapons. If not you will be frowned upon when they wanted the usual game play, Limbo, Mesa, and 1 or 2 DPS frames. Yes Wukong Twin can DPS but you can't always control who he's going after, unless you spend more time triggering his target command than shot enemies yourself.

Maybe i didn't explain correctly, this isn't a random mission (selected at the relay) or a mission where the host asked for a specific frame.

This is either me recruiting with no clear warframe instructions or other players simply hosting the mission without specifying frames, neither I or others ask for something specific, i join, players join and before we can start there's always 1 guy that messes things up.

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11 hours ago, zehne said:

The biggest problem with this, and why some people are 'elitists' or 'snobs' is that the moment you talk about "resetting resistances" giphy.gif

Serious groups kill sentients before noticing resistances

Depends if you are in serious groups or not. If you’re like me who just jumps into random matches because you don’t want to spend a while searching for a team on recruitment chat, then occasionally you get good teams, other times you team isn’t perfect, and when nobody’s a proper DPS frame, then resetting resistances is worth it when sentients end up over lv100. Easy solution would be just to play a DPS frame like Mesa before you mention it, but i mainly play Nekros for the sakes of extra shedu drops, and vengeful revenants. I get a lot more chances of earning some plat playing with a Nekros then running around gunning everything with a Mesa or freezing everything with a Limbo.

11 hours ago, Aarangi said:

That is a fair point, Umbra has have something special to it otherwise it wouldn't anything more than a Gloried Excalibur. I have both Umbra and Paracesis and while I personally don't care for either, I can see the value of them. Agreed the odds are very high of getting an energy orb, I think only Health orbs is higher, though I also run Equalibrim on my Nekros build, which always makes sure that I have energy for what ever ability I need to use. One fault of mine though is that I haven't done anything in terms exploring any of the focus schools. I have the lenses, just haven't applied them to anything.



I think the odds of getting them is very slim, but it can happen, as I have gotten three of the four pieces from the event.

Interesting, I may have to try the Murex at some point before this is over. I can imagine the Grinner base camping would be annoying for railjack.



Welp, I guess I am not a serious player as I like to have fun with my missions.

Best bet is to apply the lens to frames like Saryn and grind out some ESO if you want some focus, or you could grind out tridolons to get the focus shards so you can get focus without needing to equip a lens. 

Mainly depends on luck really, although i’ve got over 10 shedu sets from the event alone, so they definitely do drop, even more with Nekros. Sometimes you won’t find any, sometimes you’ll find like one or two, and if you’re lucky you can find three or more in a single Murex raid.

With good engines and some avionics that boosts speed like Conic Nozzle and the tactical avionics Flow burn, you can speed past the crewships. Partical ram also helps to shield the satellite, and the super avionics Fiery Phoenix also boosts your speed but can drain your flux energy quite a bit if you aren’t careful. If you don’t have the stuff then you can always just roll in other people’s ships. Might have good avionics, might not, but it shouldn’t be a problem as long as they’re capable of doing the mission. Crewships are mainly just annoying when they surround the satellite, since it takes about a 2 or so seconds to actually grab hold of the satellite, and odds are it’ll just get shot up, or if you’re lucky, you can boost away before they can do any harm to it.

Edited by crimsonspartan1
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13 minutes ago, HappyFishxas said:

I have been questioned too if using WuKong, since it's more of a solo frame I guess? (Mostly because I can't contribute much to the party)

How long in average does it take for you to clear a 17 wave ground mission?

In solo? no idea, takes to long.

In a squad, less than 27 mins, below 21 and you need some luck aswell as all players doing some contribution to the condrix damage aswell actually going to extraction when you reach 17, not all players in random groups will care about helping you deal damage and not all will be fast enough to predict extraction, so obviously, even if it's 1 or 2 seconds per stage in a condrix, multiplying that by the number of stages and the number of condrixes, adding that with the time the last player takes to reach extraction and the optimal 19 min mission easily turns 21-22 minutes

You can't expect all players in a random squad to do extra things besides the very basic ones provided by the warframe, most don't know the order of 3412 (meaning you start on the 3rd room, move to the 4th which is further away and then have to travel back to the 1st room), some may even strugle to memorize the order after the 4th condrix (meaning you failed the prediction but also failed to memorize), so you end up alone on the condrix for a few moments, some even when they have time free, will not deal damage to condrix and may remain static, waiting for the oportunity to cast an ability, even if it's a few seconds away and finnally extracting, there's always that one guy that will take almost a minute to extract.

I don't mind missions above 20 minutes, as long it's not bortherline ridiculous with players that are almost being slow on purpose, but in a team of 4 there should be no issues.

Keep in mind, when it comes to accepting what others have picked and respecting that decision, i have done that more times than most, in terms of numbers i have that covered, meaning when someone with 2k missions is telling me that the meta is the only way, i can easily trow a number 20x higher proving otherwise.

If i'm using wukong or any other frame and someone asks "why", i don't know, i almost lose reaction to something so silly.

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I don't understand how you can talk about efficiency, while after 7k3+ hours playing the game, you are still MR16. (No offense, i just don't get it ; and don't come at me saying "MR is irrelevant".)

You are discovering the opness of wukong since his remake, great for you. But 4 wukong in a squad is a pure FFA, not a team.

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41 minutes ago, dwqrf said:

I don't understand how you can talk about efficiency, while after 7k3+ hours playing the game, you are still MR16. (No offense, i just don't get it ; and don't come at me saying "MR is irrelevant".)

You are discovering the opness of wukong since his remake, great for you. But 4 wukong in a squad is a pure FFA, not a team.

Players are free to think otherwise, my meta is not imposed, it's my own vision, that's not what the topic is about, i'm not dictating what should be used.

Players that rely on MR are not even worth discussing this, they failed on a basic level, it makes them feel good but that won't change me or themselves, what is good stays good, what is bad, will stay bad, why would i be concerned about that? My responsibility is my game.

It is better that you contact @Deminged or @Xardis   if you want to discuss things at a level you feel confortable with, i cannot make exceptions, sorry.

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1 hour ago, dwqrf said:

I don't understand how you can talk about efficiency, while after 7k3+ hours playing the game, you are still MR16. (No offense, i just don't get it ; and don't come at me saying "MR is irrelevant".)

You are discovering the opness of wukong since his remake, great for you. But 4 wukong in a squad is a pure FFA, not a team.

I'll go and say it, MR is irrelevant in his case since he is above MR15. After that you get no actual benefit. Yeah you may say that you have a higher rep cap, but getting to that increased rep cap also means you stop doing worthwhile content in order to level crap in content where you get nothing. Now compare those hours spent on leveling versus the extra hours needed to reach a maxed standing. Actually, you dont spend extra hours on the rep grind, you can just do less of it per day. meaning that it is highly situational and depends on if the player wants to do different things during a session or not. The amount of time spent to reach max is the exact same, you can just do it in longer and fewer sessions the more MR you have.

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Yeesh, this is still going on?

Those who are going play the most efficient way to complete the mission are going to go meta. We could debate what the meta is but it doesn't matter.


Those who don't care about how fast they complete a mission can bring whatever frame they want. And yes, like always some frames are better than others for any given mission.


Of you join a pub, expect it to be rather random. If you join a premade, expect to work as a team.


It's all rather simple. Arguing about who's weapon is bigger is just a waste of time.


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Il y a 2 heures, KIREEK a dit :

Players that rely on MR are not even worth discussing this


Il y a 2 heures, SneakyErvin a dit :

MR is irrelevant in his case since he is above MR15.

Having a OP talking about his view of the meta while missing half of the frames is quite hilarious actually.
Citing : Ash, Atlas, Baruuk, Gara, Garuda, Gauss, Grendel, MESA, Nezha, Nyx, Revenant, Titania, Valkyr, Wisp.
In 7k3 hours, he never played those. It's not about "MR", it's about knowing the depth of the game.
We are definitely not on the same level.

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2 minutes ago, dwqrf said:

Having a OP talking about his view of the meta while missing half of the frames is quite hilarious actually.
Citing : Ash, Atlas, Baruuk, Gara, Garuda, Gauss, Grendel, MESA, Nezha, Nyx, Revenant, Titania, Valkyr, Wisp.
In 7k3 hours, he never played those. It's not about "MR", it's about knowing the depth of the game.
We are definitely not on the same level.

That makes more sense and that I agree with you on. It just sounded like you looked only at his MR as some merit.

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13 hours ago, (XB1)B4CKw00dsTHOR said:

I run revenant op af for this honestly with his 4th and people always leave because they get showed up it's always the mr 20-27 I've noticed I want to just simply say effin pathetic it yall are reading this and are those ppl

Omg didnt even think of that it's perfect. Efficiency duration and strength.

I've been using Slowva with a Contagion Zaw and aim glide mods to float in the air.

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il y a 14 minutes, SneakyErvin a dit :

That makes more sense and that I agree with you on. It just sounded like you looked only at his MR as some merit.

As MR is "just a number" and I'd also agree that half the MR xp is worthless ("original" item, non-prime, non-variant), and surely the bonuses from higher MR are irrelevant to the topic ; I only use it as a display of experience of the game's mecanics.

Having this guy telling people what is good and what isn't ; "for him" and "for efficiency"; while never having played those above cited frames (both original or prime) - specifically Mesa, Gara, Revenant, or Wisp, relevant to the meta of this kind of mission - is kind of joke on Trump's level. No point arguing indeed.


Edit : Op, don't get offended. Instead, take my advice, and expand your pool of Warframes.


Edited by dwqrf
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Man, the ps4 community must be much friendlier than the pc community because I've been playing for 6 years and i can count on my hand the number of times someone  complained for me not bringing a specific frame. Its a rare thing here, PC warframe must have a lot more elitists. I mean yeah in any situation there us always an ideal setup or frame to bring, but most of the time it doesn't really matter as long as the mission gets done 

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il y a 6 minutes, (PS4)drollive96 a dit :

someone  complained for me not bringing a specific frame. Its a rare thing here

Well, it's a rare thing on pc too. I've been running the Scarlet Spear ground and space with only Grendel, since start, and I can't remember a single chat complaint. A lot of people "rage" in the shadow, by quitting the squad, not meeting the "required" Limbo or Mesa (while they don't have it equipped either), but i've never been pointed out, or if I did, I didn't even notice, or cared, tbh. I guess some people are giving more attention to this kind of details...

For me, as long as the mission is played, that's good, even if it's not "efficient", in time and in number of condrix or murex done. Just play the game, every squad is different.

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As i stated, you need to chat to someone that is like minded and at your own skill level, this isn't about me picking between reading your arguments or grinding, because i will always pick the 3rd option which is to filter the nonsense (leaving your posts empty) and not grinding

My game, my responsibility, maybe one day (5 years from now) we can resume the debate, add a notification in your calendar.

As stated briefly in the original post, this is not about MR, those players receive all the same treatment, there's a post or 2 containing it, but please for the love of god don't redirect the topic into another subject just because you want to, if that's your thing, make a new topic, but if the derail keeps going i'll ask a moderator to close the topic, because i know other players cringe at some of the replies of MR reliant players

Edited by KIREEK
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Am I the only one that just feels pity for people that get trapped into thinking the the 'community meta' is the only thing that works?

IME, they have been trapped, typically by the first person to share a way to cheese things easily/fast, and conviced 'there is no other way'.

It's like the classic five monkeys thought experiment, IMO.

I find it sad so many gamers just follow the herd over actually experimenting themselves...but such is the human condition.

I would laugh in the face of anyone that tried to imply my choice of gear should be changed just because 'meta', if I ever took the time to group...

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