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Do you think the nail is in the coffin?


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100% sure they can't/won't.

As sad this is to admit, WF has run its course. We know it, DE knows it, everybody knows it.

What we need is something fresh and it is pretty obvious at this stage that we aren't going to get it with this game.

What we need is WF 2. 


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vor 4 Minuten schrieb White_Matter:

100% sure they can't/won't.

As sad this is to admit, WF has run its course. We know it, DE knows it, everybody knows it.

What we need is something fresh and it is pretty obvious at this stage that we aren't going to get it with this game.

What we need is WF 2. 


Back to start?
Why should people give WF2 another chance if DE would drop WF1 like a hot potato? That would be an immense disrespect for the investment people made in this game.
Some people pay 50 bucks for Warframe Accessories several times per year. Do you think they start all over again, loosing all their cosmetics/progression/platinum? 

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26 minutes ago, Sahansral said:

Back to start?
Why should people give WF2 another chance if DE would drop WF1 like a hot potato? That would be an immense disrespect for the investment people made in this game.
Some people pay 50 bucks for Warframe Accessories several times per year. Do you think they start all over again, loosing all their cosmetics/progression/platinum? 

I agree with this person, some people dedicated their life instead of going to urgent events and spent a lot of their money on this game and now they're gonna start all over again? yea...no.

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30 minutes ago, (PS4)sweatshawp said:

After all the lives you took I’m betting you know who’s next to die “corvid”



saw the joke it was golden imo

Wonder how many people realise that my name has no relation to the virus (and, in fact, is one that I've been using since 2013).

Cave Corvum.

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On 2020-04-14 at 2:41 PM, vegetosayajin said:

I think that this will be the nail in the coffin if it happened:

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Yeah, it would die as hard as Path of Exile did when Tencent bought them. /s

I'm no fan of Tencent, but I wouldnt start getting conspiracy theories or plan for the end of WF if such a buyout happens. Path is still doing just as fine as before and us as westerners dont need to worry about chinese shennanigans in our games (mostly spyware and other S#&$) since we are protected by regional and national laws that gives the middle finger to those companies. Huawei (part of the same concern as Tencent) got cockblocked in sweden a few years ago when they wanted to build new celltowers here with their own hardware, this spread throughout most of the world. And if countires can say no to things like that, which would improve infrastructure and employment opportunities there is no chance they'll let a thing that may spy on your citizens slide by and make it into a game. Something that has far less impact on the finance and quality of life of the nation/region. And if S#&$ doesnt fly in sweden or the EU, chances are low it flies in canada (DE) or new zealand (GGG).

China have been rabid towards Sweden since that incident happened.

edit: One should also consider that the thing is also just a rumor, because we are looking at a HK company planning to sell to a CN company. Reasons there are HK companies is because they dont want the monitoring that goes on by the chinese government on the mainland. HK is it's own province/region with more "western" laws and regulations.


Edited by SneakyErvin
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57 minutes ago, White_Matter said:

100% sure they can't/won't.

As sad this is to admit, WF has run its course. We know it, DE knows it, everybody knows it.

What we need is something fresh and it is pretty obvious at this stage that we aren't going to get it with this game.

What we need is WF 2. 


Not from DE, though. If DE made a WF2, it'd turn out the same or even worse than WF1.

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7 minutes ago, TheGrimCorsair said:

The date is 15 April 2020 and the sky has not yet fallen despite much hand wringing about impending doom.

They're literally "Warframe boomers". They think because their golden age is over, this super special time when everything was so awesome and could never have gotten any better, that the game just loses all its stock and crumbles to the ground and everyone goes home. 

Its incredibly ego driven and ignorant.

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3 minutes ago, (PS4)CrazyBeaTzu said:

They're literally "Warframe boomers". They think because their golden age is over, this super special time when everything was so awesome and could never have gotten any better, that the game just loses all its stock and crumbles to the ground and everyone goes home. 

Its incredibly ego driven and ignorant.

I take something of a moderate approach. I see that there have been a fair few stumbles over the game's lifetime (and I personally do believe that 2019 was the worst year of the game's history), but I recognise that as the price of ambition, so I wouldn't have the dev team do it any other way.

There are a few cases where I think DE replaced systems when they should have iterated them instead, and I believe they were mistaken to do so, but I see the game's development overall as an upward trend rather than a downward spiral. Wouldn't still be here if I didn't.

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1 hour ago, White_Matter said:

100% sure they can't/won't.

As sad this is to admit, WF has run its course. We know it, DE knows it, everybody knows it.

What we need is something fresh and it is pretty obvious at this stage that we aren't going to get it with this game.

What we need is WF 2. 


As many people have pointed out, a Warframe 2 - a hard reset on content - would be very dangerous financially. I mean, consider just how many people complain that DE 'aren't respecting their investment' when DE nerfs rivens - something that's not even built into the weapon. Now take that and multiply it by a 100 for a full wipe.

Whilst there are some clear benefits (clean slate, probably some less messy code, 'island' connection) the risks are incredibly severe. It's basically all or nothing - either that move would put the game in its grave then and there, or make it amazing. There is no middle ground.

I could only see a sequel in a Kerbal Space Program situation - where the software can no longer feasibly support the game, and needs a hard reset on that end.

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26 minutes ago, (PS4)CrazyBeaTzu said:

They're literally "Warframe boomers". They think because their golden age is over, this super special time when everything was so awesome and could never have gotten any better, that the game just loses all its stock and crumbles to the ground and everyone goes home. 

Its incredibly ego driven and ignorant.

I love this description, very accurate IMO.

It's a bunch of players that have literally outgrown the game but do not have the capacity to realize that, so it has to be the game's fault, and if they are not having fun, then no one can/should...

Pretty much the epitome of 'OK Boomer' IMO.

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38 minutes ago, (PS4)CrazyBeaTzu said:

They're literally "Warframe boomers". They think because their golden age is over, this super special time when everything was so awesome and could never have gotten any better, that the game just loses all its stock and crumbles to the ground and everyone goes home. 

When we do not agree with a certain group of individuals who have proof, valid arguments we insult them. Hypocrisy and snowflakery seems to be the pushing forces behind this behavior. In their sane mind no one wants the game to go away but if the game is sucking and dying then those are the current facts about the creative content. No one forces you to insult those Warframe Veterans, no one forces you to read or enter this thread, no one forces you to agree with the people who helped build this game and this community. If you are happy playing your game, let other people have their proven, demonstrated and informed opinions about what is going on. 

DE can learn a lot from their mistakes when they are not busy denying them. Two problems happened. One, they stopped listening to their customers and two they threw away the veterans who accompanied them throughout this journey. However no one likes being spitted in the face and ignored. No one likes the blatant strategies of monetizing with the programmed obsolescence. I think that DE should be called out when they do not respect people's time. 

I am not like you insulting other people because of what they think about a game. No one here wants this patient die, however DE is simply throwing it in the gutter and killing it efficiently. They are simply being irresponsible with the customers who placed them in their jobs and desks. 


38 minutes ago, (PS4)CrazyBeaTzu said:

Its incredibly ego driven and ignorant.


So you think that such claims are ego driven? Do you endorse mediocrity as a product? Do you endorse a bait system as a satisfactory game? Do you endorse being sloppy and blatantly vague? Do you slap your customer face throwing non played assets to the community? 

We veterans gave you the game you have throughout Semlar.com, Overframe.gg, Warframe Market, youtube streams guides among many other sites. We established and contributed to Wikiwarframe.

What you did for the game? Consume.


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27 minutes ago, Zimzala said:

I love this description, very accurate IMO.

It's a bunch of players that have literally outgrown the game but do not have the capacity to realize that, so it has to be the game's fault, and if they are not having fun, then no one can/should...

Pretty much the epitome of 'OK Boomer' IMO.

Yes, because when we do not agree with them, we insult them. 

Good, such civilization we live in where having a mind of our own is a sin. 


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1 hour ago, Corvid said:

Oh, did your lich speak Latin?

He spoke grinner so I’d say a mix of pig Latin and grunts. Despite his name he was a nice guy. Would always complement me during battle. If he wasn’t causing a mass pandemic right now I woulda converted the sono%&^un

But reading the recent threads do people realize that if gets up and left the sustainability of the game would be shot and we could be seeing substantially less revenue and and much more issues. We haven’t outgrown the game or lost good will because were some sort of spoiled gamer who expects things to go to our whim. They build this community and we grew with it. Just saying we’re whining or a “boomer” because we are unsatisfied and believe de could do better is just a ignorant as someone calling you a white knight because you think DE is doing a near perfect job . We need more unity in the community. Come to a middle ground and try to understand what’s going on so we can grow and make warframe even better. But until then I’m just a self contradictory troll 

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10 minutes ago, (PS4)sweatshawp said:

He spoke grinner so I’d say a mix of pig Latin and grunts. Despite his name he was a nice guy. Would always complement me during battle. If he wasn’t causing a mass pandemic right now I woulda converted the sono%&^un

Like the tenno, Liches can add a lot if they have a personality. But making them grunts somehow gets me. Adding some funny lines, or clever ones to their speeches can elevate the game drastically. 

Being a bit snarky while being smart doesn't hurt. These are the soft edges where the game can shine but always I see my tenno saying the same retarded lines. Would be interesting if he or the Liches are  smart for once. 

Edited by Felsagger
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12 minutes ago, Felsagger said:

Yes, because when we do not agree with them, we insult them. 

Good, such civilization we live in where having a mind of our own is a sin. 



I have a mind of my own, that does not 'believe' in things like 'sin' and the Lord has nothing to do with this topic, IMO.

I think most of the complainers do, in fact, sound like privileged people who seem to think that just because they no longer enjoy something, no one should.

You and others do not agree...such is life in a complex and grey world.

You are the one claiming the game is dead and still here trying to convince everyone else of your personal delusion, this is what our civilization has come to, angry gamers allowed to spout nonsense and get mad when called on it, seeing themsleves as some sort of saviours to the masses...

Please do continue to live your life on your terms and I will do the same, thanks!

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4 minutes ago, (PS4)sweatshawp said:

But reading the recent threads do people realize that if gets up and left the sustainability of the game would be shot and we could be seeing substantially less revenue and much more issues. We haven’t outgrown the game or lost good will because were some sort of 1. spoiled gamer who expects things to go to our whim. They build this community and we grew with it. Just saying we’re whining or a “boomer” because 2. we are unsatisfied and believe de could do better is just a ignorant as someone calling you a white knight because you think DE is doing a near perfect job . We need more unity in the community. Come to a middle ground and try to understand what’s going on so we can grow and make warframe even better. But until then I’m just a self contradictory troll 

You are free to troll as much you like. I don't mind, you are free to do so. 

1. The problem here is that we do not want the game to die. But DE's actions shows no regard to what they have made. They are just throwing it away because THEY STOPPED believing in their own project. 

2. This is not about being satisfied. This has to do with quality in the delivery. If we applaud what they are doing we are helping to kill the game. Pretty simple. 

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