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Worst mechanics In Warframe


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<rant>Saryn. Nothing, and I mean absolutely nothing worse than Saryn in a group causing me to not have to do anything in a mission. Anything at all. I run to enemies, they drop dead in front of my eyes because of Saryn. Where's the Saryn? Not anywhere near those enemies. I run and run, trying to find enemies to kill, but they all die before I can do anything. Drives me absolutely bonkers, and everytime I see a Saryn in a group, I just leave the group. I don't care anymore. This thing just needs to be removed.</rant>

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18 minutes ago, kapn655321 said:

Both truly love in concept, and the friggin' worst in execution. You get the same drops you'd get from containers and enemies.. so just ignore them. Open locked lockers? Nothing special, more things that you could have just gotten from enemies. Should you dare to take time out of someone's day to open lockers in public games, you're practically being a troll for wanting to explore and have some fun with the environment and level design. "You should explore all these amazing tilesets, rob the place blind, and also, GET TO EXTRACTION. 2 PLAYERS WAITING. Hurry up!! NO one has time for that!" It's super not cool to be actually wasting your time on these. They're speedbumps on a highway.. traffic is going way over the speed limit and backing up on you.. and hey, maybe I didn't sign up for the highway; I signed up for the scenic route. Look at the game, that makes sense. Look at the RNG and all or nothing mod system, though.. and they're not even the same game. I have So many questions.

Similarly, stealth and CC for fun.
..why do the standards for efficiency in ESO or survival even exist in a game with these features? Why are defenses kill all enemies, and not timed, with CC mechanics for fun? How are there no contingencies for these things to not totally and utterly fail your party and yourself in so many situations?


Yep. Actually if you can find more reward or random loot even random mods then it would be more motivating to go and open the lockers/containers.

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Daily standing limits. Why I should stop at a point when I willing to play more? There is no reason to go further once you reach the daily standing.

2 hours ago, Thorham said:

<rant>Saryn. Nothing, and I mean absolutely nothing worse than Saryn in a group causing me to not have to do anything in a mission. Anything at all. I run to enemies, they drop dead in front of my eyes because of Saryn. Where's the Saryn? Not anywhere near those enemies. I run and run, trying to find enemies to kill, but they all die before I can do anything. Drives me absolutely bonkers, and everytime I see a Saryn in a group, I just leave the group. I don't care anymore. This thing just needs to be removed.</rant>

Sorry for that bad experience, not every Saryn like that.

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7 minutes ago, Nubescu said:

Yep. Actually if you can find more reward or random loot even random mods then it would be more motivating to go and open the lockers/containers.

There needs to be a unit that benefits you for not killing them... someone that you stalk, stall, wait for.. that restocks lockers with better stuff.

Logistics unit. Passive like Drudge Foremen, goes around checking supplies, calling in drops, following procedures. When they've done their rounds and feel the coast is clear, they call in their supplies, open locked rooms, etc.. and we go in after them and clean them out. Could be like Scavenger drones, too.. where they take loot from the battlefield.. and the improves the drop quality they have on their person. If startled, they'll run like a capture target. These are just concepts I've had in mind.. but the point is, something to balance out the void where CC and Stealth wish to be, and the functionality that compliments our level design.

Edited by kapn655321
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1 hour ago, Szormoksegg said:

Railjack because that game mode is too alien to the core game.

At least you don't need to bother with it in case you don't like it, since no content is locked behind progression in Railjack (at least for now).


Nájsz username 😂😂😂

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Stealth:stealth in warframe feels so halfassed tbh its just the thing that you would only care about if you are doing riven unveiling,mr tests or affinity grind and you can cheese it easily with warframes.

Every faction having a unit that can either way knock you back constantly or the stupid ropes Scorpions and Ancients has that they drag you down with..

Hidden loot rooms:Its nice that you have something hidden so the player can try to find but... they are nothing but normal loot rooms just in a spot harder to notice/find they are only good when you are searching for secret caches and syndicate medallions.

formaing a weapon: no matter how much ill forma my weps i hate to have like to level them up 3-6 times just to fit few more mods.

Bosses long invulnarabilly phases.

And lastly #*!%ing limited pet abillity range... i hate it when the smeeta/adarza is doing its abillity and i dont get the buff becuase my kavat is 20-40 meters away from me.

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1 hour ago, kapn655321 said:

There needs to be a unit that benefits you for not killing them... someone that you stalk, stall, wait for.. that restocks lockers with better stuff.

Logistics unit. Passive like Drudge Foremen, goes around checking supplies, calling in drops, following procedures. When they've done their rounds and feel the coast is clear, they call in their supplies, open locked rooms, etc.. and we go in after them and clean them out. Could be like Scavenger drones, too.. where they take loot from the battlefield.. and the improves the drop quality they have on their person. If startled, they'll run like a capture target. These are just concepts I've had in mind.. but the point is, something to balance out the void where CC and Stealth wish to be, and the functionality that compliments our level design.

Hrm! 🤔 That’s a very interesting idea.

The particulars would need to be ironed out, but the gameplay concept? Worth exploring, I reckon.

For most of Warframe we’re presented with a problem, where the solution is “Use more gun”. Most action games use the same solution; destroy your problem. And I’ve seen many, many posts on the issues of being overpowered map clearers, both for single and multi-player (most solutions revolve around “Higher level content”, to which I ask “What’s the difference between taking on higher level content versus being nerfed until the current content feels like higher level content?”)

Warframe is strongly a fast-paced action game, and an enemy that one would want to not kill right away might potentially slow it down. But if done right... hrmmm... I think it has the potential to inject some of that Space Ninja Finesse that some find missing, where the solution to additional rewards is not the heavy handed application of murder, but the calculated surgical skill of a Space Ninja.

(I also like the chance to further flesh out the world of Warframe with the introduction of enemies who have a purpose beyond dying right away)

Edited by (NSW)Greybones
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Time gates mostly. Every content which directly made to slow your progress down. There is many other ways to implement content and make it challenging. The problem with games like warframe is the devs cannot make a challenging enough content and most of their updates are time gated because they don't know other ways how to make the game keep you busy.

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37 minutes ago, (PS4)Viveeeh said:

At least you don't need to bother with it in case you don't like it, since no content is locked behind progression in Railjack (at least for now).



  Reveal hidden contents


Nájsz username 😂😂😂



Yes at least it is a side content what you can luckily skip but why so.

Oh és köszi, Vivi?

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43 minutes ago, kapn655321 said:

There needs to be a unit that benefits you for not killing them... someone that you stalk, stall, wait for.. that restocks lockers with better stuff.

Logistics unit. Passive like Drudge Foremen, goes around checking supplies, calling in drops, following procedures. When they've done their rounds and feel the coast is clear, they call in their supplies, open locked rooms, etc.. and we go in after them and clean them out. Could be like Scavenger drones, too.. where they take loot from the battlefield.. and the improves the drop quality they have on their person. If startled, they'll run like a capture target. These are just concepts I've had in mind.. but the point is, something to balance out the void where CC and Stealth wish to be, and the functionality that compliments our level design.

Actually like those ideas what you wrote down. It would be really nice to have this.

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I cannot talk about every but certain healing mechanics. If you are using trinity, oberon, equinox those can heal your sentinels even nidus but the wisp stationary healing is not heals the sentinels. This is kind weird because your sentinels despite the shield gating which helps them greatly still weak and need to be protecting. 

Another what I can mention is when you fall off the map and respawn in a place some of your abilities are nullified. This should not be there because there are no death penality from jumping from a high place but if the map somehow ends then it must reserve your latest status so not losing your active ability while in use.

I can also say invisible walls or the hitboxes of certain items which blocks your way. I know this kind of thing is engine dependant, and the evolution engine is not a young one but please. 

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12 hours ago, (PS4)Viveeeh said:

Interesting. Maybe worth a big report?

I've never noticed my warframe getting hurt while in operator mode, and I'm usually using the operator for reviving fallen teammates, so in situations when enemies deal considerable damage. My Nova should definitely go down while I'm reviving someone under a battalyst playing disco ball, in case she's not invulnerable. Never paid much attention though. The fact that all this happens on the same platform is interesting too. Maybe a host/client thing?

I’m wondering that myself. I did do a bug topic but that was a while ago. It may have gotten fixed in the recent update since we haven’t had an issue yet. But I’ll definitely do it up if it becomes a thing again 

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Almost all of Warframe's features are simultaneously its best and worst features.

Modding system for instance?  Some days it's an innovative system that encourages experimentation and allows you to create a playstyle that works for best for you, some days it's MOAR FORMA! PUSH META!!!1!!!1!

For me though?  Rivens, and again, I see the attraction, uber-powerful semi-unique mods that really deliver your signature weapon to god status.

Provided of course that you can find a riven for your weapon, and not, say, for the Dual-Motherf**king-Grakatas for the 3rd time!

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On 2020-04-25 at 8:56 PM, (NSW)FlameDivinity said:

People who say Volt is a nuke frame. Try nuking anything above level 35 with 250% power strength, 145% range, and 128% duration. I even went a step further and maxed out all three stats the best I could, and it was still and RNG roll if level 40s got killed or not. Unless you want to be manually proccing heat and slash on each and every enemy affected by your 4, then good luck.

Not to be that guy, but your build isn't what Nuker Volt is about. Try focusing on Range instead of Strength. The results may shock you.

Edit: Having checked my own build, the stat distribution I have is 67% Duration, 175% Efficiency, 235% Range and 95% Strength. This is easily strong enough for ESO, and I doubt I'm at the build's maximum potential.

Edited by Corvid
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8 hours ago, Thorham said:

<rant>Saryn. Nothing, and I mean absolutely nothing worse than Saryn in a group causing me to not have to do anything in a mission. Anything at all. I run to enemies, they drop dead in front of my eyes because of Saryn. Where's the Saryn? Not anywhere near those enemies. I run and run, trying to find enemies to kill, but they all die before I can do anything. Drives me absolutely bonkers, and everytime I see a Saryn in a group, I just leave the group. I don't care anymore. This thing just needs to be removed.</rant>

That's ok. I'll just use my sprint Loki with my 7m range weapon instead to kill everything.

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On 2020-04-25 at 5:35 PM, (PS4)Viveeeh said:

I'm pretty sure that after the recent status rework, corrosive can't delete the armour anymore? There's a cap to armour stripping.

really? well that's a step in the right direction. thanks 😄 

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23 minutes ago, Thorham said:

Awesome, because you're not relying on a stupid nuke mechanic 👍

I'm gonna play the devil's advocate here, but have you ever stopped to think as to why saryn is used so much? Ever thought about how grindy warframe is and why the thing that gets the job done the fastest is picked the most? Why not everyone has more than say an hour or two per day to give to the game and they'd rather spend that time playing the game and not grinding, so they look for  a way to make that grind faster?

Why not enjoy the free loot and XP the saryn is providing you instead?

I don't play saryn all that much myself but when I need to hit say my daily focus or syndicate rep cap, or if a friend needs a weapon/warframe leveled fast cuz they have to put  the Nth forma on it. There is no faster way to get trough that slog of a grind than to use saryn at say ESO or hydron.Then I can go back to actually playing the game with things I like.

There's a reason why META stands for Most Efficient Tactic Available. Nobody likes spending more time than the bare minimum to get a tedious task done.

Edited by EDM774
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7 minutes ago, EDM774 said:

I'm gonna play the devil's advocate here, but have you ever stopped to think as to why saryn is used so much? Ever thought about how grindy warframe is and why the thing that gets the job done the fastest is picked the most? Why not everyone has more than say an hour or two per day to give to the game and they'd rather spend that time playing the game and not grinding so they look for  a way to make that grind faster?

Why not enjoy the free loot and XP the saryin is providing you instead?

I don't play saryn all that much myself but when I need to hit say my daily focus or syndicate rep cap, or if a friend needs a weapon/warframe leveled fast cuz they have to put  the Nth forma on it. There is no faster way to get trough that slog of a grind than to use saryn say ESO or hydron.Then I can go back to actually playing the game with things I like.

Yep. Saryn, speed nova and a radial disarm loki. The casuals cant handle fast gameplay though lol. Jk

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il y a 26 minutes, Thorham a dit :

Awesome, because you're not relying on a stupid nuke mechanic 👍

In the end Thorham all you really need to do is either solo or make your own squad to get the experience you want.


il y a 11 minutes, EDM774 a dit :

I'm gonna play the devil's advocate here, but have you ever stopped to think as to why saryn is used so much? Ever thought about how grindy warframe is and why the thing that gets the job done the fastest is picked the most? Why not everyone has more than say an hour or two per day to give to the game and they'd rather spend that time playing the game and not grinding so they look for  a way to make that grind faster?

Why not enjoy the free loot and XP the saryin is providing you instead?

I don't play saryn all that much myself but when I need to hit say my daily focus or syndicate rep cap, or if a friend needs a weapon/warframe leveled fast cuz they have to put  the Nth forma on it. There is no faster way to get trough that slog of a grind than to use saryn say ESO or hydron.Then I can go back to actually playing the game with things I like.

Anyone can do whatever they want, I'm not sure if nuking with saryn is the healthiest way to play the game either. I mean sure, duh, you clean the map ultra fast, affinity and all that good stuff. But getting carried so heavily by someone means you also don't experience much with the gear you're leveling.

Which again, is anyone's decision, I'm not gonna say it's the funniest way either. If someone out there is forcing himself to play saryn to get xp faster, I hope he's at least having a good time or else it's just sad really. I hope no one is taking the grind in Warframe that seriously.

But all Ninjas play free.

Edited by STUVash
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1 minute ago, STUVash said:

Anyone can do whatever they want, I'm not sure if nuking with saryn is the healthiest way to play the game either. I mean sure, duh, you clean the map ultra fast, affinity and all that good stuff. But getting carried so heavily by someone means you also don't experience much with the gear you're leveling.

Which again, is anyone's decision, I'm not gonna say it's the funniest way either. If someone out there is forcing himself to play saryn to get xp faster, I hope he's at least having a good time or else it's just sad really. I hope no one is taking the grind in Warframe that seriously.

But all Ninjas play free.

For me and everyone I've met ingame so far, the actual excitement from experiencing your gear is after you've put the Nth forma to get it to it's  full potential.

What's the fun in having a machine gun when all you have is marshmallows to fire with? Get the 50 caliber incendiary rounds in there and then the fun begins.

I don't know maybe some masochists out there like firing marshmallows ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

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