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Question: Is Railjack something you're interested in?


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5 hours ago, 3rdpig said:

No, not even after the latest update. As someone who mostly plays solo it wasn't fun before and now it seems even less soloable

If this mess becomes mandatory, I'll take DE's advice and go play a different game.

You should, there is really no point in playing a coop online game as solo. And is foolish to pretend any experience of such a game should be developed to be soloable.

I like RJ, they are a good starting point. According to me the health nerf was not necessary, since most of the people crying for difficulty did not even bother to farm for better gear.

As I always say, more than stat changes, we need variety changes. Variety in objectives, in enemies, in patterns, in builds, in approaches and so on. That is what makes the game refreshing. Just changing a value is rarely a solution. 

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I'll be honest here I can see DE in a year or two from now introducing Space Mechs...most likely some sort of Sentient Hydrid armor akin to the Shedu only it's the Ropalolyst that's been cored out and made into a Gundam.

Especially if the Rail Jack doesn't take off and they went with all this work with the Proximas and the space dock for the Dojo..that's just too be much to allowed to turn into one more dust bin.

Edited by (PS4)FriendSharkey
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I'm very interested in railjack. I know some don't like the idea of it feeling like a space simulator and I understand that. Though I feel it would be awesome to get involved in one of those invasion wars between the Grineer and Corpus with their giant battle ships. Just pure chaos going back and forth.

Your railjack has 6 or 8 tenno and a team of 4 gets dropped in to do a mission. Then once it is complete they can be moved to another part of the ship to do another mission or progress inside to another part of the ship. While the railjack is out side busy dealing with the mayhem of fighters and artillery cannons trying to keep it safe and provide remote support to the Tenno inside.

Then once they cleared out the ship's boss or set it to completely self destruct, everyone gets out and into the railjack and get the hell out of dodge before it explodes.


That would be just so cool....

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6 hours ago, Hokibukisa said:

why am I in a warframe just to pilot a spaceship?

well, you can go from ship to objectives all the time, and you also won't get immediately gunned down and killed when the ship gets boarded; which is exactly what would happen i we were regular soldiers that die after being shot a couple of times. I believe there is a place for all 3 modes of gameplay, that can be tied into a mission:

- rework regular tilesets to have more verticality and reasons to use an Archwing there, and allow Archwing to be deployable there. they had the right idea with Sharkwing, but I think it would be a lot better if we were raining fire down on enemies and doing objectives than just slowly drifting through water all the time. add side objectives like sabotaging a portion of the tileset to have no lights/power, or shuttign down a water purifier/clone factory/ other importnat enemy doohickey.

- some of these side objectives can give the opportunity to help a railjack squad, such as locating a hidden base in orbit using stolen data, or remotely disabling defenses on board a missile Platform etc.

- allow railjack squads to offer support if they are orbiting the same planet as you: this could include a targeted strike from the Tunguska cannon (you know you want laser airstrikes!), or some other benefit: a bit like the Air Support charges, but actually useful.

- in railjack missions, have sections where you are require to traverse through using Archwing because the railjack won't fit. the idea is based on the Corpus Archwing Tileset, except this time you get to fight the larger ship in your railjack and disable it's defenses, before using Archwing to head inside it and tear it apart from the inside out.

- Railjack still serves it's purpose to hold players in space and engage fighters and spacecraft. ideally, Archwing missions would be reworked into Railjack/Archwinng hybrid missions where skills with both modes are required.

this isn't impossible to achieve; the foundation for tying railjack, Archwing, and regular combat sequences together is there, and it's achievable if DE remain dedicated enough to it. I can almost guarantee that many people would love missions that fluidly switch between each mode, and it would give us the variety that we so desperately need: add in procedural generation for the points where you have to switch mode, and no two missions would ever feel the same, greatly reducing the risk of getting burned out quickly.




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I don't like Railjack, at all. The idea of building a new ship was just nonsensical to me, because we already have liset, so why the hell just not equip it properly to combat? So DE made us farm a new ship that we shouldn't need to begin with. 
Now the Railjack itself, Warframe missions so far were doable solo but things were easier while in a group and everyone was happy with it. Railjack in a pain to do solo and sometimes borderline impossible, so when my friends aren't online is a easy pass for me because coordination with random is always fun and joy (sarcasm). But that is my point of view, if DE wants to do more Team based things its up to them.
Secondly, on almost every Raijack mission that I made the goal was "Don't use the Raijack as much as possible", so people would just hide it behind an asteroid and everybody would leave the ship with Archwing (just like Scarlet Spear), because the raijack can't pack a punch nor kill everything fast enough, not even after a lot of upgrades. So what is the point of creating something for people to avoid using it during missions?
Lastly, you go on missions to farm resources to build new stuff but end up using those same resources to run your ship, makign the farm not worth it. Its like using Argon Crystals to repair your warframe while you go out to farm more to craft few new stuff. It just doesn't make any sense to me.
Anyway, that is just my opinion, I try to avoid doing Raijack missions as much as possible.

Edited by Airaneon
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I like Railjack when it works. But the mode is not very reliable with sparse bugs and crashes. This would be completely acceptable if missions were no more than 5-10 minutes... no real loss right? But generally you can spend 30 minutes upwards to an hour doing Railjack missions solo and farming resources. So sparse bugs and crashes are absolutely positively completely unacceptable for the mode. There is absolutely no excuse for sometimes losing upwards to 1 hour of your time with absolutely nothing to show for it.

They need to shorten the missions or have servers help keep track of progress and loot. Because I won't play it if it crashes and bugs out sometimes given the time investment needed to play and farm Railjack missions solo.

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Wonder how many of the straight “No”s are bandwagon riders 🤨 Herd mentality is a thing, and seeing people justify their answers is nice as it can help prevent (to me at least) the impression that someone’s mindlessly following the cool kids on the forums or Youtube or whatever (because there’s plenty of people playing, and perhaps enjoying Railjack who aren’t saying anything). Also I like learning about people, and two letter responses don’t give me much food for thought.

Personally, while I’m still waiting for my partner to be ready, I don’t have much of a say regarding the experience of actually playing Railjack. I’ve built it though, and from flying around in free-roam I’m just over the moon (pun not intended 😋) at the technological/passion achievement in this 7-year old F2P game. It can’t have been easy to do, and I’m glad DE want to explore alternatives and give novel options within Warframe, and I’m personally very partial to the idea being presented to me in the form of Railjack (I’m a huge fan of Star Citizen, in large because it’s a chance to play with others in roles, and to be a person inside a spaceship, instead of the spaceship itself like in Elite Dangerous). 

Honestly, and again speaking from inexperience, I’m also impressed with what I’m seeing in regards to being able to do Railjack both solo or in group 🤔 Balancing multiple preferences (in this case, and in particular, solo vs multiplayer) is not easy at all, and while Railjack is clearly meant to be a team thing, they’ve thrown a bone to those who don’t want to play with others. Much easier to just force one or the other, but I’m seeing consideration for those who might fall outside the intended audience

Edited by (NSW)Greybones
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11 hours ago, 3rdpig said:

No, not even after the latest update. As someone who mostly plays solo it wasn't fun before and now it seems even less soloable as the fighters appear nearly on top of your Railjack. Hiding it and going out to do battle in your archwing no longer seems to be a viable option as the RJ will be destroyed unless there's someone on board to put out fires. Fighting in the RJ means you have to stop piloting and put out fires, which means the RJ get destroyed by fighters and crewships.

For me, putting out fires isn't fun.I find it hard to believe that anyone is going to want to stay behind and play fireman. At least I know that I don't, and won't.

Please add back some distance back between the RJ and the enemy. They fighters die too fast and then I cant get more crew to join. While you are at it, remove 3/4 of the RJ nodes, cause its the safe effing game mode and its just diluting the playerbase. Seriously I am waiting ages to get players.

And yes nobody like to play fireman. Not me, not every player that has every joined my crew. You hopefully get that useful guy who goes outside destroying crewships and bases. OR you get the useless sit at the side gun guy who ignores all hazards, boarding parties and the forge and leaves the pilot to manage all that solo. Then seriously cant understand how useless they are. Void hole takes care of all the fighters and I don't need any help with that. Please add and option to unmount side guns because I want to option to make those idiots L2P.

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Personally I hate railjack & as an MR25 with around 2800 hours played I built it had a couple of runs & found it so unintuitive that I felt like an MR0 again.

One of the times I couldnt figure out how to enter my rj & later found out that if you leave the railjack without taking it back to dry dock you couldnt get back in it & then with all the upgrading & absolutly no instruction as what things were just turned me off the game mode to such an extent that I refused to even to allow myself to try & figure it out,even just thinking about it while im typing is pissing me off because it seems like this will be DE's sole's focus going fowards.


That was the first week it could be built & I turned off & didnt turn on again untill scarlet spear except for the week during plague star & I played state of decay 2 & fallout vegas instead.

I have less that zero interest in railjack

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