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The Steel Path: Update 28.1.0


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1 hour ago, VoidPancake said:

No, It's not. I tested it, with Focus as well, the Affinity "scaling" is non-existent, and not worth doing it for that. Shame.

Yeah nah my test results were fairly conclusive as well, I ment it was a misstake from the devs.

And yeah, great shame, allthough I was half expecting something like this. 😒

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vor 40 Minuten schrieb Brakkyn:

What's the drop rate on the Steel Essence?  It's not guaranteed, is it?  I've only done a grand total of one Steel Path mission and killed another grand total of one Eximus and didn't receive a Steel Essence, so...I'm curious.

I have completed every planet before Ceres and I am nearly done with Ceres and i had 2 steel essence drops in total.....so maybe i will get that relic pack (because i dont like the look of the operator-armor) in 1-2k hours of playtime 😄 .

And I cant see why someone should play the steelpath ever again after completing it for the Orbiter Cosmetics. There is just the same trashy loot as in the normal starchart missions.

All in all it looks like there went just a few hours if not just mins into the steel path segment (and thats truely sad because it has so much potential with scaling loot)


(Sorry for my bad english, its not my native language) 

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So it's finally here  🙂

The overall experience is nice, you have to be more careful and the ennemies don't die too quickly. I don't know how it will scale all through the star chart, but I guess a few tweaks in balance may be necessary to bring a little more sense of danger (not sure about that part yet anyway).

On the bad side, this is in no way rewarding. Wether in resources, credits, endo or affinity, the increase is nearly unnoticeable. Should definitively be better

As for the steel essences, the drop rate is incredibly low. I didn't expect to see them drop every two minutes, but one in two or three hours is really bad  😕 The drop rate must be increased.

We'll see how it evolves in the coming weeks, but it may be just what we need to wait until the new war is out 😏

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Just now, Wheelskellington said:

I think Baruuk will be fine

Really depends on the content you run him in. He has no slash in his kit so he is really bad vs. high lvl armored enemies. Regular star chart stuff he will be fine though.

Pre Xoris I solo him to almost lvl 1k before the build i was running maxed out vs. corrupted heavy gunners. With the same build and the Xoris I ran him to about lvl 4k before he maxed vs corrupted heavy gunners. 

Since exalted weapons can't use acolyte mods or rivens his exalted can't compete with a regular melee. The Xoris brought him closer to a standard melee build but it still did not have the same damage potential. That's just my opinion and you can play him if you like. Baruuk is dead to me though. 

RIP Baruuk

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2 minutes ago, Berzerkules said:

Really depends on the content you run him in. He has no slash in his kit so he is really bad vs. high lvl armored enemies. Regular star chart stuff he will be fine though.

Pre Xoris I solo him to almost lvl 1k before the build i was running maxed out vs. corrupted heavy gunners. With the same build and the Xoris I ran him to about lvl 4k before he maxed vs corrupted heavy gunners. 

Since exalted weapons can't use acolyte mods or rivens his exalted can't compete with a regular melee. The Xoris brought him closer to a standard melee build but it still did not have the same damage potential. That's just my opinion and you can play him if you like. Baruuk is dead to me though. 

RIP Baruuk

i've been stomping steel path by just putting the gladiator mods and a corrupt charge on a fragor prime (furax wraith will also work) no need to build any combo you can just ignore it. baruuk will be fine.

( i should note i agree that the xoris nerf is dumb, but baruuk is by far the least affected by it)

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15 hours ago, ReddyDisco said:

Glad you missed the whole point of my post, just as expected.
reason why ppl use statsticks is because khora, atlas and others don't have their exalted weapons yet, if they do get them at some point then i would gladly toss my rivend statsticks aside and use the exalted. My 130 rolled kuva shildeg riven got nerfed during last balance patch, don't see me shedding waterfalls of tears.
point of the post is to not get attached to anything and stop acting like children when a toy gets taken away, there are hundreds of weapons to play with.

Hundreds of weapons to play with, 20 of them are actually good. DE use the excuse of player investment to not change things like the hema build costs, yet when we invest in weapons like these they have no problems nerfing them. They're absolute cowards. By your logic we should never enjoy using anything, which would be counter to the point of playing a game. 

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On 2020-07-08 at 9:09 PM, [DE]Megan said:

Enemies on The Steel Path are +100 Levels higher than their normal mission counterparts, and have enhanced defenses. Their enhanced defenses are not quite as high as Sortie modifiers, but enemies do have a *150% bonus to Health + Armor + Shields. This decision was made based on Public Test Cluster feedback. 

  • The original Test Cluster Feedback change brought a 175% bonus that we then reduced to 150% bonus after further testing. We also realized some inconsistencies with what we stated and what was truly live on the Test build leading up to now. To clarify what this equates to:
    • Enemy Health/Shield/Armor: 1+1.5 = 2.50 (250%)


This is embarrassing.. it feels like you are taking alot of inspiration from the exactly wrong people... this looks to me EXACTLY like mayhem mode from borderlands 3.. one of the worst additions in video game history in the way it was implemented..

what does a blatant generic boring +150% stat increase serve? it makes the game astronomically more confusing and dull, and tears apart any reason or sense the player has of an enemy.

I think the +100 level would be a good and fine start, something like a middle tier higher difficulty that can be expanded on, with the next tier in a month or so, giving enemys +250 level and the master class tier later on gives enemys +500 level. this would be enough of a real challange in terms of a simple "gear check" if this is what you want to achieve and this ultimately is!

or make the enemys just level 500 from the get go.. why not scale enemys with their actual level.. why make it weird and unintuitive and fiddle with their base stats? this is just to confuse people and make it awkward.. so I dont know if I am fighting a level 100 normal enemy and shred it in a second, where I need 2 seconds in hard mode on the same enemy at the same level for some non-existing reason.. thats just lame and stupid.. you already have a difficultly scaling implemented in the game through levels.. WHY add another more confusing layer to this in the form of stat boosts I really can not understand this..

in BL3 right now it took them 8(EIGHT!) month to fix their stupid ass system.. about 80% of all gear got immediatly removed from the game because they where suddenly unviable just because of weird extra over the top enemy health scaling.. where it does not make the game harder in the SLIGHTES! what it does is make enemys more bullet spongy and the game in return more boring... and the game was literally unplayable in these months unless ou wanted to beta test a whole lot of crap and liked playing only ONE build with maybe FOUR viable weapons..

The state of BL3 right now to compensate this, is that EVERYTHING is OP as fudge, and if this is the direction you plan on going with warframe, then halleluja...


I like scaling content, and I am happy that I can try builds now (what is mostly what I do and have fun with) on Mot and have instnatly high level enemys.. but all this testing is meaningless, because the enemys have unreasonably higher health pools that what they should have for their level. so it says: Oh I am fighting a level 145 enemy, but it is actually a level 536 enemy basically, but instead of telling me this straight up, I need to look at a google doc chart telling me what a 150% increase of that level would result in..

WHY make it this weird..

make the enemys level 500 and be done with it..


and I am not even starting to talk about the rewards for this.. since for me the reward is the actual gameplay since I love this game deeply.. but this scaling goes into the WRONG direction.. and when the next tier releases and I see + 200 levels and 500% scaling.. I will cry for this game..


SOLUTION: Make enemys just scale with levels, increase their level by how ever much you want, give us diffrent tiers with higher and higher levels. But DO NOT mess with their base stats EVER!



On 2020-07-08 at 9:09 PM, [DE]Megan said:

Xoris Interaction Changes:
Certain Warframe Abilities and Exalted weapons will now reset the Melee Combo Counter only if the Xoris is being used. The overwhelming Damage output of certain Warframe Abilities was not our intention with an infinite Melee Combo weapon, and the conversation of ‘Xoris or you’re doing it wrong’ is greatly restrictive in terms of player choice.

Warframe Abilities / Exalted Warframe weapons affected by this are:

  • Ash Bladestorm
  • Atlas Landslide
  • Baruuk Serene Storm
  • Excalibur Exalted Blade
  • Gara Shattered Lash
  • Khora Whipclaw
  • Valkyr Talons
  • Wukong Iron Staff

Xoris did NOTHING, literally NOTHING to increase the potential of ANY warframe ability, what the Xoris did was adding convenience to avoid a annoying game mechanic you implemntend into the game.

all these ability could make use of the exact same mechanics for MONTHS now, and I and many others said it right after the hype when xoris released.. in fact with other build you can get even crazier damage thanks to your slot machine.. and JUST because more people got it now and understand how it works NOW you take away our convenience just becuase more people understand it?? is is just because you are afraid to lose your slot machines for thousands of platinum? why would you take this away from us for NO reason at all and even lie about the reason?? where you not aware of how the game worked for months? why did you make us use and abuse mechanics instead of just giving is the mods we want to beging with?



1. Remove Xoris interacting with exalted weapons, remove gladiator mod set interacting with exalted weapons, and JUST give us the combo mods, all of them, on exalted weapons.

2. let xoris have infinite combo duration period. let me have my convenience on khora atlas and ash, THREE(well four now with gara added, which would be really nice actually) little warframes that became a lot more fun because of convenience, which this game is all about to achieve in your build, and not restrict my self to be melee only or always keep an eye out on combo counter.

(3. fix combo, give is a solid base duration instead of beeing pushed towards the need of these mods, let me have absurd combo duration if I want it or let me at least not worry about it on every build I need to scale my melee weapon for damaging abilitys..)


this is sad, this whole thing is sad.

Warframe was in such a good place that became better and better.. protea made me worry, and this made me worry even more now.. I hope you change your mind on this stuff..




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13 hours ago, Berzerkules said:

Really depends on the content you run him in. He has no slash in his kit so he is really bad vs. high lvl armored enemies. Regular star chart stuff he will be fine though.

Pre Xoris I solo him to almost lvl 1k before the build i was running maxed out vs. corrupted heavy gunners. With the same build and the Xoris I ran him to about lvl 4k before he maxed vs corrupted heavy gunners. 

Since exalted weapons can't use acolyte mods or rivens his exalted can't compete with a regular melee. The Xoris brought him closer to a standard melee build but it still did not have the same damage potential. That's just my opinion and you can play him if you like. Baruuk is dead to me though. 

RIP Baruuk

So you have no Idea about Baruuk? Let me tell you, even before the "easy scaling" I was able to run 2h Arbis with my 10 Forma Baruuk build. He is so good, that I am 100% that he will gonna be nerfed by this incompetent devs. I did run some Steel Path with Baruuk, and it was just like running normal missions, without Gladiator set and such. That's how good he is. Just wait and see.

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Just now, VoidPancake said:

So you have no Idea about Baruuk? Let me tell you, even before the "easy scaling" I was able to run 2h Arbis with my 10 Forma Baruuk build. He is so good, that I am 100% that he will gonna be nerfed by this incompetent devs. I did run some Steel Path with Baruuk, and it was just like running normal missions, without Gladiator set and such. That's how good he is. Just wait and see.

Cool. 2h mission vs. my 5h mission tell me again how I have no idea about how his damage scales against high lvl enemies. 

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Just now, Berzerkules said:

Cool. 2h mission vs. my 5h mission tell me again how I have no idea about how his damage scales against high lvl enemies. 

Sure dude, then why are you talking bullS#&$? No need to lie, let DE does that. Also, I directly said before "easy scaling" 2h. Which means how many hours in the new scaling? Don't be ridiculous. How that is not enough? Btw, "Baruuk has no Slash" yeah dude, the Augment says otherwise, with that you deal all kinds of damage. He doesn't need to deal slash tho, he has one of the most OP augment in the game, 90% DR + DR from using Fists, and you talking about how his damage is not enough, when he is one of the best damage dealers in the game, and has insane tankyness. GG

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1 minute ago, VoidPancake said:

Sure dude, then why are you talking bullS#&$? No need to lie, let DE does that. Also, I directly said before "easy scaling" 2h. Which means how many hours in the new scaling? Don't be ridiculous. How that is not enough? Btw, "Baruuk has no Slash" yeah dude, the Augment says otherwise, with that you deal all kinds of damage. He doesn't need to deal slash tho, he has one of the most OP augment in the game, 90% DR + DR from using Fists, and you talking about how his damage is not enough, when he is one of the best damage dealers in the game, and has insane tankyness. GG

So far you have said I have no idea what I'm talking about and called me a liar. There is no need for that. I have proof. 

Screen shot of 5k+ corrupted heavy gunner from solo Mot fissure. 


Screen shot of Mission Summary 


With the build I was running He could not maintain the kill speed required to keep life support up vs lvl 5k enemies. 

He is a good frame and Xoris made him even better than he already was. With the Xoris nerf he is now significantly less effective against higher lvl enemies. He has the best exalted weapon in the game with an amazing augment for it. However, against high lvl armored enemies his damage will eventually fall off. 

All the Xoris did was bring his kit closer to what a standard melee build can accomplish. Without that tool at his disposal his damage potential will fall off even earlier, especially in Steel Path. Sure, you can clear the Steel Path star chart with him but that's not the point of Steel Path. 

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29 минут назад, Berzerkules сказал:

So far you have said I have no idea what I'm talking about and called me a liar. There is no need for that. I have proof. 

Screen shot of 5k+ corrupted heavy gunner from solo Mot fissure. 


Screen shot of Mission Summary 


With the build I was running He could not maintain the kill speed required to keep life support up vs lvl 5k enemies. 

He is a good frame and Xoris made him even better than he already was. With the Xoris nerf he is now significantly less effective against higher lvl enemies. He has the best exalted weapon in the game with an amazing augment for it. However, against high lvl armored enemies his damage will eventually fall off. 

All the Xoris did was bring his kit closer to what a standard melee build can accomplish. Without that tool at his disposal his damage potential will fall off even earlier, especially in Steel Path. Sure, you can clear the Steel Path star chart with him but that's not the point of Steel Path. 


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