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TennoGen Round 19 - Accepted Items!


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Whoever at DE allowed at this massive downgrade to happen... This is for you


On 2020-08-21 at 4:12 AM, SortaRandom said:

Oh man, oh man... What on earth happened to this skin?

I remember being ultra hyped to have this skin on my Excal in its earlier state:





For comparison, here's what we will be getting ingame:




I'm not super fond of the excessive metallics on the new version (although they do make the helmet look much more distinct), but the real travesty IMO is the "plume" on Excal's helmet.

The feathery energy plume used to be so regal and glorious! But the version that we're getting ingame just looks so... I don't know... greasy? It's like the beautiful feathers were completely replaced with strands of wet, mayonnaise-slicked human hair.
It looks so sad.


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1 hour ago, Deshiel said:

Whoever at DE allowed at this massive downgrade to happen... This is for you



i guess the mohawk in bright energy in your fov gives epilepsy? or generally a giant plume of energy on your screen makes you not see S#&$? very much too bad though, i totally agree

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On 2020-08-21 at 3:12 PM, Velitria said:

Really? Seriously? You decided to override the creative design of the guy for the Night Hunter Syandana.

On 2020-08-21 at 3:12 PM, Velitria said:

An option is to take both versions and call the infested theme something else. I'm almost positive the creator has a backup of the old design and this really feels like you killed their idea. It is legitimately nothing like the old one.

Just wanted to inform you that the design changes, while were made due to feedback by DE, were decisions made by the creator of the item. DE do not change TennoGen items, outside of small instances within their necessary implementation process of them into the game. Unless you want to blame the artist, making complaints here wouldn't do much. And taking both versions wouldn't make sense because the previous one was already denied. Changing the name would have the same result.

On 2020-08-21 at 3:12 PM, Velitria said:

What made the old one good was it looked like wings that could impale something and was actually different than the other winged syandanas, now it looks like all the other ones.

I would have to disagree, because of the basis how Infested wings like these have never existed in Warframe. And classifying the item as looking like other ones is insulting to its uniqueness.

On 2020-08-21 at 3:12 PM, Velitria said:

Not to mention that the new version is the least structurally plausible of them all.




Not exactly sure what's the point to highlight the single attachment point for the wings when, that's how it was for the previous version as well? Also, and this is just my subjective take, but it would make sense for an Infested item to have less plausible structure than anything.

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5 hours ago, (NSW)Finlaena said:

ETA: As a thought for TennoGen Round 20... perhaps DE could incentive it as a round specifically for Frames that have less than 2-3 skins (counting Deluxe) or helmets? Like, Grendel, Hildryn, Revenant, Protea, etc. I mean, 20 rounds is pretty impressive, so why not make it something really special?

How would that exactly work though? What happens if creators don't submit items for a particular Warframe with a few amount of skins? And really, there wouldn't be much for creators to simply ignore the incentives and continue working on stuff they specifically want to, because that's how it always worked for the most part. Unless DE specifically denied those items, in which that would be unfair. And if DE decides to accept items that don't match their usual standards (especially technical ones) but get exceptions for being for those Warframes, that's also unfair. I get the good intentions, but there has to be a middle ground where the rules still matter and creators aren't getting denied or accepted for "doing the wrong/right Warframe".

Also, I understand why you're getting upset over specific Warframes getting items (even though Ivara doesn't have as many as Excal or Saryn) but it's not like one of them can take the spot of another, especially considering the amount of TennoGen items within a Round is never the same nor ever really limited. Just like how Excal and Saryn got a skin this Round, Gauss and Hildryn got one too.

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On 2020-08-21 at 2:02 AM, Goosmo said:

Congrats to the artists, who got their skins in. Perhaps one day i might be able to stand alongside these tennogen artists. Hopefully 4th time's the charm.

It will never happen because they are prioritizing MONEY. Revenant is probably one of the least played frames. 

Your Draugr askin and Syandana are AWESOME. But sadly, DE doesnt agree. 

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6 hours ago, Netrialis said:

Why are you pointing this specific joint? Don't you know how wings work? It's the elbow. Something that's not anatomically correct is even less plausible

I will clarify then... You seemed to be looking at the picture and thinking that I didn't compare it. I didn't want to draw exactly why the original design was more structurally sound because that would be hard to explain in a picture comparative to the last picture that confused you.



Just wanted to inform you that the design changes, while were made due to feedback by DE, were decisions made by the creator of the item. DE do not change TennoGen items, outside of small instances within their necessary implementation process of them into the game. Unless you want to blame the artist, making complaints here wouldn't do much. And taking both versions wouldn't make sense because the previous one was already denied. Changing the name would

have the same result.

I would have to disagree, because of the basis how Infested wings like these have never existed in Warframe. And classifying the item as looking like other ones is insulting to its uniqueness.

Second note.... Of course it was the creator who did all the work in changing it, but the creator only changed it because DE wouldn't allow the original design. Thus, based on common sense, DE essentially deleted their idea completely since the Syandana looks nothing like it once did. The guy made a new Syandana from the base of the old, that looks good, but might as well be called something else entirely. However, I was expressing to DE that I will not buy it, and many other people, because it is not the old version. People like both and because of that, I don't want the old one being removed from the possibilities just because they were called the same name. I also discredited the DE excuse of (not structurally plausible) because what they really wanted was an infested themed Syandana for the theme of the upcoming content. This is denial because of those reasons. It frustrates me that they threw something, me and many people liked, that WAS accepted.... and changed it, thus dumping what we liked in the trash. I am reserved in every other regard, but this makes me quite sad.

How would you feel if they took your favorite frame, you enjoy using for what it is, and said "I don't care what it is now, let's remake it to a different concept."? Then what it turns out to be is nothing at all what you liked and is valkyr's ripline in every ability slot, thus making it worthless to you. Someone else may love the prospect of ripline spam, but not everyone does, and I am not discrediting the new version, I am making a point. The old version is 100% gone and it will stay that way forever if nobody does anything about it.

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1 minute ago, TeaHawk said:

I thought I would never see them released.

And yes, I do prefer the original.

I believe that was due to saryn already having many tennogen skins. As well as probably the creator requiring the syandana and the frame together.

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3 hours ago, Velitria said:

Second note.... Of course it was the creator who did all the work in changing it, but the creator only changed it because DE wouldn't allow the original design. Thus, based on common sense, DE essentially deleted their idea completely since the Syandana looks nothing like it once did. The guy made a new Syandana from the base of the old, that looks good, but might as well be called something else entirely.

So... are you blaming the artist or DE? Because even though it was DE's feedback that ended up changing the item, ultimately it was the artist's decision and design that got accepted by them. Not exactly sure what type of ideal scenario you want in this case if you are upset that the 'wrong' version got accepted. 

3 hours ago, Velitria said:

People like both and because of that, I don't want the old one being removed from the possibilities just because they were called the same name.

Again, it has nothing to do with them having the same name, nor would it really matter if it was called anything else. What mostly matters what the item is supposed to be. DE already denied the previous design, why would they change their mind on the matter because it now has a different name?

3 hours ago, Velitria said:

I also discredited the DE excuse of (not structurally plausible) because what they really wanted was an infested themed Syandana for the theme of the upcoming content.

Wait, hold on. First off, the Syandana was always meant to be Infested from the day it was submitted with Nidus Night Hunter. That for me, was obvious. (Actually, side question, what Faction did you assume that the Syandana was originally then it apparently wasn't Infested before? Or was it that it was not completely 'Infested' for you to count as such?) And second, that assumption makes no sense. That would mean that DE had to give extremely specific feedback (on an already Infested Syandana to be... more infested?...) in order for them to accept it near the time of an Infested themed update... even though the items will probably be added later from it in like a month or so. Keep in mind that feedback could have been given all the way back in February to March if we base it off the previous Deadline cutoff. That's a very large string of coincidences for what amounts to a single cosmetic item. I'm sorry, but that's silly.

Also, what is this "DE excuse of not structurally plausible" and where did it originate? I am not sure where you are getting the statement from and I can't recall any sort of one being made towards the Syandana by them.

3 hours ago, Velitria said:

 It frustrates me that they threw something, me and many people liked, that WAS accepted.... and changed it, thus dumping what we liked in the trash.

The changes were made a while before the item was accepted, not the other way around. Look at the update notes to get a clearer picture. Unless you mean "accepted" in the sense of "many people accepted this as the definitive version of the item".

3 hours ago, Velitria said:

How would you feel if they took your favorite frame, you enjoy using for what it is, and said "I don't care what it is now, let's remake it to a different concept."? Then what it turns out to be is nothing at all what you liked and is valkyr's ripline in every ability slot, thus making it worthless to you. Someone else may love the prospect of ripline spam, but not everyone does,

That comparison makes no sense. One is a 2 year-old cosmetic item that wasn't accepted into the game yet, has already been through several phases and was never truly a final product until it was accepted and the other is a playable character whose existence within the game could have been up to 2 months or 7 years. The connection and time spent with those two items are very different and barely comparable. Of course I would be upset in that situation, but it makes no sense to bring it up. I get that you're to have me understand your view with sympathy points, but that's just making me more confused than anything.

3 hours ago, Velitria said:

and I am not discrediting the new version, I am making a point.

And your point involves constantly saying that "the people/many people" won't buy this item... so I don't know about you but it sounds like that to me. And I get that you're trying to direct this towards DE mainly, but you also have to realize the artist also benefit from sales of the item, so you are inadvertently saying it to the artist as well. Again, the point of whose to blame comes up again.

3 hours ago, Velitria said:

The old version is 100% gone and it will stay that way forever if nobody does anything about it.

So, what do you want to be done about it? Because again, if the previous version was denied, what could anyone really do to "solve" this? This doesn't really seem a fight that can even be fought really.

Look, I get it. You are disappointed that you didn't get the exact item you wanted. But I'm going to be honest with you, trying to complain about this when nothing can be really done, just comes off as a bit entitled to something that was never really promised in the first place. Plus, this is definitely not the first time this has happened, especially with items in this Round having similar complaints. And I'm not trying to blame you when I say this, but I feel like you set your expectations a little too high. I'm not saying you can't be disappointed, but I am saying it won't do much.

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