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Ugly, dirty and weathered textures on warframes


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Dear DE: Give us the option to customise the material/finish on warframes.

This would be a great addition if this was a thing in warframe. A lot of people (including me) don`t like the change you have made to warframe visually. This is something we didn`t want or Ask for.

This is a before and after picture of Ash`s helmet with how he looks altogether.







If you guys agree that this should be in the game please leave a like and share to show support do DE can make this a thing.

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I'd really apreciate it if they put some effort into updating the materials for the oldest frames' base looks (for whoever is reading, put on the new Dax Rhino skin and then put his regular helmet on and you will see what I mean) and their immortal/festive skins along with adding prime details toggle to the ones that don't have it.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I just in general hate weapons/frames that have large parts that force certain tints to colors. Why does my Vauban or Gara's colors have to look washed out? If i wanted the colors to be desaturated, I would just chose a desaturated color. Why do all of the synoid skins have an uncontrollable purple tint that makes it impossible to make them black, why not have the tint color be controlable? Why is a large part of Mag silver with no way to change the color? I understand not bothering to fix this on things that already exist, but why do they keep making stuff like this?

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  • 2 weeks later...
11 hours ago, vinireaper1 said:

DE just sells us a product that turns to S#&$ right after you test it and just vanishes. Literally the definition of a scam.

DE doesn't care people, this game is hardly worth anyone's time these days.

yeah all this crap make me realize that DE isn´t making the game for us but they want  us to pay the bills, but DE is never going to see my money ever again

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6 hours ago, technozorro said:

DE is never going to see my money ever again

This. This right here is how I felt when they nerfed Ash into the bloody ground. His 4th ability make no sense, in a team it can kill lvl 100+ enemies but it can`t kills enemies as low as level 6. All of his abilities needs a revisit.

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On 2021-05-12 at 1:27 AM, technozorro said:

yeah all this crap make me realize that DE isn´t making the game for us but they want  us to pay the bills, but DE is never going to see my money ever again

Oh no de will not make it now they needed your money to exist they will not last much longer now sad day for wf.

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On 2021-05-11 at 2:26 PM, vinireaper1 said:

DE just sells us a product that turns to S#&$ right after you test it and just vanishes. Literally the definition of a scam.

DE doesn't care people, this game is hardly worth anyone's time these days.

It's worth my time because it's fun that's all I have 2 S#&$s about

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  • 3 weeks later...

I remember posting this before,but since  I could not find it I´ll post it again

Mirage prime has the "metallic" materials look all washed out, what even is this supposed to be dust, either way looks like trash






Close ups 
















Mirage Oneiro Skin 

Has the same crap "metallic"material full of white spots and edges





also if you change the primary color the skin gets all mess up, but if you choose a darker color it just look dirty



whats the big idea? give us the option to look crappy or extra crappy?LOL

also her crotch is broken like nova, you know that other frame you haven´t fix




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But if DE takes the time to do this to 40+ frames and upgrades the graphics no one will be able to play on their toaster or switch. I think we are stuck with these textures. 

On 2021-04-13 at 11:59 AM, NightmareT12 said:

Sadly I've halted playing because I find the overall texture work has suffered too much in the last couple years, with the recompression being pretty much the final nail in the coffin for me. I've personally given up on thinking they'll ever fix the textures since their platter is always full. Oh well.

I do feel the same way. I’ll load up for a sortie run sometimes after playing newer games and everything just feels dated and drab. From fundamental movement to textures. I think DE has gotten way to ambitious.m trying to implement the next thing chasing the second dream instead focusing on fundamentals and polish. Thier game is 10 years old its really really starting to show, the more they implement without polish the more it shows. 

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I’m actually on the side of being happy with the new “wear-and-tear” textures. Personally, I thought the previous textures on Warframes looked like soft rubber/plastic of a toy made in China. Now, to me, the frames’ textures actually look more like hardened infested skin/exoskeleton. I absolute love using lighter colors now (especially white) because it actually resembles a boney texture. 

I agree that it would be nice to have the option to toggle on/off like we have with certain prime parts. We already have the option to use legacy colors as well. 

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18 hours ago, UncleHanayama said:

I’m actually on the side of being happy with the new “wear-and-tear” textures. Personally, I thought the previous textures on Warframes looked like soft rubber/plastic of a toy made in China. Now, to me, the frames’ textures actually look more like hardened infested skin/exoskeleton. I absolute love using lighter colors now (especially white) because it actually resembles a boney texture. 

I agree that it would be nice to have the option to toggle on/off like we have with certain prime parts. We already have the option to use legacy colors as well. 

hippopotamus skin lol, but seriously  remember the complains about gara kaleida armor disappearing, one of the solution given was a toggle but apprantly was hard to program so it was removed instead, so I think this toggle will not be possible either.

Another solution I was thinking is some kind of overlay like the blood sigil but dirt, grease,scratches or what ever effect DE feels like.

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Basically, the mix and match of certain fashion is lessened or even ruined by meshes using different materials.

Could DX12 give the possibility to add/mix shaders at runtime with near-instant loading and processing, and efficient memory management?


Meaning ... what usually is used in Blender to add 2 shaders togheter ... only, done in realtime and feeding the result of that operation to the original mesh?

Basically, the player can be given the option to make one shader prioritary, so it is applied to all elements on the Warframe.


You can even sell specific shaders for plat ... catch being that you can use the shader of a warframe's skin you own as you want IN THE SAME FRAME, but to apply to all other frames you need to unlock it with plat.


Then there could be even farmable super rare shaders players can go for.


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1 hour ago, Doraz_ said:

Could DX12 give the possibility to add/mix shaders at runtime with near-instant loading and processing, and efficient memory management?

NFS Pro Street 2007, PC Directx 9.0, Console PS2:



It's tricky to add this function as it's a new material map above the color map, the obstacle is not graphic but perhaps financial, it's more server data. there's also the overall aesthetic of the game; basically players have added metallic materials to complete models confusing prime fashion with non-prime fashion.

I understand you, some delux are amazing but the helmets and parts are chained to the original fashion.

I support material layers or palettes and inprovment to union coats but I feel tath warframe doesn't seem ready for that.

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On 2021-06-15 at 2:51 PM, Famecans said:

NFS Pro Street 2007, PC Directx 9.0, Console PS2:

  Hide contents


It's tricky to add this function as it's a new material map above the color map, the obstacle is not graphic but perhaps financial, it's more server data. there's also the overall aesthetic of the game; basically players have added metallic materials to complete models confusing prime fashion with non-prime fashion.

I understand you, some delux are amazing but the helmets and parts are chained to the original fashion.

I support material layers or palettes and inprovment to union coats but I feel tath warframe doesn't seem ready for that.

Thanks for linking that game! I really missed what happened in all these years xD

in any case, that seems to be a stencil/projector, probably baked to texture when the round starts to save performance.

DE clearly knows what they are doing and could figure it out ... only problem is the age old return on investment.

The community seems to love Fashion so much ... but I never see this topic brought up.

My vision of a truly jaw-dropping implementation, would be Warframe being capable to compute mix RGB operations between different shaders. This way, we could even have a slider of how much of which shader is more prevalent than the other <3

The tools i have are Blender and Unity ... both of those need insane time to process the operations themselves, and THEN even more time as they need to compute it ( translate it for the GPU ... parallel to texture de-compression ... no? am i wrong ... I DON'T KNOW ;-; i am potato )

what ths hek ... 

my expertise is quite minimal, in comparison to required industry standard even borderline non-existant ... but wouldn't a quick and dirty inplementation of this be the following:

Just take UVs of "mesh1" and move them to "mesh2" texture, already in memory 0_0 ?!?

(just take bikini bottom, and put it somewhere else :clem:)

Now, this assumes that the UVs have same or similar unit_multiply of scale ... but still, even if they didn't, the player wouldn't notice even notice.

No complex shader work, no new texture generation and de-compression on the GPU .... just the mesh ( collection of vertex as vertex group in WF works that way ) having their UVs translated onto another texture that is already in memory, de-compressed and ready for use!

Maybe there's a possible problem regarding the material requiring the UV's to be on a single base texture, but that can be solved maybe instantiating a second material to be assigned to the frame with as a _MainTexture the texture of the "mesh2" that we wish to copy, then the UV's gets translated.

I say that as with Unity the edit of a texture keeps the UVs information  ... so it would just be a matter of understanding the API that modifys UVs ... which is what procedural shaders are made for, so it surely can be done.

With Carmack's MegaTextures, the "base texture requirement" problem wouldn't even exist xD

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  • 2 weeks later...
On 2021-06-15 at 1:32 PM, Doraz_ said:

Just take UVs of "mesh1" and move them to "mesh2" texture, already in memory 0_0 ?!?

I use blender for a few months for eevee renderings, it is possible to create a single material (node A) that displays only virtualized textures (node B), the scaling movement and dimension of this virtualized texture is managed by a vector scale modifier (node C ). then you can apply this material to any object or object mapping and manage this image with just a few clicks. (this is the result of the video above)

In the case of Garuda Delux, there is a cracked texture below the material (not sure) so the DE will need 3 materials for each frame and each material will have 5 color channels or more...(hypothesis):

1st Material: Texture Maps
2nd Material: Shader Maps
3rd Material: Color Maps

So to fix the Garuda just disable the Material of Textures; to fix Mirage metal just disable Material of Shaders (note: before all these materials there needs to be a nice non-aggressive "standard" material/texture to match all tiles/light/shadow evenly if everything is turned off by the player)

This is tricky to do as there are so many 3d models ready to upgrade.
I particularly love this texture in Garuda but I understand your frustration.

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  • 2 weeks later...
On 2021-07-06 at 5:16 PM, RashFever26 said:

They fixed Nidus Phryke guys!!!! It's back to looking good. No more pepper!!!

I know finally some good news

Update 30.5: Sisters of Parvos  Nidus Phryke has been for the most part fix, but still has some weird stuff going for example the dirt move to his neck, shoulders, back and crotch, at first I tough it was an ambien occlusion thing, but I disable it in the options but the problem persist, also the helmint charger look dirty

after                                                                                                                                                   before




Reshef Vipaza and the inner tight has a weird green color even if I´m not using green

after                                                                                                                                                  before




here you can see how the spine got darker rip that detail




even if it  doesn't look like the original still is an improvement thanks DE

Sisters of Parvos: Hotfix 30.5.1

Sisters of Parvos: Hotfix 30.5.2  

Sisters of Parvos: Hotfix 30.5.3

Atlas karst skin has be fixed!!!

after                                                                                                                                                before




after                                                                                                before                                                                           the syandana still looks bad




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