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Question: MR, Deimos, Iso Vaults, Public?


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Uh, I might have missed something, but isn't it supposed to be restricted to MR8 and up?

A couple of runs I noticed that some of the players in the squad seem to have below MR8. I don't usually care about anyone's MR if they're playing competently, but last night I noticed someone seem to be getting downed pretty often, to the point where I started leaving others to handle the situation, while I dealt with what was going on at the time. It was bad enough that I didn't bother trying to do the third vault with that squad (no I wasn't host). It was late and I might have been suffering from fatigue but I swear that it seemed that the person was MR7.

Has anyone else noticed this sort of thing?

Did they shift the requirement down again? Or is there a way for people with higher ranks to taxi them to this content before they're ready? Or is it just gliched on PS4 and letting people in? Or am I just misremembering?

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yes, there's NO MR requirement for open world activities, something to bear in mind when going public. I've had a couple low MRs in Vault runs in the past, amd the number of Infested you have to deal with, especially when escorting Loid, is just too much for them. at least if it was restricted, no noobs means that's one less possible way for the misison to go wrong.

but DE want things to be "accessible" so MR locks on missions other than Sorties will probably never happen.

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also mr has nothing to do with people being downed fast, mr is not like levels in an rpg, you dont get better stats/survivability with mr so that dig at lower mr players is pretty redundant.  also taxi'ing to bountys/etc has always been a thing, esp when they slapped restrictions on to appease the lazy ppl that want easymode even easier.  bounty locks got introduced because whining idiots wanted it all over the place even tho 99.9% of players can probably cheese most content, the only difference being how extreme they cheese it.

Even today there are still idiots wanting more and more restrictions in a game thats already as dead as can be in starchart/node activity, must be good "fixing" a multiplayer game so to any viewing masses it looks deserted/single player.

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5 hours ago, Kaotyke said:


Adding on to another subject since I have seen too many players trade for it, but MR 14 is needed to build a Necramech along with:

  • Rank 2 with the Ostrons for the Marquise Veridos
  • Rank 1 with Solaris United for the Venerdo Alloys
  • Rank 2 with the Entrati (Sepulcrum BP at MR 14)
  • Rank 2 with the Necraloid (requires the Sepulcrum BP to rank up, along with getting the main Voidrig BP)
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43 minutes ago, (PS4)robotwars7 said:

yes, there's NO MR requirement for open world activities, something to bear in mind when going public. I've had a couple low MRs in Vault runs in the past, amd the number of Infested you have to deal with, especially when escorting Loid, is just too much for them. at least if it was restricted, no noobs means that's one less possible way for the misison to go wrong.

but DE want things to be "accessible" so MR locks on missions other than Sorties will probably never happen.

Meh, I know that there were a couple before that were suspiciously low, but they pulled their weight, so I didn't mind at all. I've seen high MR's messing up, and while I'm low 20's I did mess up by taking a limbo to a deimos excavator bounty, and had to rapidly adjust to what was going on.... or what was NOT going on as the case might be.

2 hours ago, Methanoid said:

also mr has nothing to do with people being downed fast, mr is not like levels in an rpg, you dont get better stats/survivability with mr so that dig at lower mr players is pretty redundant.  also taxi'ing to bountys/etc has always been a thing, esp when they slapped restrictions on to appease the lazy ppl that want easymode even easier.  bounty locks got introduced because whining idiots wanted it all over the place even tho 99.9% of players can probably cheese most content, the only difference being how extreme they cheese it.

Even today there are still idiots wanting more and more restrictions in a game thats already as dead as can be in starchart/node activity, must be good "fixing" a multiplayer game so to any viewing masses it looks deserted/single player.

Oh I'm well aware of that, and I am a staunch advocate for how we have lots of higher level players sitting in lower MRs, it really wasn't a dig. But the poor guy was very clearly a newb, he didn't have gear appropriate for the mission he was in, and it showed. There were two of us in our 20's doing the majority of the work, and a mid-teen who was also on the lower end of the "will I survive this mission" spectrum. Both of the lower MR players were struggling with the content. Neither of the higher ranked players was host.

Honestly, if they weren't being carried through the bounty, there's a strong probability that they wouldn't have made it through to the first vault, let alone into the second vault. If they attempted that third vault, I wouldn't be surprised if both of them would have run out of revives. I really wasn't interested in sitting through the coming host migration, so I bid them all farewell and godspeed and left with my 4 scintilliants intact.

2 hours ago, (PS4)AbBaNdOn_ said:

As long as the low MR people arent the host then I dont care.  A meatshield is a meatshield.  

Yeah, that was the case unfortunately, and one was already planning to go vault diving again, and the other was probably down to their last revive. 


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To avoid that soloing or using Recruit is the best way, at least you're on PS4, Switch is very hit or miss with Recruit chat, I think we have the highest ratio of solo players of the consoles.

Honestly it is only the toxin phase that bugs me (no Infested pun intended), things get stuck and/or don't spawn fast enough for me solo, I've even had it count enemies on the surface as increasing the toxin level which made it skyrocket from 20% to 100% in seconds.

I have had a reasonable amount of lowbies actually hold their own though, so it isn't all bad...though I have basically had to solo the Necramechs in those circumstances.

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Still waiting on that great low MR player I always hear about in these forums.  Every topic multiple people point it out that MR doesn't mean skill.  It does however mean what equipment you have access to and majority of the time the low MRs bring things that aren't good for their survival because it's all they have.  I usually don't have to revive people with a high MR like I do the lower ones.  Everyone has to be new I get it but the "captain save a low MR" mentality on these forums are funny.  There might be a few good ones (I've never seen any in content that can kill you) but remember that's the exception not the rule.

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I always start any public match with no expectations ,

If its that important to complete or needs a strategy i just run recruit.


But then new players wont get paired with experienced players to know whats happening ,

so once in a while i run some low level mission and see if anyone is taking their baby steps and give them some basic guidance (if they want it) so they don't quit of frustration or boredom.


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11 hours ago, (PS4)guzmantt1977 said:

Meh, I know that there were a couple before that were suspiciously low, but they pulled their weight, so I didn't mind at all. I've seen high MR's messing up, and while I'm low 20's I did mess up by taking a limbo to a deimos excavator bounty, and had to rapidly adjust to what was going on.... or what was NOT going on as the case might be.

Oh I'm well aware of that, and I am a staunch advocate for how we have lots of higher level players sitting in lower MRs, it really wasn't a dig. But the poor guy was very clearly a newb, he didn't have gear appropriate for the mission he was in, and it showed. There were two of us in our 20's doing the majority of the work, and a mid-teen who was also on the lower end of the "will I survive this mission" spectrum. Both of the lower MR players were struggling with the content. Neither of the higher ranked players was host.

Honestly, if they weren't being carried through the bounty, there's a strong probability that they wouldn't have made it through to the first vault, let alone into the second vault. If they attempted that third vault, I wouldn't be surprised if both of them would have run out of revives. I really wasn't interested in sitting through the coming host migration, so I bid them all farewell and godspeed and left with my 4 scintilliants intact.

Yeah, that was the case unfortunately, and one was already planning to go vault diving again, and the other was probably down to their last revive. 


the bigger issue is that regardless if someone is mr0 or mr30, either 1 could be a rubbish player, equipping rubbish gear, useless mods or sat around afk, slapping in restrictions cant police the outcomes we want, warframe is a pretty weird game in the way its structured without levels like rpg's, open worlds are also weird in that DE just allow people to wander off fishing during a bounty or boss fight.

We need more starchart nodes open up to all for whatever reason/activity to get the game actually looking populated, otherwise all you get is our current situation where watching a streamer or friend play involves staring at a lot of samey looking eso/hydron/etc for eternity, thats not good for the game yet no fix has come in place.  Instead we get more restrictions, more isolation, more obsolescence.

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9 minutes ago, Methanoid said:

the bigger issue is that regardless if someone is mr0 or mr30, either 1 could be a rubbish player, equipping rubbish gear, useless mods or sat around afk, slapping in restrictions cant police the outcomes we want, warframe is a pretty weird game in the way its structured without levels like rpg's, open worlds are also weird in that DE just allow people to wander off fishing during a bounty or boss fight.

We need more starchart nodes open up to all for whatever reason/activity to get the game actually looking populated, otherwise all you get is our current situation where watching a streamer or friend play involves staring at a lot of samey looking eso/hydron/etc for eternity, thats not good for the game yet no fix has come in place.  Instead we get more restrictions, more isolation, more obsolescence.

Fair enough, but the higher MR player is more likely to have a wider selection of gear, and mods to choose from. So they're more likely to be able to pass a gear check, which is what most of the game boils down to for many people. 

It's ironic that you should mention hunting and fishing during bounties, because that was the first indication that something was drastically wrong about that run. It was obvious that one player was off in the distance, but when we were doing the "clear the infested" stage a call-point marker popped up. Of course another player was absent for much of that timer as well but looked to be on the surface, so probably just didn't know the sequence of the bounties, and generally stuck with us after that. 


The inverse of the whole "let everyone do everything because it'll look better" is having them believe that they should be able to do the mission, only to get clobbered and go whining about how unfair it is. And between us, from my time on the forums it feels like we have more whiners than players sometimes. (Then they often post about how they quit the game some time ago and the feeling begins to make sense.) 

Having some restrictions isn't a bad thing. And like I said, I don't mind lower MR players in high level content if they're able to handle themselves. If the newb hadn't gone hunting, or kept dying I would have never noticed a thing. 

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3 hours ago, (PS4)guzmantt1977 said:

Fair enough, but the higher MR player is more likely to have a wider selection of gear, and mods to choose from. So they're more likely to be able to pass a gear check, which is what most of the game boils down to for many people. 

It's ironic that you should mention hunting and fishing during bounties, because that was the first indication that something was drastically wrong about that run. It was obvious that one player was off in the distance, but when we were doing the "clear the infested" stage a call-point marker popped up. Of course another player was absent for much of that timer as well but looked to be on the surface, so probably just didn't know the sequence of the bounties, and generally stuck with us after that. 


The inverse of the whole "let everyone do everything because it'll look better" is having them believe that they should be able to do the mission, only to get clobbered and go whining about how unfair it is. And between us, from my time on the forums it feels like we have more whiners than players sometimes. (Then they often post about how they quit the game some time ago and the feeling begins to make sense.) 

Having some restrictions isn't a bad thing. And like I said, I don't mind lower MR players in high level content if they're able to handle themselves. If the newb hadn't gone hunting, or kept dying I would have never noticed a thing. 

Higher MR players dont always have that selection of gear, they certainly have grinded lots of it, but can just as easily have sold it if they cant buy slots to keep them, also never underestimate stupid and ignorant ppl, they are always there, lurking, hiding among us.  Yeah ive seen ppl fishing in bountys, ghoul purges, even during the plague star event, morons are morons regardless of their mr.

Whining about something being too hard is no big deal tbh, yeah some ppl may whine but who cares, we had none of these insane restrictions at the start of the game yet we didnt have ppl blindly rushing too hard to handle content like morons, they just did lower difficulty stuff or lower nodes to get important mods and tried again later, the MR lockdowns came not from ppl complaining stuff was difficult, but from players that wanted what was already easy to be even easier so they didnt have to put in any effort whatsoever.  Also the restrictions were from DE themselves early on when they noticed it was easy to clear up/finish and you were left with little to do except several hour long survivals so they added in their much abused and used timegating to slow it all down and limit loads of stuff. (an ok idea in 2013/14 when not a lot existed, but frustrating and dumb in 2020 when theres way more stuff ingame available)

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11 minutes ago, Methanoid said:

Higher MR players dont always have that selection of gear, they certainly have grinded lots of it, but can just as easily have sold it if they cant buy slots to keep them, also never underestimate stupid and ignorant ppl, they are always there, lurking, hiding among us.  Yeah ive seen ppl fishing in bountys, ghoul purges, even during the plague star event, morons are morons regardless of their mr.

Agreed, but we both know that odds are the priority is always going to be to keep the better gear. And yeah, some people are just not very good no matter what their stats.



Whining about something being too hard is no big deal tbh, yeah some ppl may whine but who cares, we had none of these insane restrictions at the start of the game yet we didnt have ppl blindly rushing too hard to handle content like morons, they just did lower difficulty stuff or lower nodes to get important mods and tried again later, the MR lockdowns came not from ppl complaining stuff was difficult, but from players that wanted what was already easy to be even easier so they didnt have to put in any effort whatsoever.  Also the restrictions were from DE themselves early on when they noticed it was easy to clear up/finish and you were left with little to do except several hour long survivals so they added in their much abused and used timegating to slow it all down and limit loads of stuff. (an ok idea in 2013/14 when not a lot existed, but frustrating and dumb in 2020 when theres way more stuff ingame available)

That's the nature of f2p games though, even with all that there is to do, people can go ultra-nolife and get it done quickly. Time to clear the basic starchart is under 30 hrs-ish? Granted everyone goes at their own rate and there's some dude writing for a gaming mag who talked recently about the huge plot twist 70 hrs in. (Second Dream)

But to keep us playing they need those time gates.

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