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Update 29.10.0: Corpus Proxima & The New Railjack


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I was really excited for this update as I’ve always enjoyed RJ since it hit. I had with all my components ( Lavan Shields, Vidar Engines, Zetki/Vidar Reactors) all maxed out. I also had all maxed Zetki MK3 weapons so I decided to jump right into the Veil missions. So far it’s been a blast. The gameplay for me is really fun and the addition of a crew allows to me to have a chill time as I play solo and don’t mind taking my time with the new missions. Considering how the new missions are playing out I also don’t mind the Flux to Energy change as I don’t have to constantly run to the forge to fill up Flux for my abilities. The change in size to the Railjack is also a godsend so thanks DE.

The first major gut-punch for me was the Dirac-Endo conversion.  As someone with a previously maxed-out grid and maxed-out avionics I feel really undercut. Seeing previously maxed avionics like Forward Artillery converted to a 50% ranked mod is really disconcerting. We should have at least received one fully rank mod for each previously maxed avionic that we owned. Combined avionics are the exception.

Consider this:

1 maxed rare Avionic =3810 Dirac ONLY                                                                                                                                                                                                                                1 maxed rare New Mod= 30690 Endo + 1 482 372 Credits + possible Forma to fit said mod

Scrapping Cost

You needed to scrap 17 MK3 parts ONLY @ 225 Dirak/MK3 part to rank a previously rare avionic.                                                                                                                                Now you need to scrap 137 MK3 components @ 225 Endo/MK3 component + 1.5 million credits to rank a new rare mod.                                                                                          Now you need to scrap 410 MK3 weapon wreckages @ 75 Endo/MK3 wrackage + 1.5 million credits to rank a new rare mod

There’s no way I can get my ship back to full strength by only playing Railjack whereas previously this was entirely possible. And I definitely will not be able to do it passively as I could previously do with nodes like Gian Point. 400 Endo End of Mission Reward pales in comparison to the 400 Dirac that was actually a more significant portion of the requirements especially considering the amount of time each mission can take. That’s the biggest difference for me. Do I hate the change? Not at all. I just feel the cost of getting to the same level are greater now and at a bare minimum we should have been compensated with at least one fully ranked copy of a mod which used to be a fully ranked avionic. I have no issues grinding for Endo and Credits for stuff I never owned or were previously unranked.       

Another major issue is the Railjack Orphix Mission. This one made me log out. The changes made to this mission are mind boggling. I spent about a month or so grinding this event when it came out. I could solo Tier3 Orphix missions up to round 36. Not easy but doable at least. Now I can’t finish 3 rounds as the Orphixes are spawning on top of each other. From what I read on the Wiki afterwards it seems that the Orphix part of the mission plays out exactly as it did in the event with the Highest Tier ending at Round 36. If the mission is the same and the amount of time players will spend on the mission is the same then why increase the spawn rate to such insane levels. The removal of collision from the Orphix so that players can't stand on it is a really low move. Spending +-25min solo at an even pace getting to the Orphix and then have the mission fail after +-5min is punishing. All rewards gone and all that time wasted. I thought this was supposed to be an alternative to Eidolons. Seems like another meta-squad only mission as it currently stands. The original event allowed me to grind for the arcanes I needed and I felt I worked for my rewards. These changes were not needed. I feel bad for players still needing to run this in its current state. I'm out as far as Orphix is concerned.

Other issues include restricting our choice of Tactical Mods which is a change that definitely needs to be reverted and the improvement of the crews AI, especially the pilot. The pilot is especially bad at getting to mission objectives and becomes a pain when you decide to use the Tungaska Cannon on a Crew Ship or specific vulnerable points on the Large Ships. Can you possibly add secondary roles or priorities to the AI whenever the player takes over from a crew member.

I can say that I am happy with most of what I’ve played so far. The aesthetics in space are top notch and even with a crew I still spend time as the pilot flying around for a few min every mission. Good job.






Edited by Azrael_V
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I thought you guys at DE said you were going to focus on making the ranged weapons better instead of just nerfing melee and calling it a day? Also you said we could bring Necramechs to normal missions, not just limited to railjack missions. There's plenty more wrong with this update but I feel like a lot of the things mentioned in the last devstream about this update were straight up lies as opposed to unintended bugs.

My problem isn't with the bugs or delays, but that you misrepresented important changes surrounding core gameplay mechanics.

Edited by notHunky
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14 minutes ago, notHunky said:

I thought you guys at DE said you were going to focus on making the ranged weapons better instead of just nerfing melee and calling it a day? Also you said we could bring Necramechs to normal missions, not just limited to railjack missions. There's plenty more wrong with this update but I feel like a lot of the things mentioned in the last devstream about this update were straight up lies as opposed to unintended bugs.

My problem isn't with the bugs or delays, but that you misrepresented important changes surrounding core gameplay mechanics.

As my post history shows, I have a lot of problems with this update. But I don't recall them ever saying THIS was the one that was going to bring us primary/secondary buffs or necramechs everywhere.

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After playing for a couple of days and almost maxing out everything I may need for mission this is a list of problems followed by suggestions.


1. RJ feels like a space bus-driver simulator.

I understand that older gameplay was too simple. But now you have flooded the space-ship gameplay with madnatory traditional mission objectives (defense, extermination). Don't get me wrong. These missions are good. Corpus ships design is absolutely amazing. But I've started to play railjack because I wanted something new gameplay-wise. Now I've spending more time clearing the objectives than flying around actually. That's the problem!

Maybe you should add some more focus on team work in space and huge space battles. Maybe add something else than simple fighters and crew ships. What about titans, huge liners and so on, which can be destroyed by ONLY using your rail-jack, but it would be easier if someone lands and sabotage them.

Currently my experience as a pilot when playing with my friends resembles to a space bus-driver. I like it, but there should be something more. Please consider adding more RJ-focused huge space battles. That would be great.

2. Matchmaking. Please, I dear you, please, add at least an option to start a public mission as a host on your railjack. I'm obliged to play in solo-mode only because I'm never getting a chance to pilot my ship I've invested so much into and I'm quite fond of.

3. New corpus ships lack points of interest and content.

This is a real crime. New corps interiors are totally gorgeous. I've been really astounded. It is huge, straight, pure and beautiful. There's a lot of hidden passages. But... There's nothing to look for! You're just rushing towards the main objective each time. There's no premise to observe this beauty. There's no hidden content to look for.

Where is a quite simple way to improve this. Just add some hidden cashes/loot. And this loot must be worth looking for. Add some statues, add some forma/weapon parts/high amount of endo/kuva/credit cashes. At least It might be interesting to investigate these beautiful ships before rushing to the objective. Please consider this, It is important.

4. Lack of replayability and farmable content.

Here it comes the main problem of rj which remains unadressed.

On railjack missions currently you can efficiently farm only stuff valuable for railjack. You get some endo and credits as rewords, indeed. But it is too little, to slow to be in par with other game-modes more focused on that. And then there's nothing special to be found on these missions.

You introduced orphix missions with a small chance of getting arcanes as reward. But it has such a low drop-chance, it is so hard at current state, that there's very little chance someone would be crazy enough to farm anything there.  And then in all of these missions there's a lot of RJ wreckages as potential drop. It is good for someone who is still building once's ship. But personally I've ended up with everything almost maxed out. I have a couple of guns to infuse, and it will be done. There must be a couple of mission without rj RNG drop focused on something else than RJ components as a main drop.


And then practlically speaking, RJ currently serves to nothing in terms of farming. I have a solution to this problem:

 - Add missions with good drops of endo/wf parts/kuva whatsoever WITHOUT RNG RJ components drop.

 - Add weekly/dayly railjack alerts. We have freaking corpus ships flying around! Add a weekly/daily missions where you can get onto a corpus ship and steel credits. Like steal 1.000.000 credits from corpus in Veil! Why not? It's not that much: you can farm this on Index in half-an-hour. But here it could be more interesting. It will bring some players.

 - Same for kuva. Add a weekly/daily mission where you hunt down a huge grineer kuva-tanker, and get some kuva. It should be a mountain, but something worth trying. Give railjack its role in overall gameplay.

There's a lot of potential for rj. But you should really consider making it more valuable.


5. Mod system and energy.

I don't see any reason for reverting an actually good avionics system. It was really good. If you really think that players were not playing railjack beacause it was "too comlicated" you're thinking wrong. It was a good system with honest farm. Now you need lots of endo, formas and stuff to achieve the same level. As someone mentioned in the previous post. I'm not going into details. It was already done:

23 hours ago, Azrael_V said:

Consider this:

1 maxed rare Avionic =3810 Dirac ONLY                                                                                                                                                                                                                                1 maxed rare New Mod= 30690 Endo + 1 482 372 Credits + possible Forma to fit said mod

Scrapping Cost

You needed to scrap 17 MK3 parts ONLY @ 225 Dirak/MK3 part to rank a previously rare avionic.                                                                                                                                Now you need to scrap 137 MK3 components @ 225 Endo/MK3 component + 1.5 million credits to rank a new rare mod.                                                                                          Now you need to scrap 410 MK3 weapon wreckages @ 75 Endo/MK3 wrackage + 1.5 million credits to rank a new rare mod


You gave me a r3 booster with about 180k endo. It's good. I've reached the pinnacle quite fast. Cannot complain.

But what about new players, who never used rj prior to this update? How are they supposed to invest so much in a mode, that currently does not bring anything to the main game? Think of this. You'd better give these booster to some new players, since it is now really hard to start from scratch on rj. Harder than before.

Then energy... Flux energy sytems was good. I cannot find a single reason to revert it to warframe energy. Not simply it is not logical to feed a huge ship with some flimsy orbs designed for warframes, but it is also broken gameplay-wise. I can refill my energy with many different abilities without crafting at all. It's not too easy... It just does not feel right.



Don't get me wrong, DE. I love this update, I love Railjack. I've been enjoying it from the start and I really wish it could be a game-changer. But you should really consider all these points to achieve this goal. I really hope that new void-storms will bring something exiting, something that will put RJ on top. But before nerfing it down, think twice.



Random Ideas just to give you an example of mission what personally I think would bring players to RJ:

I. Fortuna saviour.

Corpus wants to transport something really bad to Orb Vallis. There's a huge transport ship that is bringing something threataning the whole colony. You're on call to stop this. It will be a huge open-space battle with a lot of small objectives, but mainly focused on head to head engagement. It is possible to destroy the corpus ship wihout landing on it. But:

1. It will be much harder, as ship protections will shoot you. And weak points are hard to focus on.

2. You will not get any potential rewards that may be found on this ship.

3. There are prisoners that will die, if you don't save them. And this may harm your realationship with Fortuna.


As a reward you may get:

- Tons of resources, ores and stuff, since it is a transport ship.

- Fortuna standing.

- Some bp for newer or older content.

- Cosmetics and gliphs.


II. Kuva Hunter

Now you're atacking a huge grineer Kuva-transporting tanker. Your main objective is to prevent it from reaching the deposit point, there is a point of no-return. You cannot destroy it untill its defenses are shot down by players. But you can still slow it down. That means that 1 team should focus on on-board combat to shut down defenses, meanwhile the other team on RJ should take down engines and weak-points to slow down the ship.

If no one is slowing the ship down, the mission will fail, because the on-board team has no time to reach the objective.

As a reward you can have a good amount of kuva, and some other stuff.

III. Space pirates.

We are space ninjas. But we got a ship. Why not to be space pirates now?

You can board on huge Corpus ship and steal all valuable it is hiding. Maybe a weekly mission where you can get 1.000.000 credits as a reward for you bravery... or rather insolence!


What do you think about it?


Edited by TeaHawk
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On 2021-03-19 at 5:18 PM, [DE]Megan said:

Critical Delay and Creeping Bullseye have been given a buff to their Critical Chance from +48% to +187%.

  • These new Mods have a greater effect if Fire Rate is below 2.5, and this buff brings a synergy between these Mods. As a result, Critical Delay and Creeping Bullseye can no longer be equipped with Point Strike and Pistol Gambit respectively.

Can You explain that? I don't see any difference on low fire rate, they always work the same at any fire rate, just give plain 187% and nothing more

and what's the point of the pistol mod if it doen't stack and gives the same amount as Primed Pistol Gambit with no downside?

Edited by Scar.brother.help.me
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7 hours ago, TeaHawk said:

Random Ideas just to give you an example of mission what personally I think would bring players to RJ:

Those sound like real railjack events, something with good rewards and cool gameplay(actually involving railjacks). Would certainly like to see stuff like that in the near future.

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Pretty good Update for the most part.

Far from the overly frustrating and hate inducing s***show the OG RJ was.

Still some changes and decisions need a rework and it bugs me to see none of them in the Trello...



- Tenno engineer can't see which other Tenno needs energy, only his own pool (?)

- forging Revolite adds only 22 (??)

- Forging Ordenance and Dome maxxes (!) and adds + 1 (!!) (Dome starting at 2!!!)

- Plating forge seems unnecessary in its 150 per forge steps


Crew Members:

- Pilot Role is a death sentence for your Jack... The AI seemingly purposefully goes where the heat is 

- Crew member assigned engineer does not build energy

- lots of ugly and sometime hilarious clipping of equipped Syandanas



- Tether is virtually useless, either buff it up or remove it, it has no merits in its current form

- Seeker Volley.. oh gurl/boi ... people complained about Tether was too OP, Seeker Volley takes out 80 Grineer fighter in half the time



- every mission is a Seeker Volley / Particle Ram run

- if you happen to have one or 2 lvl 5 gunners, they pop fighters faster than they spawn and even have enough power to kill crewships!

- why can the pilot get energy from pizzas while piloting and the  gunners can't while gunning?


There is lots more oc but these the ones that bug me the most atm.


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"Crewmates will gain Affinity during Missions, which you can then spend to train your crew, improve their abilities or specialize their skills." can be read from Warframe News. As long Command is 9 and 3 NPC-s are always along in missions they never got any XP or points. How many missions they need then to gain at least 1 point? 2 days full of missions did not give any result.

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So, the new Railjack has come, and 

В 23.03.2021 в 19:53, TeaHawk сказал:

1. RJ feels like a space bus-driver simulator.


В 23.03.2021 в 19:53, TeaHawk сказал:

Please, I dear you, please, add at least an option to start a public mission as a host on your railjack.


So much this. Right now, you'll get yelled at in the chat for flying around in Railjack instead of parking it somewhere to snipe crewships, and rushing towards the flagship with the rest of the crew to do what's basically a vanilla extermination mission.

Railjack was turned into a glorified loading screen. What's the point for me to level Piloting if I don't even get to pilot? And what's the point for me to build my ship if I can't even use it and keep being thrown into pub lobbies to MR30 speedrunners?


Flux Energy was good. Seriously. There was no point in reverting it to warframe energy, and it reinforces the problem of reliance on Zenurik and pizzas. Flux Energy made Forge and Engineering Intrinsic more valuable, now it was replaced by hull repair. Why not go further and just let us heal our ships with Trinity or health pizzas?


On a side note, please, for the love of everything that is holy, let Vauban players reapply their Overdriver buff at any point in time instead of waiting until the entire thing wears off. You have already been fixing Vauban bugs so why not just bring him just a bit more love?

Edited by Iridium-77-192
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Completed the RJ star chart now entirely, so I guess I can add my full review now.

I feel like it is still just copy pasted content from the usual game, with a Railjack interactive loading screen. The grineer missions are still a little bit more about the Railjack, because you do have to fight a bunch of ships. But this corpus stuff is not Railjack content at all in my opinion, it's just 1 min of Railjack and then 5-10 mins of a regular WF mission like defense. I am not sure where this idea came from, but I have to guess that it is some kind of misunderstanding between DE and the community. Because it is absolutely silly in my opinion that anyone would want REGULAR middle tier defense missions being part of Railjack. There are more than enough of these already available... If anything, it should have been Archwing missions at the very least, but preferably mainly Railjack objectives.

Also feels like this update was rushed into the game based on some strange decision that absolutely disregarded how ready this was for release. 4/5 missions bug out in my experience either right away or somewhere in the middle where people cannot enter the Warframe content. I even see many of the old bugs from back when Railjack was first released, such as the eternal loading screen when you swap between missions. I suppose if I have to be mean and guess, I would guess that the rush was aimed towards getting the Railjack into the plat store as soon as possible. But it is a free game so even if that it is the case, ok. If this is not true, then at least it is the impression I got.

Removing flux energy just made this whole experience less unique in my opinion. Now I have to pick a Warframe with a lot of energy when I want to pilot or use guns, rather than the frames I would prefer playing. I really dislike the fact that people bring their own battle and tactical abilities into my ship as well, because I felt like that was part of the experience of being in someone else's ship. 

The transition into endo feels like it just added nothing. I don't understand why this was changed. I don't see the issue with avionics and dirac but ok, what ever. The fact that we had to level and forma the ship a few times was also kind of a "meh", because I don't think we need more forma related content. I like that there are some new mods and some new weapons, that is certainly the right way to go at least.

Overall, as someone who played the old Railjack content quite a bit,  this new Corpus stuff has nearly nothing to do with Railjack in my own opinion. I am happy that DE chose to spend more time on Railjack, but I do not feel that this gave it more depth in terms of gameplay. New items and mods, awesome! New command instrinsics, awesome! The rest, meh...

The worst thing about this, is if this ends up being the "end of Railjack content". I really hope not, I really hope DE takes into account all the points people have made here and see if they can rework this somewhat soon. I was so hyped for Railjack stuff and this was quite disappointing, sorry.



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2 hours ago, Limezord said:

Because it is absolutely silly in my opinion that anyone would want REGULAR middle tier defense missions being part of Railjack. There are more than enough of these already available... If anything, it should have been Archwing missions at the very least, but preferably mainly Railjack objectives.

The very least they could have done was make a Railjack variant of these game modes.

Defense: defend a tower that has been taken over by Solaris from Corpus ships that are trying to destroy it, OR defend a damaged ship while it's attempting to make repairs so it can escape the sector without being destroyed.

Exterminate: Corpus forces have grown too strong in a sector. Kill the fighters patrolling the system (maybe 30-40) and when you get down to the last 5-10, SURPRISE cap ship warps in launching more fighters. One person jumps out of the Railjack, infiltrates the bridge to 

Warp in to a dry dock to find 3 or 4 cap ships parked there with one floating free as a guard. The Corpus have gotten smart and created a shield around the dock that only allows Corpus ships through and blocks the Railjack from getting inside the shield. Sounds pretty stupid for an idea, right? TWO people jump inside of the cap ship, fight their way to the bridge, and set the cap ship on a collision course for the control station of the dry dock while the rest of the crew takes care of the fighters that get sent out to try to destroy your. Once the collision course is set, away team warps back to the Railjack to watch the cap ship smash the control tower, lowering the shield, ripping the ship in half and exposing the core. Still killing fighters, railjack goes to exposed core, shoots core with big boom gun, capital ship explodes taking the rest of the dry dock with it. Mission done.

Way too complicated? Likely, yes. Content unique to Railjack? Mostly, yes.

ALTERNATIVE TO BOARDING: You're given a module that can upload a virus allowing you to change the course of the ship. However, you need to be within a specific range of the ship to use it. The Corpus are aware of this and have an EMP to fry your systems and shut down your module, preventing you from uploading the virus. You need to get within range, upload the virus while fighting off ships they send after you and get out of range of the EMP before it's fully charged and fired. Virus does its job and send the cap ship on the programmed course. 
THIS MODULE COULD BE USED ON LITERALLY ANY CORPUS CAPITAL SHIP IN LITERALLY ANY MISSION IN PLACE OF BOARDING. Overload a core, disable shields, take down weapons, detonate fighters in the hangar bay, you name it. You could even be given a choice as to what systems you want to change to determine how you want to kill the ship. Instead of destroying the core inside the ship, we could disable the cooling systems forcing them to shut down other systems to keep themselves from blowing up. weapons have to be shut down making the ship defenseless (weapons generate heat, even more so weapons of that size). Railjack goes around to kill the weapons with the main artillery, generating a massive amount of heat throughout the ship. Corpus only have one option left, which is to jettison the core and run on auxilliary power. Fly over to where the core was jettisoned and blow the damn thing up with main artillery. shockwave hits the capital ship and tears it apart without blowing it up.

Option 2: kill coolant system, lock core jettison system, initiate self destruct to blow up the ship. Bridge module tries to de-couple and run (this was even stated to be a function in the...GROFIT mission with the Ambulus, can't remember the name) but ends up caught in the blast and is destroyed anyways.

Alternative Sabotage: Destroy a comms tower or comms array used by the Corpus.
Alternative Sabotage: Destroy a Corpus freighter convoy
Alternative Sabotage: Destroy a capital ship carrying brand new experimental fighters

There's more than one way to sabotage a space fleet.

Survival(???): warp into a sector and just keep killing ships that are launched at you. same as a star chart but literally with a Railjack. to finish the mission, you kill the capital ship in the sector and warp back home to dry dock.







Orphix: No. 

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4 hours ago, MrBolodenka said:

The very least they could have done was make a Railjack variant of these game modes.

Defense: defend a tower that has been taken over by Solaris from Corpus ships that are trying to destroy it, OR defend a damaged ship while it's attempting to make repairs so it can escape the sector without being destroyed.

Exterminate: Corpus forces have grown too strong in a sector. Kill the fighters patrolling the system (maybe 30-40) and when you get down to the last 5-10, SURPRISE cap ship warps in launching more fighters. One person jumps out of the Railjack, infiltrates the bridge to 

Warp in to a dry dock to find 3 or 4 cap ships parked there with one floating free as a guard. The Corpus have gotten smart and created a shield around the dock that only allows Corpus ships through and blocks the Railjack from getting inside the shield. Sounds pretty stupid for an idea, right? TWO people jump inside of the cap ship, fight their way to the bridge, and set the cap ship on a collision course for the control station of the dry dock while the rest of the crew takes care of the fighters that get sent out to try to destroy your. Once the collision course is set, away team warps back to the Railjack to watch the cap ship smash the control tower, lowering the shield, ripping the ship in half and exposing the core. Still killing fighters, railjack goes to exposed core, shoots core with big boom gun, capital ship explodes taking the rest of the dry dock with it. Mission done.

Way too complicated? Likely, yes. Content unique to Railjack? Mostly, yes.

ALTERNATIVE TO BOARDING: You're given a module that can upload a virus allowing you to change the course of the ship. However, you need to be within a specific range of the ship to use it. The Corpus are aware of this and have an EMP to fry your systems and shut down your module, preventing you from uploading the virus. You need to get within range, upload the virus while fighting off ships they send after you and get out of range of the EMP before it's fully charged and fired. Virus does its job and send the cap ship on the programmed course. 
THIS MODULE COULD BE USED ON LITERALLY ANY CORPUS CAPITAL SHIP IN LITERALLY ANY MISSION IN PLACE OF BOARDING. Overload a core, disable shields, take down weapons, detonate fighters in the hangar bay, you name it. You could even be given a choice as to what systems you want to change to determine how you want to kill the ship. Instead of destroying the core inside the ship, we could disable the cooling systems forcing them to shut down other systems to keep themselves from blowing up. weapons have to be shut down making the ship defenseless (weapons generate heat, even more so weapons of that size). Railjack goes around to kill the weapons with the main artillery, generating a massive amount of heat throughout the ship. Corpus only have one option left, which is to jettison the core and run on auxilliary power. Fly over to where the core was jettisoned and blow the damn thing up with main artillery. shockwave hits the capital ship and tears it apart without blowing it up.

Option 2: kill coolant system, lock core jettison system, initiate self destruct to blow up the ship. Bridge module tries to de-couple and run (this was even stated to be a function in the...GROFIT mission with the Ambulus, can't remember the name) but ends up caught in the blast and is destroyed anyways.

Alternative Sabotage: Destroy a comms tower or comms array used by the Corpus.
Alternative Sabotage: Destroy a Corpus freighter convoy
Alternative Sabotage: Destroy a capital ship carrying brand new experimental fighters

There's more than one way to sabotage a space fleet.

Survival(???): warp into a sector and just keep killing ships that are launched at you. same as a star chart but literally with a Railjack. to finish the mission, you kill the capital ship in the sector and warp back home to dry dock.







Orphix: No. 

I really like the sound of a lot of these ideas.  I was going to type out something similar but involving player choice when you board an enemy capital ship.  Letting the player discover what they could do and then having the freedom to complete how they see fit.  Meaning they could do more than one thing aboard the ship.  The quoted ideas would be better though.  More spacefleet less bus-driver simulator lol.

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as you said, it's a fresh breath as an new update , but yes now the foot misssions are predominant over railjack in corpus missions, which is a shame, because i wanted to kick some corpus a*s like i did in the like of old giant point. The system is a good beginning but now they must find the good mix between foot missions and railjack objectif. The grineer are more into railjack predominant while corpus are footmissions predominant, if they find how to make more balanced misssion ( not removed the actual one, because more diversity mean more fun) it can become even better. AND BTW PLS augment nautilus part drop in ice mine, it's horrible.


I'm also disappointed of the removed mecanic due to the delete of endurance where u can rush in a long line after finishing ur drift, that was the only way to use ennemy crewship with a decent speed, now it's relace by blink and it's bad in my opinion.

The defense an interception missions in railjack has to be rethink, they have no point or use, better go for the normal ones? Maybe for defense, put a ship of syndicats or allies that we must protect, or put the cryopod in the railjack, while the ennemy try to destroy your ship and board us, as someone aldready propose here. Interception should be more like in an archwing way, we rush to a strategic point that move over time. The faster we get the point, the more interception % we get.


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Am 19.3.2021 um 16:18 schrieb Dark_Lugia:

But please don't forget to take a look into the waypoints on the "normal missions".
They are often false, not up to date or not on the right tile making them more confusing than helpfull.

And this is a long standing issue for such a core feature (more than 2 years known, since I surely wasn't the first one addressing this)


This is actually a really old bug. did you put in another cell / hacked the reactor console a second time after the reactor was destroyed?

Edited by NoSpax
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Heat build on the Talyn feels a bit high. While I love the feel of a gatling laser, it feels like I'm spending too much of the heat guage building speed. Maybe increase the delay before they lose speed so you can continue firing at maximum speed if you Flush the Heat Sinks?

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