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Cross-Play & Cross-Save Megathread - The Soonening(TM)/Public Test Edition


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7 minutes ago, EXXANDY said:

When will the Warframe will game allow to migrate accounts again?


I have been waiting for a year and I spend alot of time in my PS4 account so I really cant change accounts just like that.

The only reason i didnt stop playing warframe is beacause I love this game but it just takes to long to allow a simple account migration so I cant play until then and that its killing m.

So does someone now when wil they allow account migration again?

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2 hours ago, EXXANDY said:

I have been waiting for a year and I spend alot of time in my PS4 account so I really cant change accounts just like that.

The only reason i didnt stop playing warframe is beacause I love this game but it just takes to long to allow a simple account migration so I cant play until then and that its killing m.

So does someone now when wil they allow account migration again?

at this time de is planning a cross play setup 

after crossplay is ironed out (somewhat) an account merg will be done this will enable cross-save capability on all platforms and merg all active accounts the user desires 

this is to what i know still in dev , and again only will happen after crossplay is enabled 

the cross save system will allow any account on any platform , so similar to how destiny did cross-save id surmise (except we can merg not choose a main) 

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I just finally got a switch and was wanting to play Warframe on it. I don't want to start over though. I see that their was once the option to transfer your PC account to the switch. Most of the info I found is 3 years old so I was wondering if this will be available again anytime soon? 

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So... at what point DO we hold them accountable? 5, 10 years later? Never? OP has a point. Repeating the same babble back and forth really benefits no one, not even DE. Likely case, DE has to pay a higher-than-normal rate with the other companies (Sony, MSFT) due to their smaller footprint as a developer than, say, Bungie. The networking and coding to enable cross play really isn't that difficult - more than one person can do, so let's bar the "You do it then" statements. I do, however, know what I am talking about, which bring me to the likely cause of cross play not being enabled - legality. The coding is likely already in place as much as it can be without violating laws / intel prop / whatever. Now we just wait for corporate greed to subside.

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Le 25/05/2022 à 01:08, (XBOX)Ampathetiic a dit :

inb4 thread locked for redundancy

The game is not dead. The game has an active playerbase on all platforms and still receives regular updates. You do not know what a dead game looks like.

Notice how none of those games have player economies to worry about. If it's such an easy thing to do, go get a job at DE and help them out.

It does indeed have an active player base, keyword base, but compared to what it was? It's dead compared to that, which is what the OP was alluding to, if you read the whole message. Other games do worry about economies, I am not sure where you think they do not, unless you are referencing trading items, in which case you are right - most games are smart enough to not let players sell items freely. INB4 you go all fan boy on me, Warframe has had it's fair share of exploits, duping, bugs in general, ect. More users on cross play would enable more feedback, reports, and all other goodies developers need. Read again, NEED. Ergo, your argument for other games being inferior because they have a smaller form of economy is moot. It's been proven time and time again that the more freedom you give people, the more they abuse it. This game, and others, are not an exception in this regard.

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4 minutes ago, (PSN)kaillict said:

Read again, NEED. Ergo, your argument for other games being inferior because they have a smaller form of economy is moot.

Where did I say that other games are inferior? I'm saying that a player economy makes it harder for this game to implement cross-play, which is something other games don't have to worry about. I never said cross-play is terrible and shouldn't happen; I just think OP is clueless if they think it's so easy to do.

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On 2022-05-25 at 12:58 AM, (PSN)AMG63_UAE said:

Don’t say this hard to implement, many other games done it. Example, Destiny, Fortnite. Apex, Dauntless and many other games which will take time to write them all.

All of those games have much bigger studios and budgets behind them, it's only been a year since this was announced at last year's Tennocon and we'll have another in less than a month. I'd expect to hear more about it by then. They've already told us they're making milestones everyday, and while that's vague, it's not unexpected, especially if they're waiting until Tennocon.

Anyone who's been around for awhile should've known immediately when they announced it last year that crossplay would take more DE than a year to complete it. It's not that simple to connect 4 platforms together, especially legally. Be patient, wait for an update at Tennocon, and don't be surprised if it takes them another year still.

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I know a lot of people would appreciate and love to have data transfer from CONSOLE to PC due to everyone upgrading their to a PC. People do In-Game purchases and have to deal with losing their money and progress for not being able to transfer their data. So please if anyone wants to hop on this for WARFRAME staff to see it, you are welcome.

Who wants DATA/PROGRESS transfer?


Let's make this happen

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16 hours ago, (PSN)TONI__RIBEIRO said:

Guaranteed not coming in 2022.

I feel like they've been purposely avoiding the discussion of cross-play/cross-save during devstreams. Either they just don't have much to say about it or they are purposely not saying much for some big reveal during Tennocon. 

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Okay, this is coming from someone who started playing around high school a few years back when the Nintendo switch version got released. Is there ever gonna be an event like the account transfer again because I have a lot of things invested into my switch account that I would like to bring to PC, even if I have to overwrite or make an account for it. Honestly a dumb request but i'd like to have that happen one day since I've lost any reason to play the switch version after such a long time.

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I would love if the Devs take a look at this.

A friend of mine has played a lot of Warframe on PC and introduced me to it on Xbox. But he would like to be able to play with his main account on PC when playing with me. So is cross-play something you developers are looking at, or is there a future possibility to transfer ones account between the two platforms?

We both love the game, but would like to play together with our main accounts.

Edit: Comment got moved and in hindsight I should have done a little searching first. But glad to see it's finally coming by the looks of things.





Edited by (XBOX)Ztingjammer
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On 2021-07-18 at 3:40 AM, Letter13 said:


(from https://www.digitalextremes.com/news/digital-extremes-introduces-prime-resurgence-to-warframe)


Hey folks!

So I'm sure you've all (or mostly all heard) the great news regarding Cross-Play and Cross-Save coming to Warframe soon:

While we do not have all the details yet, this long requested feature is finally making its way to the game (and the moderators will no longer have to lock the monthly/weekly/daily thread asking about it). Folks on different platforms will be able to play together, and users will (presumably) be able to freely transfer their progress between platforms on a whim (or perhaps 'unify' different platform accounts in a similar fashion to some other games, like Destiny, where all linked platform accounts access a singular set of account data stored on DE's servers).

I decided to re-create the megathread of yore (the one from 2018 with 69 pages) with some up-to-date info and a more relevant opening post. Please feel free to discuss and speculate on this upcoming feature here!


Some of the major talking points popping up in the thread:

  • Platinum between platforms - Will platinum be merged between platforms, or will platinum bought on one platform remain on that platform? (Think Silver from Destiny 2)
  • Trading & Market Questions - Will players across platforms be able to trade with one another? Or will it be restricted to the platform a player is currently on? The market-scape between platforms is vastly different for platinum prices on some tradeable goods, and cross-save/cross-play may wind up balancing/equalizing prices across platforms
  • TENNOGEN - A real hot topic, seeing as the method of implementation is radically different between PC and Console; will Tennogen skins transfer when moving between platforms? Will PC players be able to purchase Tennogen skins for platinum when playing on consoles?
  • Platform exclusive cosmetics - Similar to Tennogen, will they transfer? In regards to the Obsidian/Jade skins, etc.
  • Method of Cross-Save - Some players have expressed interest in a 'Merge' style of cross-save (where items from multiple platforms are merged/combined) versus more traditional style of 'Overwrite' style of cross-save (where the data of the 'master' account overwrites/overrides the linked accounts of other platforms--think Destiny 2).
  • When it will go live - There are no announced dates for when it will be released, though there is speculation that it may drop with The New War.


This thread will hopefully be able to start compiling some good sets of questions we can field to DE staff for upcoming devstreams. I for one am very eager to hear more about the manner in which cross-save and cross-play will be implemented.


Update: Thanks to @xcrimsonlegendx for the update on goals for linking/merging/cross-saving accounts! 


I would like a merging of accounts


On 2021-07-18 at 3:54 AM, (NSW)DreTheSage said:

If I can play my Switch account on my Xbox Series X or PS5 I’d play Warframe everyday. 

Might not be able to play on PS5 because I have an old PS4 account already I rarely touch. I wonder if they will let us unlink and relink another account.

If they merge them you will have 1 account and have everything from all accounts if I am to think correctly

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