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Cross-Play & Cross-Save Megathread - The Soonening(TM)/Public Test Edition


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18 minutes ago, mrEkli said:

Why does it make no sense?

With no account merging:

Let's say you have a 1000 hr file on a console you had but it broke, you're on a different platform now, you play and grind on an account that'll be overwritten by a better account (the old one that you'll choose as the cross save main file) with more progress. That's all wasted away.

I appreciate your point of view. But I still play warframe for fun. I've got two alternate accounts on playstation, I started them because I wanted to replay all the quests and to see have far I can get while having barely enough mods and weapons to get by :crylaugh:.

The fun of the challenge is fleeting, but not wasted.

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34 minutes ago, mrEkli said:

Why does it make no sense?

With no account merging:

Let's say you have a 1000 hr file on a console you had but it broke, you're on a different platform now, you play and grind on an account that'll be overwritten by a better account (the old one that you'll choose as the cross save main file) with more progress. That's all wasted away.

exactly, on the pc i think i have 3-4k hours in the game, on the xbox it should be around 300 hours, i think i keep playing until the cross save finally comes out, and in the end it all goes to waste, and it will only be wasted time, so I also think that for me the best thing is to wait for information on how the crossave will be

Edited by (XBOX)RodigoSilva
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So at TennoCon it was announced that cross-platform play is being developed. I had almost 1000 hours on my Playstation account before switching to pc to be told I couldn't transfer accounts. =( Now with this crossplay in development will it be possible to merge an old account into current one?

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With the announcement of CrossPlay and CrossSave, do you think there will be an option to merge accounts? I ask because I have a PC account as well as a PlayStation account and I would love to not lose everything, but also want to only have to use 1 account once that update goes live. 

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I'm wondering, if for Plat+Tennogen purchases, that DE will have a database that shows where accounts were formed and that will help determine how store purchases moving forward will work. I have to assume that Microsoft, Sony, and Nintendo will still somehow retain a revenue-generating aspect with Crossplay/Cross-save. 

In other words, the purchasing methods for plat+Tennogen+other special items will be done in the same manner as the OG platform. So a Switch player will still have the same purchasing methods as they did on the Switch (i.e. Tennogen bought with Plat, Nintendo store for purchasing plat) and PC players will still have to pay for Tennogen but get discounted plat. In both scenarios, whether the Switch player is on PC or the PC player on console, the purchasing methods will remain the same as their original platform.


But I could be wrong. I'm curious as to how the revenue sharing will work.

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10 hours ago, strfish said:

If I can I am just going to transfer my xbox account rivens, plat, and prime parts to PC.

It's not a migration window. Why are people not getting this? You'll be able to play any account on any platform at any time. There will no longer be PC/PS/XBOX/NS Differentiation of any kind. Accounts will be 100% segregated from where they were started and where they're being played, so you can stop playing on your PC, then log in onto your switch and continue playing on the go. 

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I have looked forward to this feature for a long time. I was torn between continuing on with Xbox and buying the new console or just switching over to PC and not ever playing WF again. I also recently acquired a NSW so I can play on the go. I truly am glad by the announcement of cross play/cross save capability coming in the near future. I hope it doesn't take long to integrate. 

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6 minutes ago, (XBOX)AMONGTHEWEAK said:

I have looked forward to this feature for a long time. I was torn between continuing on with Xbox and buying the new console or just switching over to PC and not ever playing WF again. I also recently acquired a NSW so I can play on the go. I truly am glad by the announcement of cross play/cross save capability coming in the near future. I hope it doesn't take long to integrate. 

I feel you. I've been on the same boat the past year. Not knowing if I wanted to continue on PS4 and not being able to get a PS5, I decided to get a PC and stopped playing WF. Now I can pick it back up knowing I won't loose it all. 

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hace 29 minutos, (XBOX)Sweatlock dijo:

So where did they confirm this as 'coming this year' cause all I've seen is "in development" 

Nowhere, of course. They did not confirm it. Although it should be asap, or before New War, or even close to it, due to business mainly. Anyway, pure speculation, we are indeed waiting for more info from DE, there is some stuff to be discussed.

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The exact language from first post is "Cross-Play and Cross-Save coming to Warframe later this year with the New War update. "  New War launch seems to be perfect time, but many of us know that dates can slide in either direction.  I'll stay optimistic that they reserved actual gameplay for one of the dev. streams.

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I'm just curious if PC will finally get access to a few exclusive console skins. What the warframe wiki lists under the 'Third Party Deals and Rewards' skins. But for easier identification, I'm talking about the Playstation Obsidian skins, the Xbox Jade skins, the Nintendo Switch Esteeem skins. Will PC finally get access to those console exclusive skins? (I know the Epic Games skins are currently running on alerts on console right now, though I suppose DE mentioned some time back that they would be more widely available some time down the road). Truth be told, I only care about Ivara's Obsidian skin (which even comes with an Artemis Bow Obsidian skin too!) Still, can PC finally get access to those skins, pretty please?

I guess the other big elephants in the room would be 'Tennogen' and 'Platinum' (and the larger scope of how the in-game economy will change once cross-play and cross-save come into action?)

As I vaguely understand it, consoles can purchase tennogen skins with platinum. However, the discount coupons given on console are for 'per purchase items' for the in-game market. On PC tennogen is purchased via the steam workshop (and tennogen artists get paid directly via that system) and discount coupons are given on platinum purchases. I'm guessing this has created a different platinum economy in both systems. And with platinum being tradable in-game, I wonder how things will change?

But again, the major thing I care about is PC getting access to those console exclusive skins (Please DE, I really want that Ivara obsidian skin!)

Edited by BlindStalker
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We already know that cross save is coming but my question/idea is will there be a way for tenno that have multiple saves on different platforms be able to merge all of their accounts into one cross save.  I have many things on all platforms that I'd rather have access to in all places but also be able to still hangout with my friends I know it wouldn't be easy but I'd like to know if it's possible or is being worked on.  Thank you for reading.

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13 minutes ago, Genitive said:


I wonder if they'll make that an option for migrated accounts, if at all.

I didn't touch my switch account much at all, but I still carried over years of stuff when I created it, having all of that again with so little effort might be a bit too much.

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  *Copied from slightly different thread*

7 hours ago, EmberStar said:

Plus the part where Excalibur Prime just doesn't exist in that version.

Good point. So either DE will bring all consoles up to speed with PC (tennogen+exclusives), or the non-compatible items will be glitched out with [PH] branding, or when you start playing on a foreign platform your exclusive content will be invisible/unusable (like how some weapons are banned from Conclave).

There's a few assumptions with this whole thread:

  • Migration of exclusive items
  • Cross-platform trading
  • Account merging
  • "Casual" mission cross-play

There are so many potential limitations that DE might impose. There's even a part of me that is afraid that cross-play will only be available for open-world and special missions. DE did mention that the 3rd Spider Tank will be a raid style boss fight. I can't help but think this is connected.

We just don't know yet.

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My concerns with Cross Play/Cross Save

What actually transfers over and how easy will Cross Save be?

Trade economy (PC vs Consoles in terms plat value differences among platforms since prices are normally cheaper on PC)

Trade availability (will there be too many sellers and too many buyers to get a word out?)

Host Migration Issues

Console/PC specific items and coupons

Chat Tabs (will there be a complete waterfall of text?)

Bugs/Glitches across the different platforms

Voice communication (game chat dependent?)


My hopes

Full seamless access to all my stuff/progress on whatever platform I wish to play on at any time I choose 

Trade economy balance across all platforms (depending on how or if that will work) and more options for sellers vs just being on one platform

Access to platform specific items (potential increased market for sales right here)

Playing with a bigger variety of players

Playing WF while I travel on my NSW vs my XB1







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