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14 minutes ago, DukeRukasu said:

Where did I make a comparison? I just remembered the people, that behave like this is the biggest scam in history and does mean DE will now become EA, that normal Aya also exists and the Regal Aya is just one side of the coin

Also I do not believe that the majority of players have the majority of prime frames, where do you get that from?

There are no “two sides of the coin”because you’re genuinely forgetting that if DE actually fixed the consistency of thier Prime Unvaulting instead of the consistent Nyx and Rhino fiasco which they themselves have admitted. The backlog of Primes would not be as severe as it is now I was just saying this to someone else that if Prime Unvaulting were as consistent as they should be DE would be given some slack on their mistakes but no that’s not the current scenario with certain frames not being Unvaulted in nearly 3 and a half years Aya was essentially to compensate for that it was not a “positive” it was a net neutral

and as for the prime frames it’s common sense that the majority of players use Prime frames than their normal counter part it’s clearly indicated in the 2020 data spread. Warframe is a investment heavy game players work towards achieving primes literally as soon as possible https://www.warframe.com/2020stats

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4 minutes ago, (XBOX)Pipolo said:

The Prime Gaming accesories free for people with amazon is for Aya Real for normal tennos? Seriously? 


1 minute ago, VoreoTheDragon said:

its my understanding you can get this stuff with normal aya. (free tier)

Based on the wording, it sounds like that's by Regal too.


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4 minutes ago, Circle_of_Psi said:

Fair enough, but  it's a doubter they'll just read any "fan email" regarding this right? 

While it is unlikely that they will read messages sent?

Not trying guarantees nothing will be read because there is nothing TO read.

In this instance it does not hurt to try.

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On 2021-11-02 at 3:05 PM, [DE]Danielle said:

Edit 2:00 pm, Nov 12th - Adjusted Prime Accessories Price

Edit 10:50 AM ET, Nov 15th - Twitch Clip from Prime Time Showcasing Prime Resurgence
Edit 3:30 PM ET, Nov 15th - Added Platinum Response Below

Hey Tenno! 

With Prime Resurgence launching tomorrow, we wanted to answer your requests to (a) add Platinum to the packs and (b) add Accessories Packs with Platinum. 

A. The reality is that for this inaugural launch we are unable at this time (right before launch) to add Platinum to the packs due to technical and compliance limitations across all Warframe’s platforms. We want to avoid doing any changes midway through the event as well, with it becoming a logistical challenge on the backend setup and unfair to the players who were early participants. While it is not possible for this first run, we have pages upon pages of feedback here that will be considered alongside the data we’ll be reviewing once the event has finished. Rest assured the importance of bonus Platinum in the value proposition is noted for next time. 

B. The same reasoning from A applies to adding Accessories Packs - there is still much to consider for an event that has yet to run, but being the biggest discussed point here we know it is desired. But since we are unable to add a Pack at this point, there is no way for us to add Platinum to a pack that doesn’t exist. 

We really want to stress again that this is our first attempt at running an event like this. It has been 8 years of the same Prime Access system and 7 years of Prime Vault, we aren’t reinventing the wheel but we are venturing into an entirely new way to make Prime items available in ways we’ve never attempted before. And this is why player feedback is so vital, we know what your top concerns are and will take it into consideration if we look at a future run of Prime Resurgence. 

We just simply cannot commit to any major systematic changes at this time, because of the reasons listed above and because we need performance data to make educated and informed decisions if we run the event again. These may not be the answers you were hoping for, but for the sake of transparency they are the answers we have to give at this time. We also want to make a point of saying that you as a player have the freedom to participate in any form that is most comfortable to you. With far more avenues of access to free-path Primed items with Aya, you can dedicate your time to building up that Prime inventory that you’ve been dreaming of. 

Thank you for reading and we’ll see you for tomorrow’s launch! 

It sure seems like this is flat out a lie. I mean if it's impossible to add plat to the bundles why do you feel the need to go on to explain three more reasons? Isn't it being impossible reason enough? It sure seems like it'd have to be. Of course it isn't impossible. You'd just have to run the new packs through the console stores right? You'd have to get new approval and probably delay the start of the event a week. But it would be possible. You just don't want too.  Adding a new form of paid currency to the game a non-tradeable one at that is a terrible direction to be moving towards and it's entirely not needed. It's 100% just a greedy money grab. And on top of it being a greedy money grab it's also bad value. You had claimed it was a 1/1 replacement for the old way of doing things until people pointed out the loss of platinum made it much worse value. Then you changed it to being as close in value as possible. And you had excuses about buying one premium currency and getting another was silly. I mean that's a dumb argument and it more or less points a glaring neon finger at why adding another premium currency really didn't make sense to begin with. You have all of this plat in the game. People with hundreds of thousands and nothing to spend it on. Having another plat sink sure seems like it would have been a good idea. But you want to generate cash for the holiday season right? To impress the new ownership group yeah? I mean why not just be honest? You've been honest in the past when you agreed that Prime Access is terrible value and that you are only buying it to support the devs. Why not just call a spade a spade? This premium currency is a way to support DE if you wish too. That's what it is. It makes no sense to buy otherwise. And frankly the last couple of years of this game doesn't see me wanting to support you at all. So I'm not buying this. I'm boycotting this entire event. 

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10 minutes ago, Perfectly_Framed_Waifu said:

You didn't state why they "can't" do that but why they "won't" do that - big difference. Try again, mate. It's not like they're not continuously introducing a whole bunch of TennoGen either, so the technology is very much there to sell multiple items for pure cash.

Looking forward to see you prove that this ain't just desperate attempts to excuse DE.

No lol, the tech isnt there. You dont buy anything from within the game. For tennogen you have a third party wallet function from Steam, you dont buy with cash through the game. That means Steam verifies all purchases done as required by different nations. Just as when you wanna buy plat, you get sent to the official site, you dont slap your card info into the game for processing etc.

And not really sure what you aim for in your other sentence. You get 50k endo, that allows for upgrading of primed mods, which you can sell to other players fully upgraded for far more plat.

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8 minutes ago, Circle_of_Psi said:
10 minutes ago, ABlindGuyPlays said:

Yong is on twitter.

Jim Sterling has a subreddit


Fair enough, but  it's a doubter they'll just read any "fan email" regarding this right? 

They might not read every fan email, but if you've watched their shows long enough, you'll know for a fact that they read some, and enough so to learn about news to cover such as these.

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vor 7 Minuten schrieb (PSN)RB3-Reloaded:

There are no “two sides of the coin”because you’re genuinely forgetting that if DE actually fixed the consistency of thier Prime Unvaulting instead of the consistent Nyx and Rhino fiasco which they themselves have admitted. The backlog of Primes would not be as severe as it is now I was just saying this to someone else that if Prime Unvaulting were as consistent as they should be DE would be given some slack on their mistakes but no that’s not the current scenario with certain frames not being Unvaulted in nearly 3 and a half years Aya was essentially to compensate for that it was not a “positive” it was a net neutral

and as for the prime frames it’s common sense that the majority of players use Prime frames than their normal counter part it’s clearly indicated in the 2020 data spread. Warframe is a investment heavy game players work towards achieving primes literally as soon as possible https://www.warframe.com/2020stats

This post makes even less sense than your last... Of course they are two sides, they are literally marketed as the two ways to get stuff in this event. So yeah I think ignoring half of it and saying DE steps down on a level of EA and Activision because of it is super disingenuous

And just because the majority of players use prime frame doesnt mean, that they own the majority of the prime frames

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1 minute ago, SneakyErvin said:

No lol, the tech isnt there. You dont buy anything from within the game. For tennogen you have a third party wallet function from Steam, you dont buy with cash through the game. That means Steam verifies all purchases done as required by different nations. Just as when you wanna buy plat, you get sent to the official site, you dont slap your card info into the game for processing etc.

You don't buy the Prime Vault packs directly in the game either, but from the site. And there's nothing stopping DE from making the individual items buyable that way either. Thank you for proving that my proposed system works.

2 minutes ago, SneakyErvin said:

And not really sure what you aim for in your other sentence. You get 50k endo, that allows for upgrading of primed mods, which you can sell to other players fully upgraded for far more plat.

That'll be 1.2k Platinum then.

15 hours ago, Perfectly_Framed_Waifu said:

And if any white knights wanna once more say that 50k Endo is totes worth the loss of 1200 Platinum, I wanna see you put your money where your mouth is and buy my 15 pineapples for 1.2k plat.

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il y a 4 minutes, SneakyErvin a dit :

That applies to everything in the game though. And we dont see DE running around setting new prices based on the player market over time. Even though we as players may demand 100p for a prime, it doesnt mean the prime in the pack has lost hard value, it is still worth 300p+ according to DE's pricing. So player value should have very little to do with anything in the end when DE sets their prices. It is their game, they think something is worth that much or that little etc.

It doesnt matter, players have inflated the market themselves. The items stillhave a hard value that doesnt change. A value set in order to gain revenue to keep producing the game that is otherwise 100% free.

And it isnt unfair, it is completely inline with in-game items available for purchase by the player, items that people effectively also buy. Why people think primes are valued less by DE is beyond me. WF has the fairest pricing model of a free game, even if they remove the platinum from unvault bundles. It is rare that free games allow you to earn premium currency, those that do tend to have terrible time gate, like STO, where you can grind premium currency but it would take you around a year to obtain enough to buy a new release.

you still dont get it,the pricing is indeed worst for this event but its not a big deal compared to other games like you said.

People are complaining coz if they let this slide,DE will start to slowly decrease the in game value of those packs over time.

they could've added "aya +bonus plat" or "more aya" per pack from the start and avoid all this,but they wanted to test and see how the community react. if people still buy them regardless of it being "fair" or not then they will keep doing it everytime. so stop being a white knight,we all want what is best for the game :) 

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2 minutes ago, Perfectly_Framed_Waifu said:

You don't buy the Prime Vault packs directly in the game either, but from the site. And there's nothing stopping DE from making the individual items buyable that way either. Thank you for proving that my proposed system works.

That'll be 1.2k Platinum then.

Maybe, just maybe keep up with what is changing. You will buy the packs from a vendor inside the game for Regal Aya which you buy from the site. All this is done so they dont have to update the store front with every new unvault, so they can just replace the items available on the vendor through a rotation. Allowing them to just activate or deactivate a single store front purchasable i.e Regal Aya in the future.

So there is alot stopping them from using the old system which involved direct cash payments per prime bundle.

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So while there is much to say on the Royal Aya pricing and bundles? Let's talk about the normal aya.

The free evergreen rewards are, frankly, lackluster.

The grilled cheese sayandana, FIVE DUCATS (when at a minamum prime parts give fifteen,) a liset skin,  and the necraloid pack.

There are a tons of old event cosmetics that could be put here. If nothing else upping the ducat conversion to like... fifteen or twenty five ducats per?

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1 minute ago, (XBOX)xLord Escanorx said:

you still dont get it,the pricing is indeed worst for this event but its not a big deal compared to other games like you said.

People are complaining coz if they let this slide,DE will start to slowly decrease the in game value of those packs over time.

they could've added "aya +bonus plat" or "more aya" per pack from the start and avoid all this,but they wanted to test and see how the community react. if people still buy them regardless of it being "fair" or not then they will keep doing it everytime. so stop being a white knight,we all want what is best for the game :) 

The bolded part is just silly fearmongering.

And no, they could not have added aya+plat, since that would result in the opposite and should likely also be considered the "wrong move" by the critical people. Or is everything that benefits the player OK? Access can only be bought once, RA packs can be bought over and over. Which means slapping plat on RA packs is a bad idea. More RA per pack could work, but then you'd have complainers going "why is there not a smaller pack cos I only need 3!?" followed by "uh hiking up prices!".

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19 minutes ago, Perfectly_Framed_Waifu said:

They might not read every fan email, but if you've watched their shows long enough, you'll know for a fact that they read some, and enough so to learn about news to cover such as these.

Well, I've contacted the following: YongYea, Paul Tessi and Jim (Twitter, as it's stated on there to ask there)

If that does anything, we'll find out, but I doute someone like me or you will bring it to their attention, unless we ALL do it. (That I strongly suggest you all do) but for now 🤷‍♂️

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