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Zephyr & Chroma Prime Vault: Hotfix 31.5.9


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3 hours ago, [DE]Momaw said:

Just tested this and it seems to be working fine. If you remove the weapon's mods does this still happen? Do you have other features in your loadout that are also influencing the weapon or headshots, for example Arane Pistoleer on the Laetum?

It is a client issue. Mine usually drops back down when I reach full charge then I lose some charge again

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2 hours ago, Horonelius said:

It works completely fine as a host, the entire issue is it doesn't work as a client. Dead bodies give points, the meter jumps up the correct amount then drops down to a hair above where it was before, and frequently you lose some or all of your meter. There are also reports that if ANY of the projectiles crit or inflict a status, the game considers them all as having inflicted a crit or status, which renders the level 5 evolutions that rely on not inflicting these next to useless as a client.

Its bugged to the point that I only use them in singleplayer. I am almost certain its because of multishot.


That would explain why they felt very inconsistent to me.  Great when they worked as expected, and confusing when they didn't.  But I didn't look into it much.  Just set them aside (still waiting on the melee to build) and thought "meh, bugframe".

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There is an Issue with the Excavators in Vallis Bounties.

As a duo squad with 30-35 ping, when one of the excavators completes, the second excavator instantly explodes even tho it is at full hp and shields causing the part of the bounty to become imperfect. The other excavator usually has 5-6 seconds left but the Bounty does not wait for it and ends, queuing the "sad we lost the other excavator" voice lines. Happened 5 times, ruining 5 otherwise perfect runs, robbing us from the extra reward. It happened over 3 different instances of Vallis (going out and back in, 3 bounties taken from Fortuna and 2 from a taken base).

Did I miss something? Are we supposed to perfectly sync those excavators now? Seems kinda hardcore for tier 1 bounty. As it stands now, if an excavator runs out of power for even a second (and that happens easily with battery carries being dropped behind hills 150 meters away) the bounty is guaranteed to be "imperfect". Maybe if you and your buddies have some insane coordination to put batteries at the exact same time you could avoid it, but i cannot confirm that.

TL;DR Vallis Excavator timers being mismatched causes the excavators that still have time on the clock to auto explode when the first one completes.

How did that even get broken?

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Do you know how long it takes to reach one C rotation of void Armageddon "hoping" you'll get that weapon? 

Also big maps from zariman were good for sight seeing at first but now it's more of a bother. You're just encouraging wukong gameplay. Having players move around constantly for long distances. 

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On 2022-05-12 at 10:54 PM, [DE]Danielle said:
  • Fixed ‘Mercy Kills’ being written as just ‘Mercy’ in various descriptions. 

You missed one! Two Three, in fact!

The Parazon Mods Hit And Run, Blood For Life and Blood For Energy still refer to just 'Mercy'.


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5 hours ago, krrysis. said:

Do you know how long it takes to reach one C rotation of void Armageddon "hoping" you'll get that weapon? 

Also big maps from zariman were good for sight seeing at first but now it's more of a bother. You're just encouraging wukong gameplay. Having players move around constantly for long distances. 

solo is  25-30 min or full squad  22 min full 4 complete rounds

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DE pls  activate/put restriction on Eximus in Requiem Fissure (Exterminate) is not  acceptable 

on one wave void + makes more on respawn x2 Eximus some time x3 

Note: for 1 min ,20 sec Eximus-makes respawn on every 5 sec (not acceptable for weak player-kill Eximus in Solo/Squad)


I play Requiem Extermiante in Solo play around 5 min

Note: My record (total) 1 min ,44 sec Eximus-makes brutal respawn when half .I kill enemies 35/66 (Eximuss-from 2-5 sec


and  number on enemies is not balanced (does not match the number)  

Sometime 1 Frag= 2 enemies;  from one void wave sometime makes respawn for more Eximus 3-4 is not acceptable

Today My  :( Anti Record- is 7:58 min for more  added Disco Garbage in this maze from stairs 

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Thank you for the fixes so far! Here are some persisting issues and suggestions (all of these are from solo perspective):

- 'kill the Angel' objective during an extrminate bounty still has a chance not to register, this has been a bug since several hotfixes ago

- Taking a bounty and fast travelling to the elevator requires you to step out and back in 50% of the time before it works

- 'Repeat the mission' button in Zariman missions does nothing, even after doing a non-bounty

- I'd appreciate going back to the orbiter if starting a Zariman mission from orbiter

- Trick mag mod seems to not work for Laetum (don't have the primary yet to check)

- Laetum started mission with a half-filled Incarnon form magazine (happened only once, after the last hotfix, might be update weirdness)

- Void Sling and Dash should be options - make both unique enough to warrant a discussion between speed, control and distance, instead of breaking our toy and giving us a cheap copy, which is the current vibe

- transference delay seems unreasonable and breaks the rythm; similarily to the point above, it's a detriment to mobility in a game where rapid movement is key

- I'm not a fan of the Wellspring being cast on the floor and not affecting the caster by default - if you cast it in an elevator, it can get stuck above in the air and not give you the benefits, and if you try to be dynamic an cast it mid-jump, you also miss it entirely

- Void Armageddon is just not enjoyable, forcing you to run between defence targets while the others still can be attacked, with the enemy rushing the Reliquiary while you fight the Angel being the worst offense; I get that making all but the active target invulnerable would trivialize the mission, but something has to change to make me engage with it ever again

- Adding more arcanes just so we can deal with overguard is a flawed idea: new players will have no access to them; people like me, who despise using operators, will not be happy to farm them; it feels like 'we made a problem and will fix it not by gameplay, but with farming a now obligatory item' approach

- I like the ideas floating around of the overguard being used to cast eximus abilities, or being simply melted by void damage - currently there is no incentive for using amps, especially for people who never bothered to build one, as the overguard is melted by most meta weapons; now it's just bunch of super-scaled HP

- Dormizones are useless in the current form; if we are able to move our orbiter facilities there, or get some modular modifications to them, like the dojo rooms, maybe I'll visit mine the second time; I abandoned the Camp immediately too, and the Camp at least had utility

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il y a une heure, Ecnemalas a dit :


- I like the ideas floating around of the overguard being used to cast eximus abilities, or being simply melted by void damage - currently there is no incentive for using amps, especially for people who never bothered to build one, as the overguard is melted by most meta weapons; now it's just bunch of super-scaled HP


You can't really do that as people will just use Xata's Whisper on every frames and it'll still be the same problem.

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32 minutes ago, Maryph said:

You can't really do that as people will just use Xata's Whisper on every frames and it'll still be the same problem.

True, that's an option. Probably most of us could easily do that. However, for new players it's locked behind Nidus/quests/resources. Since it would decrease build diversity (I like my Roar on Loki), I think a lot of players would opt to use amps if they did decent damage, which is not really a viable option now. We just nuke the eximus as always.

Really, my point was to add my voice to the people asking DE to try and and make the overguard a unique mechanic (eximus 'energy', extra shield with a simple gimmick to deplete it faster, etc.) instead of a bloated HP pool.

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Thank you for the hotfix, DE

Discovered Bugs:

  • Entering into an Exolizer in Void Cascades with Excalibur Umbra (in any state) will disable his sentience passive and cause the Operator to return to his position rather than the Operator's new position. This seems to occur more often in non-host players, and occurs despite a fix to another bug of the same nature. It will function properly after a long while, but going anywhere near an Exolizer will recreate the bug.
  • The Stropha gunblade will not gain Combo Counter on any enemy that is in ragdoll and still alive, either by the blade or by the shots.
  • Upon login, if Excalibur Umbra was the last use Warframe, a "staticy" Ephemera will appear around the shoulders, disappearing upon entering into any mission node. Discovered with Excalibur Umbra equipped with Atavast Prime Armor Set and Ash Deluxe Syandana.
  • All Sentinels, in any case, will remain in immobile animations. They will still attack and use Precepts normally, however.
  • Warframes with certain cosmetics will appear as different colors when entering the Navigation menu. For example, the Kukri Prime Armor with white Energy color will appear green instead, or the Vitus Emblem with red Energy color will appear as the default light blue. Certain Sigils in this scenario will simply not appear on the Warframe.
  • Weapons or cosmetics on either Warframe Articula or the displays will rapidly vibrate. This seems to depend on a given load out, but occurs with the Harkonar Wraith Chestpiece, the Kuva Lich Armor Chestpieces, and the Tombfinger Primary Kitgun.
  • There is a whole list of bugs up with Excalibur Umbra as well that I feel should be observed for future updates.

Requested Changes:

  • Please increase the initial attack speed of the standing combo in Galeforce Dawn. The animations are beautifully crafted, but it is very clunky to switch between it to running combo, to the point where not even building more attack speed can solve it.
  • Can you please change Theorem Infection/Theorem Demulcent to create and deplete stacks similar to Weapon Arcanes? In addition, can you look into removing Theorem Infection's "no refresh on max stacks"? There is literally nothing in the game that encourages you not reach max stacks, and in the case of Theorem Infection, it is extremely hindering to the purpose of the Arcane.
  • Please allow Arbitrations to be unlocked to all players without having to complete post-New War content. It is especially hindering to newer players and discourages doing one of the major goals in Warframe (completing the star chart).
  • What are your thoughts on allowing Prime Details to be put on the new Warframe Voidshell skins?
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19 hours ago, [DE]Momaw said:

Just tested this and it seems to be working fine. If you remove the weapon's mods does this still happen? Do you have other features in your loadout that are also influencing the weapon or headshots, for example Arane Pistoleer on the Laetum?

Sorry for the late response, I just got a chance to try a few configs to narrow down a possible cause. I ran ESO as a client using only the Phenmor and Hildryn, both without any mods or arcanes installed. The Phenmor did not lose any charges when I played without any mods or arcanes. I again ran ESO as a client with only Galvanized Chamber installed on the Phenmor. This time the Phenmor did lose charges, and the amount of charges lost increased with higher multishot stacks. Perhaps the issue is triggered by multishot? Hope this helps some.

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Even though I think this would not be very popular, having overguard be breakable only to operator amp damage like the eidolon shields could be a great mechanic.

It would fix the "shoot once/cast once and everything dies" issue. 

It would incentivise even veterans to start playing the game and actually use the rest of their kit (unused operator damage). 

It will make newer players go, oh S#&$, game isn't actually a complete walk in the park, and it will feel so much more like an rpg and very rewarding when they get their first amp and start to be able to deal with what seemed to be a very hard challenge (regarding the obligatory kills interfering here, just make them simply not count towards mission kills, just like how some enemy states do, eg. Xakus gazed enemies, for only when there is a player on the team who doesn't have an amp). 

This is the perfect opportunity to actually make the game more engaging and refreshed in all missions, and for everyone, from new players overcoming this challenge, to the veterans having something new to do in all missions with a new and interesting interaction with the enemy. (member glassmaker invulnerable spawns? I member. It was very annoying when it happened in spy missions, but it was actually very refreshing and cool when it happened everywhere else) 

I don't think this will take away from the game (like when void dash was taken) but instead it will increase engagement with a very cool, unused, section of the game which is operator combat that was sequestered to eidolon hunting and now only to thrax second phase interactions. (I think you have found diamonds and its time to start polishing) 

Operators are cool, it would be nice too see them in missions more than a few seconds as a fashion show at the end of missions when people are just bored and waiting for the last person to arrive at extraction, it just feels like such a waste of such a cool part of the game.

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On 2022-05-14 at 3:04 PM, Ecnemalas said:


- Void Armageddon is just not enjoyable, forcing you to run between defence targets while the others still can be attacked, with the enemy rushing the Reliquiary while you fight the Angel being the worst offense; I get that making all but the active target invulnerable would trivialize the mission, but something has to change to make me engage with it ever again


Yes DE fix this bug with in Solo Eternal Relic (Unlimited Attack on Enemies= more "Disco EXIMUS'') and fix last left 3 point for boss Angel

Example: Points for 2 Round AA(B) Tour on red marking left  5-6  Enemies in area  found around 100m ,and fix ,when complete some Point

Example : Clean Point A.I go point B and see how to kill  point B,fix other bug   

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3 hours ago, Bot_Kmykzy_004 said:

Even though I think this would not be very popular, having overguard be breakable only to operator amp damage like the eidolon shields could be a great mechanic.

This is your reminder that:

  • The Second Dream (Transcendence) requires you to complete Neptune Junction.
  • The War Within (Transference) requires you to complete Sedna Junction.
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acolyte spawning in and an angel active removes the angels over the top ui health bar for the the acolytes and doesnt return.

acolyte still has weird hp bar thats way larger then their own bar and invisible and triple the length only on the zariman.


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10 hours ago, Grommile said:

This is your reminder that:

  • The Second Dream (Transcendence) requires you to complete Neptune Junction.
  • The War Within (Transference) requires you to complete Sedna Junction.

I don't get what that has to do with the things you quoted... 

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13 minutes ago, Bot_Kmykzy_004 said:

I don't get what that has to do with the things you quoted... 

Eximi appear everywhere.

Players don't have access to their Operator until they complete the content I identified. (The Second Dream for the awkward-to-use version, The War Within for the full version.)

That content requires you to complete a large proportion of the starchart.

This is not a good New Player Experience.

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