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Rework, Buffs and Nerfs Wont Fix The Game


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35 minutes ago, kadolaflare said:

You're an exception to the rule

The exception doesn't make the rule


Basically, you are the minority in this case.


Is this a reply to my comment? I'm going to assume that it was, just so I have another excuse to comment. Because you brought an interesting topic to the discussion that I want to talk about.

I don't care if I am an exception or a minority. That was not the point of my comment. I was replying to the question that you asked and incorrectly assumed the answer to. I'll get back to that in a second, but since you bring the topic of minority and majority into the conversation, let me talk about that real quick. Your entire post assumes a lot of things, but that particular topic is very interesting. So I'll add to the discussion.

I'm not attempting to claim that I know what is best for the game, or that I even know what the community wants. That's what you are doing; and more power to you. It's a fun read. You're free to post whatever you want.

3 hours ago, kadolaflare said:

Many people in the Warframe community are mindlessly convinced that buffs and reworks to their favorite or least favorite frames will make the game more enjoyable.

This is false

You are the one calling the community "mindlessly convinced" that the game needs reworks and buffs to outdated frames. Which is a bit toxic, but whatever. I don't care about that. You have the clear minority opinion. Scroll through the forums, your opinion is the obvious minority here. My testimony (if you can call it that) and opinion is that of the majority. Not that it matters to me personally, because I was never making that point to begin with, like I said earlier.

It also doesn't matter to DE how popular an opinion is, which I'll talk about right now.

At the end of the day, minority or majority opinions have inconclusive results on what happens in Warframe. It's not consistent at all. Look at the Helminth system, where a bunch of abilities got nerfed before the update even came out. Before the content was even in the game it was nerfed! That was due to majority forum opinions. Large majority of the forum users were theorizing builds using the same few abilities, which caused the nerfs. And then look at [Ironclad Flight], the result of a single minority person who didn't like vacuum in Razorwing. Or look at Universal Medallions not working for Conclave standing, also the result of a single minority voice who opposed it. On Twitter. We can go back and forth with examples, but in the end, you'll notice that the results are inconclusive. DE addresses what they want.

Whether an opinion is in the minority of the majority has very little influence on the game. We've seen time and time again that DE works in mysterious ways and will sometimes address majorities, and sometimes address minorities. I wouldn't think about it too hard. Things happen when they feel like it, and very vocal suggestions seem to have the same chance of happening as a suggestion by 1 singular guy.

Just post what you want to the forums, and maybe they'll read it. Maybe they won't. That's how it works. Don't let majority/minority influence you! Just say what you think.


Moving on.. my comment was in regards to this next sentence, specifically. Which is why I quoted it directly.

You stated:

3 hours ago, kadolaflare said:

If yareli gets buffed, will that make you play the game 4 days a week instead of 3? No, why? The overall experience is still the same.

As aforementioned, this is false. I saw a false sentence, so I replied.

Because yes, if yareli gets buffed, it will make me play the game 4 days a week instead of 3. The overall experience will be different for me.

You are asking if a Yareli buff would make me play the game for 4 days a week instead of 3. And it will. I'm answering your question. For some unspecified reason, you wrote an answer to your own question, assuming the answer of the entire community, as if you speak for everyone. 

It doesn't matter if I'm in the minority or not, I was simply disagreeing with the answer you assigned to me. Other discussers should have a chance to answer a question you pose. That way, the community can get a healthy back-and-forth dialogue going.

You approached the discussion already having a preconceived answer to your own question, not even considering that maybe your answer might not apply to everyone. By doing that, you are immediately assuming everyone's stance on the subject instead of inviting discussion. That is the point of my reply. That is all.

Keep posting threads whether they are majority or minority opinions. DE might listen to one of them. Or all of them. Who knows. Enjoy your thread.

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I am not quite sure i understand , 

I get the part about providing cosmetics for real world cash.

But don't we already have that ? Prime access (and prime vault) already does that, prime cosmetics are not normally tradable , and need to be purchased directly.

That too happens on a 3 month cycle , granted not all the cosmetics are pet related , but there aren't that many pets to begin with , there are a lot more weapons that can get skins (and sts boosts) and other cosmetics. So prime access already is what you are asking for.

And while it's true some people do enjoy using different pets , pets themselves in this game need some changes to be effective (outside of very specific outliers).

I feel this suggestion wasn't fully thought out.

As to the "hire more staff" , sure , i guess ? But DE already has a outsource method through tennogen.

Though simply adding numbers does not equate to better quality.


So it's a pass from me , maybe if it was a bit more descriptive , didn't assume the preferences of the whole community and was not very narrow minded i would take it seriously.

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8 hours ago, kadolaflare said:

Also, player numbers play a HUGE factor into why new players would even want to try a video game.


No one wants to play a dead game.


Nowadays war frame is getting a very small amount of new players and even then they're not retaining them.


This is why you add the pet system at a major update to bring people back, make money from cosmetics, drop updates sooner because of more workfroce, retain playeyers because of updates.



I won't complain if they add more pet stuff, but the sky hasn't exactly fallen.  You're using a lot of loaded language there.

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You know you cannot ride your pet in Warframe, right?


You know you are not playing WoW or something like that, right?

Pet is like the least profitable area in Warframe. I have absolutely no idea what you are talking about. Who spend time grooming their panzer or smeeta as long as they are immortal or are giving me extra loots? 

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I'm sorry, did I read this right? You want to abandon reworks and rebalances in favor of... payed pets cosmetics?

And this is supposed to somehow save the game?

I don't know about your standarts, but in my book a game where the only content the devs are invested in is pet microtransactions is like not worth playing at all.

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vor 13 Minuten schrieb ant99999:

I'm sorry, did I read this right? You want to abandon reworks and rebalances in favor of... payed pets cosmetics?

And this is supposed to somehow save the game?

I don't know about your standarts, but in my book a game where the only content the devs are invested in is pet microtransactions is like not worth playing at all.

he doesn't say anything about cosmetics, does he?
he probably means mods or game mechanics.

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4 minutes ago, Venus-Venera said:

he doesn't say anything about cosmetics, does he?
he probably means mods or game mechanics.

Pretty sure they meant cosmetics, as in:

10 hours ago, kadolaflare said:

They can add pet skins to the store that's strictly cosmetic that you can't buy with platinum.


I mean, paid game mechanics is too much even for the wild posts like this one.

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vor 12 Minuten schrieb ant99999:

Pretty sure they meant cosmetics, as in:


I mean, paid game mechanics is too much even for the wild posts like this one.

oh well. but it is not content as I understand it.

instead of designing new skins, devs can program new pets with interesting mechanics. and distribute rare mods for this pet on the start chart.
because cosmetics only works in pvp games in my opinion.

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Many people in the Warframe community are mindlessly convinced that pet cosmetics = $$$ = Bigger DE = Bigger, faster, stronger updates. 

This is False.

I am here to propose a new system that will solve and fix Warframe's biggest problem. Being dead. Welcome to the Lazarus Pit. One, two, one, two, yo, check this out. I come before you good people tonight with an idea. Probably the greatest... Aw, it's not for you. It's more of a Destiny idea. ("Random Warframe Player Now wait just a minute! We're twice as smart as the Destiny Players! Just tell us your idea and we'll vote for it!")

All right, I tell you what I'll do. I'll show you my idea! I give you the Warframe Booty Invigoration System! 

Excluding the starter Frames, the top ten most played Warframes, have on average, a 69% percent larger booty than the rest of the Warframes, combined! Wisp, has had the most Tennogen sales of any Warframe of 2022. There is no question or doubt here, booty sells. Here is where our focus needs to be (Increasing Booty Count). 

Currently some Warframe booty is not up to the standard of other booty. In the booty meta, there are some outliers, some that feast (Wisp, Saryn, Karst Atlas, Nezha Deluxe, Mesa Prime), some that struggle (Caliban, Garuda Deluxe, Octavia). What if there was a way, where we could make the struggling Booty, keep up with the Prime Booty, so that more Booty could sell to get more $$$. Like Booty Rivens. Whilst also addressing all the useless resources we accumulate and better integrate the Helminth system. Weekly Booty Invigorations. Where three random Warframe's, each week, will be able to get a temporary buff to their booties, to make them more competitive with the meta booties, and encourage sales for skins, accessories and cosmetics. 

More Booty = More $$$ = More Players = Increase In Player Count = More $$$ = Bigger DE = Like Goya's Saturn Devouring His Son, DE can now devour other games and games companies, like Capcom and Street Fighter, Epic and Fortnite = More Booty = Booty Cameo Guest Appearances = Nier Automata Warframe 2B Booty = Bigger Booty. (NEVER ENDING CYCLE) = Heat Death of the Universe Avoided = Metaphysical Multiversal Booty! = Booty Inception (THE CYCLE CONTINUES INFINITELY!)

Then later on, if they really care about the game as they say, they could expand on this Booty Invigoration System to include Feet, Legs, Hand Holding, and other things such as bringing NFT's into the game or a cross over with Raid Shadow Legends. 



Also, please just remove conclave out of the game. No one plays it.

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I had a more serious reply that touched on a few issues like the idea that businesses profit would get redistributed in a way that encourages further growth, not always being how such things work, and how unless we know much more about DE's internal structures around such topics, we can't just conclude that more money equals a larger team, even if we take for granted this is a way DE could even realistically generate money... but I am assuming this thread is another sarcastic/satirical take, like a few others we have had recently. My apologies if it is not. 

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10 hours ago, -Moctezuma- said:

No , I am not into boring repetitiveness. 


Are you sure that you know what you are getting yourself into? Warframe is a grind game. Repetitiveness is all you will get from this game. You only get to choose to kill stuff in some creative or boring ways. If it gets boring to you, then you have burnt out. Just leave for some time, play something else and get back later.

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vor 13 Stunden schrieb kadolaflare:

As players of the game, their pipeline is not our problem. 

Also this isn't an excuse to have content updates once a year. 

Look at apex legends. 

Free to play and Updated every 3 months.

What is the result? Top 3 Games on Steam

The reason this is possible is because of the cosmetic microtransactions they have in the game. 

Money = Faster Updates




Nowadays war frame is getting a very small amount of new players and even then they're not retaining them.


This is why you add the pet system at a major update to bring people back, make money from cosmetics, drop updates sooner because of more workfroce, retain playeyers because of updates.

I don't know what to say to you.

Where do you get the small amount of new players and that they are not retaining them? From the forums?

Then you compare two completely different games and draw a conclusion out of a place where the sun never shines.

And your solution is a pet system?

Then you say there is not enough content, but you did not play through it all?

If there is not enough content in Warframe, you are either playing for a very, very long time or you desperately need a job, maybe both.

And then you all people who have a differing opinion from yours mindless?


I have read a lot of postings about WArframe and how you can make it better or even the current state of the game, but yours takes the cake. Get your information straight, research the topics, be respectful in your criticsm as well as with other opinions, show links/proof for your statements and you might get there one day.


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4 hours ago, (PSN)slightconfuzzled said:

Many people in the Warframe community are mindlessly convinced that pet cosmetics = $$$ = Bigger DE = Bigger, faster, stronger updates. 

This is False.

I am here to propose a new system that will solve and fix Warframe's biggest problem. Being dead. Welcome to the Lazarus Pit. One, two, one, two, yo, check this out. I come before you good people tonight with an idea. Probably the greatest... Aw, it's not for you. It's more of a Destiny idea. ("Random Warframe Player Now wait just a minute! We're twice as smart as the Destiny Players! Just tell us your idea and we'll vote for it!")

All right, I tell you what I'll do. I'll show you my idea! I give you the Warframe Booty Invigoration System! 

Excluding the starter Frames, the top ten most played Warframes, have on average, a 69% percent larger booty than the rest of the Warframes, combined! Wisp, has had the most Tennogen sales of any Warframe of 2022. There is no question or doubt here, booty sells. Here is where our focus needs to be (Increasing Booty Count). 

Currently some Warframe booty is not up to the standard of other booty. In the booty meta, there are some outliers, some that feast (Wisp, Saryn, Karst Atlas, Nezha Deluxe, Mesa Prime), some that struggle (Caliban, Garuda Deluxe, Octavia). What if there was a way, where we could make the struggling Booty, keep up with the Prime Booty, so that more Booty could sell to get more $$$. Like Booty Rivens. Whilst also addressing all the useless resources we accumulate and better integrate the Helminth system. Weekly Booty Invigorations. Where three random Warframe's, each week, will be able to get a temporary buff to their booties, to make them more competitive with the meta booties, and encourage sales for skins, accessories and cosmetics. 

More Booty = More $$$ = More Players = Increase In Player Count = More $$$ = Bigger DE = Like Goya's Saturn Devouring His Son, DE can now devour other games and games companies, like Capcom and Street Fighter, Epic and Fortnite = More Booty = Booty Cameo Guest Appearances = Nier Automata Warframe 2B Booty = Bigger Booty. (NEVER ENDING CYCLE) = Heat Death of the Universe Avoided = Metaphysical Multiversal Booty! = Booty Inception (THE CYCLE CONTINUES INFINITELY!)

Then later on, if they really care about the game as they say, they could expand on this Booty Invigoration System to include Feet, Legs, Hand Holding, and other things such as bringing NFT's into the game or a cross over with Raid Shadow Legends. 



Also, please just remove conclave out of the game. No one plays it.

Nova’s atomica skin has a nicer booty than Wisp. 😉

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I don't think anyone arguing for balance is under the illusion about it fixing the game.  It's wanted for other reasons.  I also disagree about content release schedule being too slow.  Perhaps i'm biased here as i've been absent for a few years but WF does not lack in "things to do" for a player.  Adding more things into the game will not make WF better wholesale because the game still has some very core fundamental flaws.

Like the modding system for instance.  Not new player friendly, very clunky to interact with.  Weapons really only end up being modded in 1 of 2 ways.  Etc.  DE still doesn't do a great job at explaining gameplay mechanics as well.  Then there's the ever existing content islands problem that also hasn't been addressed.  The new player experience is still garbage. etc etc.

WF from an actual gameplay perspective is mostly solid at this point.  It's the systems the game is built off of that are the real issues with the game.  For once we have an actual rng based game that doesn't lack in things to do OR tangible rewards worth grinding for.  About the only complaint I can really give there is target farming is still only really doable for one item at a time.  Which can be incredibly soul draining.  But it's everything else about the game that drags it down.  And I really don't see much if any of that changing in the future.

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vor 19 Stunden schrieb kadolaflare:

Yes you can buy plat we all know this. But like I said around 3x now. If you make it available for plat, you will in a sense, dig your own grave. 


People can earn plat for completely free in the game, thus if you allow the usage of plat, you will lose out.

Where do you think the plat you get by trading with other people comes from?

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But DE have given up on this game, no company is going to admit such a thing, Why do you think content is taking so long because I’d guess about 70% of the Warframe crew are working on Soul frame. 

There’s an interview in 2019 with MoGaMu where DE Steve straight up says if a game hits , it has a 10 year lifespan span. And what do you know.  10 years in and they have  started a new project.

they’ve just got to buy time. 

I also have serious doubts whether Soul frame will be as free to play friendly as Warframe was, don’t forget Tencent is at the helm now. 

sorry to be negative but this is truly what I believe. 


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