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Anyone know any good melee combat games?

(XBOX)Lord ChibiVR

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I've recently got into Monster Hunter World and the melee combat is fantastic there. What attracts me most is that almost all weapons have unique mechanics to them and gameplay differs significantly.

Some weapons however are unbelievably clunky and slow by Warframe standart. Some on the other hand are very agile, fluid and vertical. I chose Long Sword in the end, which is the middle ground. It feels something like what Blood Rush could ever dream to be, and is actually balanced. Never regretted choosing it.


Another game I could kinda recommend is Black Desert. The combat is just perfect there. Can't speak for all the classes, but I had lots of fun with Dark Knight (magic/melee hybrid with a long sword) and Drakania (very mobile melee class using a zweihander). The gameplay is more hack and slash style, very fast and mobile, like Warframe, but if combo system was competently designed.

The problems are very in-your-face microtransactions, and the fact that I kind of don't know what I am supposed to do there after reaching level 61. Maybe I'm just missing something crucial.

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katana zero it's an amazingly short and well done game, if you like melee and platform you should try it.

Kenshi has a lot of melee combat focus but it's automated

When I feel the need of smash things myself and I don't want to play warframe, I jump into project zomboid.

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I've played some older, single player games.

- Assasin creed 1 (not played other games). You get stealth attacks and attacks/contratacks (not very precise terms)

- Bloodrayne 2 - same with attacks/contrattacks. 1st Bloodrayne has bad combat.

- Prince of persia - Sand of times, Warrior within and Two thrones trilogy and one from 2008. All of them have some nice combat but they are (at least slightly) different.

- Blades of time (don't bother with DLC) has pretty nice melee + gun combat.

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12 minutes ago, quxier said:

- Prince of persia - Sand of times, Warrior within and Two thrones trilogy and one from 2008. All of them have some nice combat but they are (at least slightly) different.

Oh yea, you reminded me. Sands of time was a spectacular game. I remember playing it in like my early school years. I recall in it you have like a long sword of an ever increasingly extravagant shape in main hand, and then you pick the weapons enemies had in your other hand, so you can use them until they break an throw away. Or something of this sort, it's been a while.

There also a lot of parcour based puzzles if I rememver correctly and also some weird time travel stuff.

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