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Feelings on a Railjack Update?


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5 hours ago, Pavelord said:

i think archwing is not really well integrated into the game mode, I would prefer if railjack missions had a bit of archwing missions like corpus exterminate

That'd be a lot less jarring than transitioning into a regular mission, because you're still doing space dogfighting. Like maybe your railjack has to do something, like hack a corpus ship instead of breaking into it directly, but while it's doing that everyone needs to get out and protect the railjack in a archwing defense mission. Even though you have to leave the ship it'd never stop feeling like a railjack mission.

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1. I quite like and enjoy it now. Well, I enjoyed it prior to the last big update as well, and I didn't play it at launch, so can't offer much insight on how it was right at the beginning. Not sure how I would rate my enjoyment. Its not somewhere I regularly visit to play, because I don't really need anything from there, that I can't get from anywhere else. Like I'm good on resources, Endo, credits, and have all its exclusive drops/rewards. That being said, if there were NW challenges for it, like their use to be, I wouldn't be annoyed, and would jump back in. Or if they added more Tenet Melee, or Kuva Lich Melee (and sold them at Steel Meridian for Holokeys), I wouldn't personally mind either, (I know many others would). So I do enjoy it... but not so much, that I think on a weekly basis, time to go do some Railjack for the sake of it. Where as, other parts of the game, I do exactly that. So maybe 7 out of 10?

2. As far as changes and enjoyment? Uhh... I know what I'd personally like. I am a bit hesitant as far as suggestions around Railjack, because I know its polarising. I know many do not like in, in actuality or its concept, and with the latter, well its a double edged sword, since the more appealing you make Railjack, the more resentment you can create. That being said, just saying what changes, I'd personally like, and doubt ever seeing... Remember that one time a, a few Railjack missions were buggy and they gave way more rewards than they were suppose to? Like a whole bunch of Relics? I think given how much longer Railjack missions, are compared to just doing standard missions, you should be incentivised by more rewards. Like its a decent place for Credits, and Endo, but give it a resources boost as well. Like maybe an innate 2 times Resource booster or Mod Drop Chance booster. Its way more convenient to just do normal missions normally, so if you go through the trouble of loading into your Railjack, and doing Railjack things before a "normal mission", give more incentive. 

Alternatively (or additionally), let the Railjack be customisable and another Hub you can login in to and start from. Your Railjack and your Zariman hub, should both be places you can use as your default return from mission screen. So less hoops/loading zones, if you know thats the activity you want to do for a while. 

I know why they removed it, but more missions like the old Gian Point would be great. I just really found those missions really fun. Even if they have to add more difficulty or tough parts, like using your Heavy Artillery more, so on. Missions where you can just stay in your Railjack could be quite fun, and having a new Corpus version too. Sentients version. Also... more Railjack focused missions too. So without the "normal missions", and more cross Faction encounters. Imagine having to fight against Corpus and Grineer at the same time, as they are trying to fight against you and each other. Seeing some of their crewships blow up, because of the other faction, having intruders on your ship having to fight each other. Having to disable two different bases. 

Lastly and maybe controversial? I'd make Holokeys a guaranteed drop, but make them RNG from a pool. So say hypothetically, you can get a minimum amount, moderate amount, or maximum amount, depending on the difficulty of mission (which region). Then... add more Tenet and Kuva melees to stores for Holokeys, and maybe a few new exclusive weapons on certain nodes. Oh, and if you go the "customise your Railjack more", then have a shop, where you can maybe spend Holoykeys on decorations, skins, etc so the people who do like Railjack, can passively earn stuff they can use on their Railjack. People who don't care about Railjack, won't care and leave it minimal.


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1 : I enjoy the railjack , a different game within the game. 8/10

2 : for me Railjack mission need changes :

- railjack is the occasion of something different than normal mission and yet DE fail this with half of the node are just standard game mode with a little railjack squirmish before. So a total rework of corpus node a required exept orphix to make a railjack only mission mode

- Improve orphix reward and add better arcana

- like said before add steel path (mk.4 and instrict 11 with it) and infested mission.

- Improve AI for objective targeting , pilot sometime try to destroy objective but often not , and guner just don't shoot them

- Remove the defender crew and add a possibility (at ticker or the dry dock) to recruit a squad of soldier to take this role. Crew still have combat skill but it's not their role anymore. And the railjack will be less empty with a squad of 5/6 defender.

- Add a boarding pod and boarding crew on the railjack , that you can launch on crewship to let them try to take control of it

-Add a passive crew member (one who can't fight and can't be attacked) the technician.  The player have 2 choice with this crew a protector who spawn turret within the railjack or the defender who summon drone outside the railjack to protect him ( like the corpus shield drone)

- Add sentient theme missions , orphix and murex are on foot , a mission where you fight only sentient ship.

- Add a skin transmutation to pass the skin of a equipement to another

- remove oberon and ash drop and let them return to their old farming place

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3 minutes ago, (NSW)fonglis said:

1 : I enjoy the railjack , a different game within the game. 8/10

2 : for me Railjack mission need changes :

- railjack is the occasion of something different than normal mission and yet DE fail this with half of the node are just standard game mode with a little railjack squirmish before. So a total rework of corpus node a required exept orphix to make a railjack only mission mode

- Improve orphix reward and add better arcana

- like said before add steel path (mk.4 and instrict 11 with it) and infested mission.

- Improve AI for objective targeting , pilot sometime try to destroy objective but often not , and guner just don't shoot them

- Remove the defender crew and add a possibility (at ticker or the dry dock) to recruit a squad of soldier to take this role. Crew still have combat skill but it's not their role anymore. And the railjack will be less empty with a squad of 5/6 defender.

- Add a boarding pod and boarding crew on the railjack , that you can launch on crewship to let them try to take control of it

-Add a passive crew member (one who can't fight and can't be attacked) the technician.  The player have 2 choice with this crew a protector who spawn turret within the railjack or the defender who summon drone outside the railjack to protect him ( like the corpus shield drone)

- Add sentient theme missions , orphix and murex are on foot , a mission where you fight only sentient ship.

- Add a skin transmutation to pass the skin of a equipement to another

- remove oberon and ash drop and let them return to their old farming place

Can't remember the detail but I believe Rebecca already had plan to move Oberon and Ash outside of RJ according to one of recent devstreams.

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1. Yes. I give it 7/10.


Short term goal: rework Corpusjack. Take away defense, or at least change the tileset. Use the damn railjack itself for endless missions. Rework the damn Orphix because no sane person wants to play it. 

Mid term goal: introduce nightmare, syndicate, invasion and other regular starchart stuff to Railjack just like void fissure. Introduce Railjack sortie. Introduce Railjack specific boss. 

Long term goal: Sentient and infested railjack. Migrate or copy orbiter function entirely to railjack, make it an option to have railjack as the default warframe experience. 

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7/10. Arguably I had more fun in early RJ regardless how many issues it had, because a group of players was working together.

But the Corpus RJ update is just a 3/10 it entirely missed the point by making it a taxijack to briefly ferry players between 2-3 boarding points where the real mission happens.

Balance need to be taken a look as well, because if a Seeker Volley can easily obliterate swarms of fighters, what is the point of turrets?

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I really like Railjack but I would love more interaction between normal and railjack missions like in the one event that once happened, 8/10

and when it comes to how it could be improved, the only thing that would spontaniously come to mind is that I would love to force host a railjack mission since it can be frustrating if you wanna do for example fissures, already own a max railjack, but fail the mission after a few minutes because you joined randomly in a lobby with a host who has a cardboard railjack

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1.) Do you personally enjoy playing it? How would you rate your enjoyment on a scale of 1 to 10?

I really enjoyed Railjack on initial release, even with all the bugs. I would give it a solid 8/10 maybe 9/10 ( bugs aside ).

Being challenging as it was gave the grinding and progression meaning that is very rare to find in Warframe if you've been playing for a long time. Beating the starchart and becoming powerful and efficient on the hardest missions felt like a very rewarding accomplishment. 

Then came the "Railjack revisited revisions" with enemy nerfs, which basically made all that progression feel kinda pointless since any half baked RJ/frame loadouts do the job.

After that, they added the AI crew and Corpus missions.

On Corpus missions, Railjack is little more than a taxi to regular missions.

The AI crew is so OP with the right guns, that you barely need to do any RJ fighting at all.

I rarely do RJ nowadays, unless I want to farm something specific. When I do, my missions usually consist of driving the RJ, let my AI crew do all the work, and occasionally blow up a few crew ships.

As of currently, I would give it maybe 4/10 if talking about Railjack gameplay itself ( not the indoor missions ).

It's a shame of a wasted potential really. On the positive side, I did had a ton of fun with it on release, so there's that.

2.) Do you feel like any changes need to be made to make Railjack better? If so what can you think of that would improve it in your opinion?

There were a lot of discussions about Railjack when and since it got released.

My general feeling, even though I personally absolutely love what it was and could become, is that the vast majority of Warframe's player base doesn't particularly enjoy space ship pew pew game play within Warframe, and also most people that play the game do it for the chill farming experience and don't like challenging content. Add these two together, and it's hard to even justify DE investing development time on Railjack content. I just do not see that happening, sadly.

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1.) Do you personally enjoy playing it? How would you rate your enjoyment on a scale of 1 to 10? Ill give it an 6 / 10 in its current state. It was an 8 / 10 before it got turned into easy mode.
I find it fairly enjoyable myself, but after the addition of the crew it turned into super easy mode. The gunners nuking pretty much nuking the fighters with aimbot aim is the worst part here as it makes the whole game mode play more efficiently solo or with one friend to man the artillery rather than in full groups. The corpus railjack missions are also a gigantic waste of potential.

2.) Do you feel like any changes need to be made to make Railjack better? If so what can you think of that would improve it in your opinion?

  • First off nerf the gunners. Right now they are so much better than actual players that its not even funny. Takes all the necessity of actually piloting the ship out of it more or less.
  • Change the whole energy system to a cooldown based system for the railjack abilities. This is so its no longer linked to the frames energy and because it gives more balancing options to prevent spam from hell.
  • Remove all the corpus defense missions entirely and replace them with skirmish missions. The current defense mission is so bad due to the horrible tile and a skirmish is really needed. Also replace most grineer skirmish missions with the "normal" missions as well to increase variety. On top of that add way more skirmish objective types to the pool.
  • Increase rewards pretty much across the board, if you add dual relic cracking and such it should go into railjack. Why? The railjack missions are slower, make them more rewarding accordingly, right now their efficiency for actually getting stuff is terrible.
  • Make the different mission types actually different during the approach phase. Like during the spy mission you need to sneak up under cloak, orphix may have you fight sentients on the way in and whatnot. 
  • New railjack options, like allow different models entirely. New interior options and customization in general. 
  • Add a free roaming map to explore and launch missions from, make the process more seamless and without obvious nodes. 
  • Add more mission types. Stuff like raiding enemy ships, busting out prisoners, exploring ancient ruins and whatnot. These should involve the railjack as well and not just be normal missions with a brief railjack intro. So to rescue the prisoner you may need to disable an enemy ship without blowing it up, then board it, extract the prisoner and fight your way out of there with the railjack.
  • Let the missions take time. Not everything needs to be completable in 30 seconds.
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1) I like railjack well enough , but I haven't played it in months , so i don't like it all that much.

2) less stuff on foot and more stuff in the actual railjack would be something i would enjoy. I just don't like the traversal delay.


Bonus comment : Railjack underwater / large open world's.

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15 hours ago, (PSN)Frost_Nephilim said:

1.) Do you personally enjoy playing it? How would you rate your enjoyment on a scale of 1 to 10?

Easily 7 out of 10. I love the combat, love how the railjack feels, it's quite a clever bit of tech IMHO. But the lack of more Railjack only missions and silly things like Liches and Sisters unable to do what crew can do really is quite frustrating. Doesn't stop me enjoying it mind you, it's just the silly little things. 

15 hours ago, (PSN)Frost_Nephilim said:

2.) Do you feel like any changes need to be made to make Railjack better? If so what can you think of that would improve it in your opinion?

Just a few things. 

  • More Railjack only missions.
  • Bit more exploration side things?
  • Liches & Sisters at least being able to use Railjack systems or at the very least, their own slot to have them along as defenders. 
  • More reason to go back generally? 

I'm honestly curious to see what you come up with! You posting it in Fan Concepts or somewhere here? 

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  • 4 weeks later...
On 2022-09-12 at 11:16 AM, (PSN)Frost_Nephilim said:

1.) Do you personally enjoy playing it? How would you rate your enjoyment on a scale of 1 to 10?

Grineer missions: with a team are like 8/10.  Solo like a 6/10, due to the AI Pilots being unable to hit radiators 50% of the time.

Corpus missions: I really like Volatile like 8/10.  It's a fast get in, blow up the big ship mission.  But all the other corpus railjack missions... kind of have no reason to be in the game other than leveling Necramechs?  They all boil down to shoot 4 security nodes, hit a switch then do a regular mission.  There's basically zero ship to ship combat or use of the railjack.  so 0/10 I'll just play regular survival.



2.) Do you feel like any changes need to be made to make Railjack better? If so what can you think of that would improve it in your opinion?

1. Grineer need a version of Volatile, I want to take out some galleons.  The captain assassination is pretty lame in comparison.

2. Corpus need a more ship to ship combat focused mode similar to Skirmish.

3. We need Railjack survival.  An endless Railjack mission where you just fight off waves and waves of ships.  To extract you'll just use the console on the bridge.

(Unlikely to happen, but on my wishlist.)

A. Endless Volatile.  Where each drop rotation is a new Galleon or Pillar warps in.  Fighters and Crewships will warp in endlessly.  Meaning the Railjack will need to stay active while the team splits to destroy the Capital ship.  Rinse and repeat.

B. Railjack missions should be added to the pool of Lich missions.  Allowing Thralls and your Lich to spawn in.  Possibly with the Lich being in a random crewship.

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i'd give RJ in its current state a 7/10, launch state a 5/10

the grineer missions suffer from repetition, the corpus suffer from being copy n paste without solo extraction

the new missions like volatile worked well as a full RJ mission. the corpus need more skirmish and the grineer need more volatile/original ideas

one mission idea could be turning the RJ into a defence objective. enemies have disabled the engines and are shelling you with ramsleds, defend the RJ from waves of enemy borders and seal hull breaches whilst Cy repairs the systems. maybe add a survival aspect by picking up life support from dead enemies, creating a survival/defence hybrid remix

i think stitching on the normal defence was a mistake and a slog, a missed opportunity to remix some classic missions

in terms of expansion: sentient/narmer is the only way forward. if they want to include pre-New War players then infested would be really f*cking cool to see.

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