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Warframe speculation: Joe mad's werewolf


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1 hour ago, ShogunGunshow said:

Why does a Warframe need to be something you can masturbate to, exactly?

Same reason why a nutjob snuck in and had sexual relations with Airwolf back in the day. It's just another version or mix of objectophilia, mechaphilia, robophilia, fictophilia or maybe even schediaphilia. Whatever floats their boat.


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3 hours ago, MadxWorld said:

Just checked around why they nerfed her body already and added a bulge instead? Like WTF?



😔(sigh) I noticed it a bit too, wish they weren't scared of the original bust size, hopefully it will reflect the original concept when she uses her kit in some way?  Similar to what @PsiWarp  was saying a few posts up about her tails.

And as for the "bulge" 🤭 I'm trying to perceive it as 🐫Toe and not 🐘🍆, I mean it's nowhere as big as what Zepher has lul. (sry Zph)

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Now mind you i liked the design because it was joe mads, ive enjoyed plenty of his stuff since i can recall, Id much rather stick to his style as thats IMO perfectly fine

 after reviewing that frames body in more depth then needed to draw her , i can say there are definitely both macro and minor changes to the design that dont fit the concept art or what was shown as the colored art, im fine with the wolf heads changes given its intricate to the kit , makes perfect sense and adds a bit more detail/edge to her detail, like icing to a cake IMO  , My own drafted art below , which i tried very hard to keep to point , but im not perfect, as i ama  fan of the design and wanted tor ender it as realistic as possible 

a point of fact is the thing on her breasts that gives the SIZE people have issues with is a metal cover , similar to a breast plate , it actually compresses them down a bit , as a FYI 





Image the head is shrunk/cut off , the chest is reduced by least 2/3 or 2/4t  the mass size, inner torso has a lot of alterations /body adjustment points that are not to the og art , arms are shorter in length and proportion , the thigh hip points are more inward . all in all its a lot of nerf to muscle/flesh/bone size , now this is only a WIP so ill keep watching it 

I understand that people complain about her bust , But then also forget that we have frames both default  and deluxe skins that OVER exaggerate BUTTS and male CROTCHES 

heck there is even a chart on this and took 2 seconds to google it LOL




See the source imageSee the source imageSee the source imageSee the source imageSee the source imageSee the source image


it  amazes me that same people having problems boobs ,  are are over focused on the booty? lets not lie plenty of times de has UBER focused on booty,  not to mention male frames with exaggerated COD pieces like Nidus, rhino, volt ect , plenty dont like them but use alternative skins or different frames , same thing with skins, not everyone likes ligers designs or ignioss and use a different form, its preference and its an open choice , no one forces you to use these frames  

i understand if  some dont like bigger mammeries , but if your not gonna use the frame anyway  or dislike solely because of a  women's body feature that's not to your preference isnt that more on you ..imo kind of bigotry ?  there are women with larger boobs in the real world  and sorry to say wolfs weren't super exaggerated or huge in anywa y which is what mentally confuses me 

heck,  proteas deluxe has larger breasts over her default, but nobody bats an eye and, even mesa primes Butt got buffed due to rage after they nerfed prior to release , its not a hard function to make a frame have body curves , some are gonna use it for lewd stuff, but that happens regardless if they have assets or not anyway , models get ripped off, or people draw it lewd or NSFW is gonna happen regardless 

also on reference , thanks to my friend arch we looked at the mesh model and believe they used Valkyrs body default as a base from sculpt point which might be why so many altered body differences 



here is a fixed example comparison using Joe mads concept art as my refrence  to the wip model 


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48 minutes ago, (XBOX)EternalDrk Mako said:

Now mind you i liked the design because it was joe mads, ive enjoyed plenty of his stuff since i can recall, Id much rather stick to his style as thats IMO perfectly fine

 after reviewing that frames body in more depth then needed to draw her , i can say there are definitely both macro and minor changes to the design that dont fit the concept art or what was shown as the colored art, im fine with the wolf heads changes given its intricate to the kit , makes perfect sense and adds a bit more detail/edge to her detail, like icing to a cake IMO  , My own drafted art below , which i tried very hard to keep to point , but im not perfect, as i ama  fan of the design and wanted tor ender it as realistic as possible 

a point of fact is the thing on her breasts that gives the SIZE people have issues with is a metal cover , similar to a breast plate , it actually compresses them down a bit , as a FYI 

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Image the head is shrunk/cut off , the chest is reduced by least 2/3 or 2/4t  the mass size, inner torso has a lot of alterations /body adjustment points that are not to the og art , arms are shorter in length and proportion , the thigh hip points are more inward . all in all its a lot of nerf to muscle/flesh/bone size , now this is only a WIP so ill keep watching it 

I understand that people complain about her bust , But then also forget that we have frames both default  and deluxe skins that OVER exaggerate BUTTS and male CROTCHES 

heck there is even a chart on this and took 2 seconds to google it LOL


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See the source imageSee the source imageSee the source imageSee the source imageSee the source imageSee the source image


it  amazes me that same people having problems boobs ,  are are over focused on the booty? lets not lie plenty of times de has UBER focused on booty,  not to mention male frames with exaggerated COD pieces like Nidus, rhino, volt ect , plenty dont like them but use alternative skins or different frames , same thing with skins, not everyone likes ligers designs or ignioss and use a different form, its preference and its an open choice , no one forces you to use these frames  

i understand if  some dont like bigger mammeries , but if your not gonna use the frame anyway  or dislike solely because of a  women's body feature that's not to your preference isnt that more on you ..imo kind of bigotry ?  there are women with larger boobs in the real world  and sorry to say wolfs weren't super exaggerated or huge in anywa y which is what mentally confuses me 

heck,  proteas deluxe has larger breasts over her default, but nobody bats an eye and, even mesa primes Butt got buffed due to rage after they nerfed prior to release , its not a hard function to make a frame have body curves , some are gonna use it for lewd stuff, but that happens regardless if they have assets or not anyway , models get ripped off, or people draw it lewd or NSFW is gonna happen regardless 

also on reference , thanks to my friend arch we looked at the mesh model and believe they used Valkyrs body default as a base from sculpt point which might be why so many altered body differences 

This was a really great post imo @EternalDrk Mako. 🙂👍

I do hope the buff/fix her bust, because we can have a muscle girl (Hilryn*), a fat man in Grendel all the butts are fine yet bigger bewbs aren't? Da faq.

Also love what they did with the 4 wolf heads, and how there named (Raksha, Lycath, Ulfra, Dynara)👌 nice.      

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44 minutes ago, (XBOX)EternalDrk Mako said:

heck there is even a chart on this and took 2 seconds to google it LOL


That's an interesting mathematical analysis. Thanks for sharing.

I'm in the same camp as those liking normal body proportions. Some of the exaggerated nsfw stuff is really freaky and ugly and I don't understand why some people are into that at all. Less is more, I say.

As for why players are having wild expectations, that I attribute to Joe Mad and the composition of his art. The body posture of Voruna and the shading on her bust makes you think, "gee if she straightened her back I'd get a really good view of her". I drew a picture of her "imagined" spine because obviously it is straighter, but she's standing on a rock her body is twisted... for people like me that have no artistic skill or background, our imagination starts doing wild measurments.




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5 hours ago, LillyRaccune said:

That's an interesting mathematical analysis. Thanks for sharing.

I'm in the same camp as those liking normal body proportions. Some of the exaggerated nsfw stuff is really freaky and ugly and I don't understand why some people are into that at all. Less is more, I say.

As for why players are having wild expectations, that I attribute to Joe Mad and the composition of his art. The body posture of Voruna and the shading on her bust makes you think, "gee if she straightened her back I'd get a really good view of her". I drew a picture of her "imagined" spine because obviously it is straighter, but she's standing on a rock her body is twisted... for people like me that have no artistic skill or background, our imagination starts doing wild measurments.

First, I gotta say your doodles put a smile on my face and I want to share the weatherman forecast/scientist I heard in my head for this k so, 

As you can clearly see indicated by the dark blue arrows Varuna is leaning in a forward posturer, the green line tells of the severity of this angle which causes what we're calling the "gravitational phenomenon" this phenomenon indicated by light blue arrows seems to possess the ability to increase the size and volume of Varuna's "Puppies" indicated by the pink lines here and here.         😂🤣😂    




So, your hypothesis is that because Voruna's bend forward that her "puppies" look bigger, well I'll give you this much that would explain why there touching but I still think there just a different cup size from what the colored concept art shown.

Also, ya'll can call me a simp,loser,dummy whatever, when I say this, but I like bewbs of various sizes and I don't think boobs on the bigger end of the spectrum are "freaky or ugly" nor do feel that smaller bewbs are any less lovely, I just hopped/wanted this character—Varuna to represent team top heavy gals, since there hasn't been one really apart from Saryn.      





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1 hour ago, (XBOX)DragonMan 2700 said:

Also, ya'll can call me a simp,loser,dummy whatever, when I say this, but I like bewbs of various sizes and I don't think boobs on the bigger end of the spectrum are "freaky or ugly" nor do feel that smaller bewbs are any less lovely

You are not a dummy.

1 hour ago, (XBOX)DragonMan 2700 said:

I don't think boobs on the bigger end of the spectrum are "freaky or ugly"

I just wanted to be clear, some of the art out in the interwebs is scary to me. Here is a SFW "tame" picture of what I'm talking about, it only gets more and more extreme from there. And that this "extreme physically impossible bodies" are considered a turn-on by some is what I was disparaging. If you wanted a DD warframe, no prob I get it and I'm not trying to bash you for wanting that.




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1 hour ago, LillyRaccune said:


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Holly mother of Lotus! that like someone hacked warframe susumed* feast onto Saryn then Saryn ate Grendel! 😱🤢🤮, honestly though the bewbs in that pic are on the huge scale and are not something I'd want to see in game, I don't fine this bust unappealing even if a bit blubus*, what I do fine repulsive is that midsection.


Yeah, I would like it if Voruna was DD (E,F,G ain't bad either 😊lul half jk DD would be great) also the sick energy tail's n, some wolf sounds and I have my fingers crossed for a custom dodge/strafe with a blurr effect.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     

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6 hours ago, (XBOX)DragonMan 2700 said:

This was a really great post imo @EternalDrk Mako. 🙂👍

I do hope the buff/fix her bust, because we can have a muscle girl (Hilryn*), a fat man in Grendel all the butts are fine yet bigger bewbs aren't? Da faq.

Also love what they did with the 4 wolf heads, and how there named (Raksha, Lycath, Ulfra, Dynara)👌 nice.      

I dont often have to   be anti something here on the forums, But when i do im logical about :thinking:

this is imo silly and immature situation, that a mature game/developers  dont want to get the proportions they accepted and showed done right

they are messing with this because X reason we dont know , then id be more understanding if they explained the  rational reasoning but just casual nerf and no word on why , kinda rubs me the wrong way 

Personally , I myself one day wish to be able to make a design thats de would want it in game (minor hope/dream) , and it this really disheartening to me and drops my respect and admiration of the devs when they do this. 

this isnt gonna have anime physics , its gonna be just like saryn so this whole debackle is imo unwarranted, and a result of someone being insecure for no real issue

-fin my mini rant- 

Personally for me ive seen this a quite a few times that de has messed with the final products over the concept arts design they accepted , sometimes its for the better , sometimes not.. some de staff  have a tendency to tweak /mess with it, other artists freelance submissions via a I can only assume a Territorial artists vibe or to just be a jerk i guess???

  quick easy to point out example cases:  Banshee deluxe, ember deluxe (this why ignius stopped doing concept art for warframe entirely)


Actual Design


See the source imageSee the source imageiJgSVqe.png

De Revised design 


See the source image

Ingame - extreme differences in proportions and style 


See the source image

Ember left submitted and accepted, right the later altered without contact version that frankly pissed ig off insanely to the point, that they were done and refused to do work with de EVER again

I know they have also done this on some of liger stuff , the valkyr boobs getting metal spiky tips for instance recently , I dont personally know how liger feels , but i know ig was really annoyed with this minor or major tweaks they randomly did to their work after it was called "done"  

it didnt add to the model , infact it reduced the appeal, again this is IMO


See the source image

So for me I dont care about giant boobs or a big butt or big cod piece , ect , is a pixel on a game i know , i like them for aesthetics and my own play styles (excalibur umbra is my fav ) what fans do or lewd happens out of the game anyway so it dosnt affect me, this however would eb ingame and affect and annoy me insanly 

Its that I care they on./off mess with design to just do it , rather than it be needed. 

keep to what is done and is accepted  unless sit actually needs a tweak and is for a logical or needed reasoning not an emotional one 

shown as the to be done product in this case DE has stated in devstream 164 that this was the accepted design (done) , the altered wolf heads are to be done specifically for the kit mechanic and i understand and can accept this as its makes sense , but they further adjust this body  out of the blue even after stating and showing to the contrary 

that isnt cool or a warranted action 


Devstream 164 Overview


5 hours ago, LillyRaccune said:

That's an interesting mathematical analysis. Thanks for sharing.

I'm in the same camp as those liking normal body proportions. Some of the exaggerated nsfw stuff is really freaky and ugly and I don't understand why some people are into that at all. Less is more, I say.

As for why players are having wild expectations, that I attribute to Joe Mad and the composition of his art. The body posture of Voruna and the shading on her bust makes you think, "gee if she straightened her back I'd get a really good view of her". I drew a picture of her "imagined" spine because obviously it is straighter, but she's standing on a rock her body is twisted... for people like me that have no artistic skill or background, our imagination starts doing wild measurments.

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yea i found it interesting myself

so , normally in a physics system in agame  when you use a female character the mesh if given a fluid model points to base , so in this case as she is bent over and in "action" pose the breast points are hanging/exaggerated due to gravity , though i cant ever see boob physics warframe , we do ingame have muscle definition sections , this does actually give some "booty" phsyics in terms of movement  but its more the  of leg/to waist point adjustment that flows back


See the source image

See the source imageSee the source image

usually a mesh (3d object) used for characters have movement joint points and the definition of how these animate/flow/move are defined onto the animation rigging for the mesh

in warframe they actually will slice sections under the inner mesh to apply more realistic movement on a simplified mesh , while using a Detailed UV layer or details skin , it takes details froma more complex HI res model thats been unwrapped kinda like wrapping paper and applies toa  simpler to get better details with less performance cost to render 

(I actually learned a lot of this this and warframes setups working on tennogen ) 


See the source image


1 hour ago, (XBOX)DragonMan 2700 said:



2 hours ago, LillyRaccune said:


well, someone ahs a interesting...kink i mean take on it 

fan made stuff can vary in uh...proportions , thats a new one though for me ...

not to my preference, though i do enjoy playing grendel ...

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7 minutes ago, (XBOX)EternalDrk Mako said:

well, someone ahs a interesting...kink i mean take on it 

fan made stuff can vary in uh...proportions , thats a new one though for me ...

not to my preference, though i do enjoy playing grendel ...

The reddit channel has reserected itself. Disproportionate appears to be... popular. Niche things like this appear to be have a few loud promoters, like "DD" DragonMan.

I hope you get a warframe design accepted by DE and that you don't have to compromise your design ethics in the process.

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17 hours ago, (XBOX)EternalDrk Mako said:

I dont often have to   be anti something here on the forums, But when i do im logical about :thinking:

this is imo silly and immature situation, that a mature game/developers  dont want to get the proportions they accepted and showed done right

they are messing with this because X reason we dont know , then id be more understanding if they explained the  rational reasoning but just casual nerf and no word on why , kinda rubs me the wrong way 

Personally , I myself one day wish to be able to make a design thats de would want it in game (minor hope/dream) , and it this really disheartening to me and drops my respect and admiration of the devs when they do this. 

this isnt gonna have anime physics , its gonna be just like saryn so this whole debackle is imo unwarranted, and a result of someone being insecure for no real issue

-fin my mini rant- 

Personally for me ive seen this a quite a few times that de has messed with the final products over the concept arts design they accepted , sometimes its for the better , sometimes not.. some de staff  have a tendency to tweak /mess with it, other artists freelance submissions via a I can only assume a Territorial artists vibe or to just be a jerk i guess???

  quick easy to point out example cases:  Banshee deluxe, ember deluxe (this why ignius stopped doing concept art for warframe entirely)


Actual Design

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See the source imageSee the source imageiJgSVqe.png

De Revised design 

  Reveal hidden contents

See the source image

Ingame - extreme differences in proportions and style 

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See the source image

Ember left submitted and accepted, right the later altered without contact version that frankly pissed ig off insanely to the point, that they were done and refused to do work with de EVER again

I know they have also done this on some of liger stuff , the valkyr boobs getting metal spiky tips for instance recently , I dont personally know how liger feels , but i know ig was really annoyed with this minor or major tweaks they randomly did to their work after it was called "done"  

it didnt add to the model , infact it reduced the appeal, again this is IMO

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So for me I dont care about giant boobs or a big butt or big cod piece , ect , is a pixel on a game i know , i like them for aesthetics and my own play styles (excalibur umbra is my fav ) what fans do or lewd happens out of the game anyway so it dosnt affect me, this however would eb ingame and affect and annoy me insanly 

Its that I care they on./off mess with design to just do it , rather than it be needed. 

keep to what is done and is accepted  unless sit actually needs a tweak and is for a logical or needed reasoning not an emotional one 

shown as the to be done product in this case DE has stated in devstream 164 that this was the accepted design (done) , the altered wolf heads are to be done specifically for the kit mechanic and i understand and can accept this as its makes sense , but they further adjust this body  out of the blue even after stating and showing to the contrary 

that isnt cool or a warranted action 

  Reveal hidden contents

Devstream 164 Overview


yea i found it interesting myself

so , normally in a physics system in agame  when you use a female character the mesh if given a fluid model points to base , so in this case as she is bent over and in "action" pose the breast points are hanging/exaggerated due to gravity , though i cant ever see boob physics warframe , we do ingame have muscle definition sections , this does actually give some "booty" phsyics in terms of movement  but its more the  of leg/to waist point adjustment that flows back

  Reveal hidden contents

See the source image

See the source imageSee the source image

usually a mesh (3d object) used for characters have movement joint points and the definition of how these animate/flow/move are defined onto the animation rigging for the mesh

in warframe they actually will slice sections under the inner mesh to apply more realistic movement on a simplified mesh , while using a Detailed UV layer or details skin , it takes details froma more complex HI res model thats been unwrapped kinda like wrapping paper and applies toa  simpler to get better details with less performance cost to render 

(I actually learned a lot of this this and warframes setups working on tennogen ) 

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See the source image



well, someone ahs a interesting...kink i mean take on it 

fan made stuff can vary in uh...proportions , thats a new one though for me ...

not to my preference, though i do enjoy playing grendel ...

All I want is that keep concept art as close as possible, but DE keep changing what was popular just because. Maybe to annoy players that are waiting for that frame or skin.

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12 hours ago, (XBOX)EternalDrk Mako said:

shown as the to be done product in this case DE has stated in devstream 164 that this was the accepted design (done) , the altered wolf heads are to be done specifically for the kit mechanic and i understand and can accept this as its makes sense , but they further adjust this body  out of the blue even after stating and showing to the contrary 

that isnt cool or a warranted action 

I agree with you here and was find with the change to the four wolf heads on the reasoning of them being tied to her kit/lore.

As for her body I just wanted it to be as close to the original/colored in version as possible, because since that concept was shown and I was kinda sold on the design.   that's why I keep going on about da-bewbs because I believe its part of that aesthetic.

Otherwise, her 3d model coming along ok.   🐺💗


11 hours ago, LillyRaccune said:

The reddit channel has reserected itself. Disproportionate appears to be... popular. Niche things like this appear to be have a few loud promoters, like "DD" DragonMan.

(just teasing).   😝🤚 maahhh


Also, the female form bringing endowed is not "Disproportionate" you handpicked a gross/niche image to prove your point. 

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On 2022-10-26 at 8:52 PM, Birdframe_Prime said:

Welcome back Hopper.

No, they specifically stated that this was not their intention when they revealed it. They have also ruled out making it have a melee ability as we already have Valkyr and Garuda with their claws.

We are expecting this to be more of a basic 'choose a specific bunch of ability effects, then visually theme them with wolves' kind of frame, in the same way that Nidus could have had literally any theme for his abilities to do the same thing (group, deal damage in a line, build up stacks, use stacks to cast an ability that can provide DR if on an enemy or Strength if on an ally, use stacks to cast an area that provides healing and dispenses small drones that seek and mark enemies...).

Also things like 'spirit' themes to make her fit in with other forms of mythology, rather than the classic 'werewolf' concept. We may see Native American myth, or maybe OP is right and the name 'Voruna' is their preferred one because the goddess the name comes from is synonymous with Medeina (a maiden goddess of nature that is said to be beautiful and voluptuous, a fierce protector of the forest, accompanied by multiple wolves, and was often confused with Diana from Roman myth). It would give her all of these 'summon wolf spirit' or 'area denial' concepts to work with, and would also explain the wolf tiddies.

There may be something along the lines of Nidus' evolving armour, or Protea's gear belt, where she causes some cosmetic change as she casts her abilities. Maybe the wolf heads open and start spreading 'spirit flames' like her concept art.

But no... no wolf transformation, according to DE.

Hiii Birdframe! it's been sometime.

but yeah i watched the abridged version of Friday's stream, it seems like it's just another pet frame like Khora...Kinda disappointed tbh. at first i didn't understand and thought that she Shapeshifts into multiple different types of wolfs, but no that's not the case. 

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2 hours ago, (XBOX)DragonMan 2700 said:

you handpicked a gross/niche image to prove your point. 

Morgan Freeman Reaction GIF by MOODMAN
I understand most people are in the middle and not into that niche thing. Society has programmed most people to want "well endowed" appearances (not disproportionate).

I hope you forgive me for the little joke calling you "double D", it just rolled off the tongue so easily. I was also reminded of the villian from Kirby, "King DDD" 🤣 so I just had to do it. Again, sorry for poking fun at you.

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9 hours ago, MadxWorld said:

All I want is that keep concept art as close as possible, but DE keep #*!%ing it up or changing what was popular just because. Maybe to piss off players that are waiting for that frame or skin. (HOW IT WAS SHOWED)

i dunno, honestly why. the standing posed color was to be the 3d reference art to what i understood from prior devstreams , i can hope they progress and fix or knowing my luck will make it worse ...

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4 hours ago, LillyRaccune said:

I hope you forgive me for the little joke calling you "double D", it just rolled off the tongue so easily. I was also reminded of the villian from Kirby, "King DDD" 🤣 so I just had to do it. Again, sorry for poking fun at you.

This guy-

Image result for king DDD gif  King DDD: Bewbies, Bewbies, Bewbies, Bewbies, Bewbies, Bewbies, Bewbies, Bewbies

Yeah, he seems pretty alright when he's not hammering his thoughts upside your head. 😏


I don't ever mean to be crazy/weird I'm just really looking forward to Voruna. 💗🐺

And yeah, were cool Lilly I hope we can continue interacting on the forums from here on. ❤️ 


P.s. I had to type all this while looking at that god dang gif 🤣 I got tears in my eyes now (Fuk) now I really look like him 🤣😂🤣(oh it hurts) 

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6 hours ago, (PSN)Hopper_Orouk said:

but yeah i watched the abridged version of Friday's stream, it seems like it's just another pet frame like Khora

Woah... who gave you that impression? That's not the impression I got from the stream at all (and I say that as a person that has to take notes for a content creator).

Nah, my friend, this is a frame based on their Passive ^^

So they apparently have four Wolf Heads on their armour, which gives them four distinct Passives. There's no pet, that we've seen. You can cycle between the Passives by holding the Ability related to each.

Think of it more like the way we deal with Lavos, and his 'Elemental mixing' function, where you hold the ability key and it does something different for your Abilities. I'm guessing there'll be some silly ones in there, but that's DE's prerogative.

What we're thinking, based on the reveal, is that she'll have four abilities based on more the offensive and defensive nature of Wolves, where you'll probably have team buffs, and enemy debuffs, self tanking, stealth, power strength or similar functions. They'll all be visually themed with spirit wolves, but the ability functions will be more relevant to those basic ideas of 'stay alive, control and damage the enemy, buff your allies'. And then with her Passives she'll be able to skew the effects more towards solo or team play.

It's going to be interesting ^^

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16 hours ago, Silfrulfr said:

Thought we'd get be getting another powerful gal to rival Saryn or Khora, that concept art was so promising. Hopefully DE takes another look at it before we get her in-game.

Well the fan base did win with Sonic the Hedgehog as they were so vocal about how horrific his first version was that Sega and Paramount accepted and altered his final appearance so perhaps we can reach out to Space Mom and let her know we will love Voruna but let the girls have back their concept size and form :p

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56 minutes ago, (PSN)Claudija said:

Well the fan base did win with Sonic the Hedgehog as they were so vocal about how horrific his first version was that Sega and Paramount accepted and altered his final appearance so perhaps we can reach out to Space Mom and let her know we will love Voruna but let the girls have back their concept size and form :p

This and Sonic are leagues different... Not even casual people who knew nothing of Sonic accepted his horrendous model for the film, then found out what he is supposed to look like and were absolutely confused. That sonic situation was a complete bastardization of the character, this is not. You're also not factoring in the massive obscene amounts of money they were going to lose if they didn't fix Sonics model. They couldn't even hook the casuals with the original model, let alone the actual knowledgeable fans. Vorunna is not going to have that massive of potential revenue lose for a smaller bust compared to that alien freak they tried to pass off as Sonic because of realism in a movie about a video game. 

It is rare, in general, for concept art to be a 1:1 to what gets put into a game, Warframe is no exception. Y'all are really blowing this out of proportion... Making it seem like she went from her concept bust to Nova's. 

The thing is, they likely didn't give her the concept arts bust because, ya know, Fashion Frame is a thing. It's hard as nails with large busted Warframes to get chest armor pieces to situate on their body without it look like it is floating into the Void. Even smaller busted, but larger than Nova, Warframes can run into this visually disjointed problem. If chest pieces conformed to booba then sure, wouldn't be an issue. There are multiple chest pieces that are shifted further down on Khora's and Saryn's body that are higher up on, say, Ember's body because of the minimization of gaps. 

At least Vorunna doesn't skip leg day and can crush us like a melon between those thighs.

Bark, bark, bark, bark, mommy, bark, bark!




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I don't really care much about the names tbh.  A lot of them make little sense. 


Excalibur has a katana-esque weapon and...  javelins? For some reason. 


Loki doesn't do half the things his namesake does.  He can be invisible, and the rest of his kit is just kind of there.  It's hardly "trickster god" imo.


Wisp has her passive and her 2 and sort of her 3 on theme, but also opens a portal to the sun for her 4, which isn't very ghostly.


Ash doesn't burn things.  Even with the symbolic relationship to death that ashes can have, that's still because things were burned.


They're gonna call it a wolf frame, give it a wolf name, and make it something else entirely.

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