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Warframe speculation: Joe mad's werewolf


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what do you think about the new warframe and its abilities? In principle, both weapons are beastly, especially the melee weapon.  and let me just say the warframe looks phenomenal, the design team did great job. hope they change 2 of the passives because literally no one needs parkour velocity and heavy attack efficiency is highly subjective but from what I've seen pretty much no one uses it on their heavy attack setups so I see 0 point to that being there. the first ability that makes you invisible seems weak to me because you make yourself invisible and that's it + yes you get a critical buff only if you kill an enemy with a lethality hit, but in principle we already have frames that have the same ability to be invisible but much more useful like , loki invisibility, you can hit enemies when you are in it. the second and third abiltity are okay, because you can put different status on the enemies and the status spreads. life and energy is okay, it could be better in my opinion. It's like having harrow's ability, only you can get life in addition to energy  I think that the ultimate ability that was supposed to be ultimate doesn't feel like an ultimate. imagine competing with players who have nuke build, you won't get to use the 4th ability at all. They should have made the last ability to stay on all fours with summoned wolves assisting or something like that like it's the ultimate...  This frame was so overhyped that we all set our expectations to be high when it was presented to us, but it was very disappointing + this one supposed to be a wolf frame, but I don't see nothing except maybe the 4 th ability that remind me of a wolf , strictly my opinion. 
what do you think about the new warframe that will come and its abilities? will you try it?

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How is aggressive stealth, two different ways of jumping onto enemies, and sustaining through combat not fit a werewolf theme? When I think of "werewolf" what comes to mind is speed, aggression, and being tanky and/or having sustain via lifesteal. Sure she doesn't have the transformation aspect but she's a perfectly fine representation of the wolf half.

And yeah floating heads instead of a literal wolf companion/pack is a bit odd but that's only her passive and not any of her actual abilities. The only actual weird thing is giving her a signature sniper rifle instead of a close range weapon.

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8 minutes ago, (PSN)FunyFlyBoy said:

She is not a werewolf. She is not a lycan. They themselves said they wouldn't be calling her either because they did not want expectations for a transformation. They always called her a wolf frame. 

Mabe True bit still her abilities do little to sell the fact I'm sure I had qay higher expectations tations and I'm just being all @$$ hurt but she wasn't what I was expecting from them and I don't think I'm the only one but this could be just me and this argument will just be buried 

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In my opinion they arent running out of ideas aka meaning DE. They are just doing half of an actual idea or trying to do to many things when something simple can be really good. During the announcement and the creation period of Veruna, they explained that they didn't want her to be a claw focused frame. I understand that but... You don't have to make it an exalted weapon situation. 

BUT! what they failed in my opinion a bit creatively, to fully flesh out this warframes concept/design. I know she was designed not by DE but i feel like they could have done a few changes. Now don't get me wrong, she looks more like a Dragon than a wolf frame. Just saying lol. Tennogen is a thing so hopefully someone can make her a better helmet and skin. Also the tail.... I don't like that I will have to purchase and or farm for a concept that should already be on a frame. That could have been a toggle on and toggle off option like prime armor. Also she is more like a kitsune now than a wolf due to the amount of tails they gave her instead of just making one decently fluffy one. Personally I don't like the energy tails they could have just made it one tail or used kubrow fur or made it solid to look like the wolves on her body. Outside of the design of the frame lets jump to abilities!

PASSIVE: You get to choose between 4 different passives. I personally think that only 2 of these are somewhat decent. (Meaning the 2nd and 3rd) The super parkour is lacking... Could have just made it maybe reload speed or a bigger vaccum/fetch effect "since you control a pack". The 4th passive i think should be thrown away and come up with something completely different. No More Nidus Please! (if anyone has ideas please share them. Maybe a constant bleed effect with ur melee or something) In my opinion they could have made her passive actually summon wolves like kubrows that actually do damage and can stay alive like Khora's Kavat or Wukongs Clone. (Just recast or cast a different wolf when one dies more on that later. Health based off of strength of course!) But also only allowing one out at a time since only one passive can be activated at a time. I find the floating heads lacking and would have preferred a bit more time and care taken to her "packs" designs, the heads are cool though, i enjoy that they are all different. If you are concerned about how you are going to keep the wolf alive all you have to do is cast the same wolf for double or triple the cost once it dies to respawn it or spawn a different wolf, remember health is based on Strength for these guys so it could work. Plus with the new Archon Shards that shouldn't ever be an issue anymore and untill you beat Vielbreaker you can just revert to recasting or summoning a new one. (Wukong does it all the time 😂 only difference is you have a pack of wolves. Don't forget you hold down the ability buttons to activate a passive. This all could also just be the 1st ability and depending on the one summoned that's the passive you get. Maybe give her extra bleed stacks as a passive or something.)

Ability Number 1: Personally I enjoy the change to how it works compared to Ash and Loki. Its a quick cast and doesn't need to last to long plus it had duration on it like all of the others the only difference is you get seen when you melee or shoot. Oh! And it increases movement speed. (This should honestly be the helminth ability.)

Ability Number 2: Headshots drop energy orbs while melee drops health. I like this but I don't at the same time. I feel like every frame is now a support frame. It kind of pushes the support frames out of the water. I would have preferred a "HOWL" cause she is a wolf frame. The howl can go in a cone like attack and slow enemies or disarm them or both. Oh! Or maybe just fear the enemies.

But if you arent one for a howling wolf then maybe a chaining attack. Similar to Excalibur's 1st ability or Atlas punching. while also adding bleed effect. A reused ability sure but it could work. But you could take the percentage of enemies hit and affected by bleed and work that into gaining a boost of armor or once they die it works like Nekros desecrate. More loot and doing damage at the same time but not in a sit still form of play style but can help solo players still get some extra loot or the entire party depending on how fast you work the ability. (Lemme know if you have any different ideas for this ability. I feel like everyone has healing or energy gain now. Time for something new.)

Ability Number 3: This ability places 5 random status effects on enemies that stack up to 10. Nothing really wrong with this ability. I like that its random and can stack plus its pretty interesting. Can't wait to see what it can do.

Ability Number 4: I was SO HAPPY WHEN SHE WENT ON ALL FOUR LEGS I WAS LIKE YES! FINALLY!  She jumped up and gets to scratch/bite up to 5 times I think it was. I was like okay okay show off that run/walk animation i wanna see those four legs working im excited...... And then they dropped the ball.... SHE STOOD UP ON 2 LEGS TO MOVE AND THEN FLOPPED DOWN ON ALL FOUR TO JUMP AT AN ENEMY!? cool concept but you came half way on it. You have the Wolf inspired Archon that can run on all four legs. You have the animations, and models to work with and you didn't do the one thing a lot of people like me were wanting. To me this 4th/ultimate ability felt like it should have been the 1st ability and we should have gotten a new 4th.

Make her run ON ALL 4 LEGS, she can bullet jump, double jump, and even slide like everyone else.Just when she is moving on the ground she is on all four legs. Also could have finally had some really cool wall running but that's asking to much lol just keep it to if your on the ground you are on all 4 legs. Increase the movement speed and the jump damage attack can still be there so after 5 hits your back on two feet again. Plus you could use your other abilities while in this form. Obviously you can always quick switch back to your two feet by hitting the switch weapon key. This allowing you to use your weapons but while still on a timer you can just press the 4th again and you'll leap on someone thus bringing you back on all 4 legs again.


I wouldn't say Digital Extremes is running out of ideas or they are getting lazy. I would say they are missing the mark on some of these concepts and this one kinda hurt to watch since it was teased last TennoCon and a bit before that. I understand one warframe cant be a singular concept for example inaros isnt just a mummy, shaped like anubis/scarab beetle that controls sand and beetles. Oh wait that is basically an egypt concept based on the movie known as "The Mummy." So yeah in a way its a singular concept. Obviously yes all of those things i listed about Inaros are several concepts but they all fall under the same category.

The wolf running a pack... Okay does she do wolf things? Is she a trap master of some sort? why don't we see a trap ability? So your saying she is a wolf but cant howl or run on four legs... Interesting. Feel free to comment! I sorta went on a rant but i do enjoy the new warframe i just feel like they missed a golden opportunity to give her amazing qualities that could have made her stand out and stick to her theme.

I do love DE and will always support them. I'm slightly upset about how things went with this frame but I'm sure i'm not the only one or that this is the first time anyone has felt like this. I am just expressing my opinion and thoughts so please be friendly and discuss some ideas to maybe some changes. Thanks a bunch for reading I know I typed a lot. I play on PC feel free to hit me up and chat or we can farm and talk more in-depth on this subject or just comment below! As a Chroma main i felt like he was a dragon...idk about this wolf or its pack just yet. 

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6 minutes ago, trst said:

How is aggressive stealth, two different ways of jumping onto enemies, and sustaining through combat not fit a werewolf theme? When I think of "werewolf" what comes to mind is speed, aggression, and being tanky and/or having sustain via lifesteal. Sure she doesn't have the transformation aspect but she's a perfectly fine representation of the wolf half.

And yeah floating heads instead of a literal wolf companion/pack is a bit odd but that's only her passive and not any of her actual abilities. The only actual weird thing is giving her a signature sniper rifle instead of a close range weapon.

Fair that's is true with the stealth and pouncing but I was expecting more brutality and outright strength from her as I said to someone else it's probably just me being all @$$ hurt about it and it's probably just me being the squeaky wheel in this but I was hoping for more 

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I can agree with the tail bit it should be more apart of her and not just an add on. For her first I'd enjoy more of a k9 approach like you said where she uses all fours for a jump instead of just giving her more hight just because. I'd like it to feel like there's a reason she has more mobility and power is ways other frames would have trouble competing with. For her 2 my gripe would be that it should be like an intimidating growl like nekros terrify like say it weakest both the defense and offense of enemy's the health and energy can stay as is I think it's nice having more availability that way that's not just upping the drop chance. I'll have to agree with you on her three I'm interested what synergys or builds can be made on that. Her 4 I'd change on how it works not it's way of use I'd like say before going on all 4s she howled summoning her 4 companions and they last a certain amount of time to help get aggro off you or clean up the stragglers while she focused on the more tanky targets mabe a bit of a kubro ability the one where they bring an item to voruna like energy health ammo any drops you havnt gotten to yet. I wish they focused on some things a bit more I'm still way confused about her primary and I wish they went with like the 3rd or 4th axe concept instead of what we got but I'll take it either way 

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3 minutes ago, (PSN)BLUEPANZERWOLF17 said:

I can agree with the tail bit it should be more apart of her and not just an add on. For her first I'd enjoy more of a k9 approach like you said where she uses all fours for a jump instead of just giving her more hight just because. I'd like it to feel like there's a reason she has more mobility and power is ways other frames would have trouble competing with. For her 2 my gripe would be that it should be like an intimidating growl like nekros terrify like say it weakest both the defense and offense of enemy's the health and energy can stay as is I think it's nice having more availability that way that's not just upping the drop chance. I'll have to agree with you on her three I'm interested what synergys or builds can be made on that. Her 4 I'd change on how it works not it's way of use I'd like say before going on all 4s she howled summoning her 4 companions and they last a certain amount of time to help get aggro off you or clean up the stragglers while she focused on the more tanky targets mabe a bit of a kubro ability the one where they bring an item to voruna like energy health ammo any drops you havnt gotten to yet. I wish they focused on some things a bit more I'm still way confused about her primary and I wish they went with like the 3rd or 4th axe concept instead of what we got but I'll take it either way 

Yeah i really like your idea on the 4th by summoning all of the wolves with you. They kinda dropped the fantasy of being a wolf. Im glad you agree with the fact that this frame needs changes.

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4 hours ago, (PSN)FunyFlyBoy said:

She is not a werewolf. She is not a lycan. They themselves said they wouldn't be calling her either because they did not want expectations for a transformation. They always called her a wolf frame. 

They barely even did wolf frame too, no howl no literal wolf summons. Like the best parts of a wolf. They chose designs that fit any predator, most of it, wolves arent even that good at like stealth and pouncing, not as good as other predators. 

But Chroma should have let me know this what happen again. I cant believe that Rebecca looked like she was so into it. 


Least the frame is good and fun but man. Broke all my trust in what they say from now on. I see how its gonna be. Spider warframe will be insect frame, Angel warframe will be ghost warframe, expect the same thing as if they were just saying theyre releasing another warframe.

Almost a lie just to create hype. Till people understand you lie or give false hope





3 hours ago, Kaiju-San said:

Yeah i really like your idea on the 4th by summoning all of the wolves with you. They kinda dropped the fantasy of being a wolf. Im glad you agree with the fact that this frame needs changes.

I feel anyone looking forward to a wolf theme feels this way.

I thought it was going to be my new main but im about to throw it into the helminth and forget about it

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6 hours ago, (PSN)Frost_Nephilim said:

So what its better to create false hope than to be honest? It will eventually have the same effect as just saying youre releasing another warframe if you be random.

Cause thats the exact effect it is starting to have on me. Tell me theres a spider warframe coming, ima say whatever. Spider warframe gone be a bee frame or something else random. Insect frame, have close to nothing to do with spiders

But if youre honest and dont false promise, tell me you are releasing a simple vague insect warframe, ill be super hype over that

All a warframe is its abilities, strip away the abilities and its nothing.

And DE should know better not to advertise what they cant offer, they already started doing the for the next big update, we have no clue how good it will be but its still hype around it. Dont have to mislead us to hype us up, we know you guys are good, the game has been alive for 8 years. Just say what you can, we'll eat it up.

I mean if you constantly have people understimate you then release great content thar exceeds their expectations, much more hype around your updates than the latter would end up causing.

Thats a excellent interpretation, id settle for that 👏 that passive isnt my main issue for that reason, it does play on a wolf spirit. Works in that regard.

Its no stealth, they get into position and chase, you will see them coming often times, you just wont be able to do much about it cause they come from everywhere with flanks and what not

Its just a reach, i get what youre trying to say they gotta not get seen while getting into position but so does every other predator in existence. Wolves arent even the best af it, so its so far of a reach, a Tiger being stealth is more what that ability is showing off. They wait till your close and kill you when you arent expecting it.

I feel like you might as well say a lion calls on the strength of 10 wolves, having the strength of 10 wolves. 

Still a lion

Spider Warframe exists; her name is Khora. When developing her they had abilities set and a look that were great in DE's mind but we, this Community- got so in a mood about it that they totally rebuilt her from scratch creating the Warframe she is today.

Khora is also why they stopped trying to please us as this Community showed how impossible and futile that ultimately is- we're responsible for their design direction ultimately


4 hours ago, (PSN)BLUEPANZERWOLF17 said:

So I can't be the only one who thinks they dropped the ball on her hard right? I'm sure the abilities will be fine but they DO NOT fit her theme. What creature do you imagine of when you hear "werewolf" what's the definition that comes to mind when you hear "lycan"? Something like the resident evil village werewolf miniboss or the main character in werewolf earthbound that's what I think of. I thought voruna would be simular or the same but we got some weird spin off Casper the puppy sitter just because she has the heads doesn't mean it fits the bill. Her 4 from what I seen is barely what a werewolf should be when I saw we were gonna have the spectral apparitions of wolves I was thinking like an on the fly companion change while voruna benefited her own way. But we get a floating head that floats around voruna as useless visual noise. What her abilities do should be more of a addition or augment mods not there main focus. Voruna's abilities and style more appear to be a follower of a werewolf not one herself I mean sure I'm still gonna use her I'd be a hypocrite if I said I won't but she is not the werewolf style frame we deserve. I think that was forgotten to be the main focus until they hit her 4 but that's me you might like how she turned out like I said I'm sure she will be good but as a certain marauder once said "a false idol a usurper"

Edit: also I forgot really DE? A sniper?

you got mixed up; "Wolf-inspired" not werewolf. As for thinking of when hearing werewolf? Try Dog Soldiers or Ginger Snaps

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4 minutes ago, _4shes said:

This is the right approach, We should wait till we can build and further test her. 

No test quite like a real Tenno in the live game- hunting Liches, running Disruption or Kuva Fortress Siphons to push her as the Dev build is different to ours I think plus the stream has a limited time to give each item whereas we'll be spending hours with her

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1 hour ago, (PSN)Claudija said:

Spider Warframe exists; her name is Khora.

Khora is spider frame?! You learn new things everyday! Thanks Tenno!

1 hour ago, (PSN)Claudija said:

When developing her they had abilities set and a look that were great in DE's mind but we, this Community- got so in a mood about it that they totally rebuilt her from scratch creating the Warframe she is today.

Khora is also why they stopped trying to please us as this Community showed how impossible and futile that ultimately is- we're responsible for their design direction ultimately

They have rebuilt her? I think  the closest to rebuilt is that they have just scrapped her whip dealing slash/impact/puncture damage. I may be wrong.


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9 minutes ago, (XBOX)YoungGunn82 said:

Spider theme, Circus tamer themed/ inspired. 

Yeah, all this animal tamer, metal manipulation, bdsm (whiping, duh) is understandable. However where does that spider theme comes from? Strangledome doesn't seems like something spiders would do.

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