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You really need to fix the Ropalolyst if you're going to keep expecting people to run it.


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Obviously it sucks for anyone farming Wisp/amalgam mods/whatever from the fight.  But if once you're done, you're DONE, then it's kind of whatever if you leave it this broken and annoying.

But putting it in NW means you're having people that are done, run it anyway.  And this is one of the buggiest fights in any game I have ever played.  Possibly the buggiest.  I have never, not once, in farming wisp for myself, several friends, and a few strangers, and clearing it in SP had a consistent experience.  You clear the shield and sometimes when you try to grab the thing, the shield just magically pops back up and kicks you off.  No discernable reason, no consistent time for it to happen.  I'm fast.  I know you don't have a timer for the shield to come back up that is faster than I can take it down, get it to charge a pylon and then try to jump on it.  This is also a more recent bug.  You clear all the adds so they can't help it, then break one of its Synovias and go to shoot and it magically regenerates all of its health instantly and then jukes the laser.  It's maddening.  It doing this is ond of the only consistent things about the fight.  It will do it for every Synovia you have to break.  It will do it however many times you want it to.  Clearing this thing for SP was a nightmare because it did it to me on the last Synovia for over 10 minutes straight.  No adds.  It's breaking/health going to zero.  Then I hit the laser and it's just magically fine again and I have to repeat until the game stops breaking.

Then there's the reason this is in the feedback forum and not the bug forum.  That grab is infuriating.  It can just repeatedly grab you, back to back, even if you're behind cover and it has to clip through that to grab you.  You just sit there for six eternities twiddling thumbs waiting for it to let you go and this alone is enough to make me hate this fight.  There's no counter to this.  No mechanic to get out.  You can't do anything, you can't play the game while this is going on and it lasts.  So.  Long.  There's nothing fun about this, and it's not even some kind of a punishment for making a mistake because like I said, it can grab you from literally anywhere if it feels like it.  This grab is the sole reason I stopped helping people with this fight.  Because I know it's going to grab me a hundred times in a row, and I'm going to hate it.

You can't just leave the fight in this state.  I know you think people totally loved the fight because everyone wanted Wisp and the mods, so everyone played it, but I don't know anyone that actually likes the fight.  That being said, if you actually fixed the bugs and removed or toned the grab waaaaay down/gave it a counterplay mechanic, I'd probably be a fan.  It would honestly be fun, mechanically, if it actually worked.  

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8 minutes ago, (XBOX)TehChubbyDugan said:

You clear the shield and sometimes when you try to grab the thing, the shield just magically pops back up and kicks you off.  No discernable reason, no consistent time for it to happen.

Happens when you spam the Interact button. A 'feature' from a recent update (Interact button now dismounts you from the boss).

10 minutes ago, (XBOX)TehChubbyDugan said:

You clear all the adds so they can't help it, then break one of its Synovias and go to shoot and it magically regenerates all of its health instantly and then jukes the laser.

In my experience, this often happens at the end of the fight (You have 3 seconds to use the Console after the boss hp is 0, otherwise it fully regenerates). Though i haven't experienced the exact thing you're describing, never happened to me when the boss still has synovias.

As for the Ropalolyst buggy state, i fully aggree. So far i've counted at least 10 different bugs with the boss, 2 of them critical. Even made a post about it some time ago, but kinda abandoned it just like they abandoned this boss. Maybe it's time the Ropalolyst is given the Raids treatment (aka delete it)


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Seeing as the last time I played that boss fight I literally became the Rapadapolapolyst long after the three generators had been kerploded, at which point all I could do was watch as it/we constantly ran off of the platform, hit the zoneout and rezoned onto the platform while seemingly invulnerable..... yes please fix this fight 

and while they're at it maybe remove or significantly reduce the lotus monologuing so it doesn't take up half the screen almost the whole time you are making you way to the boss fight. Cause it's kinda nice to be able to see what's shooting at you, so you can effectively shoot back and particularly in the large tiles with the broken walkways that expect you to make fairly precision bullet jumps or fall into the respawn void. 

Edited by Oreades
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2 minutes ago, (XBOX)Rez090 said:

last time i ran ropy, i kept getting hit with the screen fade bug, not sure when that one first appeared, it hadn't been there in previous runs in years past

It appeared with the Update 32. Was fixed in a hotfix shortly after.

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The boss fight was not that fun to begin with, even without the bugs (no explanation what to do, it isn't that obvious at first, it's too long and you gotta do it multiple times for wisp, etc).

In around a year of helping strangers with the Ropalolyst I've seen the boss fight gradually degrade in quality with time. It went from "An annoying boss with invincibility stages" to "The buggiest boss in the game", which is a real shame.

Couldn't see it being fixed any time soon, but because of Nightwave the Ropalolyst is getting some attention. So, fingers crossed, maybe it will be looked at, and hopefully fixed at some level.

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4 hours ago, Oreades said:

Seeing as the last time I played that boss fight I literally became the Rapadapolapolyst long after the three generators had been kerploded, at which point all I could do was watch as it/we constantly ran off of the platform, hit the zoneout and rezoned onto the platform while seemingly invulnerable..... yes please fix this fight 

and while they're at it maybe remove or significantly reduce the lotus monologuing so it doesn't take up half the screen almost the whole time you are making you way to the boss fight. Cause it's kinda nice to be able to see what's shooting at you, so you can effectively shoot back and particularly in the large tiles with the broken walkways that expect you to make fairly precision bullet jumps or fall into the respawn void. 

I move fast enough when solo that she's still talking during the actual boss fight and it is super annoying.  It's bad enough the cutscene for the fight is unskippable.  Having both of them running at the same time, and her still talking when I can finally play again is really frustrating.

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1 minute ago, Pakaku said:

It sounds like it gets buggy whenever squads are involved. I always solo the fights and things go perfectly smoothly, once I remember what I'm actually supposed to do.

No.  It's buggy period.  I ran the NW for it solo, as well as the SP node.  Both were horribly broken.  It IS buggier as a client, but it absolutely breaks solo.

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Adding more to the fire doesn't change anything as it's all well and known this is bugged to the void and back and needs fixed, but it's good for the soul so my addition is that during my solo SP run of the node I got to watch them freeze entirely, ceasing all animation, as they slid off the platform again, and again, and again- teleporting to the center of the platform shortly after loading out each time.

I'd claim it made it easier, but it didn't, I mean the fight wasn't tough to begin with. This just made it a bit tedious timing breaking the threshold before pressing the laser button, but it worked out just fine.


I've also some amusing footage of what I just described happening to ME instead during a multiplayer session.

My frame just locked up in the mounting animation and slid off the center platform, again, and again, and again, and again.

Rope bugs are at least varied enough to be consistently amusing, when you're not enduring them that is.

The boss needs fixed. Plain and simple.

Rope is THE stand out failure encounter in the game, because most other bits of content can at least be argued to be personal taste of bias (my disdain for Eidolons for instance) but Rope? Ropes' broken. I had to farm a good 15-17 runs of them a month back and I don't think a single run went smoothly. As a matter of fact I distinctly remember the first 3 runs involving me mounting them and just. being there. stuck. Just wiggling around unable to move in any direction in open air until it kicked me off a while later.


It's a shame because it is an interesting encounter with a sentient. It even recycles recognizable features from the Eidolons in an encounter that's not boring as can be. Instead it's BUGGY as can be lol.

I'd really rather it be fixed than axed, so I can't echo sentiments that it should just be removed altogether.

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On 3/4/2023 at 5:59 PM, Dante said:

Happens when you spam the Interact button. A 'feature' from a recent update (Interact button now dismounts you from the boss).

THANK YOU! I was so confused why the fight just didnt work anymore. I indeed had the habit of mashing X when jumping towards it, to hit that split second of interact range before it dashes away. Disallowing mashing makes the fight slightly harder, but not in a way that feels meaningful, so... there should maybe be a short cooldown after mounting before the dismount context option is enabled? Or make dismount a Hold X interaction, like with the tentacle thingies that get you out of the iso vaults. Since usually you do not want to dismount the Ropololyst.

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