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Who is playing railjack and why?


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 #1 ONLY boring people get bored doing stuff...

#2 EVERY time I made an open public Railjack squad at least 2 other people join, any time, day, or night.

#3 MOST people who join know how to play Railjack, & do things like leave the ship to board, highjack, or destroy enemy ships, etc., or use the turrets proficiently.

#4 Even if I do them solo I have fun, so IDK what your major malfunction is.

#5 Since we cannot play retro Battlefronts-2 because Microsoft bought gamespy JUST to shut down the servers for 1,000's of non-Microsoft games, this is the only good space battle game/mode out there (unless you like No man's sky, which they ruined with bot raids, & other unfun stuff).

#6 Why bother even making a trolly post about something you claim to dislike?

#7 Because it's wicked fun!

Star Trek Flower GIF by Paramount+

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Railjack was cool when it was about having an actual battleship to take care of, where everyone needed to pick a role, when fighter ships to shoot, and the little side-areas to explore off the ship really were just side-areas or mini objectives. I'm okay with hopping off to kill a crewship, or sabotage an asteroid base or Murex, but the main meat of the mission was still all about the Railjack combat

I stopped playing it around the time they dumbed the ship mechanics down (too difficult for uncoordinated random squads, apparently) and when the ship became a glorified taxi to the otherwise standard Corpus missions, which took attention away from the Railjack itself

Needless to say, it's a failure now that's not worth playing, it's a dead-end content island, and the worst part is how DE did it on purpose

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24 minutes ago, Fixed_Username said:

who and why, simple. I think railjack is dead since they nerfed gian point mission. The mode is boring as hell now and I don't want to get out of my ship I spent hours grinding for. Who is playing this and why?

I rarely played it, but based on how seldom I get matched with other in comparison to other gameplay modes, not many seem to play it.

I'm guessing those who do play it, do so either for the extrinsic rewards and/or enjoyment of the gameplay.

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Just now, Silligoose said:

I rarely played it, but based on how seldom I get matched with other in comparison to other gameplay modes, not many seem to play it.

I'm guessing those who do play it, do so either for the extrinsic rewards and/or enjoyment of the gameplay.

how would you rate the gameplay these days? cause the taxi thing is definitely a issue.  

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22 minutes ago, CephalonSerket said:

this is the only good space battle game/mode out there (unless you like No man's sky, which they ruined with bot raids, & other unfun stuff).

There is Elite: Dangerous or Everspace 2.

37 minutes ago, Fixed_Username said:

who and why, simple

Corrupted Holokeys, Pennant, Sevagoth, Epitaph.

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If the player has already taken everything that the railjack missions offer then there is no reason to play these missions anymore. The only exception is the orhpix venom mission... which we agree with is unfeasible to be done solo or even in a group and the arcane drop is horrible.

I only use the railjack to open rivens that ask to kill sentients....I go straight to the murex, kill them and quit. As I already got everything (quellor, pennant, sevagoth, epitah, athodai, shedu, carmine penta(bad weapon for sure), nautilus and all intrinsic points.

Getting all these equipment takes a certain amount of time. What railjack lacks are survival missions killing manned ships and defending from invaders with rewards like relics and etc.

I only railjack to kill the lich or open rivens. Those are the only things to do after getting everything on the railjack.

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9 minutes ago, Fixed_Username said:

how would you rate the gameplay these days? cause the taxi thing is definitely a issue.  

The taxi missions are an issue imo, as RJ feels tacked on and more like a hindrance than an addition to the mission and overall experience. The nickname "taxijack" remains apt.

Unfortunately non-taxi RJ missions seem to fall in line with other filler/add-on gameplay additions to Warframe: It lacks depth and diversity and ultimately feels like a cheap knockoff cash grab trying to capitalize on a genre that did well due to other titles.

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I play RJ occasionally. I do it for the co-op play, as there's nothing else in warfra,me that compares. I do wish they hadn;'t nerfed the co-op feature to make the RJ more solo friendly, the old games of 4 players needing to manage 6 things at once was a thing of beauty.

Losing Gian point wasn't that big a deal, it was just used for grinding anyway.

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1 hour ago, Fixed_Username said:

Who is playing this and why?

- newer players who have yet to go through it (newbie clan member of ours is slowly working on Rising Tides)

- people who need to kill/convert their Lich

- people who still haven't got the weapons that drop from the mode: Shedu, Ambassador, Pennant, Quellor, Carmine Penta and Spectra Vandal.

-people who haven't gotten Sevagoth

- people who want to level Necramechs but not in Open World

- people who just like spaceship combat.

personally I hope that DE will give railjack another chance. they just need to rework the Corpus missions (or at least add Corpus Skirmish), and add Infested Liches and Railjack, and that'd be fine. some new cosmetics wouldn't hurt either, Railjacks are nowhere near as customizable as the rest of our equipment.

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1 hour ago, Fixed_Username said:

who and why, simple. I think railjack is dead since they nerfed gian point mission. The mode is boring as hell now and I don't want to get out of my ship I spent hours grinding for. Who is playing this and why?

A couple of reasons, all on Nu Gu Mines for me.

Awesome place for leveling. Global affinity range. Able to bring a mech.

My go-to mech leveling spot, equip a kuva archgun and go to town torching everything. Even if you claim there is a more efficient method out there. This is still what I use, it is super consistent and rivals the other top mech leveling options.

Farming corrupted holokeys for tenet melees, I have a stock of about 200 and considering the recent additions nearly depleted me of my keys no doubt that it would happen again if more were introduced. So better to get ahead of the curve since you can then play catch up.


Why Nu Gu Mines then?

Pre-objectives. No annoying mobile defense-eqse mission to go through first. Just shoot a crewship or two and hit a couple of weakpoints done. Adds 30 seconds max onto a mission if you are good at it. You are hardly using your railjack for a railjack gamemode. And even in that short time you are using your RJ you aren't waiting for enemy spawn BS or long driving instead you are at the helm shooting the threat.

Exterminate, you know the mission, I know the mission, hardly needs explaining. Enemy density good. Run and gun through the rooms. Extract. Done. Hardly feels like you are playing railjack.

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i'd play Railjack more if the Rewards were more pertinent to me. the Rewards are fairly good overall though, they're not bad or anything. good Credits, good Endo, passable rate for Relics, good XP, Et Cetera.

why is that i like the idea of Railjack. other than having to spend so much time leaving the Ship to go Walk around on a Station, it feels good to Drift around and dominate the incoming forces. you could say it has a bit of a Battlestar battle scene feel.

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58 minutes ago, taiiat said:

i'd play Railjack more if the Rewards were more pertinent to me. the Rewards are fairly good overall though, they're not bad or anything. good Credits, good Endo, passable rate for Relics, good XP, Et Cetera.

why is that i like the idea of Railjack. other than having to spend so much time leaving the Ship to go Walk around on a Station, it feels good to Drift around and dominate the incoming forces. you could say it has a bit of a Battlestar battle scene feel.

Honestly, ground objectives in railjack should 100% be optional, infinitely spawning objectives 

Also, the best railjack is voidstorms. The single most consistent relic crack in the game.

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Just now, (PSN)ARC_Paroe said:

Honestly, ground objectives in railjack should 100% be optional, infinitely spawning objectives 

Also, the best railjack is voidstorms. The single most consistent relic crack in the game.

i'd just remove them entirely, honestly. or atleast completely rethink them. if ground Objectives were the equivalent of friendship Doors, those would be okay.
anything more than that seems like the opposite of the point of Railjack.

ideally to me, Railjack would be kinda like Sci-Fi space battles all mixed together into a melting pot of newtonian space Drifting, precision subcomponent Damage (on the Enemies too, not just on us -_-), flying around fast, lots of dakka dakka.


Voidstorms are pretty good, mmh

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4 minutes ago, taiiat said:

i'd just remove them entirely, honestly. or atleast completely rethink them. if ground Objectives were the equivalent of friendship Doors, those would be okay.
anything more than that seems like the opposite of the point of Railjack.


Hence why stuff like railjack survival, Defense, volatile, and spy should be infinite spawning optional objectives, not main objectives. Its okay to have ground missions in railjack - its not okay when your railjack is a murder taxi.

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I never understand why people like Railjack.

Like if yu stay on the ship and just destroy the fighters and crews, do y'all enjoy using the turrets in regular missions then? Just stay in there and fire while stationary? Is that why you want to play Warframe if you like the core gameplay, stationary on the rail shooting without any of the bullet jump, dodge roll or whatever?

The whole complaint of "Oh Railjack is now simplified because now it's easier to take care of the ship" and I'm like. So you guys like it when a Player fails one aspect and the whole squad gets punished by losing everything in the mission then? You like it when one single player in a Public Sortie Spy #*!%s up and you lose the whole progress despite that you and the others doing everything well and perfect?

It's like, baffling.

Hell even moreso when there's things like people wanting the old roles back. As if telling a player that goes into a Public mission to just stay inside the ship and never leave is going to be enticing to players.

Team Based Games like Overwatch and even TF2 already freaking STRUGGE to have people do things like Play Support. You want THAT as the final 'Endgame' for Warframe. The big test, where you just wantplayers to stay in the ship and cook and clean while the rest of the players can PLAY the game?


It's baffling to me, because at least now Railjack is players playing and doing Warframe S#&$ by being able to go into ships and what not. It's S#&$ bad, because Railjack's inheritly wants to be a Faster than Light game when the whole game up until then it not only Nothing like that, but when you leave Railjack the REST of the game is also nothing like that.


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I play it because it's fun. Though since the revised update (whichever added AI crewmembers and nerfed all enemies) its been a lot less fun if you don't intentionally nerf yourself.

Release Railjack was best Railjack.

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27 minutes ago, (PSN)ARC_Paroe said:

Hence why stuff like railjack survival, Defense, volatile, and spy should be infinite spawning optional objectives, not main objectives. Its okay to have ground missions in railjack - its not okay when your railjack is a murder taxi.

it's technically okay, but i still have to question - but why? we have lots of these Missions in the game already. how is this any different (it isn't, really).

Volatile is neat, granted, i like the concept, but it's not exactly exciting, it's just a bit different so occupies the time well enough.


8 minutes ago, (PSN)rexis12 said:

Like if yu stay on the ship and just destroy the fighters and crews, do y'all enjoy using the turrets in regular missions then? Just stay in there and fire while stationary? Is that why you want to play Warframe if you like the core gameplay, stationary on the rail shooting without any of the bullet jump, dodge roll or whatever?

for lack of better way to express this, if you think that Railjack is standing in one spot for the entire Mission, that's a skill issue.

the Pilot gets the most fun, ofcourse. since then you have access to all of the Ship maneuvers.
the auxilliary Turrets are decent as long as you're communicating with your Pilot (whether actual communication or implied role fulfillment, helping each other without needing any Words) to coordinate attacks.

ideally Railjack would be more akin to what People are hoping Skull&Bones will be - ala that everyone has their own Craft and you coordinate attacks against opposing forces or big Enemies or w/e. that would be even better than what Railjack is Today i think - but, it's a good feel as it stands.

i also do think that Railjack plays best with 2 Players - gives you ample roles to cover that keep you from becoming complacent. when you get up to 4 Players it gets a bit worse IMO.


some other stuff that could be cool would be if Archwings had 'Tethers' in Railjack, allowing you to leash yourself to the Ship so that you can perform swinging maneuvers. if only, heh.

extra bonus points if the auxilliary Guns weren't always the same. if it was a Gun2 and Gun3 with different equips and you'd switch between the Turrets depending on what you're up against, that could add some extra spice, too.

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Honestly I just want the Railjack to MEAN something.

Like what's the point of me destroying all the ships and completing the objective, if me going into the Ground Missions or even Corpus missions would be the same if I had just entered it the moment I spawned in.

So far only Pulse Turbines can be something that reasonably affects the mission, and that's an on the ground objective that just makes Railjack combat easier. Nothing you do while flying the huge ship really matters in the mission.

Imagine if doing that one hacking objective makes it so that the Corpus Exterminate or Defense gets a debuff or a modifier. Instead it might as well not exist and just be a waste of time.

7 minutes ago, taiiat said:

for lack of better way to express this, if you think that Railjack is standing in one spot for the entire Mission, that's a skill issue

It's a turret section, without any of the Warframe movement.

The pilot has the most fun, but if you were playing Warframe for the actual movement gameplay I have to wonder why you would like being in a stilted turret section where of the three guns, four counting the artillery, why does only ONE of you get to have movement that's extremely limited compared to the rest of the game.

Imagine if the rest of the game is you tethered to the host, you don't get to move independently and you have to rely on the player to move around through the mission.

In context of Warframe that's be boring snd lame, but I suppose if the game had been built around that and kept being built around that and maintained it, it would be more fun.

11 minutes ago, taiiat said:

also do think that Railjack plays best with 2 Players - gives you ample roles to cover that keep you from becoming complacent

Personally, if a game mode is 'Best' with extra players then they should've just bit the bullet and made it mandatory Co-Op. Because, especially on launch with no NPC crewmate, it's obvious that they wanted it to be this co-op mode, but their half-assing it and just general Online play having all of the flaws doesn't help.

"Railjack is best experienced with other players"

Is basically code word for

"We designed it to be S#&$ with Single Player"

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I used to play it pretty often when it came out .... Then again I tend to play the latest update the most anyway same with the circuit and duviri.

I kinda lost interest when they made it into a glorified taxi with oversimplification of the "avionics".

I have maybe done 3 railjack missions in the last year. I really was hoping for some more additions to it  but i guess DE doesn't care enough.

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I like Railjack, though back when we had no crews when it first came out, playing solo in the Veil could be tense at times but still fun, with the crews now it's even easier to solo in the Veil with my flying fortress than before and I do everything from the ship unless it's a mission off the ship, my elite crew on the guns kill everything that gets close.

Changing from the old avionics to the mod system screwed me around a little resorting everything to how I had it before.

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