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TennoLive Teaser dropped, what are your hopes for this?

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You realise that Wally can project himself as anything he pleases, right?....

Also, I hope you realize that the Drifter is a Paradoxal version of our Operators, the Drifter literally explains that they are from a timeline where they were not rescued and were not given the powers of Transference and Warframes. However, the paradox only allows either one of them to continue, did you not pay attention to the Quest?

Edited by Circle_of_Psi
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9 minutes ago, Circle_of_Psi said:

Also, I hope you realize that the Drifter is a Paradoxal version of our Operators, the Drifter literally explains that they are from a timeline where they were not rescued and were not given the powers of Transference and Warframes. 

That's the Drifter's speculation and is likely not the entire truth. The Drifter isn't a scientist. Infact, the Drifter probably doesn't have a complete education.

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3 minutes ago, (XBOX)Architect Prime said:

That's the Drifter's speculation and is likely not the entire truth. The Drifter isn't a scientist. Infact, the Drifter probably doesn't have a complete education.

You forget how long ago the Zarimen Ten Zero incident happened. The Jade Light happened before the Old War started. Before the Orokin was wiped out by the Tenno they created. So the Drifter have been alive for that long.

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4 minutes ago, (PSN)jaggerwanderer said:

You forget how long ago the Zarimen Ten Zero incident happened. The Jade Light happened before the Old War started. Before the Orokin was wiped out by the Tenno they created. So the Drifter have been alive for that long.

Yeah, it doesn't really make any sense for the Operators (who we have been playing for years) to be whatever this is, but to be honest this is just grasping at straws with non-sensible guessing and hyping for something that we'll just find out in few days and backed up by wild assumptions and speculations 

10 minutes ago, (XBOX)Architect Prime said:

That's the Drifter's speculation and is likely not the entire truth. The Drifter isn't a scientist. Infact, the Drifter probably doesn't have a complete education.

Really, we're throwing complete education in this?



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13 minutes ago, Circle_of_Psi said:


You realise that Wally can project himself as anything he pleases, right?....

Also, I hope you realize that the Drifter is a Paradoxal version of our Operators, the Drifter literally explains that they are from a timeline where they were not rescued and were not given the powers of Transference and Warframes. However, the paradox only allows either one of them to continue, did you not pay attention to the Quest?

There's many things that you're overlooking:


First, Albrecht himself is considering who escaped, the actual him or Wally, which leads to my next point:

Second, we can relate to this as Wally can control the Operator's body seemingly when he wants, even teleporting us & showing us events that happened when we weren't even there

& third, the Drifter says "As far as I see it, you're the me who got rescued from this S#&$, & I am the one who did not", it is complete speculation on their part &, as far as I remember, nowhere was it every confirmed


Not saying this is true, it's an interesting theory, but you're just shutting down the idea without even trying to think about it

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12 hours ago, -Krism- said:

Not saying this is true, it's an interesting theory, but you're just shutting down the idea without even trying to think about it

That's a fair point, I'll give you that. But this theory was pulled out of a hat, It's like someone saying "I think the Opeator is a Kavat from Skyrim, here's proof!" old habit of mine, I tend to shut down anything that makes complete zero logical sense.

Also, if we were the "doppelganger" why does Wally hant us, Why did he make the deal Why did anything happen in the story for that matter, be pretty dumb in a story sense and a "surprise LOL Tenno is really just this" without any logical sense behind it at all and I really don't think DE will do such, sure half the stories they made make zero god damm sense and the timeline is messed up, but that can be down to oversight and still being fresh.

You do have a fair point, but I really think it's just the same old doppelganger we know and love

12 hours ago, Genitive said:

I don't think so, but I wouldn't be surprised if it was a plot point in whatever quest they are planning.

More than likely

And hey, if it does turn out this way, I'll be happy to eat my words but as long we get to kill our operators and only have Drfiter, then I'll be down for anything


(Don't take this out of context please lol) 

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17 minutes ago, (PSN)jaggerwanderer said:

So the Drifter have been alive for that long.

So? It doesn't matter how old the Drifter is, if they're working based on incomplete information they are still liable to jump to faulty conclusions.

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3 minutes ago, Circle_of_Psi said:

Also, if we were the "doppelganger" why does Wally hant us, Why did he make the deal Why did anything happen in the story for that matter

I don't know if you've noticed, but we're still trying to figure that out, don't expect me to give you an answer, Wally is an Eldritch entity for a reason after all


5 minutes ago, Circle_of_Psi said:

You do have a fair point, but I really think it's just the same old doppelganger we know and love

Again, I didn't say I agreed with OP, but they may not be entirely wrong, there may be more to the Operator's existence than just being an alternate choice from Eternalism


7 minutes ago, Circle_of_Psi said:

More then likely


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He appeared once.



But at some point in his existence he realized that he was locked in a Void by someone else.



Somehow he expanded his place of confinement trying to break free.



And somehow he broke part of the seal and a part of him escaped.



And it was when someone called entrati saw him.



He tried to grab Entrati with his hands.



But instead he end up losing a finger which entrati kep.



And this one reminds me of deimos:



In the audio of the video a voice that speaks: Was it me who escaped? or.. the other?
According to my memory, Entrati saw the man on the wall as an image of himself. So we could interpret it in another way, him being caught by wally and then he escaped somehow to later find a version of himself who tried to capture him again and at the same moment he cut a finger of wally and escaped.

Maybe entrati is not really entrati? or maybe the tenno is not really the tenno or the drifter is not the drifter?

PS: all of this its just write nonsense mostly, those images are completely about Entrati and his encounter with wally.

Edited by CosoMalvadoNG
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I would actually like this a lot more than the alternate reality explanation.

There's a lot about the whole multiple realities thing that just kindof doesn't make any sense at all. And that would go a long way to explaining the really weird and frustrating inconsistencies with Duviri. But it would be really annoying that that's the explanation we were given and then they just say "Lol JK we were lying" They already pulled that crap with Lotus. Even tho it is feasible that Wally was BSing both the operator and the drifter the whole time.

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1 hour ago, (XBOX)Architect Prime said:

Is the Drifter the original and the operator literally not even the same person? 

It's very hard to present that kind of "twist" in a way that matters.  "Oh, I thought I was me, but actually I'm a clone/copy/etc" has been done before, but I've never seen it done in a way that was compelling.

More likely the teaser is just gesturing towards The Man in the Wall, who is capable of taking on the aesthetic of others.

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From the looks of the Teaser. Future content is going to involve Entrati and Wally.

Personally while I'm glad to see more of this area explored, I also have a lot of hesitation at the same time.

Man In The Wall is a great take on Cosmic Horror within the Warframe universe. Something that is beyond our full understanding and that lack of understanding causes fear of the unknown. So while I am glad to see Warframe embrace one of the best elements, I don't want that "Cosmic Horror" aspect to lose its appeal in the future of Warframe.

If DE want to keep the appeal of The Man In The Wall they need to build upon its themes without allowing us to fully understand whatever "it" is. While DE have a habit of not properly explaining many parts of Warframe, this is the one area where I hope this IS the case instead.


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