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PSA: Heirloom Collection Platinum Changes & Lessons


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8 hours ago, Sean said:

But nothing ever changes because they'll "do better in the future".

Even DE has said there's no guarantee that more heirloom skins will even exist after this. So, if they truly learned anything, they would have applied what they learned to solve the current issue instead of having solutions for something that may or not may exist a year or more from now. This isn't hardware that requires redesign changes for faults, and etc. here...To me, this says, "Yes, we S#&$ our bed, and we want to lie in it purposely too!"


if anything, the years long existing bugs, continually pushing out untested content, and this, tells me they've learned nothing from the situation, while also slapping users in the face with this reply and little action to the situation, while trying to claim they've learned something. I've actually learned something about YOU DE, and a many others may have too...

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If there's no guarantee, I could probably say good riddance, since it can all be forgotten like a fleeting dream more easily, and the "probably" part is if we'll still see if DE would truly not do something like this again. On the flip side, if they release a new heirloom pack it would probably reopen the wounds and people will possibly talk about it again. And it depends if people won't live it down and if everyone would get annoyed that Frost and Mag's heirlooms are missing in their collection.

Edited by Stafelund
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9 hours ago, Stafelund said:

I don't think they are a white knight since I remember seeing them voicing their opinions against the Heirloom pack. The ones that staunchly defend this are easily recognizable if you ask me.

Oh, I know that I'm just saying "On paper" without reading the full context of the person's opinion, it just looks like that

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12 hours ago, Sean said:

A good portion of blame can be placed on those that keep buying things like that.
DE definitely still gets the most of it, it is in their game. Even if they have a mandate from their owners to make more money, the way it was packaged and prepared would be on DE.

But... companies will keep pushing the line of what is acceptable as long as there are people willing to shell out money for it.

Battle Passes, loot boxes (or in DE's case, the absurd levels of RNG in rivens), weaponized FOMO, $10 (and growing) skins... all of that wouldn't really happen if people wouldn't buy it. People seem to love throwing money at worsening microtransactions. Quite a few in this very topic that keep saying of how awful it is still decided to buy it, those people probably get under my skin the most.

10 hours ago, (XBOX)sinamanthediva said:

True that! They give new meaning to the term "Hypocrite."  The power of FOMO has besieged their very Soul!  Even the most vocal Tenno declaring the perils of FOMO can succumb to it's temptation to acquire a new "shiny" before it's gone FOREVER! (or at least until DE decides to change their mind, which they can (See TOS) and most likely will do because why? The Power that Money can offer can corrupt even the most "Indy" of Developers to turn to the Dark Side and plunge their game into the Cesspool of Chaos known as FOMO!  Is it "The End of Days" I ask?  Maybe not, but it still sucks!

Indeed, I have no intention of such, but it's sad to see WF going down this road.

I wish I could meet the guy who said this game won't survive, I want to give him a firm handshake and donate money to him instead. 


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And now this topic is unfeatured and unpinned. And so the cycle continues.

   DE do something players dislike --> Players complain --> DE apologizes and promises to do better --> Most players forget about it --> DE do something players dislike.

Oh well see you in the next comment section when DE screws up🙋‍♂️. Good luck and have fun tenno🌟

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14 minutes ago, staranow said:

And now this topic is unfeatured and unpinned. And so the cycle continues.

   DE do something players dislike --> Players complain --> DE apologizes and promises to do better --> Most players forget about it --> DE do something players dislike.

Oh well see you in the next comment section when DE screws up🙋‍♂️. Good luck and have fun tenno🌟

People half to be more fiery when it comes to dealing with DE instead of just taking it to the forums take it to redit, discord, xbox, ps, pc, switch and be more active in everything 


Stop your spending on warframe, reduce your play time, get your voice out there saying we don't like this and won't stand it and get known People to help put the word out there  or if you wanna do more put some advertising out there about how shady and horrible there marketing practices are that there doing with the packs 

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Just watched the devstream yesterday and as I sead after the herloom debacle if everyone didn't sit thereand say hay thats not ok that they would try and ridiculously monetize somthing other than skins and cosmetics and they did they stated that they wanted to monetize a skip function for the story by having people buy there way through the story 

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On 2023-10-21 at 8:29 PM, (XBOX)Shodian said:

Funny, it's still surviving. 🤔

Hey, did you watch the latest devstream? It had this one interesting incoming feature anouncement. A pretty common feature for a lot of MMOs. You know what else those MMOs have in common? They're dying.

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3 hours ago, Darkbring said:

Hey, did you watch the latest devstream? It had this one interesting incoming feature anouncement. A pretty common feature for a lot of MMOs. You know what else those MMOs have in common? They're dying.

I haven't watched the dev stream. what feature did they announce? 

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45 minutes ago, Rawbeard said:

I haven't watched the dev stream. what feature did they announce? 

Paid story skip. We don't know the details yet, but feedback on stream was quite immediate and negative. It's overall not that big of a deal (though still a poor idea), but DE's recent experiments like these cash-only FOMO deluxe skins, paid story skip, and a future booster I can't remember if they've talked about yet aren't going to help ease the concerns of anyone concerned with the direction of the game's monetization.

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2 hours ago, PublikDomain said:

Paid story skip. We don't know the details yet, but feedback on stream was quite immediate and negative. It's overall not that big of a deal (though still a poor idea), but DE's recent experiments like these cash-only FOMO deluxe skins, paid story skip, and a future booster I can't remember if they've talked about yet aren't going to help ease the concerns of anyone concerned with the direction of the game's monetization.

Yeah I think the lack of information is what's getting to people. Even then every way I can think of that they'd be able to introduce it wouldn't be a good idea. It would be a Band-Aid solution to the underlying issues with their loot systems, that would actually cause it to only go right back to the same issue by skipping.


A lot of people know that just by playing nodes that's where you get a lot of your materials from. Not to mention not every mission is replayable still to this day, and some of them serves as tutorials to teach you how to play. Allowing new players to skip past those, wouldn't give them the tools/experience let alone resources needed to be able to progress, and allow them currently to never experience those at all if they're unplayable still. Never mind the codex still hasn't been updated, and still lacks basic information that is not listed in load screens, like how affinity is distributed. That's if they're even going to see the load screens if they're not on new or hardware.


I also find it odd that they said that they're trying to find a way to make the grind less especially for resources in that stream, but then announced that they're nerfing charm... You know the only free way of getting boosters by RNG that's not paying for them... Then say that they're trying to bring everything up to that level but also nerf it?! That doesn't even make sense. What's the level then that they're trying to bring it up to if it's changing again? Just sounds like they're just nerfing charm and leaving everything else alone, while also not fixing issues like null audit blocking shots, along with eximus bubbles that our hounds can take. Which is also an issue with many frames, like Frost, Nekros, and more. Or ignore actual gameplay issues for months which also disrespects the time of players.


Having issues like this consistently doesn't instill confidence that I should be giving them money. Why would I pay for anything when my experience is gimped from issues that still go unfixed for months and maybe even years on end. If people's logic is to play solo in a online only game that is designed around four player co-op, that should explain nearly every issue with this game, and surly can't instill confidence let alone engagement with new players. Especially if you had to explain bugs to these newer players that been around for years. Which also makes the players feel ignored for sometimes major gameplay disrupting issues.

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Jesus, they literally nabbed all that money from the community, just to delay Whispers in the Walls? This is the reason, why I will NEVER again spend a single dime on this game and this company. It literally just goes to private pockets instead of finally developing this game into something more than a fashion simulator.

I made my Zenith package purchase dependent on the new update. I would have bought it, if I was delivered nice content. A standard transaction basically. You deliver, I pay. Now, the fomo pack will probably have been long expired by the time we get to see the next update. What a shame.

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On 2023-10-29 at 3:37 PM, D-Shear said:

Jesus, they literally nabbed all that money from the community, just to delay Whispers in the Walls? This is the reason, why I will NEVER again spend a single dime on this game and this company. It literally just goes to private pockets instead of finally developing this game into something more than a fashion simulator.

I made my Zenith package purchase dependent on the new update. I would have bought it, if I was delivered nice content. A standard transaction basically. You deliver, I pay. Now, the fomo pack will probably have been long expired by the time we get to see the next update. What a shame.

This is a bad take tbh.
Delays are, imo, a good thing. It means they're actually taking the time to iron things out instead of releasing a broken mess that wasn't ready. And hopefully, treating their employees like actual human beings and giving them reasonable schedules instead of setting unrealistic deadlines. Have some patience.

The disaster that was Scarlet Spear is what happens when they don't do this. But I guess you weren't in the game to experience that so I'll use a more well known example. The release state of Cyberpunk 2077 is what happens when developers don't do this.

Better to wait for a finished and functional product than receive a broken one. If they rushed it you'd just complain about it being unplayable.

Heirloom was a massive middle finger to the players. But update delays are literally the opposite. A large amount of the playerbase have been berating DE to take their time and actually finish content before releasing it for as long as I've been playing. It's been a constant issue. Delays show that they've actually learned from past mistakes and are prioritizing quality over rapid fire updates.

Honestly I'll be happy if we don't see another major update until next year. Updates pushed out to meet a Christmas deadline are the absolute worst every single time. Never ever trust anything with a December release date.

Edited by PollexMessier
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  • 1 month later...
6 minutes ago, Ninimo said:

I guess this topic is now forgotten? 

Sad, really sad. 

Imagine being a dev for a 10 year old game, just to wring out a little more money out of the playerbase. Tencent - same as Sony and Bungie. 🥲

Nar, i just think there’s only so much that can be said, DE didn’t provide a proper fix only so many time the dead horse can be whipped unfortunately.

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Well, since it's bumped, I'm gonna have to say this, I bought the pack when my platinum ran out and was compelled enough by the stuff in Prime Resurgence. Coupled with this Christmas bonus, I bit the bullet. I guess in the end the pack was advantageous for me, considering I needed both the plat and Regal Aya at this moment and both would be cheap to buy them combined with this pack. Coupled with clanmates/friends who are coming back and big into fashionframe, this made me want to buy the aforementioned stuff more. I'm not gonna lie, I find the stuff on Prime Resurgence and both the Mag and Frost skins beautiful. Except the Nyx armor thing that came with Frost and Mag, that can wait and I don't find it appealing.

Still sucks for people who don't need the other stuff. Shame the skins were introduced this way.

Edited by Stafelund
Added some more thoughts
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5 hours ago, Stafelund said:

Well, since it's bumped, I'm gonna have to say this, I bought the pack when my platinum ran out and was compelled enough by the stuff in Prime Resurgence. Coupled with this Christmas bonus, I bit the bullet. I guess in the end the pack was advantageous for me, considering I needed both the plat and Regal Aya at this moment and both would be cheap to buy them combined with this pack. Coupled with clanmates/friends who are coming back and big into fashionframe, this made me want to buy the aforementioned stuff more. I'm not gonna lie, I find the stuff on Prime Resurgence and both the Mag and Frost skins beautiful. Except the Nyx armor thing that came with Frost and Mag, that can wait and I don't find it appealing.

Still sucks for people who don't need the other stuff. Shame the skins were introduced this way.

Interesting way of looking at it, I might end up doing the same as you, but I'm gonna hold off, just a wee bit longer to see what the new pack (the Whipser thingy pack) grants and see from there. 

Forgot who but someone did make a very good point about treating the pack like a collector's thing and in the sense this supports the artists behind it, not the greedy corp <Shrug>, what still amasses me is the WKs in this thread, they can keyboard warrior but in an actual standoff, they'll tuck their tails and run away. Atlelat the vibe I've been getting from others, like a little min flame war xD


Also, I love the name


On 2023-10-21 at 1:00 AM, (XBOX)Mastermitchel89 said:

The update will not, no matter how good or grand, will not make this a forgotten topic of issue

Well, considering you can't erase memory and the Wayback time machine works, this isn't gonna go away, so you have nothing to worry about. Hell, I won't be surprised if people have screencaps ready to post on the next pack that is released.


But honestly, with what's going on with game devs as of late (not just DE), kinda not looking, same thing for other companies, with how YT deals with ads, you can't win against corps unless you are involved the law.


So if you can't beat em, join em! \o/

Edited by Circle_of_Psi
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