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PSA: Heirloom Collection Platinum Changes & Lessons


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19 minutes ago, PollexMessier said:

All they need to do is remove the things that say it's limited time only. Promise to bring it back in a more reasonable manner next year, And give everyone who bought the pack prior to them doing that an apology gift like a big old chunk of platinum (I mean in the thousands range) and something (or things) from the game that was limited time but had no such paid agreement on it, like the Mantle of the lotus armor, or any number of other things. Or go the extra mile and make them a unique signa.

That should appease most of the people that would be pissed about losing the exclusivity. And the few people left that want a refund, Gets it, even if the cosmetics can't be removed from their account. If it's really that hard to do it directly because of third party BS, then all DE needs to do is confirm the account has the items, and get the necessary information needed to transfer the refund directly to the player' bank, through email. Bypassing the 3rd party issues entirely.

Will it be a lot of work? Yes. Will they Lose money on this? Depends on your definition of "losing money". I'll bet they make enough sales off the PR bump to make up for the refunds and extra work they'd have to put in to make it happen. Even if not, They're not going to be dipping below the amount of money they made off the heirlooms, that's for damn sure. and now they'd be bringing them back later to make more money off them.

I'd be more inclined to throw money at them over a gesture of good faith as opposed to whatever the heck it is currently.

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16 minutes ago, PollexMessier said:

All they need to do is remove the things that say it's limited time only. Promise to bring it back in a more reasonable manner next year, And give everyone who bought the pack prior to them doing that an apology gift like a big old chunk of platinum (I mean in the thousands range) and something (or things) from the game that was limited time but had no such paid agreement on it, like the Mantle of the lotus armor, or any number of other things. Or go the extra mile and make them a unique signa.

That should appease most of the people that would be pissed about losing the exclusivity. And the few people left that want a refund, Gets it, even if the cosmetics can't be removed from their account. If it's really that hard to do it directly because of third party BS, then all DE needs to do is confirm the account has the items, and get the necessary information needed to transfer the refund directly to the player' bank, through email. Bypassing the 3rd party issues entirely.

Will it be a lot of work? Yes. Will they Lose money on this? Depends on your definition of "losing money". I'll bet they make enough sales off the PR bump to make up for the refunds and extra work they'd have to put in to make it happen. Even if not, They're not going to be dipping below the amount of money they made off the heirlooms, that's for damn sure. and now they'd be bringing them back later to make more money off them.

What they should really do is instead of waiting for next year they should add a 4th pack for 25 to 30 dollars without platinum and regal aya and just have the cosmetics and skins for those who don't want the platinum and regal aya and just want the cosmetics and skins 

and this shouldn't anger anyone that already bought the 90 dollar pack because they got 2100 platinum and 6 regal aya they can save for new things they want in the future

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hace 11 horas, (XBOX)Shodian dijo:

Thats cause they're on break. They should be back this week.

I think a week is more than enough to reach a consensus. Not giving an answer that satisfies the majority of consumers is BAD for any reputable company and DE answer is exactly that, a BAD answer.  

Do you want to defend DE when they are wrong? ok, enjoy it. But don't ask people who are upset for patience, that my friend is asking the impossible.

Edited by CosoMalvadoNG
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2 hours ago, (PSN)HeartCoreGamer said:

Did you read this thread or are you just here to troll? It’s literally their unique good option because people don’t need/want plats or (worth) regal aya, they want to be able to buy each skin individually. What does that mean? They can’t sell skins only for real money because either way it will be a new precedent. 

Their best move is to sell in game with plats 2 bundles : Frost skin with his crown (forget the name) and separately Mag skin with her crown (nvm). This way they are ensure to sell without discount vouchers (as discount are not allowed for bundles).

So yes, I assume it’s their best move possible.

Believe me my guy I'm not here to troll I'm just being realistic here. It would be nice if they change those from money to platinum bundle but that's not gonna happen sadly. Just because they have that option doesn't mean they gonna go for it. 

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Doing some thread cleanup. Really disappointed with how rude and disrespectful players are being to one another and toward the developers.

As a reminder, there are far better ways to voice dissatisfaction than to hurl insults and abusive language at the developers. Criticism is all well and good when you can provide it in a civil and mature manner, because when it's given like that it's constructive. Abuse, meanwhile, is not constructive in any way and doesn't help improve the game.

If you want to have your voice heard and regarded by the developers, be civil.



For some follow up, when I say 'be civil', I'm not telling you to not be angry. You're more than welcome to disagree, dislike, be angry or disappointed.

What I am telling you to do is to not resort to slinging insults, profanities and abusive language; if you do this, not only will your voice not be regarded (the developers are not your punching bags nor should they be), you'll be violating the forum rules--the very same rules you agreed to follow when you signed up for these forums.

Voice your anger or disagreements civilly. You'll be much more likely to be heard that way.

Edited by Letter13
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I have to admit I'm in the "really miffed" category with this one. I don't play Frost or Mag, but (and I say this completely genuinely!) I was going to buy the Heirloom skins with the sole purpose of being able to admire them up close, change the colors, and appreciate the artistry. I've done this for many deluxe skins before, on other warframes I never play; Rhino's Deathwatch skin, Titania's Empress skin, Excalibur's Zato skin. DE has some amazing artists, and I have spent thousands of plat just for the chance to admire their art up close.

When I looked the Heirloom collection up, and learned that the skins were cash-only, I just sort of shrugged about it and let the idea go. I am not in a place financially to support the game with cash right now, and because the skins are for frames I don't really play, I didn't look much deeper into the contents of the bundles. Then I noticed people were rioting on the forums and went to take a closer look. Realizing that the majority of the $90 price tag is random currency really bummed me out.

I had assumed these skins were so awesome and exclusive that they were simply being valued at 40-something a piece. But you're telling me that I could potentially afford them with some saving up, except for the fact that there's all this unneeded currency making the price that high? That's really, really frustrating. And this is coming from a player who only wanted to admire them ingame without ever "using" them! If this kind of... forced upcharge rendered me unable to grab a very cool skin for one of my favorite warframes, I would be devastated. I would be enraged. I would be throwing fits on the forums and getting my posts deleted for swearing, lol. My heart goes out to Frost and Mag mains, honestly.

I don't mind the limited nature of the Heirloom collection; there are so many different ways to customize our frames that if I (and any other players) miss out on a single one, we can probably cope with the loss. But if the reason I miss them is because of an unfair price scheme? That's going to leave an incredibly sour taste in my mouth. Please, consider implementing at least one of the many solutions/requests that have been offered in this thread. As a company, you have earned so much trust and goodwill from this community, but all it takes to ruin that trust is one poorly-considered decision that takes advantage of your players.

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16 minutes ago, AConfusedBird said:

I have to admit I'm in the "really miffed" category with this one. I don't play Frost or Mag, but (and I say this completely genuinely!) I was going to buy the Heirloom skins with the sole purpose of being able to admire them up close, change the colors, and appreciate the artistry. I've done this for many deluxe skins before, on other warframes I never play; Rhino's Deathwatch skin, Titania's Empress skin, Excalibur's Zato skin. DE has some amazing artists, and I have spent thousands of plat just for the chance to admire their art up close.

When I looked the Heirloom collection up, and learned that the skins were cash-only, I just sort of shrugged about it and let the idea go. I am not in a place financially to support the game with cash right now, and because the skins are for frames I don't really play, I didn't look much deeper into the contents of the bundles. Then I noticed people were rioting on the forums and went to take a closer look. Realizing that the majority of the $90 price tag is random currency really bummed me out.

I had assumed these skins were so awesome and exclusive that they were simply being valued at 40-something a piece. But you're telling me that I could potentially afford them with some saving up, except for the fact that there's all this unneeded currency making the price that high? That's really, really frustrating. And this is coming from a player who only wanted to admire them ingame without ever "using" them! If this kind of... forced upcharge rendered me unable to grab a very cool skin for one of my favorite warframes, I would be devastated. I would be enraged. I would be throwing fits on the forums and getting my posts deleted for swearing, lol. My heart goes out to Frost and Mag mains, honestly.

I don't mind the limited nature of the Heirloom collection; there are so many different ways to customize our frames that if I (and any other players) miss out on a single one, we can probably cope with the loss. But if the reason I miss them is because of an unfair price scheme? That's going to leave an incredibly sour taste in my mouth. Please, consider implementing at least one of the many solutions/requests that have been offered in this thread. As a company, you have earned so much trust and goodwill from this community, but all it takes to ruin that trust is one poorly-considered decision that takes advantage of your players.

agreed with exception of that very last part about de earned trust and good will. there reputation is very opposite


5 hours ago, (XBOX)Shodian said:

Hopefully next time they'll be purchasable via Regal Aya. 

NO. absolutely no. never say that again. the point of this backlash / criticism is to teach de over priced obscene ness is bad. thou hast lost all rights to ever post on this subject further.

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46 minutes ago, (PSN)x7thmoon said:

agreed with exception of that very last part about de earned trust and good will. there reputation is very opposite

  The forums tend to be a cesspit of complaints, but on the whole, peoples' perception of DE as a company is positive. Part of what sold me to the game years ago was the fact that (nearly) everything is available to earn for free through gameplay and trading with other community members. It's one of my main promotional points when I'm trying to get friends into the game!

DE has, on the whole, maintained warframe's AAA-level development with a very fair and reasonable monetization scheme. Do they make mistakes? Yes. They also have a history of listening to their players and making changes to address them. When players expressed frustration with exclusive/time-limited skins, DE made the first couple of deluxe skins non-exclusive and has (until now) maintained their commitment to keep all content in the game rather than retiring/time-limiting anything. Players saw many problems with Regal Aya. and while DE couldn't make every change people were asking for, they took what steps they could to make the RA system better. The RA system itself was DE's solution to our demands for a way to acquire prime unvaulted cosmetics without having to buy the entire unvaulted package.

In a games landscape dominated by forty dollar DLCs and games that need gigabytes of patches on release day or are literally unplayable on release (I'm looking at you, Cyberpunk 2077), DE's willingness to listen to their playerbase's feedback and make changes to their product is nothing short of miraculous.

I sincerely hope that DE continues to follow their own precedent with this Heirloom debacle. I think if players had the option of a $30 package containing the skin and cosmetics for either Mag or Frost, with no currency bloat, DE would see very quickly that players continue to appreciate a game developer that treats us like people rather than bags of money to be made.

Edited by AConfusedBird
Small clarification in second paragraph.
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Im confused on why some of my civil conversations were deleted all i stated in them were we need to to be respected from the developers since we gave them years of respect from when they didn't even know if warframe would make it to where we are now 

They shouldn't distespect us how they did with this Heirloom pack making it an inflated 90 dollars (the price of a new game and some dlcs with it) because of the addition of platinum and regal aya disrespecting many loyal fans unable to get it or not want to get it because they eather can't afford it or don't want the platinum and aya 

We need another 4th pack that only contains the skins and cosmetics without the addition of platinum and regal aya making it 90 dollars (it should only be around 25 to 30 dollars making it more affordable and Giving many many people what they actually wanted)

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1 hour ago, (XBOX)toughdragon17 said:

Im confused on why some of my civil conversations were deleted all i stated in them were we need to to be respected from the developers since we gave them years of respect from when they didn't even know if warframe would make it to where we are now 

... maybe go back and read some of your posts. I think out of the dozens of replies you've posted so far, only a couple didn't have the insult of a nickname "DEcent" and even the ones that didn't have it were still bashing DE. 

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32 minutes ago, Lion said:

Shouldn't bash anyone and learn how to voice arguments without bashing.

I've tried my best to avoid bashing them, or at least bashing them too hard. I don't consider calling their business practices in regard to this topic scummy as being unreasonable or telling them that it looks like something Tencent would do over the top. I don't blame the devs or community managers (like Meghan) for this. I blame the company they work for. Blaming or "bashing" anyone else would be pointless. And it wouldn't be fair. Decisions like this usually come from the top. Who's at the very top? Tencent. So...yeah.

Edited by Lionsheart89
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Howdy! I don't normally post on the forums, but I felt the need to speak up as I have a small community of Tenno that play regularly and there are people that want the collection but feel like it's a bit too steep for what it is. We talked it over and we came to this conclusion:

The collection should be able to be bought in half. There are people that want one skin or the other and not both and there really should be an option for it!

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3 hours ago, Lion said:

... maybe go back and read some of your posts. I think out of the dozens of replies you've posted so far, only a couple didn't have the insult of a nickname "DEcent" and even the ones that didn't have it were still bashing DE. 

(Im talking about a Civil conversation that didn't have anything to do with that)

 And its technically still Civil if you dont curse or use vilance tords others so doing some things like that is technically more Civil than other stuff I read on hear that most likely got erased 

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Welp, apparently there are no plans to change the prices because they claim it won't be fair on the people who bought the pack already. They honestly need to stop using this excuse. It's not our fault these people couldn't control themselves and hold back from supporting shady practises. 

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10 hours ago, Blysk03 said:

You're a eyesaver dude!

No problem!

I just find it silly that Dark Mode is so hidden.
Protip though, sometimes copying text from other pages or such tends to have a weird effect the background of the text will reflect your current mode.
I don't know WHY that's the case, but this is DE we're talking about. They tend to have most spaghetti of code.
It's no surprise their Forums are not that much better.

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I assume the real answer for the poor handling of the skin pack is "we didn't get permission to sell them separately" in whatever business arrangement got them created and they can't say that, or they're desperately fundraising to keep soulframe development afloat for another year but can't say that. Lots of comments in this thread about tencent but I imagine the answer is much closer to home and probably a brand new sales exec got into the office and said "I've got a great idea! :D". It doesn't really matter what the cause or justification is though. The result is poor and I hope that whoever in a corporate capacity needed to see that and process that information has hopefully gotten the message at this point and realises that the cost of its demonstration is a stain of jaded skepticism in the game that will never go away.

Outside of the artificially inflated prices and toxic-nostalgia driven marketing techniques, the real tragedy of the heirloom skins are that they're two perfectly excellent skins for two perfectly excellent warframes, but they'll forever be stigmatised by everyone's collective memory of how this was launched, how it was marketed, and how it was handled (or wasn't) when players pushed back on it. I wouldn't be surprised if the biggest use of the skins ends up being single-player.

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5 hours ago, Lucabaduka said:

I assume the real answer for the poor handling of the skin pack is "we didn't get permission to sell them separately" in whatever business arrangement got them created and they can't say that, or they're desperately fundraising to keep soulframe development afloat for another year but can't say that. Lots of comments in this thread about tencent but I imagine the answer is much closer to home and probably a brand new sales exec got into the office and said "I've got a great idea! :D". It doesn't really matter what the cause or justification is though. The result is poor and I hope that whoever in a corporate capacity needed to see that and process that information has hopefully gotten the message at this point and realises that the cost of its demonstration is a stain of jaded skepticism in the game that will never go away.

Outside of the artificially inflated prices and toxic-nostalgia driven marketing techniques, the real tragedy of the heirloom skins are that they're two perfectly excellent skins for two perfectly excellent warframes, but they'll forever be stigmatised by everyone's collective memory of how this was launched, how it was marketed, and how it was handled (or wasn't) when players pushed back on it. I wouldn't be surprised if the biggest use of the skins ends up being single-player.


They got the message alright. "Damn, it's only been a week, but we got so much money for just 2 skins and a bunch of nothing! We need to do this MORE!"

Edited by Darkbring
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3 hours ago, Lucabaduka said:

 they're desperately fundraising to keep soulframe development afloat for another year but can't say that

Outside of the artificially inflated prices and toxic-nostalgia driven marketing techniques, the real tragedy of the heirloom skins are that they're two perfectly excellent skins for two perfectly excellent warframes, but they'll forever be stigmatised by everyone's collective memory of how this was launched, how it was marketed, and how it was handled (or wasn't) when players pushed back on it. I wouldn't be surprised if the biggest use of the skins ends up being single-player.

1. Then they should make an early packfor soulframe for people to buy that are willing and want to support the development of soulframe not hinder there other game by practicing predatory transactions that no one finds fun 

2.The people that bought the skins and status will most likely be stigmatised by other people as well for participating in letting the development team think that its ok to do things like this when it is not 

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hace 1 hora, (XBOX)toughdragon17 dijo:

1. Then they should make an early packfor soulframe for people to buy that are willing and want to support the development of soulframe not hinder there other game by practicing predatory transactions that no one finds fun 

2.The people that bought the skins and status will most likely be stigmatised by other people as well for participating in letting the development team think that its ok to do things like this when it is not 

I think many have not understood what is happening here. DE is not going to change anything, if they were to change something they would have already done it. Just don't buy the filler package.

Since from the beginning they planned to sell a product that is insulting, surely they were already prepared from the beginning for any type of backlash and they have already calculated profit and loss? This issue for them is already settled and if for some reason they made another change, it would not be anything that we people want. 

This topic is tiresome already.

Just don't spend on the game, that's the only way for them to take your words into account at least a little.

Edited by CosoMalvadoNG
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7 minutes ago, CosoMalvadoNG said:

I think many have not understood what is happening here. DE is not going to change anything, if they were to change something they would have already done it. Just don't buy the filler package because they won't change it.

Since from the beginning they planned to sell a product that is insulting, surely they were already prepared from the beginning for any type of backlash.and they have already calculated profit and loss. This issue for them is already settled and if for some reason they made another change, it would not be anything that we people want. 

This topic is tiresome already.

Just don't spend on the game, that's the only way for them to take your words into account at least a little.

Well, it's more feedback to the feedback pile for DE. And yeah, not spending on the game is an effective way to protest, at least for those who are paying for plat. Better yet play another game, do something else, cure cancer, launch a rocket to the space, etc.

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7 hours ago, _Eclips3_ said:

Welp, apparently there are no plans to change the prices because they claim it won't be fair on the people who bought the pack already. They honestly need to stop using this excuse. It's not our fault these people couldn't control themselves and hold back from supporting shady practises. 

This is the wrong approach. What you should be saying is that the original marketing of the bundle was unfair to begin with. This isn't about "controlling yourself", it's about contradictory behavior. I bought this bundle because of the exclusivities and FOMO. I wouldn't be disrespected if they fixed the bundle or added another. What DE is doing is speaking for others.

I'm also not sure why they chose now to use this excuse when all previous supporter bundles have gone on sale when they were on their way out. It's the same principle. If you can discount previous supporter packs after their availability for months, then you aren't disrespecting people by fixing this issue either.

Edited by Voltage
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25 minutes ago, Voltage said:

This is the wrong approach. What you should be saying is that the original marketing of the bundle was unfair to begin with. This isn't about "controlling yourself", it's about contradictory behavior. I bought this bundle because of the exclusivities and FOMO. I wouldn't be disrespected if they fixed the bundle or added another. What DE is doing is speaking for others.

I'm also not sure why they chose now to use this excuse when all previous supporter bundles have gone on sale when they were on their way out. It's the same principle. If you can discount previous supporter packs after their availability for months, then you aren't disrespecting people by fixing this issue either.

Your guess is as good as mine, but it seems they have more respect for people who shell out money to them than those who refuse to.

Edited by Circle_of_Psi
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17 minutes ago, Voltage said:

I bought this bundle because of the exclusivities and FOMO. I wouldn't be disrespected if they fixed the bundle or added another. What DE is doing is speaking for others.

I also bought it. For no other reason than I just wanted it. I would like other people to be able to buy it if they just want it. So I have no idea where DE got their fairness compass from 'cause it's the polar opposite of the one I'm carrying.

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