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PSA: Heirloom Collection Platinum Changes & Lessons


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13 minutes ago, (XBOX)Mastermitchel89 said:

If this is correct

Then Warframe is just another free to play

If Warframe isn't unique in its own way

Then why would i, or in most cases others, want to play this over the rest

I guess it would just have to come down to the game itself then. If you enjoy the gameplay and story or whatnot then that's what should be the deciding factor, not how it handles optional cosmetics.

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1 minute ago, Lion said:

I guess it would just have to come down to the game itself then. If you enjoy the gameplay and story or whatnot then that's what should be the deciding factor, not how it handles optional cosmetics.

its not about the cosmetics its how the Devs and leads or extras handle the game and its contents

Then its how they treat and maintain the community that Choose to join them

If they don't respect either, ( you can look at blizzard overwatch and 343 halo infinite team for that )


I don't respect games for nostalgia i respect the game Devs work and care 

Notch Minecraft, and Old Bungies Halos were the Best, not because nostalgia or gotcha boomer points, They were taken care of well and allowed their Communities to flourish on their own

Now days its for cash, Not for Respect

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hace 8 horas, Binket_ dijo:

As someone who DETESTS the idea of an autobattler? (Seriously, at the point of needing an auto-battler? It just sounds like there's a genuine issue in the game itself.)

I'd rather just the grind be less obnoxious than outright trimmed.
The way I see it, if you're playing the game for the hell of it?
It's no longer grind. It's just playing the game in it's purest form.

The price tag is only one aspect of Gacha.
It's also the RNG element. One person could spend 5$, another can spend 200$.
It's the same item, same stats, same everything. One person just needs to arbitrarily spend more because... dice roll.

Than most companies combine THAT with a "limited time running" and you got a perfect storm of people attempting to throw money so "X" will happen.

Yeah, we're already 2/3 the way there to Gacha. The biggest sin of gaming without a doubt.

Gacha aka Lot boxes. the worst virus in the gaming.

Edited by CosoMalvadoNG
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2 hours ago, (XBOX)Mastermitchel89 said:

its not about the cosmetics its how the Devs and leads or extras handle the game and its contents

Then its how they treat and maintain the community that Choose to join them

If they don't respect either, ( you can look at blizzard overwatch and 343 halo infinite team for that )


I don't respect games for nostalgia i respect the game Devs work and care 

Notch Minecraft, and Old Bungies Halos were the Best, not because nostalgia or gotcha boomer points, They were taken care of well and allowed their Communities to flourish on their own

Now days its for cash, Not for Respect

With all due respect, Tenno....  ALL companies exist "for cash".  That's Capitalism.  Those companies are not just machines that sit there churning out expansion after expansion for your favorite games for FREE with zero upkeep costs.

And these devs don't just create them out of the kindness of their hearts, either.

HOWEVER, two things CAN be true at the SAME time...  DE can be making Warframe content to pay the bills AND because they're passionate about it and the community.

This idea that it's "all just a cash grab!" is asinine, because it's always put forth in such a spiteful manner, and it completely disregards that ALL products and services you enjoy exist to "grab cash".  How else can they pay people?

The being said, Warframe ISN'T just remaining "as-is", sustaining... it's trying to GROW, to EXPAND... and that means it needs to generate MORE capital than before to fuel said expansion...  WF1999 isn't materializing from nothingness, ya know?

These are SKINS.   S  K   I   N  S.   They aren't REMOTELY essential for gameplay.  I love them, too, and also cannot afford them at all.... but that's a me problem.

DE isn't some "scummy" or "shady, greedy" company just because they exist in the same economic system as every other business mentioned in this thread...  They're simply doing what they need to do to not only keep the lights on, but to get AHEAD and go FURTHER than they've been...

I mean, life has gotten more expensive for ALL of us in recent times, has it not?  Do you think those rising costs don't also affect DE and its employees?  Why wouldn't it?

Why do you think it's fine to demand MORE productivity of a company for LESS relative pay than they were making a year ago?  If the same were demanded of ANYONE here at their own jobs, they'd throw a fit about it. (and rightly so)

Also, this business about "FOMO IS EVIL" is bs, too..   it's simply a marketing strategy.  It's not "predatory".  There is NOTHING about this pack that DE has not been upfront about....

You know the price, and you know AND receive EXACTLY what you're paying for.   There's zero misleading narrative here. There's nothing sneaky. Nothing "predatory".  Overpriced? Sure, we can debate that... but cosmetics are ART, and as such, their value is entirely subjective...  So you'd be fighting an uphill battle to argue their price is too high or low or whatever.

Regal Aya, Plat.... those we have some objective consistency on... and based on those alone, this pack is a *STEAL*  (if you have the money, of course).

But seriously, the lot of y'all are just out here throwin' fits like overly dramatic teenagers (the irony does not escape me), and it's a damned shame.

DE put this out, but it does not exist in a vacuum.  We ALL received a TON of free stuff this year from DE.  Updates aside, we received the Dex Op/Drifter suit, multiple skins and Forma, etc.   Over the course of MONTHS, even, not just at Tennocon, to celebrate the anniversary.   So y'all need to drop this bs narrative that "All they did was put out this overpriced skin set! NOTHING FOR THE REST OF US?!?!"-- it's demonstrably false.

Honestly, if ya want it, you've still got like FOUR (4) MONTHS to get it, right up until the drop of the ball on NYE (ironically enough)... $90/16 (weeks remaining, roughly)= $5.63 a week... 

So, put aside a value meal PER WEEK, just ONE, and you'll have enough before the pack runs out.  Even a bit more isn't awful.

And I'm dirt broke, so I'm not saying this lightly.  I'm not one to say "just SAVE your way to getting what you want!" because I KNOW how hard that is for so many people, myself included!  But this is a GAME, not a NECESSITY.  Honestly, if you ARE in the above group, we SHOULD be glad we even HAVE games like Warframe that we can still play, even when everything else is unaffordable and out of reach.

If that means one or two skins here or there escape us, then that's sometimes the price of "free" for the rest of us.

And don't even get me started on the sheer lack of understanding of business displayed herein...  Some of y'all really need to not be so bold as to shout from your armchairs at those who are actually professionals DOING the thing for a living...  The Dunning-Kruger is real x.x  Good grief...

Anyways, this post is already way too long, but I just can't stomach seeing all this ridiculous bashing going uncontested, when we SHOULD all be talking about all the other amazing things that came from TennoCon.  Y'all would rather complain about the one menu item you CAN'T afford, rather than enjoy the hundreds of others that you are GIVEN for FREE...

Entitlement at it's worst, I swear.

Be better, Tenno.

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1 hour ago, (PSN)JustJoshinEnt said:

If that means one or two skins here or there escape us, then that's sometimes the price of "free" for the rest of us.

Oh please, the game's gone 10 years without cash-only exclusive FOMO Deluxe skins and there's not one single reason they need to start now. And just who is asking for "free"? People are asking to PAY. Either with the premium currencies they or someone else has already PAID for, or without the filler for CASH. Entitlement my rear end. "Just skip meals"? Unreal.

Edited by PublikDomain
Apparently ass isn't censored anymore 🤷‍♀️
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2 hours ago, PublikDomain said:

Oh please, the game's gone 10 years without cash-only exclusive FOMO Deluxe skins and there's not one single reason they need to start now. And just who is asking for "free"? People are asking to PAY. Either with the premium currencies they've already PAID for, or without the filler for CASH. Entitlement my rear end. "Just skip meals"? Unreal.

Plus, if anything the fact that they're comfortable putting manpower behind developing a new game, one that will directly compete with warframe for the attention of it's players due to being another ftp mmo no less (I think this may possibly be the worst decision they've ever made and this is DE we're talking about), is proof that they're more financially well off than ever. On top of expanding Warframe into the mobile market, which is going to quite possibly double the playerbase overnight, and by extension their money... tho at the cost of the quality of the playerbase which is already quite low

They're FAR from needing tactics like this. It's just pure greed.

I have a strong feeling they're going to use warframe as a testing ground/boiling pot to see how far they can get away with pushing scummy monetization for Soulframe.

Edited by PollexMessier
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8 hours ago, NecroPed said:

no its not. In genshin and star rail its like $300-400 for a guaranteed banner character WITHOUT A 5* WEAPON and WITHOUT DUPLICATE UPGRADES ONLY OBTAINABLE BY MORE PULLS. 

The only way you're getting a $90 banner character is either incredible luck or having grinded already and skipped several other banners. Which is a level of grind with added spending that does not respect you as a player or your time. 

Plus having systems like skipping one of your days from the monthly gem pass if you don't log in rather than just pushing it back, shows they do not respect you. They will literally take your money and for all they care you could not be able to play the game and lose the entire monthly purchase. 


I wholeheartedly think Warframe does not need an auto battler and that genshin/star rail are genuinely terrible examples to use as to how to manage a game because their business model is genuinely disgusting. 

You misunderstand, I'm not defending gacha games. I just simplified the point that AT THE END OF THE DAY the amount you'd spend for 1 character vs the skin bundle is about the same, and what DE has done here is arguably worse since there's literally no way to grind for the Heirloom skins AND they won't return. The RNG aspect does not matter if the average amount spent ends up the same, the end result is always 90 bucks. The fact this bundle is so expensive it's comparable to something meant to prey on gambling addictions.

(I also gotta add correction for your claims, first purchase of currency in Genshin/HSR nets you 1 5star for 90 bucks. IF you were to purely spend for a banner character instead of grind, it's around 200 at worst.)


9 hours ago, Binket_ said:

As someone who DETESTS the idea of an autobattler? (Seriously, at the point of needing an auto-battler? It just sounds like there's a genuine issue in the game itself.)

I'd rather just the grind be less obnoxious than outright trimmed.
The way I see it, if you're playing the game for the hell of it?
It's no longer grind. It's just playing the game in it's purest form.

The price tag is only one aspect of Gacha.
It's also the RNG element. One person could spend 5$, another can spend 200$.
It's the same item, same stats, same everything. One person just needs to arbitrarily spend more because... dice roll.

Than most companies combine THAT with a "limited time running" and you got a perfect storm of people attempting to throw money so "X" will happen.

Yeah, we're already 2/3 the way there to Gacha. The biggest sin of gaming without a doubt.

Yeah of course the grind in warframe could always be lessened, modes like Survival and other endless modes are so brain numbingly boring and unrewarding for the time invested. I mentioned it because HSR isn't really grindy per se, auto is just a toggle meant to let you do something else while the game completes a quick easy task on its own. I'd compare it to having the choice of assigning a unit in an RTS to mine a certain node by itself, rather than having to input every swing of the pickaxe, you can still do it but it respects your time by allowing for multitasking.

I do agree, but RNG aspect does not matter as much when the direct purchase is so high it ends up being as expensive as the capped gambling. 😭

Edited by Karonuva
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48 minutes ago, Karonuva said:

You misunderstand, I'm not defending gacha games. I just simplified the point that AT THE END OF THE DAY the amount you'd spend for 1 character vs the skin bundle is about the same, and what DE has done here is arguably worse since there's literally no way to grind for the Heirloom skins AND they won't return. The RNG aspect does not matter if the average amount spent ends up the same, the end result is always 90 bucks. The fact this bundle is so expensive it's comparable to something meant to prey on gambling addictions.

(I also gotta add correction for your claims, first purchase of currency in Genshin/HSR nets you 1 5star for 90 bucks. IF you were to purely spend for a banner character instead of grind, it's around 200 at worst.)


It's not the same though. And you said banner character, not any 5*. 

First purchase does not get you a banner character in 90 pulls. It's 90 pulls for a 50/50 chance at the banner character and another 90 for the guaranteed banner character. 180 wishes x 160 gems = 28800 gems. Without the first top up bonus requires 4 purchases of the $100 USD pack giving 8080 each time, with about 20 wishes worth left over from $400. 
With first time bonus purchasing every available amount once gets you 26160 gems, requiring another 2640 gems for a guaranteed banner character, which is another $50 purchase on top of the $201 USD for purchasing each pack once. So even with first time top up bonus that's still $251 for a guaranteed banner character. It is not even remotely comparable to warframes pack in how much you get or how much it costs. 

Edited by NecroPed
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2 hours ago, PublikDomain said:

Oh please, the game's gone 10 years without cash-only exclusive FOMO Deluxe skins and there's not one single reason they need to start now. And just who is asking for "free"? People are asking to PAY. Either with the premium currencies they or someone else has already PAID for, or without the filler for CASH. Entitlement my rear end. "Just skip meals"? Unreal.

This ^

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5 hours ago, (PSN)JustJoshinEnt said:

when we SHOULD all be talking about all the other amazing things that came from TennoCon.

Such as?

No, seriously. Like what?

  • The cosplay contest? Bit of a niche market, to be frank.
    • Like, yeah... it's cool and all, but that's not inherently a GAMEPLAY part of the game.
  • Soulframe? It's still just "that one game Steve went to make", I'll consider it when it's DONE because of DE's history.
  • Warframe's future updates? Just like updates before it, I'll make a verdict when it drops.
    • DE is known for hyping the hell out of future content and making absolutely sure it does nothing that it aimed to do.
    • Barely being playable (let alone enjoyable) for more than week if we're lucky.
    • It's the same reason I feel lots of disappointment with a lot of DE's updates.
  • Hydroid Rework? Should've been done years ago, realistically.
    • It's nice he's getting the full bells and whistles, but it's taken this long to get them to even try?
    • What it'll be next? Inaros rework in 2025?
  • Pet Rework? I swear to god, you folks really don't understand how easy of a solution this would be.
    • Just. Give. Sentinels. Link. Mods.
    • Not even strong ones, just SOMETHING to mildly scale their health better.
    • Or at the very least, let them revive like Vulpaphylas.
    • No, Djinn does not count. Especially because the Vulpaphylas do it better... as usual.
  • The freebies? What freebies?
    • The only ones that come to mind is the Dex Operator Suit and I.... really don't care.
    • It's ugly, it blends too much clutter into a very odd style choice.
    • Texture mapping makes coloring it a headache.
    • Really, the best part is the helmet.
    • ... and I still prefer the Loneryder one anyway.
    • No, the slew of Glyphs, Orokin Reactors/Catalysts and whatever else do not count.
    • No, the recurring "Dex" items don't count either. Especially since most players who already have these items get nothing from it.
  • A front row seat to seeing the Heirloom Bundle fumble into the hands of blind money?
    • I'd rather not see that.
    • In fact, I'd rather them cut the leash on that idea and have it skitter on back to the hellscape it spawned from.

If I'm missing something, it's probably because I legit did not care to memorize it. Therefore it's so irrelevant that it may as well have been skipped.

6 hours ago, (PSN)JustJoshinEnt said:

ALL companies exist "for cash".  That's Capitalism.

Ah, you see... there's these two little things we call


It's a funky little thing, y'know? Some people don't have these!
After all, we all know the system they already had was working just fine.

Even excluding all other paid options, this doesn't change the fact that the "Limited Time" of it is locked until the end of the year.
Once that day hits? It's gone. Permanently.

I don't care if it's skins, actual gameplay or the cosmic background radiation Ordis is so fond of.

Y'know, besides sacrificing player trust in return for Corpus Grofit that I'm SURE they'll put to good use in some later update.
Not sure what update that will be, surely it won't be the next given their knack for expending countless hours on "making sure the sky renders in 360p instead of 180p".

But no, let's play the lottery and see how people react.
Well, that sure was a reaction! Certainly not a good one.
How do they plan to dig themselves out of this one? GOOD QUESTION.
We'll get back to you on it 4 to 5 business days.


Just... don't say stupid things, please?
Obviously this is cash grab, if you wanted to say "DE just needs to make money"-- perhaps not dropping as much money on a charity might be a good start?
I'm not saying donations to a cause is a bad thing, but you said it yourself in the very thing this block is quoting.
Companies. Exist. For. Cash.

Unless I'm missing something here and they DO have morality to say "That's not a good idea" and the dignity to deny the cash in favor of being somewhat decent.
... but judging how you're phrasing it? That seems like too much of a liability!

You know what? Maybe it is.

5 hours ago, PublikDomain said:

And just who is asking for "free"? People are asking to PAY.

This has always been an absolutely baffling concept that I have to see in recent years.

That the consumer is WANTING to pay the company.
... but the latter is so god damn stubborn that it takes us having to hit every aspect of their revenue JUST to make them reconsider.

Like, what is this backwards nonsense?! By all accounts of logic, it boils down to greed rooted in raw stupidity.
Yeah, the game is free and all. If we WANT to support it, why in the UNREGISTERED HYPERF#CK is so hard to do so?!

Not all of us are wanting to shell 90$ for two skins + garbage.
I'd be fine with 20$ even for two skins. At least it sounds slightly more sensible if all else.


Let me make this clear, DE.
The fact that isn't the first time, let alone the 10th time this has happened.
In all sorts of games, in all sorts of genres.

The fact.
That this.
Keeps happening.
Is killing my patience.

What. The. Hell. Is. Going. On. Over. There?
Just. Sell. Your. Product. Well.

Keyword: Well.
No stupid FOMO.
No outrageous bundles.
No deception, no vague wording.
Just. Sell. It.

Just sell the product as it is.
"This is the item, if you want it? Here's the price tag."
No fluff, no scuff-- just the stuff.

That's all we ever asked, DE.
Capiche? Understand? Comprehend?
Good. Get to it.

I do not understand why that is so hard to grasp by many companies.

5 hours ago, PollexMessier said:

On top of expanding Warframe into the mobile market

I sincerely hope it's exempt Crossplay.
I sincerely hope that the mobile port Warframe dies off ASAP.
Crashing and burning, telling DE that it's a horrible idea.

Warframe is ANYTHING but a game designed for a small brick in my pocket.
Considering the games it has to compete with are masterwork titles such as...
... "Gorilla Run", "Duel Kingdoms" or "Thinly veiled fetish"?

Yeah, it'll fit right in.
Knowing the community? The third one is not too far off either.
Don't tell me I'm wrong either, I know EXACTLY who plays this game. Just look at Citrine and Wisp and tell me I'm wrong. I DARE YOU.

If the Heirloom Bundle is an omen, the "Warframe Mobile port" is a calling card in the form of a lightning strike sent by the heavens itself.
Expect to find Warframes being a lottery to gain in that port. It'll make me sick to my stomach...

4 hours ago, Karonuva said:

modes like Survival and other endless modes are so brain numbingly boring and unrewarding for the time invested.

To be honest? I don't even play it for the REWARDS, I just do it so I have something to shoot.
We've gotten to the point where enemies either die instantly or we die instantly.

In such a case? The only option left was to simply have an endless supply of 'em.
At least I MIGHT have fun if I find a cool build to use.

4 hours ago, Karonuva said:

but RNG aspect does not matter as much when the direct purchase is so high it ends up being as expensive as the capped gambling.

See, there's the funny part:

They might just do it anyway.

Last thing I want is having to spend 200 buckaroos for a Citrine skin.
All so I don't have to experience the dreaded consequences of Red Text not having their meds before an update.
You know what I'm referring to, even if DE would swing a ban hammer at my face for DARING to repeat what they put in UPDATE NOTIFICATIONS. Thanks for that, DE. Really appreciate it.

Besides, I took a small break and what did I get?
Another RNG nightmare. Took literal hours to get anywhere because of a dice roll.
What do I come back to with Warframe? The potential for Gacha to come creeping in.
Bane of my existence, every time. Can't escape it, so what emotion COULD I feel but frustration?
Happy? You're asking too much in 2023, but good effort I suppose.


Now, back to NOT playing Warframe because I genuinely cannot bring myself to play it.
I'll still comment on the Heirloom Bundle though, because I do want to play the game.
... just not when it's trying to be a garbage fire. If it isn't one already.

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Surprisingly thread is still going, sorta tuned out a while there. Mostly skimmed it here.
I'm not expecting much of a response at this point, they seem to have gone for the silent approach so the topic dies down a notch. Oh well.

Enjoy funny glitch instead (wow uploading images is inconvenient for no reason lmao)20230912205336_1.jpg

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4 hours ago, Binket_ said:

Such as?

No, seriously. Like what?

I'm pretty enthusiastic about the rest tbh. As far as Tennocons go, this one was definitely one of the best. Lots of achievable, polished stuff on a realistic timeline to look forward to. No big lofty unfinished promises like Railjack or Liches. Campy and weird in some spots, but Warframe's a campy weird game. Even Soulframe looked good, at least if you're into reading poems with turtles like I am. And they didn't waste time on big technical Relay stuff, which meant everything actually worked this time.

Shame it was immediately marred by the Heirloom packs.

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hace 12 horas, (PSN)JustJoshinEnt dijo:

This idea that it's "all just a cash grab!" is asinine, because it's always put forth in such a spiteful manner, and it completely disregards that ALL products and services you enjoy exist to "grab cash".  How else can they pay people?

People say "cash grab" in a spiteful way simply because the product they re offering isn't worth its price which in this case gets reinforced by the addition of premium currencies (platinum and regal aya, which players may not want nor need) to inflate the price of cosmetic bundles.

hace 12 horas, (PSN)JustJoshinEnt dijo:

DE isn't some "scummy" or "shady, greedy" company just because they exist in the same economic system as every other business mentioned in this thread...  They're simply doing what they need to do to not only keep the lights on, but to get AHEAD and go FURTHER than they've been...

Yeah, they are in closure danger due to financial failure so badly that they have no choice other than holding their own convention in the headquarters, doing giveaways of multiple customized gaming devices, buying rights to use copyrighted music in their game (Nine Inch Nails - Into the Void) and do huge donations on charity events.

All of that is the bare minimum for an indie dev to stay open, right?

hace 12 horas, (PSN)JustJoshinEnt dijo:

Also, this business about "FOMO IS EVIL" is bs, too..   it's simply a marketing strategy.  It's not "predatory".  There is NOTHING about this pack that DE has not been upfront about....

They were upfront about the "never coming back" aspect of the skins, that alone makes is a predatory practice due to abusing the "fear of missing out".

hace 12 horas, (PSN)JustJoshinEnt dijo:

And I'm dirt broke

Gotta love broke customers who defend anti-consumer practices by big corps. You really haven't noticed that  in these 84 pages thread the complaint isn't the prove of the bundle itself, but lack of choices instead since there's no way to get the "never coming back" skins without premium currencies to inflate bundle prices.

Nobody asks to get them for free and, fun enough, a cheaper bundle with the skins and no premium currencies would probably make DE earn a lot more from the overall sales than just keeping only the overpriced options.

hace 12 horas, (PSN)JustJoshinEnt dijo:

Entitlement at it's worst, I swear

On one hand, nobody is asking to get the skins for free, just for a cheaper bundle without the premium currency inflating its value.

On the other hand, it really sucks that any player with a 10 years account can miss out on the "10 years supporter" accolade while a brand new player can get it for the right price.

hace 12 horas, (PSN)JustJoshinEnt dijo:

Be better, Tenno

That sounds more like:fe9.jpg

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12 hours ago, (PSN)JustJoshinEnt said:

Also, this business about "FOMO IS EVIL" is bs, too..   it's simply a marketing strategy.  It's not "predatory".  There is NOTHING about this pack that DE has not been upfront about....

It's a marketing strategy that seeks to encourage sales through arbitrarily limiting the time in which the product is available, encouraging people to buy it while they can just in case they want it later, better not be too late.  There's no good reason for a virtual product that's not even subject to any licensing agreement to be available only for a limited period.  The reason is typically to manipulate people who may be on the fence into buying while they can.  I'm not saying that was DE's intention, but if they don't realise that that is the effect it has then they can consider this constructive feedback on why people don't think this arbitrary availability window is good practice.

12 hours ago, (PSN)JustJoshinEnt said:

I mean, life has gotten more expensive for ALL of us in recent times, has it not?  Do you think those rising costs don't also affect DE and its employees?  Why wouldn't it?

Perhaps they'd sell more and get more money if they had it priced at a point that more people viewed affordable and didn't include Platinum/Regal Aya that some people don't want and then feel like they would be over spending by buying stuff they don't want or need.  I have plenty of Platinum because I had a habit of buying a little bit every time I got a login discount so spending on more Platinum did feel bad to me and increasing the amount of Platinum in the packs didn't fix that feeling.  What this has actually achieved is making me, a Mag main, NOT buy the shiny Mag skin AND realise I have more than enough Platinum for now and stop buying it in small amounts.  Not only have they missed out on my potential purchase of the skins, they've missed out on two purchases of Platinum I would have made normally.

12 hours ago, (PSN)JustJoshinEnt said:

Overpriced? Sure, we can debate that... but cosmetics are ART, and as such, their value is entirely subjective...  So you'd be fighting an uphill battle to argue their price is too high or low or whatever.

Regal Aya, Plat.... those we have some objective consistency on... and based on those alone, this pack is a *STEAL*  (if you have the money, of course).

DE already conceded that the contents of the packs didn't have high enough value and responded by adding more Platinum.  Problem is that that doesn't help people who don't want more Platinum for whom the packs aren't so much of a steal because they weren't looking to purchase Platinum/Regal Aya.

12 hours ago, (PSN)JustJoshinEnt said:

Honestly, if ya want it, you've still got like FOUR (4) MONTHS to get it, right up until the drop of the ball on NYE (ironically enough)... $90/16 (weeks remaining, roughly)= $5.63 a week...

Yeah, and as I mentioned above I've already not used two 50% discount vouchers for Platinum since these skins were released when I normally would have bought a small amount because it wouldn't be too much to spend periodically on a game that gives me so much entertainment.  If I get 15 more and continue to ignore them then I'll have saved enough to buy the Zenith pack.!  In the meantime though, that's DE not getting the payments I would normally have been making.

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10 hours ago, Binket_ said:

I sincerely hope it's exempt Crossplay.

I sincerely hope that the mobile port Warframe dies off ASAP.
Crashing and burning, telling DE that it's a horrible idea.

Warframe is ANYTHING but a game designed for a small brick in my pocket.
Considering the games it has to compete with are masterwork titles such as...
... "Gorilla Run", "Duel Kingdoms" or "Thinly veiled fetish"?

Yeah, it'll fit right in.
Knowing the community? The third one is not too far off either.
Don't tell me I'm wrong either, I know EXACTLY who plays this game. Just look at Citrine and Wisp and tell me I'm wrong. I DARE YOU.

If the Heirloom Bundle is an omen, the "Warframe Mobile port" is a calling card in the form of a lightning strike sent by the heavens itself.
Expect to find Warframes being a lottery to gain in that port. It'll make me sick to my stomach...

Oh yeah. All of this. If crossplay for mobile is a thing it'll basically instantly kill public matchmaking. It should have cross save. But getting matched with someone on mobile should just not be possible.

I really don't want it to do well ether. The last thing warframe needs is to get flooded with the single worst gaming demographic. If DE barely listened to their community before... They won't even wanna look at what the community has to say when over half of it becomes spoiled 10 year olds over night.

The sad part is, It will do well. Cus warframe will be the single best game to ever exist on mobile since infinity blade. It's only direct competition is mihoyo games titles (Genshin impact, Honkai star rail, ext.)

It's.... not going to be good for the health of the game. Just the developer's pockets.

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6 hours ago, PublikDomain said:

I'm pretty enthusiastic about the rest tbh. As far as Tennocons go, this one was definitely one of the best. Lots of achievable, polished stuff on a realistic timeline to look forward to. No big lofty unfinished promises like Railjack or Liches. Campy and weird in some spots, but Warframe's a campy weird game. Even Soulframe looked good, at least if you're into reading poems with turtles like I am. And they didn't waste time on big technical Relay stuff, which meant everything actually worked this time.

Shame it was immediately marred by the Heirloom packs.


Uh, another Zariman, at best, this year + maybe an hour long story mission next year, if even that. Sure, so much to look forward to.

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22 minutes ago, Darkbring said:

Uh, another Zariman, at best, this year + maybe an hour long story mission next year, if even that. Sure, so much to look forward to.

Zariman was pretty great, though? There are stinky parts like Void Sling, but the tileset and gameplay are pretty solid. And I'm just glad it's an achievable, concrete thing this time around and not yet another massive development-sink like Duviri or, worse, and outright fabrication like early Railjack showings.

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13 hours ago, Stormhawkaro said:

People say "cash grab" in a spiteful way simply because the product they re offering isn't worth its price which in this case gets reinforced by the addition of premium currencies (platinum and regal aya, which players may not want nor need) to inflate the price of cosmetic bundles.

Lets see with math

A skin in game currently amass around 10-15$ sometimes 20-30$ worth of platinum ( excluding other currencies that are higher or lower)

Atleast one can trade for platinum so fair enough


But a skin bought Directly with money [ No Trading, No universal swapping, Exclusive for no excusable reason ]

Yeah a direct purchase, Normal skin 0.50-1.30$, Special skin 1.50-2$, Unique/Tennogen 3-5$, Coolest skins 8-10$

If you play Warframe you should be able to multiply.              Times by 6 million Lusers, and how much is that JUST for like 3/4 skins per user

Then ignore the other 80ish% of their market that is platinum based

Profit is fine, Greed is not.

Edited by (XBOX)Mastermitchel89
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On 2023-09-12 at 2:46 PM, (PSN)JustJoshinEnt said:

With all due respect, Tenno....  ALL companies exist "for cash".  That's Capitalism.  Those companies are not just machines that sit there churning out expansion after expansion for your favorite games for FREE with zero upkeep costs.


You should read what you quote

On 2023-09-12 at 2:46 PM, (PSN)JustJoshinEnt said:

Notch Minecraft, and Old Bungies Halos were the Best, not because nostalgia or gotcha boomer points, They were taken care of well and allowed their Communities to flourish on their own

Now days its for cash, Not for Respect

Note the "gotcha boomer points" your the type of reason i lay your an idiot trap in mostly every sentence

Also note: I mentioned Two of the biggest sellers of their time, Obviously they profiteered, but they didn't pilfer 


They were also the most Respected and looked upto aswell, almost too Convenient to have both Respect and Profit, must just be coincidence ay

Edited by (XBOX)Mastermitchel89
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On 2023-09-07 at 7:15 PM, CosoMalvadoNG said:

Possibly a tencent decision. 

The Fomo from before was simple things, an ugly syandana, an ugly weapon skin and so on. The fact that the price was definitely more affordable left no complaints in the first place.
But wow, what a surprise, after Tencent bought Leyou the monetization it has become more aggressive... oh wow.

The Chinese just think differently. I don't know if you ever saw how Changyou monetized, they technically sold everything for cash, from warframes to weapons.


It is very possible that they will continue with the same monetization. They are Chinese. This game earns more than enough money only with the Chinese server.

forgot they were bought out by tencent.  Sighs that's really depressing and it really means you're likely right.   The way they have made League a predatory monetization dumpster fire is demoralizing... if Warframes going that route and Im sure they are.   Than it may be time for me to just uninstall like I did with Blizzard Activision.  I'd rather support indie devs with my money if this is the future of the AA and AAA space.

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