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Dagath: the Headless Horse(wo)man... that has no horse?


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25 minutes ago, 0_The_F00l said:

My misunderstanding , I thought that's what you meant by breaking the mold.

No I was talking about the originality of the abilities as shown in the devstream. The 1 looks like aquablades more or less and the curse/buff abilities are kind of more of the same, aesthetically. Though I think in execution her kit is probably fun.

Edited by Leqesai
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1 minute ago, Leqesai said:

No I was talking about the originality of the abilities as shown in thr devstream. The 1 looks like aquabkades more or less and thr curse/buff abilities are kind of more of the same, aesthetically. Though I think in execution her kit is probably fun.

I dont want to judge a book by it's cover or a frame by seeing only it's video , 

It might be fun , but i am not so sure. We will see when it releases. 

After which if I understand right we need to build a dojo room first , curious how that's gonna look more actually.

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7 hours ago, 0_The_F00l said:

I dont want to judge a book by it's cover or a frame by seeing only it's video , 

It might be fun , but i am not so sure. We will see when it releases. 

After which if I understand right we need to build a dojo room first , curious how that's gonna look more actually.

The dojo room was shown during the devstream. It looks pretty neat. 

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On 2023-09-29 at 12:49 AM, RichardKam said:

3. You cannot mod merulina. I don't know why you cannot use k-drive mod on it, but this makes merulina even less than a regular k-drive, which is not something very useful by itself already. Even Sevagoth allows you to mod your shadow.

Why do people constantly say this? Have they ever looked at K-Drive mods? They are terrible, lol. Most of them would make little to no difference in regular missions.

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  • 3 weeks later...

When I first heard about the "Headless Horse(wo)man", Dagath, I was super excited because I figured she would have a rideable Exalted Kaithe as one of her abilities, but that is not (currently) the case... I really hope that this gets changed ASAP. Y'all already have the models for it, seeing as her really lame 4th ability just spawns five ghost-kaithes to run in a straight line 😐👎

I love the Warframe trend of y'all making usable vehicles, like the Archwing, K-Drive, Necramech, and Kaithe (all sadly limited to open-world areas), and then making Warframes that have Exalted versions of those vehicles that can be used ANYWHERE: Titania's Razorwing (Exalted Archwing), Yareli's Merulina (Exalted K-Drive), [Upcoming Unrevealed Warframe]'s Exalted Necramech, and lastly, Dagath's would-be Exalted Kaithe (which is MISSING😥).

It pains me to see that you guys completely missed the mark on your "Headless Horse(wo)man" Warframe... which apparently doesn't come with a ->HORSE<-.

I would be most grateful to have this issue remedied by giving Dagath a rideable exalted horse, to complete her theme. Please consider it.


(*Whisper*: also, I'll be absolutely pumped when you guys reveal the Warframe that can transform into a Necramech!)


And to be clear, I think Dagath's first 3 abilities are neat, albeit VERY much stolen from other Warframes. However, her 4th ability is simply void of any amusement. Yes, it one-shots all enemies (Eximus included) in Steel Path, but it's so bland and unimaginative. I would much rather see her 4th ability get replaced with an awesome Exalted Kaithe, perhaps with an Exalted long Scythe that's designed to "plop" enemies' heads right off!


Additional Note, for those who think horses don't work in regular tilesets: I just tested out Kaithe in multiple tilesets, using Captura, and the only places that impede traversal are a few specific spots in infested tilesets, which happen to be the same spots that impede Yareli's Merulina. Other than that, all other locations work just fine, even the vents! The main downside is that we can't use primaries or melee, which is something I would very much want to be able to do while playing as Dagath. Obviously, similar to Yareli, we'd still be able to use Dagath's original abilities while on the horse (though I wish subsumed abilities would work too). Can't really have a badass headless horseman without the ability to lop some heads off with a melee weapon while riding your mount!


Yeah, I keep playing as her and every second I'm thinking to myself "This would be so much more fun and Halloween-ey if I was on horseback!"


"I am once again asking for [Dagath Horsey]"

Feel The Bern Meme GIF by Bernie Sanders

Edited by BionicFreak
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Here We Go Again GIF by MOODMAN

I suppose you can thank all the negative feedback about Merulina, which likely put DE off making an exalted Kaithe for Dagath. personally I don't get why every frame suddenly needs to have an "exalted" something or other, and people tend to lean too far into the themes of the warframes; by this logic, shouldn't Gara be able to install literal windows on tilesets since she is the "glass frame"? shouldn't Baruuk be unable to fight whatsoever because he is the "Pacifist frame"?

I'm telling you now, 99% of people would use the kaithe once, and then immediately subsume over it. it would've been a waste of dev resources, and it's more important that she get abilities that are powerful and useful, which, slooooooow casting speed aside, her current 4 is. 

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52 minutes ago, PsiWarp said:

I'd be happy if they can make her the sole Warframe able to use Kaithe Summon gear in regular tilesets. As part of her passive, I suppose.

My issue with that lazy method is that there are plenty of modes that disable the gear wheel, and you wouldn't be able to use your Warframe abilities while riding a regular Kaithe.

I need them to give Dagath a specialized Kaithe, like Merulina is for Yareli. Dagath needs to be able to constantly cast her abilities, and I'd also like to be able to plop some heads off with a melee weapon while riding my ghostly steed, all of which cannot be done on the regular Kaithes.

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3 hours ago, (PSN)robotwars7 said:

Here We Go Again GIF by MOODMAN

I suppose you can thank all the negative feedback about Merulina, which likely put DE off making an exalted Kaithe for Dagath. personally I don't get why every frame suddenly needs to have an "exalted" something or other, and people tend to lean too far into the themes of the warframes; by this logic, shouldn't Gara be able to install literal windows on tilesets since she is the "glass frame"? shouldn't Baruuk be unable to fight whatsoever because he is the "Pacifist frame"?

I'm telling you now, 99% of people would use the kaithe once, and then immediately subsume over it. it would've been a waste of dev resources, and it's more important that she get abilities that are powerful and useful, which, slooooooow casting speed aside, her current 4 is. 

the demand for exalted items has always been a thing and ngl? idk why. 

remember limbo rework? there were like 3 posts in one day about how limbo needed an exalted cane.

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again I totally get it but no. look at yareli. forget traversal in tight tilesets, she still has bugs that have not been ironed out. 

like just with the new exterminate node, she can't interact with the syndicate agents nor extract with the Defixios if she is on Merulina.

many tilesets have low headroom areas which yareli can't pass without crouching/kdrive dashing, which runs the risk of activating rail magnetism (if she crouches). I've asked repeatedly for them to lower her hitbox on merulina, and only met with silence.

some arcanes straight up don't work/only have partial functionality while on merulina. magus elevate is one of those arcanes.

like if they can't even get this right then imagine how terrible an exalted kaithe will be.

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Aren't we forgetting that the height difference between yareli on a kdrive and dagath on a kaithe would be significant.yes it works in captura however for actual gameplay DE would need to make sure there are no clipping issues due to the size which means there would be even more restrictions as to where this ability could be used. (Personally ive never seen a horse walk in a crouched postion or drop down and worm crawl so theres no way DE could make that happen if we want to follow the basis of a horse woman frame) then there's the overall basis of just being happy with what you get. Her 4th is as you said extremely powerful and to trade that out just to ride a Kaith with a melee weapon? That'd be boring and limited as it would have to have constant energy flow or be timed which would mean reactivating the ability through the mission. Just enjoy the 4th and move on. 

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On 2023-09-28 at 3:20 PM, BionicFreak said:

A proper point to make, DE does need to improve Kaithe-riding, but maybe they shouldn't have released a "Headless HORSE(wo)man" Warframe until doing so?

That being said, plenty of people still hate Yareli because they think K-Drives are too hard to operate. I, on the other hand, absolutely love playing as Yareli and using her K-Drive. It's some of the most fun I've had playing Warframe recently.

At the end of the day, my point is that DE shouldn't have made a Warframe based on the Headless Horseman (you know, the dude that RIDES a horse) without actually giving the Warframe an Exalted Horse to ride.

So, just so I understand this, you don't think the frame should've been made because she can't rider the horse during battle? Well, considering she can run, fight, shoot and traverse immensely faster on foot than on horseback (because she's a warframe that can use a space jet pack), I think her ability to send deadly Kaithes rushing towards foolish enemies is far better. 

DE made the right call.

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Considering her lore revolves pretty heavily around Rakhali (her horse) having been killed, and her signature shoulder armor is Rakhali's skull, I feel like lore-wise it makes perfect sense to me that she summons ghostly kaithes—the void-born echo of Rakhali's memory—rather than riding her actual (deceased) horse.

From a mechanicap standpoint... I think the kaithe might not be as bad to navigate tilesets on as people assume, but I also think it would present other problems; you would probably have the same Helminth limitations that Yareli has, and you have the added complication of how actual combat works on kaithe-back, etc.

You could probably limit it to a secondary only (as with Yareli) and force a dismount on using melee (like in Duviri, or Yareli on Merulina)...

I would say you might almost do better to have her become a kaithe via an ability a'la Sevagoth's shadow, with separate abilities as a kaithe (but no weapons) and one ability that swaps you back.

But even there you'd face issues of how to Rez someone or pick up and carry a battery for extraction, an accolade on the Zariman to carry to turn-in... or heck, the defixios in Dagath's own resource farming mission. Life support towers in Survival. Do you have to leave Kaithe mode, like with Titania? Etc.

Meanwhile, I feel like what we got is a fairly solid kit, it's worked quite well for me thus far in Steel Path testing (though admittedly I've only done that so far tonight, so data set is limited), and it seems less likely to have weird broken edge cases. I'm personally content with it. 

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1 hour ago, Packetdancer said:

Considering her lore revolves pretty heavily around Rakhali (her horse) having been killed, and her signature shoulder armor is Rakhali's skull, I feel like lore-wise it makes perfect sense to me that she summons ghostly kaithes—the void-born echo of Rakhali's memory—rather than riding her actual (deceased) horse.

From a mechanicap standpoint... I think the kaithe might not be as bad to navigate tilesets on as people assume, but I also think it would present other problems; you would probably have the same Helminth limitations that Yareli has, and you have the added complication of how actual combat works on kaithe-back, etc.

You could probably limit it to a secondary only (as with Yareli) and force a dismount on using melee (like in Duviri, or Yareli on Merulina)...

I would say you might almost do better to have her become a kaithe via an ability a'la Sevagoth's shadow, with separate abilities as a kaithe (but no weapons) and one ability that swaps you back.

But even there you'd face issues of how to Rez someone or pick up and carry a battery for extraction, an accolade on the Zariman to carry to turn-in... or heck, the defixios in Dagath's own resource farming mission. Life support towers in Survival. Do you have to leave Kaithe mode, like with Titania? Etc.

Meanwhile, I feel like what we got is a fairly solid kit, it's worked quite well for me thus far in Steel Path testing (though admittedly I've only done that so far tonight, so data set is limited), and it seems less likely to have weird broken edge cases. I'm personally content with it. 

she's more than ok imo, she doesn't summon spectral kaithes, she summons freight trains. dopamine hit watching an entire hallway get run over 🔥👍🏽

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On 2023-10-20 at 2:51 PM, (XBOX)zThulsaDoomz said:

Honestly the brigade of "we need exalted ******" is played out at this point.  

Let it go

Honestly, when was the last time an exalted anything was given to a frame...? 👀
It's been over two years since we saw anything at all exalted... 2 years, and 7 frames, so to say its "played out" is, sorry to say, played out in itself. 

I would say people who like Exalted mechanics have every right to be asking for a new toy to play with after 2 years of nothing, if you don't like it, just subsume it like you likely do with every other exalted ability, except for maybe Mesa's, so its literally no skin off your back -_- 

So, why are you even in this convo? Just to dunk on people who enjoy Exalted mechanics? 🤦‍♀️

Anyway, that aside, i'm firmly in the camp that she needed to have an Exalted Kaithe, so its a shame she did not get one, but it is what it is. 🤷‍♀️ 
Maybe one day if they give her a rework, or maybe, if we're lucky, she'll get an augment mod that alter's her 4... but I feel like that won't be for a loooong while sadly. 

As for anyone saying it'd be janky.... yeah, and? Don't play it, you have 53 other frames, and odds are, you won't play this frame for more than it's Mastery ranking anyway, then shelf her, or subsume her anyway. There are people who play this game for fun (visually, and mechanically), not to chase the meta. Warframe already has all sorts of jank, and not all frame abilities HAVE to fit nice and neatly into the confines of tight, cramped corridors. Case in point, Gauss speed builds are really janky to move around on some tilesets, yet people still enjoy zooming at mach 100 slamming into walls. Nevermind the fact that a vast majority of frames, have abilities that are either not useful as is, or not as effective as Helminth/Subsumed abilities, so not wanting it based on having an ability slot being "useless" is pointless... just subsume it, that's partly why Helminth exists, or, like every other frame you likely play, don't use it... lol

Not every frame has to be meta worthy, not every frame has to be 100% free of jank. If you're here for a jank free experience, i'm sorry, but this is not the game, and NEVER has it been... lol 

That said... Exalted Railjack when DE....? 👀

Edited by Saryphim
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